
Hinata's Sensual Adventure

This tale almost shadows the canon version of the series. But I have added new scenes and scenarios to better capture the sole objective of this story, which is depict more character development and romance between Naruto and Hinata. Both characters have been given a power boost. Naruto is also smarter, as my other aim was for him to discover the answer to the question that both Nagato and Jiraiya sought: how do you end the cycle of hatred and revenge that plagues the shinobi world and seize true peace? In the first chapter, Hinata decided to pay Naruto a visit - to express her gratitude for the protection she received on the battlefield. But Cupid apparently had other plans. Hinata ended up giving her crush more than what she bargained for; more than the gourmet breakfast she prepared for him. But, subconsciously, in a quiet corner of her mind, had this development not been what she really craved? Yum!

Vaughn_Schneider · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

Hinata's Sensual Adventure - The Chronicle's End [End]

And Naruto heaved a wanly smile. "Light cannot exist without darkness, after all. There will always be conflict. Of course, that's not to say people can't get along. The Will of Fire has kept Konoha peaceful for many years, because we're a very close-knit community.

Nagato believed that the path to any measure of peace was to understand the pain and values of others. I believe this, too. By living united and working together as one to survive, I'm sure we can achieve a greater level of unity and prosperity than we ever did before.

Despite the deep-seated hatred between the Senju and Uchiha Clan, the First and Madara was able to share their burdens and form a bond, which later resulted in the founding of Konoha. As other civilizations established their villages in turn, a desperate need arose for more resources to cater to their ever growing populace.

A barren region such as Sunagakure would face difficulties in agriculture, forcing them to plunder other villages to make ends meet. Other regions, I would imagine, had similar difficulties, which resulted in reoccurring wars and the cycle of hatred and revenge.

Zabuza. Itachi. Orochimaru. Akatsuki. War has given rise to so many different circumstances. Madara, too, felt that he needed to find the true path to peace and prosperity. But while his intentions were pure, his methods were undesirable.

While I was training in Mount Myōboku, I watched how two animals existed in close physical association, to the benefit of them both, and how, perhaps, that's exactly what the shinobi world needed. When we work together, understand one another's hardships and joy, I think this will make people able to easily relate to one another and coexist in peace.

Seeing as Madara has destroyed all the other villages, and the hearts of the current Kage have been connected, I think this is the opportune moment to unite the shinobi world.

When I learned about Uchiha Shisui's ocular ability from Itachi, I took the eye with the intention of using it in correlation with the Infinite Tsukuyomi. My plan was to forcefully reintroduce Ninshu, where chakra's only possible use is to connect the hearts of people, instead or being infused for ninjutsu. Or to erase hostility within the hearts and minds of people altogether. I hoped, after a generation, the lifestyle would be so integrated into society that the following generations would naturally adapt it.

But, before I play that villainous role, I would feel more comfortable waiting to see what outcome uniting the world will bring."

A prolonged moment of silence arrested the atmosphere. There was a lot to unpack from what Naruto said. But Sasuke could readily relate to his perspective. After listening to the Kages' story, he had moved on from his path of vengeance and desired, instead, to induce a revolution. It was becoming increasingly obvious that the world's current system was dreadfully flawed. And, after leaving the comfort of the nest, Naruto gone out into the world and figured it out, too.

Hagoromo pulled his long goatee pensively.

Despite being intelligent and self-aware creatures, humans, like any other species, were but savage animals at their core. The rules and norms of today's society was made to suppress people's natural inclination to satisfy their desires. But what happens when instincts triumph over one's better judgment?

Naruto's point-of-view was understandable. The world was pivoted on a broken system. Perhaps the best remedy wouldn't arise from the morally sound part of the spectrum, but something unorthodox and severely controversial.

"I created the religious discipline of Ninshu to spread peace and unity throughout the world. By imparting my chakra onto my followers, I was able to connect the heart of each and every soul, making it easy to for people to understand one another's feelings. But, as you mentioned, Naruto, that interconnecting chakra was eventually manipulated into weapons that sowed the seeds of conflict and discord. Today, Ninshu is known as chakra.

Child of Prophecy, I failed in my attempt at uniting the world. Now I have no choice but to leave this feat in your capable hands."

"How can you have so much faith in Naruto?" Kakashi asked.

"Because he was the only one capable of saving and befriending Kurama, who had become a concretion of hatred. Naruto," he won the shinobi's unwavering gaze. "Prophecies of your great deeds did not start in this generation. Gamamaru and I placed our bets on you thousands of years prior to your birth."

Everyone gasped in abject shock.

"Now go and make your will be known. As promised, I will undo the Infinite Tsukuyomi and take the Gedō statue with me. Farewell.

Epilogue: Happily Ever After

A gentle autumn's breeze tousled the cherry tree under which they stood, carrying off a flurry of leaves by their cheeks. But Naruto and Hinata didn't waver. They were lost in each others eyes, caught in a web of love and enchantment. They came back to reality in time to hear as the priest recited the line: You may kiss the bride.

Liquid sapphire, Naruto's eyes smoldered in veneration. Using the back of his fingers, he feathered a touch across Hinata's downy cheek before tenderly capturing her painted lips in a solemn seal.

Bee let out an excited howl, his high soprano voice echoing octaves above everyone else's cheer. Then he learned forward, deft hands moving over his audio mixer to bring forth a pleasant ceremonial melody.

Garbed in a fancy white tuxedo and frilly white dress, our Naruhina couple turned to face the exuberant crowd with a smile. Then Naruto rose a hand skyward, his grin seeming almost sinister as a silent command summoned dense thunderclouds overhead that completely blotted out the sun.

"Hit it!"

At his signal, fireworks exploded in the sky, the darkness induced by the clouds providing the perfect backdrop for the impressive spectacle. And everyone looked on in awe, but Naruto wasn't done.

Next, stage lights flicked on, highlighting the glamorous couple. And, all around the city, giant digital billboards started livestreaming the Hokage and his wife who had just renew their vows, illuminating the spectators who stopped to watch.

The melody streaming out of the speakers ended on a classical scratch sound effect. Now the familiar chime of a song spilled forth: Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes – I've Had the Time of my Life.

With a wild and saucy flair, Hinata cupped and ripped her off-shoulder wedding dress, the once long skirt now cut off at her thighs. In the same beat, Naruto doffed and twirled his jacket, revealing a perfectly chiseled chest beneath a close-fitting tank top.

And then they started to sing.

Now I've had the time of my lifeNo, I never felt like this beforeYes I swear, it's the truthAnd I owe it all to you'Cause I've had the time of my lifeAnd I owe it all to you

Ino, Sakura, Tenten, and many other women screamed as Naruto and Hinata's harmonious voices came to life. Those who weren't able to make the couple's ceremony united in the bustling city streets and at home in front of the television, completely captivated by the performance.

Thrusting their hips from left to right, hand-in-hand, the dancing duet downed the flight of steps from the alter. Then they turned to one another, eyes smoldering beneath a sweep of thick eyelashes. They rolled their hips in time with the sexy beat, getting up close and personal, which won another wave of excited screams.

I've been waiting for so longNow I've finally found someone to stand by meWe saw the writing on the wallAnd we felt this magical fantasyNow with passion in our eyesThere's no way we could disguise it secretlySo we take each other's hand'Cause we seem to understand the urgency

Holding each other's hot gaze, they gyrated their bodies, moving in close and then back teasingly. The audience could almost see the passion rolling of their bodies, feel the truth of it swelling in their hearts. The possessive lyrics of the song and the sinuous movement of the singers had everyone pairing up and surrendering themselves to the contagious groove. But, all the while, Naruto and Hinata were caught in their own private maelstrom of emotions. Imprisoned by that familiar static, loathing the idea of slipping free.

With my body and soulI want you more than you'll ever knowSo we'll just let it goDon't be afraid to lose control, noYes, I know what's on your mindWhen you say, stay with me tonight

Everyone stopped breathing as Naruto and Hinata pulled in close, rocking their hips, pumping and grinding. Their breaths were heavy, eyes wild and hungry. She had a limp hand upon the hard wall of his chest. His slowly curved around her waist and back, supporting her weight as she dipped low and pivoted her back in a circular motion. It was a breathtaking dance move, and then they were singing again.

Just rememberYou're the one thingI can't get enough ofSo I'll tell you somethingThis could be love, becauseI've had the time of lifeNo, I never felt this way beforeYes, I swear, it's the truthAnd I owe it all to you

The sexy hum of a saxophone took over from the couple, washing over the audience with alarm effectiveness, elevating them up, up, higher, into a state of frenzied euphoria attainable only through the most powerful music.

When the speakers went silent, screams, whistling and cheering erupted all throughout the city. Naruto and Hinata were still hopelessly lost in each other's eyes, their chest heaving, body hot and intermingled.

When the livestreaming was over and the dark clouds dispersed, mothers finally uncovered their children's eyes with a warm tingle in their tummies.

"Get a room you two!" Ino teased playfully as she ambled over with Sai in tow.

"Yeah, you both can let go now!" Tenten added with a blush.

"Amazing performance, Naruto-kun!" Lee gushed. "You're a shining example of the Springtime of Youth!"

"You were amazing, Hinata!" Sakura chimed in.

While friends and acquaintances compliment and teased the couple, the Chibi-Bijuu were busy running a makeshift daycare in a corner of the congregation. Toddlers were surprisingly taken by the adorable Chakra-Monsters. Kurama, however, was in his third form sipping on sake while surrounded by his harem that had only grown in size over the years.

While Bee kept the crowd immersed in his smooth transitions of various music genres, the rookies pulled together in a tight-knit group and began socializing.

"Even after twelve years, a western style wedding is still so romantic!" Ino gushed with starry eyes. "Honey, why didn't we make our wedding reception the same?"

Sai smiled coolly, years of experience refining his social etiquette and sensitivity to women. "We'll just follow Naruto and Hinata-san's example and renew our vows in the same way."

Chōji licked his lip. "Do I get an invite?"

Karui elbowed him in the gut. "Do you never stop thinking about food?"

Temari giggled, the merry sound spreading a smile across Shikamaru's lips, in turn. "Some things never change, eh, ol' pal?"

"There's never a dull moment when we're with your friends," Tamaki laughed, allowing her husband to twirl her around.

"Just remember to never called him the f-word," Kiba warned with a wolfish grin.

Tenten sneered at her husband who, as per usual, was trying to turn everything into a competition with his best friend. "I still can't believe that you ended up with Karin, Neji. I guess polar opposites do attract, after all."

Karin pounced on her husband lovingly, who sported a flare similar to the man she loved many years ago. "He may look innocent on the outside, but my Neji-kyun have a thing for naughty girls like me."

Neji cupped her mouth a second too late, and everyone burst into a fit of laughter, a bright red stain burning his cheeks.

A blush crept into Sasuke's cheek, too, even as he struggled under Sakura's patient tutelage as she taught him how to waltz.

"Sakura-chan," Hanabi called playfully. "Just have him use his Sharingan, he'll learn much faster."

Sasuke flashed her an icy gaze.

"Kowai!" she flinched.

"By the way, Naruto-niichan," Konohamaru began. "Where did Daisuke go? He's not with the other kids..."

"Now that you mention it, Ayame is gone, too!" Sakura added.

Naruto tousled his hair embarrassingly. "They were practically bouncing off the walls to get their mission started, so they left the city a few days ago."

"Hmph." Sasuke chuckled. "Sounds like a pair of numbskulls I used to know."

Naruto grinned mischievously, relishing the memories of his youth. And Hinata buried her face in the broad of his chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

September 26th

Weather: Sunny

Dear Dairy,

Twelve years have passed since the cataclysmic battle against Uchiha Madara. As per Naruto-kun's will, the shinobi world united. Today, we all live in a large metropolis called Nuwtopia. Despite renaming our home, the Will of Fire still lives on, and have not slowed in consuming the hearts of the new citizens.

It's truly divine.

With everyone working together to make ends meet, people have been able to successfully coexist, and the city thrived, as a result. With less conflicts, there is no longer a need for many shinobi. But those that remained loyal to the craft continued to sharpen their skills and be vigilant. While the Five Great Countries have merged, there were still smaller villages in existence and, for the most part, their intentions were unknown.

As Naruto-kun promised, I no longer need to don my forehead protector and ninja pouch. For the last decade, I've been playing my role as a diligent housewife. When I'm not busy tending to Daisuke or the house, I lose myself in books or knitting. I wonder what hobby I should adopt next!

Oh, that's right. To ensure people led more enriched and fulfilling lives, the council encouraged the citizens to chase their dreams, no matter how bizarre they may seem. That was many years ago. Since then, Orochimaru-sama have let loose — no, he's not dabbling in forbidden jutsus anymore. Instead, he has pioneered us into a new age of technological advancements. Fields of science that were once highly esoteric has now become commonplace.

As human ingenuity became more complex, it became a catalyst for other fields of science and recreational activities to bloom. From aviation, astronomy, and psychics, to cinema, museums and zoos, just to name a few.

Sure people were more content with an endless assortment of different things to partake in, but Naruto-kun believes that Madara was right. While some people desired nothing but peace and happiness, there were a few who preferred conflict and discord. To that end, a large coliseum was erected in the city. Participants were able to fight whenever they pleased and earn honor and prestige based on their performance.

Those who preferred to create havoc outside the arena was swiftly disciplined. As no one was capable of escaping the iron fist of justice, it acted as an effective deterrent against crime. I can't tell the last time I heard there was an incident in the city.

As Naruto-kun vowed to his father, he's become an incredible Hokage, and an even greater husband and father. He mostly stays home with us and allows his clones to work. Because of that, he's never missed a birthday or anniversary. I think he feels an inherent desire to shower us with the love and attention he didn't receive growing up. It's very sweet!

Sasuke-kun spent a few months away traveling the world and helping people. I think he was trying to find a way to atone for his sins and redeem himself. He returned just before Sakura-san gave birth to baby Ayame.

Naruto-kun told me that he died while fighting Madara. Of course, we didn't breathe a word about it to Sakura-san. It was Akiko and the Coatlicue Ring that brought him back to life. Apparently, Sasuke-kun was never the same since. He's practically reverted to the way he was when we were kids — cool, decisive, arrogant, but very approachable.

Shino-kun is the only one among us who is still single. But I think he prefers it that way. Like Iruka-sensei, he became a teacher and dedicated his life to imparting everything he knows to the next generation. Despite appearances, he's very good with kids.

We never met the Sage of the Sixth Paths again. But I'm sure he's looking down upon us with a smile, wherever he is. As for the Bijuu, they have finally found true peace. Instead of weapons of mass destruction, they are now regarded as deities. It's a rare occurrence, but sometimes you will see one of them playing with the children at the Academy. Just as abruptly as they appear, they are whisked away like fairies. It's so surreal and magical that some people actually worship them.

Most of our seniors have gone into retirement. With the world now peaceful, I guess it really isn't that surprising. They are occasionally invited to the Academy as guess instructors, to impart their knowledge onto the next generation. But, for the most part, they have picked up new lifestyles, or have left the city on long journeys.

All is well.

The world is experiencing prosperity like never before. As for me, I'm happy beyond measure!

Hinata and Kurama watched with a warm smile as Naruto traced his finger along the age-old lines that formed their name in the tree trunk.

= Hinata + Naruto =


"We're a few years late. But, with this, we've fulfilled our promise," Naruto said solemnly, turning to face them with a quivering light of compassion in his eyes. "Thank you both for coming back. My world wouldn't be complete without you."


"Keh!" Kurama pouted embarrassingly. After twelve years of being subjected to such torture, he still hadn't gotten even relatively used to it. "The kids are nearing their destination, so it's about time I head back."

"Thanks, buddy. Be sure keep them in line."

Hinata giggled endearingly as the tiny Bijuu vanished in a puff of smoke. And a neat smile stretched her lips when Naruto chivalrously offered her his hand. Encircled by the embrace of Darlyn's Grove, he pulled the woman of his dreams against his chest with such flair it utterly took her breath away.

"I love you so much," she managed to whisper.

Naruto softly kissed the pair of lips from which the heartfelt words were uttered, his fingertips tenderly skimming across her soft, milky skin. "I think Natsumi is long overdue. What do you think?"

The princess flushed, tears swelling in her eyes. Pulling back, she looked up at her glorious knight who was already whisking away the salty tears spilling over her cheeks. Now that he had grown out his hair, he was the splitting image of his father. "H-Hn! Let's have a daughter, Naruto-kun..."

The moment the words left her lips, he vanished in a fluffy ball of smoke. And Hinata could feel her center heat in response; she had been with this man for over twelve years now. Whenever he vanished like that, it meant he had a very special treat in stored – a treat that would culminate with something hard and veiny, deep inside of her world.

Spurred on by the delicious promise, the princess cautiously entered the nostalgic cottage home. She expected some measure of battle against dust bunnies, but the familiar space was evidently cleaned and aired out in advance.

The sound of Ariana Grande and The Weeknd's Love Me Harder hummed from a stereo. Rose petals and candles led Hinata to the master bedroom. Inside, nonchalantly leaning against the bed's headboard, was a breathtaking Naruto.

Candlelight tinted his russet-colored skin. He was already naked, an impatient cock taut below his waist. It had been twelve years, but the static between them had not waned. An absolute and all-consuming force pulled them to each other, like magnets.

And Hinata didn't resist.

Her arousal made her lightheaded as she stepped out of her spaghetti-strap dress and ambled over to him. The next thing she knew, his hot member was filling her small mouth, even as he held her upside down against his hard body, his tongue parting her wet cleft.

The princess let out a cute mewl around the width of him as that capable tongue dipped inside her pocket. She felt so open and exposed to him, and her heart thrummed a frantic tattoo by the erotic way he found to devour her.

As her fever grew beyond control, time progressed in that disjointed fashion she had come to know, the gaps filled with raging orgasms that had her struggling to keep her head above the unmerciful tides.

The princess whipped her head back, the luster of her hair a cascading waterfall down her back. She panted as she rode him, mounted atop her favorite stallion. She rolled her hips, his thick muscle pressing against her sensitive walls.

Coaxed by the sinuous bounce of supple curves and perky peaks, Naruto learned forward, even as he found the right tempo to thrust his hips, moving in perfect harmony with her. His large hands cupped her breasts and squeezed, then his wet mouth closed around one aching peak, wringing a broken gasp from her.

"Please don't stop!" she pleaded breathlessly, a combination of flavors trigging a telling quickening in her tummy. Squeezing his cock deeper inside her, the entranced princess grinded against him, rocking back and forth, until another rippling orgasm pulled her under.

Now Hinata was bending over against the bed, liquid crystal eyes glazed with shock and delight by their sacred ceremony of give-and-take. She gripped the sheets with a lascivious sigh, her body pushing forward as a plug eased into her forbidden chambers. Then her inner goddess was crying out when Naruto slipped into her center right afterwards — hard, hot, lean, and veiny.

"Nhh!" the princess moaned, all three girls did. "I feel so full! Please don't stop!"

Naruto's response was a hard grunt, but he welcomed the carnal demand. His cock delved deliciously hard and delicious deep, each sweet assault pushing her closer to that familiar summit.

"Love me harder!" Hinata asserted, reciting the song. "Fuck me harder!" she dared to challenge.

In response — his heart drumming in his ears — Naruto clasped her hair and pressed her back down, her ass propped up. Hinata's body flushed deeper as he drove his pelvis forward, his steely rod thrusting deep. Again and again he rammed her. He watched that lewd interaction between her tight pussy and his cock, wet flesh over hard steel.

Hinata cried out endearingly when he drove his hand down on her defenseless behind, those round cheeks giggling as his body slammed into her over and over again. He was mindless and fierce — a sensual beast who cared about nothing else but driving her over the edge and leaping off behind her.


The erotic sound filled the room. But still he ponded, lifting her higher. Then Hinata came apart around him, a violent orgasm that threatened to rob her of her consciousness. But she desperately clung to the realm that gifted her with such ecstasy, losing her voice, instead. The princess went pink in the face as Naruto continued his delicious onslaught. He was like an unchained animal, viciously taking what he desired, and she openly relished his intensity. She longed for it.

Finally he stilled, his body quaking as he shot his warm seed deep inside her womb. Then Hinata breathed, finally able to pull a lungful of air into her lungs.

The princess's legs trembled under the weight of what he had given her. Even as her orgasms collectively stole her strength, she kept her muscles together, eager to experience her newest obsession. And when Naruto replaced the plug with the real thing, an amorous moan spilled from her throat.

Love me, love me, love meHarder, harder, harder

Ariana's voice spilled out from the stereo, ushering the couple even deeper into ecstasy's dark embrace. Naruto tilted his head back as he sought for control, his lean length and width slipping into Hinata's forbidden chambers. Just the thought of that had him standing precariously on the razor's edge, staring into the sweet abyss, ready to cum.

Hinata was drunk.

Her eyes gleamed and her mouth went agape. Her pussy clenched as her dreamboat of a husband filled her rear with his godly pole. And a whimper escaped sultry lips as he slowly began his conquest.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!" Hinata chanted mindlessly, dropping to her forearms as pleasure replaced energy.

She buried her face in the sheets and screamed as Naruto gradually increased his slow pace. With each tantalizing thrust, Hinata found the waves getting stronger, intent on knocking her off her crudely made raft. But the princess was too intoxicated to care.

Recklessly, she snaked a hand between her legs, tiny fingers playing over her clitoris, which stroked the waves even higher. And Naruto heaved a curse beneath his breath when she tightened around him, a fierce storm engulfing them both.

"I'm going to cum!" Hinata cried out adorably.

And, as if her lewd outburst was the trigger, Naruto gripped her close and stilled, his hot semen filling another hole. "Oh, fuck, Hinata! I'm cumming in your ass!"

The words tore raspingly from his throat, his body quaking violently against her. As their bodies hummed a tone that no musician could emulate, they both fell off the razor's edge together, tumbling high and low, out of bounds, beyond reason. To a place where all that held form was a web that weaved them together inside a cocoon of sensual love and unity.

From atop the newest addition to the stone faces, Sakura gazed down upon the bustling metropolis that was Nuwtopia, liquid emerald eyes worshipping the breathtaking view.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

The small voice came from Hinata who sat next to her, their legs tangling off the edge like a pair of lovesick school girls. Sakura smiled mischievously when she spied the telltale of a postcoital glow tinting the girl's voluptuous features. "Your cheeks are awfully rosy today, Hinata."

Our Snugglie Wugglie blushed even deeper, completely caught off guard. Then her brows furrowed with evident challenge when she noted similar traces upon her nosey friend. "You're not one to talk."

Sakura chuckled gleefully, impressed by the princess's gusty comeback. And she pulled the girl into a playful embrace, their cheeks squished together. "Have you guys been trying?"

Hinata nodded exuberantly. "Have you both been, as well?"

Standing behind them, Naruto and Sasuke bumped fists with a smog smile, winning an icy gaze from Sakura. And the girl couldn't help but heave an exasperated sigh. "Why do I get the feeling this is just another competition between them?"

Hinata giggled endearingly, then she learned in for a quiet whisper. "I think I like this kind of competition..."

Sakura pulled back in evident shock, then she looked away sheepishly, a finger beneath her lip. "I can't deny that I like it, too," she whispered back, stealing a peek at her White Knight.

Naruto elbowed him teasingly, and then threw an arm around his shoulder. "Man, who would've thought. You gave all the girls such a cold shoulder back in the day, I almost thought you were gay."

"What the hell?" Sasuke shrugged him off. "At least I wasn't a pervert like you!"

Our Golden Knight laced his fingers behind his head and laughed out loud, the merry sound bringing a smile to everyone's lips.

Thousands of miles away — basking in his glorious second form — Kurama stood firm atop a familiar cliff overlooking the broken city of Exzzodia. Upon his back were the children of the two most powerful shinobi to ever walk the face of the planet. And today, right here, right now, the kids intended to fulfill a promised that was made little over twelve years ago.

A single droplet in an endless ocean will create and endless ripple. It was time the cycle of hatred and revenge be replaced with effusive acts of kindness.

In a remote corner of Mount Myōboku, a prominent old sage and author deftly added the final stroke to an alphabet. With a contented smile, Jiraiya placed his pen aside and closed the cover of a brand new novel he just got done writing.

Like a mother adoring her newborn child, the man gently skimmed his fingers across the title of his final masterpiece — Hinata's Sensual Adventure: The Chronicle's End. "Well then, I guess it's about time I reconnected with the world."

Writer Notes:

Dem feelz, man... dem feelz.

I know the type of tune your heart is playing right now; I've been working on this fanfiction for ten years. As I wrote the last few words, I felt a bittersweet sting in my heart – but just mostly happy I was able to finish.

Thank you so much for reading, especially to those awesome people who have been with me since the very first chapter. This journey has been a wonderful learning experience. Your interactions have been my fuel. Your comments motivated me to push forward and continue refining my skills as a writer.

I would also like to apologize, though. I'm so sorry that it took so long for me to finish. I mean, the series ended egos ago. But, as some of you know, between school and working multiple jobs for a few years, I've been ridiculously busy.

I honestly enjoy writing fanfictions, and I would love to continue doing so. But, I've decided its time to weave my own original tale so that I can leave my mark in the world like other prominent figures such as Masashi Kishimoto, Eiichiro Oda, and Akira Toriyama.

To that end, I recently (2023) started working on my own anime series. At the moment, the title is "Hacking the Game Didn't Turn Out as Intended", and it's going to be an isekai based in the world of Sehreneti Online - a VRMMORPG. I've set the release date to the end of the year so that I'll be way ahead with the light novel. In addition, I've published a few novels on Amazon.

Links can be found in my bio. Join the family so that you will be afloat with all the latest updates. Your support would mean the world to me \('w')/

In conclusion, I would just like to once again extend another big "thank you" for all your support over the years. I'm looking forward to everyone's response to the final chapter, as always – and I hope that I will continue to be in your care as I press forward upon my journey to please and appease.

Love you all.

Take care.