
HIMENO: The Girl Who Want To Fulfill Her Father Duty

The Demon King is too powerful. So powerful, he can't even be defeated by an "outsider" (summoned hero). Himeno Murasaki, a hero's daughter decides to complete her father's task with her katana. And take her destiny to defeat the demon king, by becoming a Samurai.

AizakiIshaq · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

VOL. 1 EPISODE 1: Murasaki Village, Father and Training

Murasaki Village. The village that my father built long before I was born is a village that is characterized differently from any other village in the world.

Wooden buildings were lined up neatly, with lavender flowers decorating each building.

The village, located on a lake near the mountain, was often visited by nobles and townspeople because of its beautiful charm.

The designs of the buildings, statues and weapons in the village were unique to the visitors.

It was all thanks to the efforts of my father who wanted to bring his customs from another world and develop them here.

At least that's what happened a long time ago.

Tak! Tak! Tak! Tak!

Back then I was 10 years old, swinging a bamboo sword at the wood in front of me until sweat poured down my body, soaking my white Hakama.

My appearance, which had long purple hair, sometimes attracted the attention of some visitors.

Even so, I didn't think much of it and just focused on my training because I wanted to be as strong as my father who managed to defeat one of the 10 Demon King Generals.

Although others would sneer at me because I'm a woman, but I don't care at all!



The blow managed to shatter the wood I was using as a punching bag. Sweat started pouring down my forehead.

"Haahh... Haahh... I think today is enough."

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"So energetic in the middle of the day like this."

A heavy voice appeared, making me turn my head in the direction of the voice, what appeared in my eyes was a man of medium build, having short purple hair with three parted bangs who was my father, Sakaki Murasaki.

"Oh, it's just dad."


I laughed amusedly at his reaction, then slowly approached him. His purple Hakama suit really exuded his Samurai aura.

"So, what are you doing here?"

Father got up from his desperate joke and smiled broadly at me,

"How about we do a little training for a while?"


I daydreamed for a few seconds and asked again to make sure,

"You're going to train me?"

Dad smiled broadly again and rubbed my head.

"Of course!"

He slowly approached my ear and said,

"If you keep daydreaming like that, it's very dangerous."

That remark brought me back to reality and I jumped back one step while making a stand with my bamboo sword.

I saw that the person who became my father, his aura really gave off an aura of death.

Even the surrounding people who had been passing by were quickening their pace because of that terrifying aura.

But there was something odd in my mind when I saw my father,

"Dad, aren't you using a weapon?"

I asked him who saw him standing upright with his bare hands, then he answered kindly,

"Ah... to fight with my sweet daughter, empty hands like this are enough."

'Damn it! He's underestimating me!'

The condescending smile on his face only made me more annoyed. I tried to position myself in the direction of a fight and thought of ways I could break through her defenses.


Then a flash appeared, after which my father suddenly appeared in front of me before I could do anything.

It almost caused me to fall to the ground, but I was still able to hold on thanks to the bamboo sword in my hand that I held up.

I drew my breath slowly. Just thinking but not acting would only end in failure. I gritted my teeth and firmly pointed the bamboo sword in my hand at Father.


I said, then the bamboo sword I aimed at Father became as hard as steel.


The sound of a loud bang was heard, it had already made me confident because I thought I had defeated him, but all that faded when I found out that the sound was the sound of the breaking of the bamboo sword that I had made into steel.

What was missing? I lamented as the bamboo-[steel] sword shattered into pieces. After that all I felt was a gentle stroke from the person in front of me.

"Thinking before acting is good,

"But you know what? On the battlefield, when you're facing the enemy and you're just constantly thinking without stopping, it's a waste of your life."

"Then, what should I do, father?"

I raised my face to my father who had been rubbing me, after which he smiled in response to my question,

"Think briefly, observe your enemy's movements, then when you see an opening attack him quickly."

My mouth dropped open as I was stunned by his words.

"In that case, want to continue?"

My father asked with a challenging smile, it was a bit irritating but,

"Why not?"

I took back the new bamboo sword until my father said,

"Ah don't use the bamboo sword."

He took out his ever-present Katana and threw the sword at me.

"This sword..."

"Shikigami no Mikoto,

"The katana sword that is said to be the embodiment of Lord Susano'o's servant, it's a very powerful sword."

While father was explaining, I looked at the sword he gave me. From the aura alone this sword was no ordinary sword.

"Where did you get this thing?"

"That's a secret."

He said with a wink and a wide smile. I let out an annoyed sigh and then because I felt something was odd I asked him with a squint.

"Then what weapon are you going to use? Don't tell me that you're going to use your bare hands like before, I don't like it."

I let out all the things I wanted to say because of the result of the fight earlier.

"Oh come on hahaha,

"I'm a knight, of course I'll fight you with knightly honor."

Father calmly raised his right hand into empty air. Then like a magnet, the bamboo sword that had been sitting still quickly approached him.

Once the bamboo sword was in his grasp, he chanted something that I couldn't hear. Magically, the bamboo sword he was holding became a real katana sword.

This was of course different from my hardening skill as I only hardened the bamboo to be as strong as steel, but what father did was like he replicated one thing into another, but...

"A normal sword?"

"Um. An ordinary and very ordinary sword.

"Because this alone is enough for me."

'He still underestimates me.'

Trying not to be provoked, I sped towards him quickly.


There was the sound of two swords clashing.

"That was a bit sudden, Himeno-chan."

He held me back when I started to attack him.

"Noisy, didn't you say to stay alert during battle?"

"Hmm... That is indeed true."

Clang! Clang! Clang!

I continuously attacked him in a relentless manner, until sparks came out from the attacks.


The sword I held became harder and harder, to the point where it could even knock father back.

'It's really strong.

"Haahh... Haahh... Haahh... Haahh..."

My breath caught, and I quickly drew my sword at her again.

"Wow... You've become very strong."

Father praised me as he was beaten back.

"But you forgot the three things I said earlier."

I gasped. Thinking briefly, observing and attacking. How could I forget them? No wonder he didn't counter my attack at all.

"Father! I beg you one more time!"

"Alright! Let's come over here!"

After that I had my training battle with father until dusk.


"By the way, what did you come here for?"

That's right. It's quite surprising because my father is usually very busy. In fact, he didn't have time to train me at all because of the interests in the kingdom.

"Oh really, I almost forgot,

"Right now, Himeno-chan is already 10 years old, right?"

I nodded in response to her question.

"Then tomorrow morning we will leave for the capital to check your Class, but...

"Where did you learn about that "hardening" skill? I was quite surprised when you used it in those two battles."

I had expected this. Of course father would ask about the skill I used earlier since he never taught it himself.

"I don't know either father,

"I just got this skill last night while practicing."

"Hee... It's a bit interesting."


"The first skill that came about because of self-taught practice."

Father folded his hands together in front of his chest,

"Generally, the first skill can come out because it was taught by someone who mastered it,

"Even for an outsider like me, then after that other skills can emerge even if they are self-taught."

"What do you mean?"

"In other words, father's daughter's case is new, no, it's the first time it's happened in the world."

Does that mean I have a chance to be as strong as you? No, don't get carried away just yet, it must all be a coincidence. I gripped the katana sword I was holding tightly, and spoke kindly to my father,

"It must be a coincidence, because..."

Because of what?


"I'm sure you'll still be the strongest."

Father was stunned by my words. Gently, he took me into his arms and said,

"You're strong, but that doesn't mean you'll always be the strongest."

He looked firmly at my face,

"Because I'm sure that in the future, Himeno-chan will definitely surpass me."

I wasn't sure but... His words managed to make my chest rumble.

"I will definitely surpass you."

Yes, that's right. Isn't this what makes me want to become a fighter.

I brought my hands forward in a fist position with a big smile,

"Until then, watch me!"


Father returned my fist and smiled kindly, but then he let out an uneasy sigh. Concern, i asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm, how do you say it?"

He raised his hand to his chin,

"You're a girl, but you're really acting like a boy."


My face turned red with annoyance at his words.

"I-I have feminine traits too, you know?"

"Ehhhh, really?"

Damn it! Her face is really annoying!

"Li-look at this, I'm wearing Hakama's skirt."

"Ehh? That doesn't count,

"Men also wear that when practicing Kendo, you know?"


Come to think of it, it's true. What other excuse do I have to use?

"Hahaha, I was just joking,

"Because to me, Himeno-chan is the most beautiful woman in the world."

"S-stop it! I'm not a kid anymore."

"I know."

He replied with a wink.

"Then, you'd better get ready to leave tomorrow."


I nodded obediently. After that, the voice of a middle-aged woman appeared interrupting the conversation between me and dad.

"You two, the food is ready."

She was my mother, Aeris Murasaki, her age was at the head of three, but even so she still looked very young. With beautiful hair like sunshine and a warm smile.

"Good mom!"

I smiled at the figure I loved so much,

"Come on, dad,or you won't get it!"

Those days were really happy because they were filled with laughter.

I hope days like this will last forever.


Today was the day I went to the royal capital to check my class.

I wore a purple shirt with a black short skirt above the knee. Not forgetting to prepare the sword that was kept at my waist.

"Are you ready?"

Father came in his knightly appearance with mother by his side.

"Of course."

With that, my journey to the royal capital began!

To Be Continued