
Him, Her and Me

Have you ever wondered what I'd felt like to be stuck between worlds. I know how it feels and trust me it's not a good feeling.        Being stuck between two worlds is kinda like a hell or something, two worlds competing to get you into their worlds.                                     * * * *        My name is Irina Rose and I have been constantly put down my whole life. I have been mocked, humiliated by those who should be closest to me.        I wondered if I was good enough to be loved, worthy of their love. They gave me so many scars, ensuring that I would never rise up, but I did, like a phoenix.        He thought I was a toy that could be discarded at will, a nobody. I thought so too until I met 'HIM' , the wolf, then 'HER' , the vampire. Now my life's changed and filled with a whirlpool of surprises. Him, Her and Me

Tayo_S · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

You never forget your first love (Johan's P.O.V)

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I know I said I let her go but letting someone go is hard and I just can't do it. I went through some stuff today and found an old picture of Rose and I, and my heart started to beat fast. We were so young, we were 16, and radiated so much love.

* * * *

Flashback, 4 years ago.

Rose was in town for a few days and I was set on making the best of it. She was currently going crazy over banana flavoured ice cream and I decided to set up a date involving ice cream.

I whisked her away from Mr. and Mrs. Faraday and we went on our date. A new ice cream place had just opened, much to my luck, and I happily brought her that day. Her face was filled with smiles 😊 which never seemed to disappear. She was so happy.

"To be honest, Johan mean the world to me. I'm probably the one at loss if I say it first but I don't care, I love you Johan" She said.

"I love you too" He said and her eyes glowed.

* * * *

When we exchanged the L word that day, our dynamic totally changed. Thats when I really started catching feelings for her.

I probably shouldn't have looked Lisa's way when she first came, this will be a lifelong regret.

* * * *

Probably because it's really painful to have gold in your hands and throw it away, Johan walked into a club for the first time in his life. He had a bar at home and never had cause to step into a club, but things change, he most likely wanted to get drunk.

He went for shot! shot! shot! taking no breaks in between them, just downing them as they came. After a few minutes, he got really drunk but he continued to drown his self in alcohol.

After a couple more shots, he got sh*t faced and walked out sluggishly. He fumbled for his keys and hopped into his car.

Like they say, people who are drunk shouldn't drive. Johan had probably forgotten this as he started his car and started to drive.

It was actually going okay, he was just a little shy of his house when something happened. He got distracted, he thought he had seen Lisa and got angry. In his rage, he tried to run 'Lisa' over but ended up hurting only himself instead.