
Him, Her and Me

Have you ever wondered what I'd felt like to be stuck between worlds. I know how it feels and trust me it's not a good feeling.        Being stuck between two worlds is kinda like a hell or something, two worlds competing to get you into their worlds.                                     * * * *        My name is Irina Rose and I have been constantly put down my whole life. I have been mocked, humiliated by those who should be closest to me.        I wondered if I was good enough to be loved, worthy of their love. They gave me so many scars, ensuring that I would never rise up, but I did, like a phoenix.        He thought I was a toy that could be discarded at will, a nobody. I thought so too until I met 'HIM' , the wolf, then 'HER' , the vampire. Now my life's changed and filled with a whirlpool of surprises. Him, Her and Me

Tayo_S · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Drowning Sorrows

I walked into the club downcast, it all made sense now but the pain intensified. First it was my parents then Johan now Damian, Jayden or whatever his name was.

      It was packed as usual, which was good since no one would probably notice me. I ordered some really strong alcohol, it was called demon essence and was claimed to make one drunk from just the smell, and drank quietly by myself in a corner.

     Was it too much to ask for a genuine person? Or where they too hard to find? Tons of questions filled my head and I tried my best to get rid of them and let loose.

After a while, I started crying. It was all just too much for me and I wished I hadn't found out the truth, ignorance is a bliss afterall. He felt like somone I could trust, my first real friend.

My parents are asshats, my boyfriend wasn't real and my only real friend turned out to be fake.

In regards to Johan, I always kinda knew it wouldn't work out. I just wanted to have someone who would really understand and I also wanted to experience a relationship. Sure, I trusted Tristan and Bella, the Faradays, but it wasn't the same, at least it didn't feel the same.

I was a teenage girl with a teenage heart, I longed to have someone to dedicate love to and ignore my sadness, and he appeared. He was handsome, average in the intelligence department but I didn't care.

When we just started dating, he would look at me as if he was looking at someone else and I couldn't wrap my head around that until the day he called me Lisa, though he didn't realise his mistake. I just smiled and acted as if it didn't happen, I felt I could change him and he would develop feelings for me and it worked which made me so happy.

Even though it worked, it disappeared when the 'real deal' appeared which made me wonder if they ever existed at all.

I took a huge gulp of the alcohol as I leaned into my chair. To be honest, I was exhausted, tired of it all.

The year just started, not really since it's February but you get the gist, and I've been thrown all this. The Johan Lisa issue, the Jayden issue and my career too, since I've been neglecting it quite a bit.

A change of pace is probably what I need. To kick it off, I'll go home, ignore Jayden and have a nice sleep before addressing my issues in the morning.

I grab my purse and walk out a lot more spirited than I was when I walked in, alcohol can do that to someone. My house isn't quite far from the bar, about 30 minutes walk, so I decide to walk home to clear my mind and also burn off some of the alcohol.

As I walk, my mind can't help but stray into what I've labelled forbidden territory. I've somehow linked my Jayden issue with my parent issue and I can't help but remember the emancipation.

<~~ Five years ago ~~>

I wasn't sure if I really wanted to go for it, I mean it felt like a really mean thing to be doing to my parents. Looking for evidence that they don't take care of me well enough amd proving to the court that I can take carw of myself.

They don't even know, I'm doing this. It feels like I'm backstabbing them or something, afterall they gave birth to me.

Despite my second thoughts, I wasn't backing down from it. I was going to mention it to them today and that'll be all.

I called for a family meeting and after about five minutes my parents appeared.

"What's this about Ina, I'm quite busy" My dad, Lionel said.

"You've got five minutes, I was in a meeting" My mum, Flora said.

I took a deep breath and tried to tell them but my voice got stuck. After a little while of trying to call myself, I summoned enough courage and proceeded to inform my parents.

"Mum, dad, I'm getting an emancipation" I breathed out.

"What" My mum laughed.

"You wasted my time on a joke" My dad said while glaring at me.

"But it's not a joke, I'm serious" I said.

"Ina, I believe it's best if you'd go to your room right now, lest we get angry at you" My mum said with a 'this is not up for discussion' tone.

I stomped my way to my room, frustrated, I wasn't joking, why didn't they believe me. I let the matter lie and didn't mention it again. Letting my parents continue to believe it until they got a summons from court.

That very day, I packed my stuff and prepared to leave my home. It didn't feel like home so it wasn't going to be my home anymore. The Faradays were waiting for me downstairs and I didn't plan to let them wait for long.

"Tell me this is a joke, that you're not planning to get emancipated, Ina tell me this isn't real, it's some elaborate prank" My dad shouted.

My mum just stood silently beside him, at a loss for words.

"It's real Mr. Arsenau, I'm getting emancipated and there's nothing you can do about it, you lost your chance" I shouted back.

That was just the catalyst for more shouting as my dad and I began shouting at each other. Probably sensing that something was wrong Mr. Faraday walked in.

"You both are in no position to be parents, real parents don't constantly deal their children emotional damage" Mr. Faraday said then took me out.

Naturally, he was met by some resistance by my parents but managed to get me out.

<~~ End of flashback ~~>

I actually, deep inside me, never meant for it to go that far. It started off as a wake up call but drifted into something else. My mind starts to delve deeper into the forbidden territory and I'm forced to visit some stuff I never wanted to.

I'm forcefully pulled out of my thoughts when someone grabs me and drags me into a corner.

Before I could utter a word of protest, a pair of really sharp teeth is sunk into my neck and my conscious begins to slip away.


I don't know the details on emancipation and how they do it. I'm just writing in accordance to what I feel would go well with the story. So, don't take the requirements and all I mentioned as real, they may or may not be real.

Tayo_Screators' thoughts