
Hilda And The Other Guy

+18 Hot with erotic gay explicit sex scenes, Nicholas, young gay guy stuck in between revenge and love, confused not knowing which part to take. With the thirsty of revenge he gets up everyday planning perfect cold revenge dish for his rival, but fate, destiny has stored something else for him. Something he can't avoid, love! A one night stand changes his life, but he can't just forget about the past, the nightmares that keep him awake at night an unfinished quest, Nick has been preparing for it all his life? When the hearts wants what it wants, Nick is confused afraid of taking the wrong path, he lives his life with challenges that are associated with being queer, while he dodges hot girls crushing on him! Revenge Or Love?

Jae_Ivy · LGBT+
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25 Chs

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter 22

I left the saloon early that hat day, I went back to my appartment to prepare for the date with Dean. I knew it wasn't just going to dinner only since he invited me into his house.

I went to take a long got steamy shower. I really wanted to make something out of this night, since Andreas had a girlfriend, I needed to get back at him, although I was the one he cheated on his with I wanted to have someone that would make me forget Andreas, maybe Dean could replace him.

I knew very well that more than dinner was going to happen. So I needed to prepare, Im always prepared however this time I needed to be sure since he was not going to be drunk o sneeded to make sure I impress him because my bills weren't going to take care of themselves.

Before taking a bath I took my douching kit and went to the bathroom, I wanted to make sure everything was clean, no mistakes! I made sure I sterelize everything and I did not want any infection I was too young for that.

After I sterelizing it, I filled distilled warm water, while squatting I inserted the long nozzle inside me the slowly squeeze in warm water. God! I hate that process. I kept on repeating it over and over until I was finally clean.

After douching, I took a steamy shower which transformed my mood to flirty. Feeling flirty I got out of the shower, I took out my phone and texted Dean.

Nick: Hey...

Dean: Nickie how are you?

Nick: I'm Nickie now? Anyways I wanted to tell you that I'm on my way.

I quickly dressed up and went to out to hail a cab. I took out my head phones and listened to classic music, I wanted to relax and try not to think about all the problem I had that were going to ruin my mood and spoil the date.

"Hey you here," he said opening the door inviting me in. I walked in following him to the dining room. I was welcomed by the delicious smell of something meaty.

"Who what have you prepared?" I asked toolikg at a foreign dish that was served in the dining room. It was thinly sliced beef with some green stuff in it, I guess it enchased the flavor.

"Oh... That's beef bulgogi." He said pointing at the meaty dish and then pointed at other yellow like dish, "This is kimchi."

"Bulgi and Kim..." I tried to repeat after him wondering what ever those wear. I sat down besides him, he had already began eating. I joined him.

"Don't worry... I didn't add anything in it you can taste." He said.

"This is cabage." I said looking surprised. "What did you do to it? It taste differently." I asked as I ate more of it.

"These are Korean dishes and that's not just cabage, it contains dried vegetables including Korean radish, I added some seasoning like garlic and spring onions." He explained.

I didn't want to hear what was in there anymore, I wanted to stop talking and eat. I didn't know that Korean dishes were delicious. I loved those dishes especially the bulgogi.

"Why did you run away last time?" Asked Dean.

"Did I?" I opened my eyes widely and looked at his.