
Hikigaya in Class of Elite

As the lone ranger among the lone rangers, Hikigaya Hachiman just wanted to live a peaceful life in high school. So guys, can you stop constantly thinking about what to do and study hard?! For knowledgeable people. In this fanfiction, the story of Hikigai Hachiman and the Service Club takes place during secondary school. I myself am not sure what period of study history was in, but in this fanfic, he has already passed his period in the service club and graduated from secondary school. This story does not belong to me, but to some Chinese author. I just found this story very interesting and well-written, unlike the Excellence Class stories on sites like MTL and bfaloo. Therefore, I decided to share, since everyone has time to understand Chinese sites. This image does not belong to me and is just used for decoration.

Daoist502988 · Livres et littérature
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51 Chs

Be kind to everyone

Although the atmosphere in the classroom was good for a while, when Chabashira-sensei left, those guys started causing trouble again.

It wasn't just those students who failed this time, the students with good grades, such as the bespectacled guy named Yukimura, also seemed to be unable to accept being relegated to Class D and constantly complaining there.

Koenji then seemed to think that Yukimura's appearance was disrespectful and laughed mercilessly at him.

Even aside from his family background, Kouenji himself has top-notch academic ability and physicality, and combined with his lonely personality, he naturally doesn't care about nerds who only know how to study.

"...very noisy."

In Hikigaya's opinion, arguing with Kouenji about the unfairness of the class is completely stupid, and it's no wonder this guy doesn't care about class D or class A.

Even if you can graduate from A grade, the best way out of college is to work for the Kouenji family. Now still in the first grade of high school, they have not yet fully faced the cruelty of reality. Maybe in the future, many people will try to get close to Kouenji like those high school girls.

No way, this is a society.

Hikigaya shook his head and took out a copy of Murder on the Orient Express and read it. He only saw the movie based on the original book, but Shiina recommended it to him, so let's take this opportunity to read it.

Although it is a detective novel, Hikigaya prefers the choice of characters in the book to the process of solving puzzles.

"Hikigaya-kun, you don't seem to care at all?" Matsushita suddenly asked.

"What worries you?"

"Of course, it's because I was classified as Class D." Matsushita's face was full of confusion. "Let's not talk about me, I'm so much smarter than Hikigaya-kun, I realized the truth before anyone else." and my studies and sports are also good. Am I supposed to be satisfied?"

Hikigaya sighed and put the book down temporarily.

"Matsushita, you have to figure out one thing first, which is how the school is divided into classes."

"Hey, isn't there grades and sports?"

"Those two are very important, but not all," Hikigaya analyzed, "Chabashira-sensei emphasized what will happen when you enter society. In other words, this school nurtures talents that can adapt to society, skilled office workers. And our class D has the lowest social and productive power, so the teacher will say that we are the worst."

"You're talking a little wrong...

Matsushita grimaced, looking a little unacceptable.

Actually this is not surprising. Most high school students have flower beds in their heads, and all sorts of unrealistic fantasies about the future. No one will admit that their future will be an inconspicuous office worker.

Hikigaya still doesn't mind, as he plans to become a housewife in the future. If he cannot find a suitable wife, then he will be an office worker for some time. Then he will find a small place to live in seclusion. Usually it is enough for him to live on odd jobs.

It's hard to starve to death in Japan.

"However, this situation is not absolute, right? If the school only wants office… er, those types of students, wouldn't it be enough to only recruit students from Class A?" Matsushita seemed to suddenly light up.

Indeed, according to her, based on the conditions offered only by this school, not only tuition fees but also living expenses will be paid. There will definitely be a large group of people rushing to enroll, and they are all of Grade A quality.

Hikigaya did not say one thing, the school definitely needs not only social animals, but also the elite.

This is the kind of elite that can lead a group of ordinary people and even hardships to overcome all sorts of difficulties together and climb up, so the ad class competition system is designed precisely to weed out such talents.

However, Hikigaya was not interested in such things, so he intentionally didn't mention it.

The chaos in the classroom continued until the very end of the school, when Hirata stood on the podium, seemingly ready to start the fight meeting.

Hikigaya didn't think there was any useful outcome from the discussion. Most importantly, there was no leader to convince the crowd. Everyone was scattered in several small groups, just like African warlords fighting each other, looking out only for their own interests.

This situation is not bad for Hikigaya, at least he will be able to row freely in the future.

"Um, Kushida-san, actually, I spend too many points, I really don't have enough money, could you help me a little? Need 2000 points. Enough".

Hikigaya turned around and saw that Kushida, who was talking to Ayanokōji nearby, had suddenly started talking to another girl.

If I remember correctly, this is Karuizawa Kei, who often hangs out with Matsushita.

Due to his good looks and strong personality, Hirata seems to have recently started dating her. She also became the unquestioning leader of the girls in the class and started doing some shameless things because of it.

In any case, judging by her hippie smile, she has absolutely no plans to return the money.

It reminds Hikigae of those summer holidays in the fourth grade of elementary school... when someone still didn't give him 500 yen back.

"Well, yes."

Kushida agreed without hesitation, seemingly without resistance.

Hikigaya felt that this girl was really pathetic. Not only did she have to talk to nasty boys, she also had to lend money to nasty girls, and she had to put a smile on her face. The pressure in her heart was definitely great.

Now it is very difficult to keep the character.

"Thank you, friends are really irreplaceable."

Karuizawa left behind her insincere thanks and started looking for her next target, but this time she really came to Hikigaya.

To be precise, she was eyeing Matsushita.

"Matsushita, lend me some money. We are good friends, right? We should help each other when we get into trouble."

- Um, okay.

Although Matsushita seemed a little hesitant, this girl who deliberately kept her grades hidden in order to fit in with the group naturally didn't have the courage to refuse.

Hikigaya watched this scene with a stunned expression, not surprised by Matsushita's reaction, but he didn't expect Karuizawa to be even more polite to the friends she usually played with, even tougher than Kushida.

"Why, do you have any comments? Also, could you please stop staring at me with those disgusting dead fish eyes."

At this time, Karuizawa seemed to notice his gaze and scolded him in annoyance.

Hikigaya was momentarily dumbfounded, but he didn't expect to be scolded all of a sudden.

He wasn't angry, he even missed the case a little. Since he came to this school, he hasn't heard anyone call him a dead fish eye for a long time...

No no no, I'm not a masochist!

Hikigaya thought to himself, if he was in middle school, if a girl like that was staring at him, he would be too scared to speak.

In fact, he does have a similar classmate named Miura, who is also blonde, is in the highest caste in the class, and also likes the most popular boy in the class.

We can say that they are very similar in everything.

However, when you really get in touch, you will find that for the most part these girls are strong underdogs and average shots, because they themselves do not have the strength to maintain their status.

Especially in front of that Karuizawa.

"I didn't see anything, I had a slight premonition," Hikigaya smiled mockingly, "I didn't expect that this is the era now, and there are still people who consider themselves queens, and everyone else should recognize her… There is even more ridiculous . The fact is that the king, whom she considers next to her, is actually just a good gentleman ... By the way, do you understand the meaning of this word?

As soon as those words were spoken, everyone around was instantly shocked.

Whether it was Karuizawa, the members of the group, or those watching the fun, they never thought that Hikigaya would dare to resist and it was so juicy when he opened his mouth.

After all, according to them, Hikigaya Hachiman, who usually has no reason to exist, must be the lowest being, so why dare to say such a thing?

Only Matsushita showed a confused expression, but such a reaction was within Hikigaya's expectations.

Matsushita is a nice person who is willing to talk to a guy like him and doesn't have to put up with the strange looks of others.

These two just happened to be at the same table, in the same high school, and some misunderstandings on Matsushita's part, so they talked like this.

It is good for everyone to return to such relationships with strangers.