
HighSchool Love On

Faced with the unfamiliarity of a fresh academic life, Susan's determination to succeed is unwavering, nevertheless, she quickly realizes that she can't do it alone. As Susan strives to make her mark, she catches the attention of two different classmates: Edmond and Augustine. Caught in a whirlwind of choices, Susan finds herself torn between two paths. She struggles with her decision, feeling the weight of her future hanging in the balance. The dynamic between Edmond and Augustine adds a layer of complexity to her journey, and as their personalities clash, so do their influences on Susan's life. As the semesters unfold, Susan's reliance on the two men in her life deepens, leading to unexpected friendships, personal growth, and even moments of love and heartache. Will Edmond or Augustine be the key to Susan's better future, or will her own actions be her downfall?

Author_Miriam · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
10 Chs

Chapter Three

"Both of you stand up," Mr. Stephen ordered. Allison and I both exchanged glances.

"Who is he referring to?" I whispered to Allison and he chuckled softly.

"We of course" he replied and stood up.

"Damnit"  feeling embarrassed, I stood up from my seat, with a scared face.

"What was the last word I said?" Mr. Stephen asked,

"Who is he asking? You or me?" I asked Allison again.

"Both of us" he replied and smiled sheepishly, why is he laughing now?

" What's funny? Mr. Stephen asked him.

"Nothing sir," he replied.

" So what was the last word I said?" The teacher repeated.

" I don't know sir," he replied.

" Get out of my class" he ordered and Allison walked out in a funny manner, making the students erupt into another round of laughter. "What was the last word I said, young lady?" He turned to me.

God, this was my first day at school and I was

"Last word, or sentence?" I asked, looking confused.

"Last sentence" he replied. "Do you know it?" He asked and I nodded. " Please, tell the class," he said. Feeling confident in myself, I said.

"The last sentence you said was 'what was the last word I said'' am I correct sir?" I asked, and the students erupted into laughter. The teacher shook his head in embarrassment.

"Are you trying to make fun of me?" He asked.

"No… No.. No.. Sir" I quickly replied and shook my head, what.

"Then what are you trying to do? Be a comedian? A clown?' the man asked with annoyance.

"No sir," I replied. "I only repeated your last sentence as you had instructed" I said with an innocent look.

"Who knows the last thing I said?" The man asked the class.

"I know it sir" Charlotte quickly said and stood up from her seat in a proud manner. Susan scoffed.

"Yes Miss Charlotte?" the teacher asked.

"The last word you said was 'democracy' . I'm correct sir?" She said and smirked.

"You tried," the man said," but I need the sentence," he added.

"Sir" Oliver said, and stood up.

"Yes Oliver?"

"The last word, or sentence you said is that' democracy is for the people, so we, as the people, have a right to vote and be voted for," he said.

"A round of applause for Oliver class" the teacher exclaimed, and they all clapped for him. "Thank you Oliver"

"Thank you sir" he replied and sat down.

The teacher turned to me, " Did you hear what Oliver had said?"

"Yes sir"

"I'm going to be merciful to you today, but you must never talk during my class. Understood?" He asked in a loud voice.

"Understood," I replied with a shaky voice.

"Now sit down on your seat, and stay silent" he ordered, and I sat on my seat in fear, I pray I do not get into any trouble again.

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               School dining hall

"You were the reason why I was sent out of the class today" Allison murmured as he brought his food and sat opposite me. I shot a deadly glare at him, what did he mean? Wasn't he the reason why I was embarrassed?

"Was I?" I asked and eyed him.

"Yes of course" he exclaimed.

"And did you know that you were the sole… reason why I was embarrassed today in class?" I asked him.

"An eye for an eye then" he said and shrugged, then continued eating his food.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked him and frowned.

" You want some of my lunch?" He offered. I looked at his food, bit my lower lips, then smiled.

"No, thank you. I'm not…." I trailed off as Charlotte and three of her girlfriends sat beside her.

"Hey yo! Baby girl" one of Charlotte's girlfriends yelled as she threateningly tapped my shoulder.

"So you are the brave girl" another one said.

"Hey baby girls," Allison exclaimed. "What's about to happen to my friend?" He asked and chuckled.

"Can you please leave this seat?" The last girl said.

"What for?" He said and chuckled again.

" Sarah, let Allison stay and watch the fight," Charlotte said to the last girl.

"So you are the girl who isn't scared of anyone" the second girl said in a loud voice, making the other students gather around them.

"Yes. Anything bad with it?" I asked, I wasn't bothered a bit about them.

"You have a bad mouth," the girl said and eyed me.

"Had it been you were in the class Chloe, you would have slapped her stupid face" Charlotte said and hissed. The second girl whom Charlotte called Chloe also hissed.

"What do you think about her, Eva?" Chloe asked the first girl.

"She's brave," Eva commented and smiled.

"But too bad, her bravery will end today" Sarah said and the four friends laughed. I also joined in the laughter, making the four girls look in astonishment.

"You girls are so funny" I said and continued to laugh, Allison also joined me.

"What?!!" The four girls said at once.

"Allison" I turned to him and smiled.

"Yes," he replied.

 "Aren't they funny?" I asked and laughed again.

"Shut up" Sarah screeched, and the hall went silent.

"How dare you!!"  Charlotte whispered.

"How dare me do what?" I asked and stopped laughing.

"How dare you laugh at us," Chloe yelled.

"I wish I could tear your face," Eva said and hissed.

"We are going to do more than that girl," Charlotte said and smirked.

"And how will you do that?" I asked and scoffed.

" By beating you up," Sarah replied. So funny! I thought to myself and burst into another round of laughter.

"You want to beat me? Ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah. Did they want to beat me? Ho ho ho ho ho" I kept laughing and banging the table. Some students were secretly laughing. The four girls exchanged glances.

"  Who goes there" a rough female voice bloomed out in the hall. The students made a space and a girl, looking like a boy, probably a tomboy, walked into the hall in a boyish way. She made her way towards the girls, and met me crying and laughing. Both at once.

" They all want to beat me, ah ah ah ah ah" I said and continued to laugh.

"Who?" The tomboy asked.

"These little girls of course" I replied and stopped laughing.

"Four girls want to beat one girl?"  The tomboy asked.

"They are shameless," I said and hissed.

"Then I'm joining the fight," the tomboy said.

"Stay out of this Stephanie" Charlotte grumbled. Stephanie is the only girl that is greatly feared by students and teachers. She fights with anybody, and has been suspended from school countless times.

"No I won't," the tomboy replied.

"You don't have any idea on what happened"  Sarah said and hissed.

"And I don't want to know," Stephanie replied. She looked at Allison. "Who do we have here?" She asked in excitement.

"Allison of course" he replied and laughed.

"Are you the guy they are fighting over?" Stephanie asked and chuckled.

"No" he replied and briefed Stephanie on what had caused our conflicts.

"You want to fight with Susan, but now I've joined her. You are gonna have to fight with I, and Susan" she declared. The four girls exchanged glances, then nodded between themselves.

"Okay then. If you say so" Sarah said and smirked.

"You will be our referee," Stephanie said to Allison.

"It's my pleasure ladies," he said and gave a slight bow.

"Are you ready?" Stephanie asked Susan.

"Always ready," Susan replied.

"THEN. LET. THE. FIGHT. BEGIN.!!!!!!!!" Allison yelled and we started fighting.

Authormiriam 😘😘😘