
Highschool DxD- The tale of the gutsy sekiryuuti

Not all grand heroes started off great and Michael Hanamura is an example, he is a regular student with no redeeming qualities nor features which would gain him attention and he was an orphan to some no name people who don't even matter. Basically his life and existence in a nutshell was destined to be boring which leads him to death but also led him to another chapter of his life!

Mgr11 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

2) My first date(1)

(2 days later...)

"Okay, I've got everything ready." Michael fixes his watch as he wore a black jacket with red accents, a white and blue stripped shirt underneath, a pair of black jeans and red shoes with white streaks, around his neck was a dog tag necklace as he donned a pair of googles on his forehead, "Today, I have to make sure to give it my all. Bet on it!"

Michael exits his room while counting his wallet for the money he'll use for today, seeing as to how he was suffering with making rent he had to improvise with the money he lived off of from his part time jobs. Putting that aside for now, Michael remembered something important as he looks around the messy living room for something important.

"Aha, there it is!" Michael rushed to the kitchen while noticing a shiny black box which contained something within it, "Can't lose you, because your special and I want to give you to someone who made me feel happy." Michael gave a huge grin as he could still remember the events which took place the past two days.


"Huh?" Michael asked while blinking way too many times.

"L-Like I said. I want Michael-kun to go out with me." Yuuma repeated while looking away with a red face.

"I know, I heard you, but..." Michael trailed off while scratching his cheek, "Why are you asking me all of a sudden? Didn't you just say that no one at your school knew nothing about me, meaning, I'm just some guy nobody ever notices?" It dealt a heavy blow to his pride to have said that, but he still couldn't keep that reasoning out of his head.

"Yes, that may be true, but I like Michael-kun either way." Yuuma giggled.

"You do?" Michael asked.

"Of course, everyone may be oblivious about you, but I personally think your amazing." Yuuma smiled, "Because whether if your popular, or not I still like Michael-kun exactly the way he is."

"...!" Michael's widened then lowered upon realization then he grinned greatly as he proclaimed, "Fine after that awe inspiring point you just gave me, the one and only Michael Hanamura I have no other choice than to accept!"

"Really!?" Yuuma gasped.

"Yeah, Yuuma." Michael smiled.

"That's so wonderful. Thank you!" Yuuma was about to hug Michael until the boy stopped her with a hand.

"Before we continue could I snap a photo of you real quick?" Michael gave a huge grin.

"Okay, sure." Yuuma nodded happily.

(With The Perverted Duo)

"Huh, did you get a text from Michael?" Matsuda and Motohama were just leaving the school after another attempt to peek in at the female's tennis team changing but by the many bruises and a racket shaped bumps on their foreheads and cheeks it was a complete failure.

"Yeah, I wonder what he sent us?" Motohama nodded as he looked at the phone more closely and opened it to see the unthinkable and dropped his phone along with Matsuda who viewed the same image.

"Don't tell me that he..." Matsuda gasped.

"Yeah, he did..." Motohama bit his lip in sadness then cried, "That bastard!"

"I know! How could he just befriend us and suddenly get a girlfriend and rub it in our faces!?" Matsuda cried then clenched his fist, "He's gonna pay for this!"

"The traitor must die!" Motohama growled as they were engulfed in the flames of envy.

"You do realize what this means, right?" Motohama asked as he looked at Matsuda with dark eyes.

"Yeah, you're right. We have to inform the rest of the group." Matsuda nodded as both he and Motohama placed Executioner hoods on with the words VVV on the top.

"The heretic must die!" Matsuda and Motohama bellowed.

(With Saji )

"Now that's interesting." Saji looked at his phone to view upon the sight of Yuuma then smiled, "I know that I said get someone to hang out with you, but I didn't expect this."

Suddenly, something came to Saji's mind which made him drop to his knees.

Wait, if you just got a girlfriend after we decided to do different activities, then does this mean that I'm a-!?" Saji then gasped then bellowed, "CHICK REPELLER!"

Saji then went to fall on all fours and slammed his fist onto the ground in self pity as many other passerby's looked at him strangely.



And since then Michael was assaulted by many other male students of Kuoh, who were unable to at least get a girlfriend as they symbolized a group similar to America's old KKK which is the VVV which stands for Virgin 3 times, this group targeted males who were able to even get into contact with a female and used many torturous ways which seemed illegal but were mysteriously able to be overlooked by teachers.

After the day of the confession, Michael was chased all over the campus through passing period and lunch. He was almost burned at the stake (in this case hanging on the flag pole as a member would light his pants on fire), Be locked in the girl's locker room which failed as they failed to realize there was a window there and luckily Michael crawled out which gave him the knowledge that he could pop his shoulder out of the socket if he kept squirming.

But being able to survive that day was just the half of it. Now he was being constantly threatened by them with knive's being thrown to his door almost every 5 hours.



"Hmm, could she have gotten to me before we went into town?" Michael walks to his door and opens it to reveal a smiling Saji.

"Yo." Saji smiles and raises his hand. He wore a black shirt with a white skull in the middle with blue jeans and blue shoes.

"Oh, its you." Michael said with half closed eyes.

"You're still mad, I see." Saji said.

"Why are you here? Don't you have a student council duty to attend to?" Michael sighed, then stifled a laugh and coughed to show how serious he was, "Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not laughing cause your here. I'm doing it since I said duty."

"Look, I get why your still mad, but come on, you just got yourself a girlfriend, so shouldn't you be happy?" Saji shrugged.

"That's not the point, man." Michael went through his new knife collection while sorting them out in the kitchen.

"Then what is how can I say I'm sorry." Saji asked.

"Well, you want to know? Okay, then I'll tell you. First, you left me in the dust to hang out with the perverted duo!" Michael started off calmly then shouted, "Next, was when the day I announced I had a girlfriend you were apart of the VVV that attacked me!"

"Okay, to be honest I really thought you were Kyle, who was being targeted." Saji sighed while looking away.

"That I could understand since Kyle is a total kiss ass." Michael nodded in agreement then growled, "I even lost my own membership too, but that's not the point since when we became 2nd years, we haven't been able to hang out like we used to."

"Hang out? You mean jumping off of buildings, attempting schemes to get popular which end with us being in our underwear for the whole school to see, and basically attempt stupid things on a daily basis? Yeah, that's why I stopped 'hanging out' because it has no importance whatsoever!" Saji crossed his arms with an angry expression.

"I know they were stupid, but that's why I liked doing them with you!" Michael shouted.

"What?" Saji asked in surprise.

"Man, look, whenever we did half of those things I always had you there to encourage me or steer me away from it. You're like a guardian and once you left me alone I kind of felt like we weren't friends anymore." Michael rubbed his arm.

"I didn't know that." Saji rubbed the back of his head, "Now I feel like a turd."

"Now you know how I feel almost everyday." Michael said.

"Hahahahaha!" Saji busted out laughing.

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious." Michael groaned with half lidded eyes.

"Look, I'm serious, too. It was wrong to have just left you in the blue like that, so accept my apology." Saji smiled.

"Awkward Man Hug?" Michael extends his hand.

"Awkward Man Hug." Saji shook Michael's hand then pulled him into a one armed hug where they both said in monotone,

"Pat, Pat."

Laughter then arose among the two friends.

After that, a few minutes have passed and things finally have calmed down, Michael had realized something very important!

"I'm late for my date!" Michael roared as he dashed out the apartment leaving Saji all by himself.

"Wait, what about your home?" Saji called out.

"Could you watch the place? Thanks, man!" Michael yelled.

"So I guess we're back to the old grim, huh?" Saji then noticed something as Michael disappeared from sight a whole legion of VVV members rode to the apartment in pairs on bikes while pedaling towards Michael's apartment.

"Hey, guys, what are you doing here? Sorry to tell you, but Michael just left for his date and if you want to get to him, you'll have to get through me first." Saji smirked.

"We are not here for him!" One of the VVV yelled.

"Excuse me?" Saji gasped.

"Saji Genshirou, you have been sighted with the beautiful girls of the student council, so your membership has been revoked and now you must die!" The Leader of the VVV pulled out a weird scroll and read it.

"Die! Die! Die!" The VVV members chanted as they pulled out daggers.

"Holy crap!" Saji's eyes widened as he grew pale.

"No! No! No! No! No! No!" Saji rushed back inside the apartment and slammed the door shut as many daggers were thrown and stabbed against it.