
high school wars

Schools and colleges are facing each other by the maximum power of the country, only one will emerge victorious and will have the power and total control of the country and the nation.

Skarkor · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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52 Chs


always had some talent in the area of healing, so I'm fairly certain that I can at least manage to bring you some comfort for now, and maybe even give you some insight into your dream about tonight. For example, I was able to calm you down before that awful incident when I healed that old woman back in Duscur, so you should be able to handle this easily."

At this point, Dimitriu had already lost track of what Alexei was saying. Hearing his name being mentioned made him snap out of his stupor and come back to reality. His head shot upward, looking at Alexei with an inquisitive expression. He was silent for a moment, seeming to process what Alexei had said. Then he spoke up quietly.

"Wait... How did you know that you were healed? What is this power you speak of, anyways? Can you give me a demonstration?"

Alexei nodded his head in response. After taking a deep breath, he gently released his hand, placing it into the center of Dimitriu's palm. As they held their linked hands together, the glow between their two bodies intensified. It became very bright and then disappeared in a blink of an eye. A moment after, Alexei took his hand away.

"Well, that was simple enough. I hope you are feeling better and hopefully you can figure out what your problem with your powers is. Now, I better go. See you tomorrow." With that, Alexei left and disappeared through the wall.

Once he was gone, Dimitriu let out a sigh as his gaze trailed over to where his discarded shirt once was. Grabbing the shirt that he threw aside earlier, he picked it up. Walking back over to his dresser, he hung it on his clothes rack. Turning around, he walked over to his computer and opened up the browser window and scrolled through his emails for the rest of the day until he finally decided to head home. Sitting at the kitchen table, he ate dinner quickly and headed to bed. Falling asleep as soon as he laid his head down, he drifted off dreaming of an orange haired girl running alongside him as they played chase.

Chapter 6

When the alarm went off the next morning, Dimitriu groaned and slapped the off button on his phone before rolling out of bed. Rubbing his eyes, he yawned and stretched his arms up above his head. Slowly dragging his body over to the bathroom, he washed his face, brushed his teeth, and then splashed some cold water in his face. When he glanced over at his bed, it was empty.

"Huh? Where the hell did he go?" Dimitriu wondered to himself. Before he knew what he was doing, he walked back over to his bedroom door and cracked it open just a little bit.

"Dimitriu? Are you awake?" called out a deep male voice that echoed throughout the hallway.

"Yeah, I'm awake," he replied, shutting the door.

"Good morning. I'll meet you in the kitchen. I'm making breakfast. Want any?"

"No thanks."

Dimitriu closed the door behind himself. Standing up straight from leaning against the frame, he grabbed the first outfit that his fingers landed on. It consisted of a pair of black sweatpants along with a gray t-shirt that said: 'Don't be afraid to dream!' He grabbed his red Converse shoes and slipped them on as he stepped out of the doorway and made his way down the steps of his apartment building.

The smell of bacon hitting his nose caused him to smile widely as he rounded the corner and stepped into the brightly lit kitchen. A small crowd was gathered around the island island, standing around the large stove and eating breakfast. He smiled as he made his way over to the coffee pot and poured himself some coffee before walking up to the other people.

"Guten Morgen, everyone!" he greeted loudly. Everyone began to greet him back as they responded in unison, "Mornin', Dimi!"

"Oh hey, Dimitri!" yelled Mercedes as she raised her hand up in greeting. Looking over at Dedue, he gave a nod of acknowledgment. Ashe waved excitedly at him as he continued eating his food, not minding that everyone else was trying to talk at the same time. Byleth just gave him a blank stare, which made Dimitri smirk.

He watched as everyone continued eating and conversing with each other, not caring if anyone was watching them. Suddenly, the doorbell rang loudly, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look over to it. When Dimitri looked over at the door, a small smile formed on his face.

"Looks like that someone wants to come to breakfast, too," he said as he placed his cup onto the countertop and headed towards the front door.

When Dimitri pulled the door open, he saw none other than Catherine von Edmund standing there. She wore her signature blue long dress with a white fur coat that reached past her ankles.