
High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms

James Alaverus, a six-year-old half-devil, suddenly falls unconscious. During his three-day coma he regains some memories from his past life while retaining the mentality of a child. With these new memories, how will his life change? Disclaimer In this story, the only things I own are my own Original Characters. Also, If anyone could help me out with an original cover, I'd really appreciate it. My art skill is non existent.

SixthSense1029 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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354 Chs

A New Resident at the Alaverus Estate

Human World, Japan, Kuoh, Devil May Cry

An hour after receiving the letter from Karasuma, Rias and Sona returned from their discussion with the upper echelon of devil society. If judging their expressions, it would be clear that they are not happy with the higher up's decision. After taking their seats in front of Karasuma, the sleeping Kunou, and the other eight youkai, Rias and Sona decided to not keep everyone waiting.

"We, the devils of the Sitri and Gremory Houses, shall accept Lady Yasaka's request to protect Miss Kunou for the foreseeable future." Sona said solemnly.

Hearing that, Karasuma exhaled a sigh of relief, then replied. "We, the youkai of Kyoto, would like to extend our deepest gratitude."

James, on the other hand, felt there was trouble in store for him. Especially after seeing the look in Rias eyes when she looked at him as she and Sona entered the room.

'Damn it! This is going to be more work for me, Isn't it?' James could not help thinking to himself.

Unlike James who was lamenting what was to come, Karasuma and his accompanying youkai were overjoyed.

"Lady Rias, Lady Sona, with our negotiations concluded, I am afraid we must take our leave." Karasuma said with a bow. "We must prepare for the incoming threat. We shall leave Young Miss Kunou in your capable hands. "

"We understand, please be safe on your way back." Sona said politely.

Rias only nodded in acknowledgement.

Karasuma then woke Kunou from her slumber and tried to explain the situation to her. However, that was not going as well as he had hoped. Seeing the old youkai struggling, James sighed then stepped forward and gently patted Kunou on her head. With a smile, he spoke with her in a gentle tone.

"Kunou, I know you want to go home." James said, beginning to coax the young girl. "But your mommy asked us to keep you with us for a little while. She asked us to introduce some big sisters who would lay with you while her work is busy. Okay?"

Although she was unhappy that she would not be going home, the words big sisters and play interested Kunou enough that she relented, for the moment at least.

James then lowered himself to match eyes with Kunou and introduced himself.

"It's nice to meet you, Kunou. I'm James. James Alaverus." James introduced himself with a great big smile.

As if his smile was infectious, Kunou smiled nervously and introduced herself as well."

"It's nice to meet you too, Onii-San." Kunou said quietly. "I'm Kunou."

At the same time, with Dante and Lady as guards, Rias and Sona walked the group of youkai out of the shop and bid them goodbye. Once the youkai were no longer in sight, James, with Kunou in his arms, made his way out of the shop as well.

"Well now that that's over and done with, ready to go home?" James asked the girls he came here with.

Rias, Sona, Akeno, and Tsubaki nodded. Then, James looked over in Dante and Lady's direction and spoke.

"I left your pay on the reception desk." James said with a nod. "The two of you did a good job."

Shortly after, James and the girls disappeared from their spot with a teleportation magic circle. A moment later, James, Rias, Sona, Akeno, Tsubaki, and Kunou appeared in the Alavarus Estate's living room.

"Hey everyone, we're back." James said cheerfully while still holding Kunou in his arms.

Seeing Kunou, Leona shot to her feet and snatched her out of James' arms. Both James and Kunou blinked in surprise when they realized Kunou was in Leona's arms. There was no one in the room who was not surprised by the instantaneous speed Leona just displayed. And James was the first to snap back to his senses.

"Mom, it seems your Flash Step has improved." James said exasperatedly.

"Wait, Auntie Leona... Did you really just use the Flash Step to hug the cute little girl?" Mizore asked unsurely.

"Huh? Did I just use the Flash step?" Leona asked in surprise.

Collectively, everyone except for Kunou and Leona, released a sigh when they heard Leona's reply. Deciding that his mother was killing the group's motivation to improve with her instincts, James strode toward her and Kunou. He then took Kunou from his mother's arms and looked her in the eyes.

"Kunou, let me introduce you to the big sisters like I promised, okay?" James asked in a gentle tone. He then looked over in Cu Chulainn's direction and said in a much stricter tone. "You should stay away from that big brother though. He's really unlucky and it might rub off on you if you get too close."

Hearing what James said, Kunou, who was also looking at Cu Chulainn after James shifted his attention over to him, immediately turned away and grabbed onto James' shirt tightly. This caused Leona and the girls, especially Tsubaki, to giggle. At the same time, Cu Chulainn's jaw practically hit the floor in disbelief.

James then introduced everyone. Kunou seemed happy to have so many new big sisters to play with. Before her excitement could get out of hand, James had to excuse himself with Rias and Sona.

"Kunou, me, Big Sister Rias, and Big Sister Sona have to finish a project for school." James said in a gentle tone. "You don't mind playing with Auntie Leona and the other big sisters for a little while, do you? I promise I'll be back soon."

"Okay. James-Oniisan." Kunou said with a smile. "Come back soon."

With that, James left Kunou with the other girls and his mother. While he, Rias and Sona made their way upstairs to James' art studio. As they reached the top of the stairs, James could hear Mizore asking Kunou if she liked manga. Hearing that, James smiled wryly.

"Who would have thought you would be so good with children, James." Sona said with a slight smile.

"Yeah, James will make a good daddy." Rias said in a teasing tone. However, as the words settled in, both Rias and Sona began to blush.

Lucky for them, James chose not to respond. He has always liked children. That is the reason he chose shounen manga to reproduce in this life.

Once the trio were all seated in James' studio, James brought up the main topic.

"I really didn't like the way you two were looking at me after you talked with the high-born fossils." James said in a helpless tone. "So, what did they force on me this time?"

"Well..." Sona wanted to answer, but she had no idea where to start. In her place, Rias answered James' question bluntly.

"They made protecting Kunou your responsibility." Rias said while gritting her teeth. "Meaning if anything were to happen to Kunou, all the responsibility would fall onto you and your peerage."

"You're kidding, right?" James asked in total shock. "But I probably was not even mentioned in the request from Lady Yasaka, right?"

"That's not the end, though." Sona said somberly.

"What do you mean?" James asked exasperatedly.

"Those old men from the Great King Faction made it clear that in the event that you successfully protect Kunou..." Sona began to answer but could not bring herself to finish.

"All the credit will go to you?" James said in a cold and desolate tone.

Hearing James' tone, Rias and Sona shivered involuntarily.

"So, even after getting promoted to High-Class, they still intend to treat me like a so-called worthless half-breed." James clenched his fists in frustration.

Seeing James like that, Neither Rias nor Sona knew what to do. Luckily, James took a deep breath and then reverted to normal after a few moments.

"James, are you okay?" Sona asked softly.

"Don't worry Sona, I'll be fine." James replied with a slightly forced smile.

"So, will letting Kunou live here be a problem?" Rias asked, still feeling a little guilty about how things ended up.

"Judging by the way Mom acted when we first showed up with Kunou, I don't think it will be a problem." James said with a smile. "I'll just have to explain the situation to Mom later."

After discussing the details of the assignment for a little longer, James asked a question he felt was especially important.

"Will there be a safe way for Kunou to contact Lady Yasaka when she's feeling homesick?"

Rias and Sona fell silent when they heard James' question.

"There should be." Sona said unsurely. "But none of the higher ups said anything."

"What about Sirzechs and Sera-tan?" James asked incredulously.

"There opinions were basically crowded out by the Great king Faction." Rias said with frustration.

*Sigh* I don't mean to talk down on your siblings, but when they act like this, they don't deserve the titles of Great Satan." James said disappointedly.

Because of what James said, Rias and Sona lowered their heads. Realizing what he just let slip, James tried to fix his slip of the tongue.

"I'm sorry, I should have not said that." James said while scratching his head. "I know Sirzechs-Niisama and Sera-Tan have a lot on their plates."

Usually, Rias and Sona would not tolerate anyone speaking ill of their elder siblings. However, with what James is being put through in this matter with the Youkai, they can understand his frustrations.

Thinking it best to end the conversation here, James decided to go back down to everyone else and check on Kanou.

"Anyway, let's see how everyone is doing downstairs. After saying that, James grabbed both Rias and Sona by the hand and led them back down to the living room.

With James proactive approach, Rias and Sona temporarily forgot the topic from before and happily followed James downstairs.

Once the trio arrived in the living room, Kunou was the first to notice them. Without hesitation, she dashed at James and jumped into his arms with a smile.

"James-Oniisan, is it true you drew School Rumble?" Kunou asked excitedly.

"Yes, it's true, Kunou." James replied with a smile.

Hearing that, Kunou clapped her hands excitedly and began telling James everything she likes about it. For ten minutes, Kunou remained in James' arms and happily talked about the manga she likes the most.

"It looks like James is going to be a good father later down the road." Leona said with a grin. "Aren't you girls lucky?"

Rias, Sona, Mizore, Moka, and Akeno all blushed at Leona's teasing. But they could not help stealing glances at James' interactions with Kunou. None of them able to escape having fantasies about the future.

After Kunou calmed down and finished talking about the manga, James finally had the chance to ask a question.

"So, Kunou, are you having fun here?" James asked with a gentle smile.

In response, Kunou nodded her head furiously.

"That's good, I'm glad to hear it." James said then patted Kunou on the head before he continued. "Well, since I already told you that your mommy is going to be very busy for a while, would you like to stay here, at my house?"

Remembering that it would be a while before she was able to see her mother, Kunou's eyes began to water. However, she was able to hold back her tears thanks to the hand patting her head and the kind smile on James' face. Eventually she nodded and hugged James.

"I wanna stay here, so that mommy can do her work." Kunou said with a forced smile. "Thank you Onii-San for letting me stay."

Still smiling gently, James said. "Although there will be times I have to go to school, Mizore, Moka, and my mom will be here to play with you. And on the weekends, I'll teach you how to draw manga too, okay?"

Hearing that James would teach her how to make a manga, Kunou's eyes lit up and her sadness was blown away.

"Promise?" Kunou asked while holding out her hand and extending her pinky finger.

Smiling at the adorable little fox girl in his arms, James also extended his pinky and wrapped it together with Kunou's and replied. "I promise."

Okay taht's two for today. I don't know if people will like this chapter. I hope it was written well.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy.

Comments and Reviews are always welcomed.

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