
High School DxD: Hence Our Destiny Has Changed

*NOTE [My first work, I tried my best because this is my first time writing a novel, so....criticism and suggestions are happily accepted by me. *btw, English isn't my first language, therefore I apologize if there are word mistakes, you can comment on which chapter I should fix.] Current World : DxD (OnGoing) RxR (Soon) FxF + ExE (Soon) AxA (Soon) . . . (Will be more as the story progresses) ______________________________________ There is no end for this world a God and Dragon is the most powerful figure but wherever they are staying The stars will surely light up their silent night all the pain, suffer, and hard work will definitely have its most important part for you, someone guided by the star Do you still want to continue this story? ______________________________________ *ALERT *there will likely be a Harem in the future *power similar to Fate Series, why? because its very cool!!!

Rdet_Hei · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
70 Chs

Before the Academy's Terror


Miki was speechless, her eyes suddenly empty as if there was no life

Sienna who was sitting suddenly stood up and was surprised

"Earlier...you said...Kamiya?"

"eh?erm... yes, I said Kamiya-kun's name?"

Irina saw Sienna whose expression looked very worried

"That means... are you Kamiya-san's mother?"

Miki, who had been daydreaming, came back to her senses

her hands tremblings and she started crying

"yes...I am...Kamiya's mother..."


"Auntie...why are you..." Irina, who didn't know anything, was confused by the current situation

"Kamiya....he...he has been missing for the past nine years..."

Miki continues the explanation

"We...we have done everything to find Kamiya, but we couldn't find any hint...."

Miki hugged Irina and cried


Irina was surprised to hear that, and she also hugged Miki to calm her down, even though Irina was not in a calm state either

Sienna who saw it walked towards Miki. Then she knelt down and said

"I...am one of the children saved by Kamiya-san"


Issei who was being punished stood up and asked

"Sienna-san, do you know where my brother is?"

"...too bad...I don't.."

Sienna shook her head, and Rexa, who had been silent, also spoke

"Me too, I am the person your brother saved"

Rexa stood up and pointed at himself with his thumb

then he walked towards Miki and knelt down too

"we will definitely repay Kamiya's kindness, so please...calm yourself"

"..that's right, we will definitely find Kamiya-san, even if it brings us death"

Miki who heard Sienna and Rexa's words couldn't hold back her tears, she hugged Sienna and Rexa which made Miki's heart warm and happy





Miki fell asleep after crying for a long time

Issei then moved Miki to her room and returned to the living room

"hm~ so you are his little brother"

Rexa assessed Issei from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head

"I think you do have similarities with Kamiya, how about we do some sparring?"

"Rex-san! You're always..."

"It can't be helped, I'm not satisfied with just baiting Kokabiel!"


Issei was confused by their conversation

"Whatever, Issei-san"

"yes, Sienna-san?"

"We will help you for finding Kamiya-san, so please take care of us"

Sienna lowered her head

"of course Sienna-san! I will also find Kamiya Nii-san with all my might!"

"...it turns out you are really look alike with him"

Sienna smiled and felt relieved

"by the way"

"?" Issei saw Rexa who was crossing his arms

"It's time for us to go"

"oh! that's right, then see you later. please send my regards to Miki-san"

"mine too"

"Of course"

Issei became more cheerful, because he felt that many people were looking for his brother

this made Issei's heart feel more excited than before






Kamiya had already decided what he would prepare

then he straightened his right hand and said

"Path to Tranquility"

Kamiya's hands glowed and appeared symbols like constellations

His consciousness slowly began to fading, then when his consciousness was completely gone, his body also disappeared






slowly opened his eyes

and all he could see was a very large gate. With the stars as decoration in the sky, the breeze that is very refreshing and calming mind, it doesn't feel like being on earth, but in heaven.

every time Kamiya took a step, one by one the lamps made of clear stone lit up

and when Kamiya arrived at the gate, using his palm as a key, just by touching it, the gate immediately opened

and across the gate, there was a person that Kamiya had missed 

"welcome, Kamiya-kun"

"Aria-san, I'm back"

Kamiya walked towards Aria, but Aria ran and hugged Kamiya


thinking it was a family hug, Kamiya also returned the hug

After a while, Aria finally let go of the hug

"How are you lately? Is there something that bothering you? Oh! Do you want this cake? It's really delicious!"

"Aria-san...please calm down first"

Aria looked very excited today, while feeding Kamiya in front of the gate, Virgo suddenly came

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other, Kamiya-sama"

"Virgo! long time no see"

"..." Virgo smiled brightly

"I dont see Ara, where is she?"

"Ara-san is researching new magic, she hasn't been out since the last time you quickly mastered one of her magic books"

Virgo answered with a slight bow

"Really? Hahaha, Ara definitely doesn't rest"

"That's right, Kamiya-kun, you were too cruel for destroying Ara's expectations."

"Okay, okay. But have you seen Libra-san?"

"Ra-chan? hm...she's usually in her own world...you need something from her?" Aria was curious

"I have a little business with her"

"is that so?"

"Then Kamiya-sama, I will take you there"

Virgo steps forward and suggests herself as a guide

"No no no, at times like this, Caretaker should be the one who shines!"

"But you seem to be enjoying a tea party there."

Virgo looks towards the Gemini sisters, Pisces and Aquarius

"erm...I'll try to talk to them"

"it's best not to, suddenly canceling the tea party when it has just started, thats not a good behavior"


Aria, looked at Kamiya with teary eyes


Kamiya just closed his eyes and smiled

raising his hand he decided

"let's go, Virgo"

"at your service"


Thus, Aria was left behind, Kamiya and Virgo went to the Libra realm





no matter how many times I come to this realm, I can never stop being amazed

a sky full of stars, a magnificent mansion, and also boundless expanses of mountains and forests

This is nature created specifically for the constellations

and right now, no matter how I walk, I can feel the power of Libra

she is a figure of balance between good and evil, if someone asked me who is the fairest person in this world, I would say Libra

and strangely, every time I look at this sky, there is a shadow that resembles a Valkyrie holding a spear

and the Valkyrie aimed the spear at something I couldn't imagine, or rather, the unclear sky

"Kamiya-sama, I already told Libra-san about your arrival"

"Thank you Virgo, you are very reliable"

"That praise is not something I deserve"

Virgo lowered her head, but...is this too much?





The lights on the bridge to Libra Castle started to come on, and the gate was open

"Kamiya-sama, Libra-san has accepted and invited us to come in."


Virgo and I walked on a bridge made of very clean concrete

When I look again, the water around the mansion even reflects the starlight very clearly

This is a very different realm with everything looking like magic

what kind of power was able to create a world like this

I really can't imagine it 

"Kamiya-sama, we have arrived"


a magnificent door

the color is bright white, and in the center you can see the Libra symbol made of silver

this is the time

"come in" someone from the mansion said it


I'm ready to do it


Virgo and I went inside

there are really amazing interiors, everything is like art, and not for use

shining chairs, clear tables like ice sculptures, paintings that seem to tell the story of life's journey 

everything is very beautiful


a woman came down the stairs 

her hair was slightly ash white, with black and white clothes

angel wings behind her

descend gracefully like royalty

I'm sure anyone will fall in love with her figure

she is.....

"I greet you, the new owner of Tranquility Realm"



 You can see the new Libra and Virgo's art <(  ̄^ ̄)>





Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ready for the new volume, ready for the new character


Rdet_Heicreators' thoughts