
High School DXD: Fist of Destiny

Kae Woods, a not-so-normal, Teen was forced into a portal and onto the world of the Devil's, Angels, and Fallen. But, this seems...different... Highschool DXD and ONE PUNCH MAN is not my own. Some characters are created by me. Be safe out there!! And Enjoy!!

Kghost2015 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: Games

K is lying on the bed of the night. His phone hoist over his face.

K: Hey. Rias. I'm sorry what happened those nights ago.

R: Don't worry. I shouldn't pry, knowing you would react that way.

K: Yeah.

R: Thanks for all of this, by the way.

K: No problem.

K looks up at the ceiling with a sigh.

K and his trainees are in the open field beside the mansion.

"Alright." K folds his arms. "You all been working hard. I like to see where you are now. Who's first?"

"If." Kiba starts, only for Koneko to stand before K. "Well. I'll just wait."

Koneko pulls on her black fighter gloves, representing cat paw prints on her upper palm. K remained with his arms crossed until he dropped it.

"Alright." K starts. "I'm picking things up. Ready?"

"Let's go." Koneko clenches her fists.

K paces toward Koneko. He throws a punch while she leans from it. He throws jabs, hooks, and Uppercuts while Koneko dodges.

He picks up speed.

'Consecutive: Normal punches.'

Koneko bobs and weaves the speed K possesses.

"Wow. Koneko as fast as me." Kiba comments.

"You're joking?" Issa cocks her head.

"Close by a tiny margin."

Koneko rolls from his endless barrage of punches.

She leaps, driving a spinning heel kick that K ducks from. Koneko flicks her index finger, causing an air bullet to clash on K's bare chest, harbored within his track jacket.

She hits the ground, staring at K, who looks at his chest.

"AH! HA! Koneko, you're a beast! That's what I'm talking about, girl!" Isa drags the last word.

"Nice work! What kind of move was that?" Kiba questioned.

K looks down at Koneko with a warm grin. He stretches his hand out for her.

"Nice finger bullet." He pulls her up.

"I had. A great teacher." Koneko replied plainly.

"WO! After that, my heart is pumping! Let me go next!" Issa gazed at Kiba.

"Well. I want to go next.

"Hmm. Right. I'll save the best for last." She crosses her arms while Kiba stands before K.

The boy picks up a wooden katana while Kiba holds two in each hand.

"Since you are taking things up a notch. I hope you don't mind if I duel wield." Kiba crosses his right stick around his back while the other at his opponent.

"Whatever floats your boat. Ready?"

"Yes. Sensei."

K turns into a blur before the two clash. Their sticks whirl into a blur as the smacking of posts fills their ears.

K swipes and upper slashes before performing a blur of backhand stabs.

Kiba blocks and dodges each one before closing his eyes.

Kiba performs a counter-staggering K. He stabs K only for him to backflip from the attempt.

K disappears into a blur, releasing afterimage after afterimage.

"Sweet satan." Issa gazed in shock, eyeing the army of K's surrounding Kiba.

The army of K's aims their stick toward Kiba.

"I'm ending this."

"Sword birth!" Kiba's voice wallowed while the summoning circles consumed the army of K's. Swords of different types erupt from the ground while the army rushes him.


Kiba spins on his feet, spinning like a Beyblade. A smack wallows into the field.

"Blonde! You did it!" Isa shouts. Kiba notices the sticks on the side of K's torso. And K's post above his shoulder. "You bloody genius!"

"Outstanding work." K stands to his feet while Kiba bows.

"You did great. Kiba." Koneko voiced.

"I couldn't do it without you." Kiba voiced.

Their sticks snap in half, hitting the ground.

"Well. Issa." K voiced while She skips along before standing before him.

"Boost!" Issa summons her upgraded red gauntlet.

The sharp edges ran along her arm while she pointed her pointy iron fingers at K, who raised a brow.

"Thanks to Rias! I can stand a little longer. And I got a few tricks under my sleeves!"

"You're supposed. To display your attacks before saying it." K remarked. "That's like a green light for me to stay on my toes."

"He's has a point." Kiba and Koneko add.

"Come on, guys! Can I have a moment?" Issa complains.

"Alright. Show me what you got."

"Alright!" Issa rushes. She starts with a jumping kick before swinging a few punches.

She fakes an uppercut, performing an overhead downward punch. K circles her before gaining distance.

Issa chases with a growl.

"You got it! Issa." Kiba encouraged.

"Boost!" Issa attacks K. "Boost! Boost! BOOST!"

Issa hurls a roundhouse. A sparkle of red energy escapes her palm.

"Dragonshot!" She punches it, causing a roaring beam to soar past K's head.

The beam hits a mountain from afar, causing K to smirk. Issa took a breath before standing to her feet and closing her eyes.

"You give up?" K questioned, staring at Issa.

"Come on, Issa! You don't give up that easily." Kiba voiced.

"Yeah. Prev." Koneko adds.

Issa's eyes snap open with a devious grin. She rushes with her palms open.

She swipes at K that Bobs and weaves. K threw a punch of his own, and Issa ducked.

K throws an uppercut and hooks. Issa dodges them all.

K gathers his speed. He threw barrages of punches while Issa only dodged them with closed eyes.

"Woah. She's doing it." Kiba stared in shock.

Issa weaves past a punch, closing in on K, who's eyes widen.

She wraps her arms around K's shoulders while Her legs arch on his spine.

Issa's brown eyes open, staring into K's with a devious smile.

"What do you think?"

'What the hell was that!?' K stared with his eyes widened.

"AMAZING JOB! Issa!" Kiba roared, clapping furiously.

Issa separated from K while he only looked puzzled.

"Oh, Uh. You must be wondering what was all that?" Issa stares at her nails through her gauntlet. "With the help of Rias and Asia. And let's remember you. I created this move called Pailingual. I can talk to women's breasts."

"Wait, you're telling me. You talked to my-" Issa nods her head with a smirk. "Ok. I'm. done."

"Where are you going? We didn't start training yet!"

"This your day off! Do whatever the hell you want with it."

"Well. That's good. ACK!" Koneko dropkicks Issa.

K closes the door to the mansion.

The boy's body shivers.

"Master, is everything alright?" Kalawarner questioned.

"Issa has unlocked something I never imagined. Stay away from her. Spread the word."

She bows, taking her leave.

"Is everything? Hey." Akeno paced the stairs in a pink shirt and shorts. "Why are you so jumpy?"

"Talk to your partner in crime." K shivers.

"Who? Isa?"

"Yeah. Isa, who else would it be?! She talked to my dick!"

"K. You don't have to air your and Issa's private life."

"No! She dodged all my attacks with her eyes closed just by talking to little K!"

Akeno giggles, covering her mouth.

"You have a name for it now?"

"Akeno. That's not funny."

"I'm sorry." Akeno presses a hand on his shoulder. "Issa is unique, a sweet one, but unique nonetheless."

"Don't worry. Issa not here to hear it."

"Well. While you're here, I'm thinking of baking a cake. You know. Since this is the last day before the Rating game." K raised a brow. "Would you like to help me?"

"Where are the maids?"



"Great." Akeno took the lead, passing the dining room. "Do you know how to bake a cake?"

"Uh. I know how to bake cookies?"

"Scratch or Prepared?" Akeno entered the above-average Kitchen.

"Scratch because Miko wouldn't let me."

"Well. It's like it, in a way." Akeno opened the top cabinet, searching the seasoning cabinet. "Would you mind grabbing the eggs and milk?"

"Uh. Sure."

'Dang. She's thick.'

K opens the refrigerator, grabbing the needed things. He turns to Akeno with stuff on the table and two bowls.

"Well. I'm thinking of making Chocolate cake and Vanilla with red frosting that states, "Let's win the rating game!" How does that sound?"

"Let's put down our initials so no one doesn't claim copyrights."

"That sounds like a good idea." Akeno put on a black apron, facing her back to him. "Would you?"

K looks at her shorts before looking at her back.


"How's the training, Master?"

"Well. It's fine. Those guys improved that for sure. Wait, what did you say?"

"Is that so? Would you mind training me?" Akeno grins over her shoulder and turns back at him.

She threw on his red apron.

"I could teach you a coin trick. If that's what you're asking."

"You no fun." The two face the stuff on the table.


K and Akeno whirl their mixes in their bowls.

"Well. What do you think about Rias?" Akeno questioned.

"Well. Rias." K states. " She's the boss. Of course. A good one at that since you guys are still standing."

"I think of her like an Older sister of the family. She's willing to get things done and protect us no matter the cost. And also have a childish side."

"Is this the same Rias were talking about?"

"I've been with Rias for a while. You have to open her up. Just go easy on her."


"What's Ms.Yuri like?"

"She's a sweet lady, almost like Asia. Almost. You don't want to make her mad. She even put me in a corner once."

"Really?" Akeno giggled.

"Yeah. I don't know how that happened, but Miko did it." They pour the mixes into the trays. K carried the two while Akeno opened the shove, starting the timer.

"What about Yuri?"

"That cat is sometimes a case. Yuri likes lazying around, cuddling, and watching me like a cat would. She's intelligent, too. I've seen her open doors, use the toilet, and flush afterward. She even changed channels. Do you know that she likes Korean drama?"

"We would get along great." Akeno sweeps while the two clean up the mess they made. "Are you heading out today? I've seen the bags in the laundry room. You and I know that place could fit a school bus."

"I would leave tomorrow. Rias asked me to stay to boost your morale, and I'm not good at speeches."

"You wrote something down?"

"Nope. Just going to wing it." Akeno chuckles.

"If you need help, you know where to find me."


"Hey. We're here for you."

K only squinted his eyes before continuing to clean.

A phone humming filled the Kitchen. Akeno pulled out a pink flip phone with a bunny keychain.

"Oh. Koneko needs you at the gym." Akeno looks to K, setting stuff in the sink.

"What for?"

"I can't tell. You have to find out." She grins, tilting her head. "That's the fun part."

"Of course, you would say that. Tell Koneko. I'm coming."


K paced through the green stairway to a hall of white paper sliding doors.

On the boy's right and left, the hall continued after that.

K takes a right, sliding the door aside and seeing the gym.

Weights of different types lay on the room's right, with a wall of mirrors, a boxing ring in the center, a punching bag, and various acrobatics equipment on the left.

Koneko is performing on a Pommel horse. K heads to the left of the room.

"So. You ask for me?" K folds his arms.

"I did." K remained silent, watching her acrobatics. "I heard Yuri returned safely."

"She did. What about her?"

Koneko spins on her hands before planting her feet on the mat.

"Do you love them?"

"What the hell of a question is that?"

"It's the one I'm asking."

"Koneko. What are you telling me?" K crossed his arms.

"I'm only going by feeling."

"And I'm going by logic." K rubs his nose. "What else do you need me for?"

"I want to know how you got so strong." Koneko looks up at him.

"The routine I provided you."

"There's more to it."

"Ugh. I hope the good cop comes before I file an attorney." Koneko remained silent. "I'm glad. You take my training to heart, but I'm telling the truth."

K looks into Koneko's yellow eyes.

"I want you to be my master."

"Come again?"

"I want to be as strong as you."

"You know this is a favor from Rias." Koneko remained silent. "Let alone, I have no idea about doing full-time. I was lucky you three managed to grasp this in two weeks." Koneko's yellow eyes never wavered. K heads to the door. "If you can do a handstand until tomorrow, I'll see what I can do."

He closes the door before climbing the stairs to the main hall.

He climbs the next, seeing Issa waiting by his door.

"Hey. I'm sorry about earlier." She bounces from the wall.

"What, your whole talk to your dick thing?" K entered his room.

"Well. Yeah."

"You serious about that?"

"I'm sorry."

"Goddamn." K sat on his bean bag chair in the corner of his room, closing his legs together. "You worse than Akeno."

"I'm sorry. Alright. Just give me a break." She rubs her neck.

"Right. What did the little guy even say? I mean, I hear voices occasionally and don't need another."


"I wish I had a nametag that says "Sarcasm.""

"Well. Uh. Little K tells me where you would aim for, and I would dodge."

"Please don't give him a name. It feels weird coming from you."


"You sure love saying sorry a lot. Is it your parents?"

"Yeah. My mom, especially. She says, "If you keep acting the way you are now, my little girl won't give me grandkids." K hums. "But that's why I came here." She bows. "Please, forgive me."

"Alright. Alright. Could you not do it again? Unless you want a spank on the rear."

'Tempting.' Issa grinned before shaking her head and stood tall.

"Also, I want a favor from you." Issa begins. "I see you. Your initiative inspired me, the neighborhood, and even Kuoh a year ago. I want to return the favor. No. We want to. We want to take the load off your back if it's getting to you."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Look around you. You made enough sacrifices being here. We like to board it with you. All I ask is you go easy on us."

K kept his eyes on her.

"Alright." Issa smirks. "I would only speak when I want to, got it?"

"That's good of enough for me." Issa walks to the door. "Thanks for hearing me out." She leaves while K looks at the ceiling.

He closes his eyes, letting darkness take him.

"K? Are you here?" Asia's voice filled his room.

"Yeah." He adjusts his sights on the afternoon, raying into his room and cracking the door before him.

Asia pokes her head from the door.

"I'm sorry. For waking you."

"It's alright." He looks up to Asia in her white gown.

"May I?"


Asia pulls a rolling chair in front of K, sitting on a bean bag chair. He saw her white panties, and he quickly looked to Asia.

"I heard you gave them a day off because of Issa."

"Not technically. Those three all grew and beat me. It's just the heat of the moment. And don't worry about Issa. She came and apologized."


"Do you have anything else?"

Asia looks away, playing with her fingers.

"A week ago. Do you remember when Yuri was missing?" K remained silent. "I heard you were out looking for her, so I asked Rias and the others to help look for her. And I found her." Her breath shook.

"You did?"

"I found her on the road, hit by a loading truck." K's hand shook. "At the heat of the moment. I thought she died, but the lord." Asia winces. "Give her the strength to make it through."

"Asia. You did that for me?" K looks up to Asia, and that slowly meets his gaze. She only nodded. "Come here."

Asia remained silent and stalled toward the boy. She fell to her knees.

"Ah!" She winces, rubbing her forehead.

"You stupid girl." K hugs Asia.

"K-K. You're squeezing a little tight." K remained silent while he loosened his grip.

"You may be a devil but an angel in my eyes." He said under his breath. "Asia." K looks into Asia's surprised eyes. "During the Rating game. I want you by Rias. Don't do anything crazy. Do you hear me?"


"Do you hear me!"


K sighs.

"Why do you have to make it so difficult?"



The fallen maids clean the hot springs while the sun pours in on them.

"Ugh!" Mittlet groans. "Can we go?" She sat up from the edge of the pool.

"Suck it up." Raynare brushes along the rocky floor. "We're almost done."


"We gotta clean some of the rooms afterward."

"Ugh!" Mittlet ducks her sponge into her bucket. "Gremory and her band of orphans won't let us! Anywhere near their rooms."

"Expect. Asia." Kalawarner adds, polishing the walls that reached the girl's platform.

"Than less work for us." Raynare voiced.

Mittlet grumbled, looking at the scenery from the hot springs.

"Raynare?" Mittlet spoke.

"What is it, brat?"

"What was that? Like that night ago?"

"The hell you mean?"

"Oh! More master! I'll get on my knees. Please touch me!" Mittlet batted her eyes, getting a glare from Raynare.

"You and I know that's the most sensitive spot. Don't be dumb."

"And, yet, you invite him."

"I wasn't expecting him to be that good!"

"You look tense. You should see. Master."

"I'm not afraid to choke a child!" Raynare raised her voice.

"Don't move too much. You might hurt your back." Mittlet grins while Raynare summons a light spear.

"Cut it out." Kalawarner looks over at the two. "Raynare, you are respectable. Don't squash it because someone hurt your feelings. Mittlet, stop being Mittlet."

"Then that wouldn't be any fun." Mittlet crosses her arms.

"Besides. You seem to enjoy it more than Raynare, Snow Bunny."

"Don't call me that! I swear! I don't know why he called me that!" Mittlet clenches her fist. " I'm going to make him my slave. And show him how it feels to be humiliated."

"You didn't deny it."

"Shut up!"

"Besides. Master not all that powerful." Raynare voiced, getting glances at the two. "Seeing him go toe and toe against the beast. It's unbelievable, with no scared gear, and he human no less. How he's getting so strong is a blur, of course, but how he faced anyone, even Pheonix. He's going to be in the ground soon."

"Why not manipulate him?" Mittlet questioned. "He's useful as our protection and future battles."

"You don't think I tried that? He bathed with us. Master gave us a message without batting an eye. I even seduce him." Raynare causes her spear to disappear. "At the state he's in, He's unpredictable."

"That water thing is starting to piss me off." Mittlet sits along the edge of the pool.

"Just be glad it wasn't holy water."


Asia remained on K's bed reading a bible while K on the bean bag chair only stared at his phone.

The door opens.

"Ah. Asia, there you are." Issa voiced while seeing K. "Hey. Akeno got something up her sleeves. She wanted you to join."

K sighs, standing to his feet.

'Let's get this over with.'

They climbed the stairs and entered the dining room with Rias and Kiba.

"Hey, where's Koneko?" Issa questioned Rias.

"She's filling blue, So I'll save her some cake. Tomorrow." Rias answered, getting a nod from Issa. "But she's on speaker, so she's hearing everything."

"Really?" Risa showed Issa her phone. "Hey. Koneko. I hope you get better for tomorrow. We're going to need you."

"Get. Well." Asia adds.

The door across the room opened, revealing Akeno hauling a rolling table with two trays, champagne bottles, and glasses.

"Well, hello, everyone. Mius Koneko. I hope she gets better." Akeno raises before grabbing her wrist, eyeing the small audience.

"I gathered you all down to give appreciation to you all that worked hard these. Weeks. You all showed determination, Pride, and unity. And with these traits, we can achieve anything Riser can throw at us. Rias and K, can you please."

Rias stood forward, head held high. Asia and Issa tempts K forward.

"Without Rias and K's help. We wouldn't be as strong now."

"It's more. Of the other way around." Ria's comments, getting a chuckle from the others.

"Right. Rias." Akeno gave a warm smile. "Well."

Akeno opened the trays, presenting the cakes that K and Akeno prepared. Everyone gathered around while K hangs at the back of them.

Let's win the rating game!

Akeno and K ; )

Everyone looks back at K, who avoids their gaze.

"For copyright. Reasons." Akeno remarked. "Who wants cake?"

A burst of laughter and comments filled the room while K scratched his cheek.

"That's wine? Wine?" Kiba questioned.

"Sparkling. We don't want to hang over for tomorrow." Akeno answers.

"Do you mind?"

"No. Of course not."

K felt a hand press his shoulder. Rias smiled at him.

"I can't thank you and Akeno enough for this." Rias tilts her head, keeping her pleasant smile.

"Well. It's Akeno idea."

"Yet. You helped Akeno. That must be worth something?"

"The pat on the back is great."


"Yo, K!" Issa called the boy across the room. "Do you want a piece?"

"Uh. I'm good."

"What?" Akeno drags her word. "You and I made it by scratch. We showed it love. Why return the favor?"

"I'm watching my figure." K pats his stomach.

"I think your stomach deserved a cheat day." Issa comments.

"I'm good."

"Suit yourself." Issa took another slice of chocolate cake."

"Hey. Uh. I'm going to go to bed." K looked to Rias, who nodded.

"That's a shame." She adds while K heads for the stairs only to see the maids in the hall.

"I want you three to prepare for tomorrow. We're heading home."

"Master. Can we use the hot spring?" Raynare questioned.

"Sure." K climbed the stairs. "That's like the fifth time you said that. But you three don't need my supervision."

K closes his door.


"Master." Mittlet voice filled K's dark void. "Master K!"

The boy blinks, looking over his shoulder at Mittlet in her maid uniform, smiling.

"I have your clothes prepared, and I must say you don't have much."

"Right." K groans, sitting up. He stared at his empty room.

"It's all downstairs. And what would you like to do with Asia, Rias, and Akeno's things?

"Send to their base, inside, of course."


K descends the stairs in his tracksuit to see Raynare and Kalawarner waiting at the bottom.

K looks to the dining room. To find Rias giving a pep talk to her peers.

He heads for the door. Kalawarner stood before him.

"Master." Kalawarner voiced. "I don't mean to pry. You should see them off."

"I thought you'd want to leave?" K squinted his eyes.

"We can wait. Mistress Ria's peerage requires an ego boost."

"Fine." The boy heads into the dining room.

"The house of Phoenix won't take us lightly, don't make any mistakes, and stick to the plan. I'll give it during the Rating Game." Rias declared before seeing K leaning on the wall way.

"Any questions?"

"No. Rias." Her group voiced.

"That is what I like to hear. And I'm surprised you didn't leave." She turned her gaze to K, and so did the others.

"Wanted to wish you luck. Before I did." K answered, noticing the bags in Koneko's eyes.

"You can give your final words, not so failure, teacher." Rias smirks.

"Fine." K remained staring at everyone at the table. "This Riser guy is not the guy you should mess with, but due to this, I'm sorry. I brought you all into this. Stay on your toes. Remember what Rias and I taught you, and everything will be fine. Akeno. You're a queen. Kiba. Knight. Koneko. Rook. Asia. Bishop. And Issa. Pawn. Your role is to protect the queen and each other. No matter your position, you always have the potential to be more significant.

K points up a finger.

"One can make a difference, but many can change the world. Remember that."

"WOO!" Issa boasted. "I'm fired up!"

"Me too." Asia nods.

"You did it. All without a piece of paper." Akeno remarked. "I'm impressed."

"Akeno. Do you want the bottle?" K raised a brow.

"You would like to spray me down?"

K leaves the room, hearing a horde of laughter.


K sits on his white couch while Yuri leaps onto his lap.

"I miss you. Girl." He kisses her head, getting the eyes of the black feline. The boy sighs, closing his eyes.

A doorbell rings.

"I got it." Kalawarner voiced while K heard her faint steps. "Master. There's someone here for you."

"Ugh." K grunts, laying Yuri aside. He approaches the door, seeing someone bow to him.

"I'm sorry. If I intruded." The mosquito girl catches the door. "Wait! Wait! You didn't let me talk!"

"You said enough!" K shouts.

"You have to let me in! The Hero Association is after me!"

"Yeah! That sounds like a reasonable response. Move your hand!"

"Wait! I can help! You know! I have my babies protect you! I can protect everyone in this house!" K keeps the door cracked. "I can explain everything to you. Please, let me in."

K remained silent before letting her in.

"Thank you. You're a saint." Mosquito girl crawls inside while the three fallen took a step back.

"You try anything. You dead." He eyes Musume, who took the hall with her frame.

"I won't." K followed her to the living room where Yuri's hair stood tall while she hissed at Mosquito girl. "Cute cat. May I?"

"You good. Where you are." K states, planting himself on the couch. "Why the hell are you here, and why the hell are you alive?"

Musume sits on the floor, adjusting her mosquito legs that reach the couch.

"Well." She sighs. "After the fight we had. I decided to go elsewhere. That slap still hurts." Mosquito girl rubs her cheek while K only squints his eyes. "I've gone across the lands to land myself in a town. I ask others for blood only for them to run for the hills. I got desperate, took a few, and even stole blood when they slept. They're alive! Alive, of course." K lessens his bloodshot eyes. "People came dressed as 'Heroes' Wanted to kill me for what I did. And How I'm alive is thanks to your blood."


"Once you killed me, I woke up at a beach with only an arm, torso, and head. I had to convince a few kids to hide and feed me." She sighs.

"And you want my protection?"

"And your blood."

K leans forward.

"You out of your fucking mind."

"I know I tried to kill you, but look." The mosquito girl turns her body while K looks away.

"I don't want to see your ass."

"That's not what I meant!" Musume raised her voice. "Look!" K does so, seeing their firm, but he looks away. "I don't have my blood sack. So, meaning, I can't do much."

"Yeah. I don't believe you."

"Look. My sack could be across the sea for all I know. No, I can't regrow back another one. It isn't straightforward. Please. All I ask is a place to stay."

K rubs the bridge of his nose.

'All I want to do is relax.'

"You're not staying here but staying in the shed." Mosquito girl grew a smile. "Don't you dare smile at me? You think I forgot what you did?"

"My eyes burn due to your flowers. So no, no, you didn't."

"The blood, you gotta earn it."

"Wait! I'm going to stave!"

"You think I haven't noticed? Your eyes are all glassy. It went like that when you first crawled into my house. I have experience with these things."

Musume bites her lip while folding her arms.

"Fine. What do I need to do to earn it?"

"To prove useful. Your babies should search for any crime and let me know. Or better yet. You can do it yourself. You may get a bonus."

Musume sighs.

"I can do that. Neighbor."

"I'm not your neighbor. I'm your landlord." K glares.


"Alright. Do everyone understand?" Rias stood in the ORC office standing before her peers.

"Yes, Rias." Everyone replied.


"Ah." Koneko yawns, silently getting the attention of Issa.

"Hey. You alright? Koneko?" Issa whispered.

"I'm fine. Prev."

"Issa, may I talk to you for a moment?" Rias voiced.

"Uh. Sure." Issa moves towards Rias, leaning on her desk and seeing everyone leave the room.

"I'm permitting you to be queen."

"Wait, you can do that?"

"You can gain their traits due to the eight pawn pieces I've given you. It's only temporary." Issa shivers. "There you are, and go make me proud." She smiled while Issa clenched her fist.

"We're going to kick that chicken wing into next week. I swear to you, Rias."

Rias giggles.

"I count on it."

Issa heads out the door to Asia, Kiba, and Koneko.

"Be safe out there, Issa." Asia hugs Issa.

"I will. I should be worried about you."

"I-I will be fine." She nods, heading into the office.

"Well. Should we be off?" Kiba voiced, pointing his hand down the stairs.

Koneko went while Issa followed.

"Kiba, Do we have to do more of this? Like you know, games like these in the future." Issa questioned.

"Well. It's up to Rias." Kiba answered while they exited the building, heading for the main building. "And knowing her. She wants a name for herself. The rating game only consists of fighting some of the time. If that's what you mean."


Issa looks up at the red sky-filled environment of their school.

"Koneko. You sure you up for this?"

"I am. Stop worrying."

"Kiba, are you in position?" Rias filled Issa's thoughts.

"Yes. Rias." Kiba voiced while Issa looked around only to see Koneko.


"I'm sure. Am." She voiced.

"Right." Rias begins. "This is operation burn phoenix to ash. Keep your eyes open. Ears listening because Riser could have anything up his sleeves." Issa opens the door for Koneko. "And I have faith in you all."

The girls entered the gym before them, seeing a posse of Riser's girls waiting.

"Look what we have here. A rook and a pawn, we can make quick work." A girl in a navy blue qipao and white band tied around her waist states.

"Well. So much of an element of surprise." Issa remarks, standing before the four with Koneko.

"Names Xuelan. Riser Rook."

"Mira. Riser pawn." The girl in a red Kimino held her staff.

"I'm Ile. Riser pawn. And Nel. Riser pawn, as well." Two twin girls with turquoise hair dressed in gym outfits posed.

"Oh. Uh. We're giving our first name bases." Issa clears her throat. " I'm Issa, and that is Koneko."

"Say my name. Why don't you." Koneko remarked.

"Look like someone woke up on the other bed this morning." Xuelan comments. "I'll do you a favor. You can lie on the floor there and take the most excellent nap you could experience. And I promise, we can make this Issa girl here submit in a civilized way."

"Not going to happen." Koneko fixes her fighter gloves. "I'll take one after we're through with you. Issa, you can take the pawns, and I'll take the rook. Make sure to keep those chicken heads off me."

"I'm way. Head of you." Issa flashes her gauntlet while 'boost' fills the gym. "Let's choke these chickens!"

Issa rushes Mira.

Issa dodges Mira's jabs from her staff.

Mira spins on her feet, whipping the wooden staff above Issa that close in, throwing two punches against Mira's staff before kicking her away.

"Suprised!" The twins closed in with chainsaws.

"HA!" Issa dodges a slash before tripping one of the twins with her foot. "Chainsaws! Are you crazy?!"

"More like open-minded!" Nel clashed her chainsaw against Issa's gauntlet.

Sparks fly, causing Issa to grunt as Nel's eyes grow hollow and a smile plastered across her face.

Issa pushes Nel off while she flies off her feet before rolling to a knee—Issa grunts, clenching her torso while Mira stands tall before rushing her once more.

The edges of Mira's staff caught flames, causing Issa's eyes to widen.

She spins her staff while Issa weaves from across a chest slash, overhead, and a few jabs. The kimono girl turns her weapon in a blur.

"Ah." Mira reels her wooden staff over her head before it clashes against the gym tile floor, causing Issa to fly.

Koneko leans from a roundhouse from Xuelan before blocking repetitive kicks.

Koneko slaps Xuelan's kick away, rushing, only to quickly step back from a flaming rising kick that cut part of Koneko's clothes, showing her small breast.

'She's fast.'

Xuelan rushes Koneko once more, throwing a few punches and elbows. She threw a roundhouse again, only for Koneko to duck and flip Kung Fu Girl onto her back.

Koneko gave a flying elbow, only for Xuelan to roll from it.

"AH! Cut it out!" Issa runs from the twins, revving their chainsaws.

"Hey! That's my line!" Ile shouts.

"What she said!" Nel follows.

Issa runs into Mira only to step on her back and leap into the air.

"Come back here! Little girl!" The twins fly right after Issa.

"Little?! Ah!" Issa dodges a slash. "You two could-ah-ha! Pass as kids from Daycare!"

"I'm hungry for chicken nuggets!" Nel throws her chainsaw, cutting Issa's hair before driving to the floor, slowly revving to a stop.

"Shit!" Issa rolls to her feet. "Ok. Breath."

Issa stood like a statue, taking a deep breath before pushing her hands below her waist.

"Boost!" Her sacred gear cries out while Issa's opponent only gazes in a daze.

"You're done for now." Mira spins in the air before clashing her weapon against the floor that Issa sidesteps with her eyes closed.

Mira jabs her flaming staff toward Issa before spinning behind her back, whipping it against the floor, causing a line of flames to roar toward Issa.

She turns on her feet from it, taking a standing meditating pose once more.

"What are you thinking about?" The twin rushes Issa once more.

Nel slashes at Issa, who only spins from her attack before slapping the back of the twin's head, causing Ria's symbol to appear.

She did the same for Ile, only to slap her in the rear.

"AH! It's hurts!" Ile cries on the floor while Nel rubs her head with a wince.

"I won't make the same mistake." Mira rushes, only for Issa to open her eyes and slap Mira across the face. "You just slap me?!"

"I did more than that." Issa's eyes grew dark while a grin grew wider. "Dress break."

She snaps her gauntlet fingers.

The twins and Mira's outfits burst into nothing, revealing their holy figures.

Their screams filled the gym, getting Koneko, who was headlock by Xuelan.

"Yeah! Thank you, Asia!" Issa shouted from the top of her lungs before gazing at the naked girls with a blush. "We made my dream of Harem Queen a step closer." She cries.

"I would. Like you to take a step back." Koneko states in Xualan's arms. "What would Rias say if I told her this?"

"Rias would be proud that I took out Riser's pawns."

"Is this what you deal with?" Xuelan looks down at Koneko.

"Yes. Chicken Head." Koneko answers. "Now, please, clench a little tighter. I think sleep would be great now."

"Koneko! You so mean!" Issa cried.

"Alley-oop." Koneko throws Xuelan over her shoulder.

Xuelan crashed onto her back before rolling to her feet only to fall onto her back, clenching her head.

"AH!" She screams in pain while Koneko drops her arm, aiming at her.

"Well. Rias. We got everyone." Koneko said to herself.

"Good. Now hurry out. Akeno's waiting." Ria's voice rings in their heads.

Issa and Koneko jog to the door.

"High-five, partner." Issa raised her hand.

"Touch me. I'll puke." Koneko pushes the door open.

"Hey! I'm not done with you yet!" Xuelan shouts while Issa continues from the gym.

A massive explosion carried the two across the yard.

"Agh! Ugh." Issa looks from her hands and knees at Koneko, staring back at her. "You alright, Koneko?"

"Yeah. You?"

"I'm good." Issa looks to the destruction that used to be their gym.

Rumble and flames stood before them and the blood-red sky.

"Three of Riser pawns and One rook have been retired." Sona's voice filled the skies.

Issa and Koneko's gaze followed the smoke rising to the sky at Akeno in a red and white kimono, watching the aftermath.

"Wait. Did Akeno do that?" Issa questioned.

"Yeah. We don't call Akeno a Prestress of Thunder for nothing." Koneko answers.

Akeno licks her finger.