

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to High school DxD or its franchises.

Perrine_Akatsuki · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

Ba'al Gula

'Is that for real?... Am I really dying in a two-bit park?... To make thing worse, it is happening over something I don't understand?.'

A young man of average height with short spiky brown hair, and light brown eyes thought as he was lying on the ground near a water fountain. The light of his eyes were slowly vanishing as more blood flowed out of the hole in his belly. Suddenly, a red-haired young woman with a voluptuous body, white skin, blue eyes and a pair of large bat-like wings descended from the sky and landed near the dying young man.

The young woman walked slowly towards the man, then retracted her wings and started to bend down in order to kneel beside the dying man as soon as he reached him. But before she could kneel properly, she suddenly jumped up in a jolt and her wings deployed once again almost instantaneously.

From a safe distance of around 5 meters in the air, she stared at the body of the boy that was moving frenetically like a madman and a few seconds later, his body remained still like nothing happened previously. Immediately after a fly swarm came out of the mouth and hole in the belly of the man, and his body was completely engulfed by the thousands of flies. Some of them even formed a sort of magic circle that could mainly be seen in fantasy movies.

The atmosphere suddenly became much more tense as the young woman was now surrounded by a red aura as she crossed her hands, but the flies were not affected by the actions of the woman.

"Calm down Lady Rias Gremory!"

A calm and collected, masculine voice could be heard by the red-haired woman and she retracted her crimson aura and turned to look at the source of the voice.

"Who are you?"

Rias said with a stern voice as she looked at the intruder. He was a young man of average height and beauty, and dressed in black from head to toe. He had black cheek-length hair that framed his face, and also wore a black surgical mask. He moved his right index and middle finger from the outside to the inside of his palm, and the flies that didn't paid any attention to the woman flew towards him leaving nothing behind.

He removed his mask and stitches could be seen at the corners of his mouth. The stitches broke and his mouth was wide open in an unusual way similar to the mouth of snake. Then, the flies entered the man's mouth and he manually closed his mouth with his left hand afterwards. The pieces of stitches magically fused and returned to their initial states. He put on the mask on his mouth once again and glanced at Rias.

"Sorry for the wait! Lady Rias Gremory !... I am Ba'al Gula at your service... But you can call me Gula.."

The man said as he bent down with his left hand on her back and right hand in front of his chest.

"What did you do to Hyoudou Issei?"

"Are you worried about this waste, Lady Rias Gremory?"

"Answer me?!... Also who sent you?!.."

Rias stared at Gula with a cold eyes while talking in a loud, cold and authoritative voice.

"I eat that waste with the help of my babies.... His sole redeeming factor was his sacred gear that gave him a distinct flavour... As for your second question, Lady Rias Gremory... I came here of my own accord because I want to join your peerage..."

'He ate that boy with his babies... Does he mean those flies... This devil is a psycho... Also what will happen to the sacred gear?... He also said that he wanted to join my peerage... What are his objective?... I almost forget the most important part controlling flies is only associated with descendants of Beelzebub, but the way, he use them is unique... But his demonic power is weaker than even a lesser devil... Who is he really?'

"Why do I have to accept you in my peerage? what is you objective in joining my peerage? Also what is you relation with the Beelzebub Clan?"

"Because both of our objectives align since we want to become so strong, that we are free to do what we want, Lady Rias Gremory... As for my relation to that clan, it's a secret... But I will definitely be a powerful asset for you in rating games... So, Lady Rias Gremory.... What is your answer? "