
High: school drama

Mary isn't your typical teenager or your cliche female lead. She is sassy and rich, hot headed and daring. She transferred to Lekki High school when her family moved to Lagos State. Unlike her other school where she was the queen, in Lekki high there are queens too and ones who wouldn't give up their spot. Then bring in a sassy, rude, handsome, intelligent and obnoxious male lead; Dean. Dean is the typical example of a bad good high school boy who knows when to act crazy and when not to. Mary and Dean first meet isn't a nice one but a fight for apology one, with no one backing out and the competition of power, there are more exciting tale ahead of them. Mary isn't your typical teenager or your cliche female lead. She is sassy and rich, hot headed and daring. She transferred to Lekki High school when her family moved to Lagos State. Unlike her other school where she was the queen, in Lekki high there are queens too and ones who wouldn't give up their spot. Then bri

DaoistpaI7jP · Urbain
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28 Chs

Chapter 27

"Ahhhh what are you doing!" Mary screamed as she jumped up.

Her forehead hit that of Dean's and they both fell on the bed massaging their foreheads and groaning in pain and annoyance.

"What is your problem? Couldn't you get up gently? Like a normal human being!" He angrily asked

"I should be asking that you fool! What were you doing in my room hovering over me?" She retorted

"I was not hovering over you" Dean replied as he stood up. She did thesame and they both looked at each other.

"Then what were you doing? Omg! Did you touch me!" She yelled with wide eyes as she moved close to him with anger burning in her eyes.

"Me? Touch you? As if that would ever happen. You are not my type!" He snorted.

Mary gave him an offended look as she glared at him.

"And why if I may ask?" She angrily spat.

"With those tiny onions you have on your chest I don't even consider you a lady" he replied as he pointed at her breasts.

She gasped as she looked down at her chest. She lunged for the blanket and quickly wrapped it around her body.

"Yo-u y-ou you molester, insensitive idiot" stuttered with as much fire as she could muster to hide how embarrassed she felt. At that moment she was grateful for her skin tone.

Dean rolled his eyes as he walked to her study desk and sat down in the chair. He brought out his phone and casted Mary one more look before getting back to his phone.

Mary glared at his back with a deep frown waiting for his response or just a look but he was paying full attention to his phone.

She felt like walking up to him and banging his head continuously on the desk till he passes out, an evil smirk stretched her lips as she tied the blanket properly around her and slowly creeped forward with her hands stretched forward like that of a ghost in a scary movie.

She stood behind him and glanced at what he was doing.

"Eww!" She yelled as she looked at the screen of his phone.

"What the heck are you doing?" Dean yelled as he swiftly stood up.

"What are you doing?!" Mary shot back.

"It's something called chatting" Dean replied with an eye roll.

"More like sexting...who is that idiot sef?" She shuddered as the naked picture of the girl she saw on his phone flash before her eyes.

"Someone. Now get out and don't ever sneak up on me again" Dean scoffed as he sat back down got back to his chat.

Mary hissed as she shook her head and walked to her wardrobe. She opened it and without wasting time she picked a blue straight gown.

"Don't even think about wearing that, you'll look like a toothpick in a clowns custume" Dean mocked with a smirk as he watched her smile morphe into a frown.

"Fashion designer, thanks for the unneeded advice and I suggest you take a look in the mirror before throwing your stupid fashion advice about" she hissed as she walked to her bathroom and banged the door loudly to annoy him.

"Whatever" he scoffed


It's been ten minutes since Mary got changed and got back into her room. She sat on her bed with her legs crossed as she pretended to read a book while actually studying Dean.

She watched his everything expression as he did whatever on his phone without giving her a single glance.

From what she could see it seems he has completely forgotten about her existence and the fact that he wasn't in his house.

"What are you looking at?" Dean asked as he turned around in the chair with his legs hanging on the side.

"Nothing. Why are you looking at me?" She replied with an eye roll.

"Cause it's time for me to help you with your assignment" He replied in a dull tone.

"Did I ask for your help? Who even told you that I haven't completed my assignments?" She asked.

"As if the blank space in your book is not enough" He hissed as he opened her biology notebook.

"You better shut up and gegeli come here for me to help you, now that God has touched my heart or else...." He replied, accompanied by an annoyed sigh.

"Who is forcing you? Did I ask for your help?" Mary hissed as she stood up.

"How can someone be this annoying?" Dean mumbled under his breath

"The only reason why I'm willing to help your stupid, ungrateful self is because your mom asked me too, or else I would never have offered to help you. Why would I help you? Do you think I've forgotten what you did to me? How you disgraced me in front of the whole school and my father?!" Dean angrily ranted as Mary watched him with hurt etched on her face at the insults and accusations that were thrown at her.

"I'm only being civil with you because of our mothers so don't ever think that I have forgiven or forgotten anything. Now get over here let's get this done and over with." Dean said and took a deep breath to calm his nerves down.

"If that's what you think then so be it, I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you for the hundredth time that I didn't do it! If I really had the intention of releasing that video I would have done when we were still fighting but I didn't, then why would I do it after you saved me and we started getting along?"

"I thought you were smart but no, you don't know your real enemies and you don't know me or my intentions and I won't waste my breath on irrelevant things anymore so just keep your opinions and help to yourself. I don't need it!"

"Think whatever you want! After all your thoughts are yours." She yelled as she angrily walked out of the room.

She closed the door behind her and leaned back against it.

She closed her eyes as her chest rose and fell with each breath she took in and out.

She felt tears gather in her eyes and tightened them.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you suddenly feeling emotional over such a little thing? You are Mary, you don't cry over a silly fight with some idiot boy. Woman up Mary" She mumbled words of encouragement under her breath.

The door suddenly opened and Mary felt back colliding with Dean who was about to walk out and they both fell on the floor.

Dean groaned as his back collided with the floor. He felt pain creeping into his body and closed his eyes. Mary's whimper of pain made him open his eyes.

He looked up into the eyes of Mary who was laying flat on his chest. He stared deep into her brown eyes that looked like a chocolate lake with black and dark yellow sprinkles. His eyes moved from her eyes to her lips.

He looked at the pink, blump lips with hunger in his eyes, he watched as Mary's tongue got out and licked over her lips and he felt a certain desire bloom in his heart.

Mary awkwardly coughed breaking the trance they both seemed to be in.

"Are you okay?" He asked before he could control it.

"Yeah I'm okay, you?" She asked as she averted her eyes from his.

"I would be better if your body isn't weighing me down" He replied.

"Sorry" She mumbled as she hurriedly stood up and ran down stairs.

"Seriously? She just fell on me and couldn't even offer to help me up?" Dean mumbled with an annoyed sigh as he stood up and dusted his jeans with his palms.

He walked down the stairs and saw Mary and her mom bringing food to the dinning room.

He watched as they talked and laughed with his mom, making a sigh escape his lips.

"I hate today, hie can I handle the chatter of three women?" He grumbled as he walked up to them at the dinning.

"You are here? Mary said you were using the restroom. Have a seat" Bukky said with a smile. Dean returned her smile and sat beside his mom at the left side of the white square table.

Mary and Bukky served them a plate of rice, stew, two pieces of chicken and salad at the side. They all settled down to eat with Bukky facing Stella and Dean opposite Mary. After Stella prayed they all started to dig in.

Mary looked up and immediately her eyes landed on Dean's she looked back down and slowed down her eating.

She felt his eyes on her as she ate slowly and felt more self conscious, she felt as though the moment she did something wrong he would laugh at her.

She coughed and took a sip of water as she felt his gaze get more intense.

"What is he looking at?" She muttered

"How was the assignment? Are you both done with it?" Bukky directed at both of them.

Mary opened and closed her mouth not knowing what to say. She glanced at Dean and glared at him as he sent her a smirk.

"Yes, it was really simple" Dean replied.

"Good, you know Mary is very bad at biology, she hates it even" Bukky added as she took a sip of her water. Dean chuckled and Stella laughed as Mary gave her mom an annoyed look.

"It's not her fault that subject is too hard! The grammars are just too much" Stella said.

"You would know, since you also hated it back in the day" Bukky laughed.

"Ofcourse I did! The subject was complicated and the teacher had an unscrewed nut in the brain" Stella said with a friend on her as though she was remembering the past.

Everyone at the table laughed at that.