
High School Crush (My Story)

High School Crush Ava tripped over her own clumsy feet and fell onto someone. Ava looked up and freaked out it was Aaron, he was the hottest boy in school and a bad boy too. "S-sorry" she stammered, "He, it's not everyday a hot chick trips onto me" He gleefully look at her body.

kcann39 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Science Project

Ava didn't want to look at him he was so infuriating! Any chance he got he would use it to tease her. The class had finished and she and Emily headed out for lunch,

"Did you see the way he was looking at you!" Emily chimed, they were gonna be her new favourite ship,

"I wish I didn't it was creepy" she shook her body like trying to shake off snow or leafs. Lunch was to be had and the girls approached the lunch area, chit chatting away Ava stumbled over her own clumsy feet and knocked someone down with her, it wasn't Emily because this body was broad and tough.

It must of been a boy, her hands on his chest giving them very little separation between the two.

"S-sorry" She stammered,

"Heh, it's not everyday I have a hot chick fall for me" He made a pun, Ava looked up, it was Aaron! Her eyes widened as she realised, as quickly as she could she pushed herself up from his broad body and scurried away with Emily.

The bell for the last period chimed and the room cleared quickly, up next was Ava's science class whilst Emily had robotics. Ava walked into the class room and stood at a desk she leaned over the top and rested her head on her hand. A few boys entered and behind them all was Aaron, the others purposely left the vacant spot beside Ava for him, their leader. He approached behind, Ava sat up quickly as she did not want him to think he could help himself to touch her butt or even grab her waist.

He stood beside her and glanced in her direction every now and again, he was remembering when she fell and he tried to stop her fall and say she fell onto him but she knocked him over too. The other boys in his gang asked him why he let her get away, she would of been a nice meal, and a nice meal indeed would she be but she was special. She was his and his only to have, he made that pretty clear to his gang, Aaron was just waiting for the right time to take advantage of her.

The teacher came in finally with a few minutes to spare before the bell.

"Okay students, this semester you will be paired with the person beside you for a science project for the upcoming science fair!" And with that she ran back out, the class had time to talk to their partner about what they would do. Ava froze, still from shock, the person beside them,

"A-aaron" She gulped her whisper, he gave her a cheeky look, they would have to go to each other's houses and his parents were away for the year so they would be all alone, this was his chance.