
High School Again: The President's Secret Lady Boss

“With every hour, day, and month I wait, I love you more.” Here is where the boss submits and the lady dominates. --- "A CEO hitting on a high school girl? Oh, how scandalous, Sir~” She is a sly teenager who likes to tease adults, use blackmail and ruin dates. But beneath that playful facade, she was once a naive heiress who was abused, mocked and neglected. Forced in a loveless marriage, she became even more miserable. For all her life, she tried to be perfect to gain acceptance, but in the end, nobody truly cared for her. Now that she went back in time after dying in the hands of her family, she decided to claim what was rightfully hers. "Hitting on you? Excuse me, who're you again? I don't think any girl would just ruin my date for no good reason – highschooler or not. That's unless you're actually a fan," was what her flirt of a future husband once said in this second life of hers. Though a jerk, this hot stuff has his uses other than being attractive. She needed him to get back on those who wronged her no matter how indifferent he was to her before. This time around, she will take her turn to piss people off while smiling all sweetly. With that in mind, she leaned closer to him and smiled as sweetly as she just imagined, making him drop his smug smirk and raise his brows in surprise. "I'm not your fan – I'm your future wife, you douchebag." --- Winter used to live with her adoptive older brother until her biological uncle and adoptive sister found her. She was a long-lost heiress whose deceased parents turned out to be an affluent and wealthy couple. While people would think that she was very fortunate, all this really did to her was take her freedom away. A whole new identity had been forced on her ever since. Meek and docile yet soft-hearted and hardworking – that she became. Trapped in expectations, Winter worked herself to death in order to be deserving of her position as the successor. Pressured by her family, she had to follow everything they said. Deprived of the freedom to decide, she was forced to marry someone who was older than her by seven years – and worse, a flirt of all things. Winter worked very hard but only to lose everything after her adoptive sister took the spotlight away. Everyone claimed her to be incapable of being the next head of their family business, thus making the adopted daughter the successor instead. Her uncle only used her in the end. This was what they were aiming for all along – to manipulate her and steal her inheritances before throwing her out entirely. Never did Winter expect that the first and last person who would at least pay attention to her at her worst was her husband, Marcellus. Flirtatious and playful yet detached and secretive – that he was. Devilishly handsome, head of a business empire, known for many notable attainments, and chased by beauties – Marcellus is a man of perfection. Not once did he treat Winter like a wife, though. She was nothing to him, and so was he to her. But before she met her eventual demise, he was the only person who tried to help her. Yet it was much too late. The next time they met again would be seven years back in time – where they would be a scheming duo of a bossy high school girl and a submissive conglomerate president. --- [Warning: Mature Content] (Cover Photo Not Mine: Credits to the original artist) - Follow me on Instagram (acieetin) - DM me on Discord (Aciee#1841)

Aciee_GelaTin · Sports, voyage et activités
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160 Chs

Coffee and Vanilla

As soon as one certain dashing gentleman makes his entrance, stunned silence sweeps all around the cafe.

Lustrous hair that is as white as snow, a pair of golden yellow irises, a perfectly toned figure, and a well-chiseled frame – he has one staggering appearance overall. There is this prepossessing air around him that makes him look like he is gracing that whole place with his ethereal presence. He is overflowing with appeal and charisma.

With the way he easily attracted attention, it's almost as if a god has descended from heaven.

Everyone in the cafe recognized this insanely good-looking man straight away. Then again, he is at the cover of several billboards, news headlines and magazines across the country. He is a prestigious personality with a high status, far-reaching fame and unrivaled affluence, which is why the onlookers can only wonder why he is in this kind of place.

Marcellus Lexington – the current head of the Lexington Empire, a world-renowned conglomerate of various trades and commerce.

Coming from an esteemed household, Marcellus is a descendant of a reputable lineage. He is a tycoon in the industry with billions upon billions of assets, and he is said to have the image of a human powerhouse – strong-willed, highly capable and skilled. All in all, he has the looks, the upbringing, the background, the wealth, and the title.

A perfect fit for a perfectionist.

Too perfect to be in any woman's reach.

But contrary to that, Marcellus is rumored to be a playboy. Some say that he has dated a number of women before, but it is never confirmed. It's true that he is often seen spending time with different ladies, though – just like at this very moment.

"Cel~! You really came…!" a voluptuous blonde beauty called from the side, bolting out of her seat and waving at him with an ear-splitting, ecstatic grin.

"Does this mean you'll finally be my boyfriend? Can we date?"

Marcellus only shoves his hands in his pockets and remains looking indifferent.

Though he is starting to have second thoughts about this, he still goes ahead and joins her at the table. He should settle down now before he can stir any more commotion. Catching everyone's attention here is already a bother. It might get much more annoying once he finally does what he has come here to do.

"You love coffee, right? I already ordered one for you," she continued, making his brow twitch a little.

'What the…? How did she know that? We just met today…' he thought before heaving a sigh.

'Father had done me this time. Was he really thinking that I would just date any girl out there? I may be a flirt like what the rumors say, but I'm not a womanizer. I don't go out with just anyone. Not to mention, this one seems to be very persistent.'

And persistent – she is.

She keeps talking and acting all coquettishly the whole time, probably thinking that he will eventually do his usual trick of pleasing ladies.

In reality, Marcellus was only forced to meet this woman in that cafe. She is the daughter of a certain executive manager who is close with his father – perhaps, much too close that he thinks that their children will be a perfect match or something.

Per his father's request, Marcellus went to meet her. But by his own will, he would turn her down. He needs to keep it cool, though. Things often go awry whenever he loses his temper.

"Listen, Monica," he started.

"It's Erica, darling~" she corrected.

"Right, Rita… I don't think this is going to work-"

"Sure, it will~! I mean, I do love coffee too! We have similar tastes. Won't we make a great couple?"

At that, Marcellus only scowls.

On second thought, he should be a little bit harsher. With how busy his schedule, he can't waste any more time here. He really doesn't want to make a scene, though. Being looked at from behind his back is already unsettling him.

If this Erica wants it to be as bitter as coffee, he will give her bitter.

"Coffee, huh… But opposites attract and likes repel…" chimed someone from beside them all of the sudden.

"Or so my science teacher told me."

Taken aback, the two of them turn to their side to find a teenage girl in what seems like a high school uniform.

Straight brown hair that reaches an inch past her shoulders, two round emerald green orbs, plump pink lips, and smooth, porcelain skin – despite how cute she looks, her demeanor resembles that of an adult. She is wearing an unbuttoned red blazer with the emblem of her school, a black tie, a grey checkered skirt, and a pair of white thigh-length stockings.

As if she didn't just butt in their conversation, she only kept sipping from her vanilla frappe with an impassive expression. What's more, she had invited herself to sit with them at that table, not even asking for their permission.

"Little girl, are you lost…?" mocked Erica, feeling a little insulted by her science quip and cheeky behavior.

"I think you're at the wrong seat. The adults are talking here, so you should-"

"Oh, there's a seating arrangement around here? Never knew that. I thought we only do that inside the classroom…" retorted the highschooler before taking a sip from her drink again.

"You can still talk, though. I don't mind noises... Oh, and flirting too."

She then flashes them a sweet smile, much to their astonishment.

Marcellus finds himself at a loss for a second there, thinking that this girl is odd. Normally, people don't just straight up walk to him like this, much less talk so casually. He has no idea what she is up to, but for some reason, he can tell that she is indeed up to something.

"You're being rude, you know that? I was telling you to leave. Seems like you are too dumb to understand. I bet you're a troublemaker at school too, and I think troublemakers should learn their places…" Erica sneered with a snort before turning back to her companion.

"Anyway, let's just not mind her, Cel. If she doesn't want to be kicked out of here, she should remember her lessons in manners… So, where were we again?"

"No, there's nothing to talk about anymore. I'm leaving…" he muttered apathetically, catching her off guard.

"I'll say it now. I only came to straight up tell you that I never wanted to date you. With how stubborn you are, I doubt you will get it if I don't say it personally."

While Erica reacts affronted, the high school girl beside them only smirks in secret.

Hi, everyone! Just wanna inform you all that I finally have an Instagram account!

Do follow me (acieetin) to get updates on my latest works and recent activities (ㆁωㆁ) I'll be posting artworks and sample illustrations of my novels' characters, drawings of story settings and scenes, theme songs, videos, spoiler bits, some memes, and more! ( ╹▽╹ )

You'll also get to learn more about me, and I to you. Hopefully, I'll see you there. Lots of love ( ◜‿◝ )♡

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