
High Level Gear : Mech System

In an age that humanity has evolved to using highly advanced technology known as Mech Suits, Austin Richards, who is the son of two of the members of the highly trained militia known as the "Black Dogs" lives with his uncle, Preston Richards who just so happens to produce these mech suits. Little does Austin know, that his uncle has been preparing a special suit for him his entire life, so that he can follow in his parent's footsteps. However, once Austin gets his suit, he ends up being recruited to the very group that the Black Dogs were hired to assassinate. Austin finds himself torn between his blood and closest friends in an ongoing war that ensures the survival of only one. What will Austin do? Does he help his family eliminate the only friends he's ever had? Does he turn his back on his own blood just for the sake of friendship? Or, does he create his own path, and create an event that no one could've predicted? Read now to find out!

Verbonic_Comics · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 6, Infinite Cycle

"So, this is how I'll die?" Suzume mumbled.

A few second earlier, Suzume reopened her eyes and saw the state of consciousness named the "Cross Realm."

"I always thought this was a myth. The place your mind is projected moments before certain death." Suzume thought.

To her, The Cross Realm was just open space. Although she stood firm, there was not any ground to stand on. Although she could see, there was nothing visible in sight. However, the sound of a couple thunder roars filled the room as heavy rain pour began. Her body began drenched and raindrops fell down her face. An outline formed in front of her. It appeared as if the raindrops were bouncing off of another body.

"S-Sumi?" Suzume uttered.

She nervously reached her hand out to the outline of the person she once knew.

"The final thing you see before death." The distorted voice of the outline stated. "Are the ones you loved the most."

"Why can't I see your face then, sister?" Suzume asked.

The outline of Suzume's deceased sister, Sumi started to fade away.

"Because...you're not done."

Suzume awoke to Michael's index and middle finger placed on her forehead. Despite her injuries, she was still very much alive.

"What's happening?" She uttered.

"You thought we'd let you go that easy." Matthew teased. "Not a chance."

"We're going to continue bringing you back until you give us the information we desire." Michael explained. "My unique function will prevent any injury becoming fatal."

"You still want to hold your tongue?" Oneida asked.

Oneida loaded another shot of her Devil's Silk as she swung them above her head. She launched the end of it towards Suzume and connected a strike to the side of her head. This made her wound even worse, now a bigger portion of her skull was revealed as more blood poured.

"The longer you wait, the worse it gets." Captain Irons stated. "Let's put an end to all of this pointless suffering, Suzume."


The next three strikes hit Suzume's torso, leaving a raw, purple-hued bruise above her waistline.

"She still needs more convincing." Matthew stated as he equipped an assault rifle that was stored in a locker full of different weapons.

He loaded the gun with a magazine and aimed towards Suzume.

"Let's see who can break her first." Matthew said as he smiled at Oneida. "Let's go shot for shot."


For each shot Matthew fired, Oneida connected with a strike. They took turns until both of them inflicted damage upon her atleast three times. Despite their efforts, Suzume was completely quiet. She didn't say anything, she didn't have any signs of pain. It was as if all of the things they did to her didn't effect her at all.

"Hold on a second guys." Captain Irons said. "She died again."

"You're right." Michael agreed as he reached out to her. "Her eyes don't show the slightest hint of vitality."

Michael placed the same fingers on her forehead and in an instant, Suzume's eyes came back to life as she grasped for air.

"Welcome back." Matthew teased. "Still want to continue?"

The condition that seemed to keep repeating ignited a fire of hate and utter disgust that exploded within Suzume.


"Are you going to speak now?" Captain Irons asked.

"Go to hell." Suzume coldly commented.

Matthew and Oneida both raised their weapons as they prepared to hit Suzume again. But, this time, Captain Irons signaled them to stop by placing his arm out in front of them.

"You're beginning to infuriate me." Irons stated.

"Uh oh." Matthew thought as he lowered his gun. "Time to go."

Oneida, Matthew, and Michael all instinctively left the room pretty quickly.

"Sometimes, when I get angry, I lose control of myself. I often lash out on anything and everything around me. That's why they left, they know whats coming next." Captain Irons explained.

"You'll never get what you want out of me." Suzume commented. "Just kill me."


Irons rushed towards Suzume and unleashed a cluster of punches, he hit her stomach, face, and neck.

"You should have spoke when given those chances." Iron stated as he rose his fists to deliver more punches. "I'm going to make you regret."



Alice held both of Austin's arms as place her foot behind his leg before pushing him backwards. This caused him to lose balance and fall to the ground.

"It's just a simple trip, Austin." Preston stated. "Stop letting her control your wrists."

Austin, who was visibly annoyed, got up and tried again.

He came forward and grabbed a hold of her wrists this time.

"The key to disarming someone is to move quick and firm. If you control the wrist of the hand that the knife is in, it becomes easy. Do it like I showed you." Preston instructed.

Alice twisted her wrists so that the tip of the knives in her hands became pressed against Austin's knuckles. Austin pushed her backwards as he grabbed the handle of the knives. She crouched low and went to sweep him with her legs again. But, Austin wrapped his legs around hers, making her attempt fail. He then used both hands to grab the knife and twist it free of her grip. He held the knife up to her throat, which signified this moment of victory.

"Good." Preston commented.

"Finally you did something right." Alice teased.

"Oh, shut up." Austin stated as he gave her back the knife.

"First one down, plenty more to go." Preston stated. "Now that you know how to disarm a knife, all you have to do is successfully disarm every other weapon available."

"Is this really necessary?" Austin asked.

"Absolutely." Preston replied.

"I thought I was going to be learning how to use the Utility Suit." Austin expressed. "I've been practicing this same drill over and over instead."

"Those who rely on their suits too much become useless without them." Preston explained. "Look at your sister."

Austin glanced at Alice, who was making a face that confirmed what Preston was saying.

"She is completely capable of combating those with suits with her own skill and techniques." Preston stated. "While you won't be as advanced as her, you should still learn to handle yourself without a suit."

"You never know, you may come across someone who can use your suit against you." Alice added.

Alice then equipped a handgun.

"Now, on to the next drill." She concluded.