
Were you always like this.....

Nick landed with Chania safely, but all that Chania could do was to stare at him, she was completely mesmerized by the beauty before her. "Was he always like this? Am sure his hair was not always this long and straight and his skin is very smooth, his eyes were so dark, gosh he was so handsome. " She thought.

"You are now safe. " he shifted her from her reverie but in her head she never wanted to leave his strong arms, he gave off this scent that was very attractive. "Oh" was all she could say as she left his arms

All the other students came rushing towards them as they were observing Nick. They didn't understand what he just did, falling from the top most floor and landing safely is not something that happens everyday. And the lightening that was also striking as they were falling, it all looked very weird. Martha rushed to Chania and hugged her tight, "Please don't ever scare me like that again" she muttered as tears were in the corners of her eyes .

"I promise I won't. " Chania replied. When she saw Nick leaving, she rushed towards him, "Nick, thank you , I now owe you my life." she said. "It's nothing, you would have also done the same." he said as he continued on his way. The reply kept in her head as she asked herself, " Would I have also done the same?" she went back to Martha and Kelly and Jack were their too, "You scared the shit out of us." Jack said. "Am sorry but it was an accident, I now owe my life to Nick."

Jack wondered how Nick was able to let dowdown his own life just to save her. "I would also not do it, it's just too much." Jack thought. Now Chania could compare Nick and Jack, Jack was very handsome with curly hair and very funny and caring but short and not too intelligent in class while Nick was now so handsome with a majestic height, very caring, funny and very intelligent . But what she had seen right now was completely different, Nick had changed a bit.

When Jack had left and the girls were all alone, Chania brought up the question, " Did you notice any difference from Nick, well apart from the turning into some sort of superman? "Yah, his hair seemed longer and his appearance was so attractive. " Kelly answered. "Tell us , how was it when you were in mid air with him." Martha asked. "I don't know." she replied. "Wait, are you blushing right now?" Kelly asked. "Okay, I just couldn't stop staring at his face, he was so manly and attractive as we were falling and when I was in his arms, I felt very safe." she replied.

"I can't blame you, the guy was giving off such an attractive aura, but do you like love him now?" Martha asked. "I don't, remember I have a boyfriend back in Rwanda and remember most guys think am now in a relationship with Jack." she replied. " Don't lie to yourself, you're flushing red right now just because of thinking of him, now you're denying it." Kelly said.

"The problem is that I broke the guy's heart like a thousand times, now I don't see the way I can go to him and tell him I like him, would you accept if you were the one." she replied. "Your things are tough but I can tell you what you can do, how about becoming his friend, gaining his trust, if it was meant to be, he can gain the feelings back." Martha said.

"I don't think it will hurt." she replied. "But don't you have shock or something from that fall?" Kelly asked. "The only shock I have is that the guy I have been breaking the heart is really cute." she replied. "Good thing that shock doesn't need first aid." Martha said. "Unless now a certain someone gives it." Kelly said. "You're all stupid. " she replied as they laughed.