
Slowly by slowly.....

Things had continued like that.

Then out of the blue she started being nice to me, I didn't quite get it, I mean she and Jack never dated as seriously, but I didn't get why after a month, she was so nice to me.

"hey, Nick, are you going to use your biology book?" she asked." Not really" I replied "Do you want it" " yah " she replied while smiling. "Okay, have it" I said,"What if I don't want it" she replied. "You just said you want it." I said to her. "Was just kidding, I wanted to mess with you." she replied. "You're already messing with my heart, now you want to mess with me." I said.

"You also like joking " she replied as she was walking away.


Why does he always have to say that. Not like it's bad, it just feels awkward when he says it, we're not even dating or anything, I had to first avoid him, too bad he's not a quitter.

I think I should also tell him that I have a boyfriend. It will hurt but I don't want to give him false hope. Just because he's in Rwanda, it doesn't mean I don't have him. When I came from my reverie, I saw him, Drake, I know I have seen guys but this guy here is not bad and he has smiled at me, "Chania" you have a boyfriend " I scolded myself. He is going towards Nick, they are also good friends, I think mostly because they speak the same language.

I hope Nick will sometime introduce me to him, or maybe his sister Kelly. But I really want that guy as a friend. Am not usually someone interested in boys but I think I like this one. Only I don't know what to do with Nick, he's handsome, intelligent and funny but he just doesn't work for me. "hey" I said as Martha was coming towards me. "Hey Chan, how are you." she said. "Am nice, you" I replied. "Am also good" she replied. " Where is Nick?" she asked. "I don't know" I replied, "Anything up " I continued. "Not really, it's just that Elly was looking for him, I think it was also urgent. " she replied.

"Can you escort me to Drake's table?" I asked. "Mh, what takes you to Drake's table, I thought if anyone on this school is to take you, it would be Nick, but I think I thought wrong? " she replied. "I don't know but I would like to talk to that guy, I know Nick likes me a lot but I see him just as a friend " I said.

"Make sure you know what you're doing, because at first you showed Nick your bad side yet he had done nothing wrong, I know he's too talkative but nowadays you two get along pretty well but you might break it due to Drake." Martha said. "It's not like I want to hurt him, it's not bad to make friends. " I replied.

"Remember this, Nick gives you all his attention and I wouldn't like you to throw it away, you know although Drake seems like a bit quiet, he has more than three girls."

she said. "I know that, okay now are you escorting me or not?" I said. "Am coming " she said as she was following me.

"Hey you" I said to Drake. Wow he had medium sized brown eyes with a pointy nose and pinkish thin lips plus a sharp forehead, yah, he was handsome. "Hey, Chania " he replied. " You already know my name." I replied. "Yah, how could I not know the name of a pretty girl like you" he said. He is also good with words. "You think I am pretty " I asked. "Think you're pretty, I know you're pretty. " he answered.

"Okay, let me first excuse myself. " Martha said as she left leaving me and Drake together.

#sometime later, towards the end of the term #

Chania had gone home for that weekend and her and Nick were texting. "hey" Nick texted. "hi" she replied ."Every thing okay" Nick asked. " yah, why do you ask?" she replied. "I was just asking to see if everything is fine with you, no specific reason" Nick texted. Nick waited for around two minutes before he heard the phone vibrate again. "Wish one day I could fulfill one of your wishes." she texted back.

"Why do you say that?" Nick asked. "It's just that you are so nice to me and you care about me." she replied. After around three minutes, Nick's phone buzzed again. " so what's your wish? " she asked. "I wish you'd love me back or maybe give me a kiss " he replied. "that's a nice joke, but seriously do you want a kiss." she texted.

"If you also want it." Nick texted. "I don't know" she replied. Nick scratched his head as he thought of what to write. "okay, truth is I want it." " okay, then good night " she texted. "likewise " Nick replied. Nick kept thinking to himself what had just happened today and he was plotting for a way to get that kiss before he drifted to sleep.

*the next day*


"hey, Elly, where have you been the last three days." I asked. "Something came up." he replied. "oh, you can tell me?" I tried to insist. "Not now, okay" he said. "okay" I replied. "But still,this term, you have been missing a lot, that something must be serious. " I said.

"yah, it is, by the way how are you and chania? " He asked. "not bad I guess, it's just that I don't like the way she overhangs out with Drake, even ever since they began sitting together, it's just annoying " I answered. "Drake is your guy, you can try talking with him?" He said. "I tell him all the time but he just says, they are just friends. He is even accusing me of calling him a wife thief. " I replied.

"Don't overthink it bro" he said. "I will try not to, but that body contact is too much, I mean the guy touches this one, and that one, then later puts his filthy hands on her and she sometimes likes, it just pisses me off." I replied.

" bro..., calm down you're sounding like you can eat up the guy right now " he said.

*around break time*

"hey" I said to chania. "hi " she replied. "how are you" I asked. " I am good" she replied. Then she looked out and told Drake " hey.., get me something from the school canteen " "okay, baby" Drake replied. "baby, that's a new one" I said. "Don't worry, it's something am used to, that's what they also call me at home." she said. "okay" I replied . " I also became a day scholar. " she said

"Day scholar! why? " I asked. "It's just that am still weak and the medicine I use is strong " she replied. Then an idea popped in my head. "What if I escort you today?" I said. " I don't see any problem with that as long as it doesn't rain" she replied. I started planning immediately because I was determined to get that kiss today. I was excited that day praying that the day would end.

Then out of the blue around lunch time, it started raining . Damn! why does it have to rain today? Luckily for me, it stopped raining and the sun started shining brightly as ever. Yah today was not yet lost.

"ring ring " the bell went. I first went out to pick a few things before I came back to her. On coming back I found her with Drake playing silly games. I first waited for around ten minutes until she was alone.

"Hey" I said to her. "Hi" she replied. " Are we still going? " I asked. Before she had answered, Drake came back, "hey baby. you think you can hide from me. " Drake said.

Still the word baby made me annoyed but I had to first wait for chania's answer. "You see it rained. " she said. "but it later shined" I replied. " Sorry but I just can't. " she said. " you had told me earlier that I can escort you" I tried to reason. Without saying anything, she continued to Drake's side and they started playing.

Wow, I just cant believe the way she blew me off. I was disappointed that I went to the hall to calm down myself using piano. I kept thinking to myself what the f**k is wrong with me, why can't I quit the girl. I knew deep down that was only a temporary feeling.

On coming out of the hall to go to class, I met Kelly and she noticed my teary eyes. She was Drake's sister but she was still my good friend. "what's wrong , Nick?" she asked Honestly. I started wondering the girl I dont give too much attention is the one trying to understand my tears while the one I can lay myself down for is the cause of the tears.

"Am sorry but am not in the mood." I told her and fortunately she understood. On reaching class, they were still there playing with each other. "hey" chania called to me as she was very excited. I tried to pretend I didn't hear it but I couldn't. "hey" I replied. " I wanted you to judge truthfully, me and Drake, who's more stubborn? " she asked.

"I don't know, " I replied as I was heading outside. It kept mostly like that, she promise she's ready for escorting the next day ,but instead comes up with and excuse again and leaves me hanging.

Atleast I was still able to talk to her, then one time, I went to her ear and whispered " I love you so much" she kept quiet and moved away from me. The next time, she started dodging me like what happened at the beginning of the term.

At the end of the term, I tried tapping her but she refused to reply, I sent to her apologies via WhatsApp although I was not sure for what, then she threatened to block me. On the last day, she went with Drake escorting her to their home and that's when it hit me hard.

I already knew she heard a boyfriend but I was too stubborn, now there's Drake, it's like I don't exist in her life, not any more.

sorry for the long chapter and delay in publishing but I assure you the introduction to the major action thank you

Rhythm444creators' thoughts