
Nick 1.. Nick 1..


The holiday went by, but in all the days I spent, I tried as much as I can, not to miss her. Truthfully I didn't miss her but I missed the old her, not actually the old her, but the her who was friendly to me but now I know that was just an illusion .

I never noticed it but actually my character was changing, the me who was always smiling and talkative was disappearing slowly. I was staying with my sister and for what I know, she's not my actual sister, yah, my parents or who I thought were my parents told me last year. They actually got me while they were on vacation, which is the weirdest by the way, they told me they found me in ice as they were mountain climbing.

They said I was with no one but they said the moment they opened my blankets, a female voice said "Nick. " I know it's wierd, they called that name to me but they never gave me any other name, because whoever would try calling it to me would be dumb for a week. That's when I realized am really wierd.

I always wonder who my real parents are, who could leave a new born baby on top of a mountain, or even how that baby would survive, I mean my entire childhood, I never got sick, and no kid would hurt me, it was like there was always an invisible force shield protecting me.

My dreams too were wierd, always dreaming of some people who looked ancient but classy and an insanely beautiful woman who had similar eyes like me. My eyes were wierd ,they were like warriorish and I always saw them in these ancient Egyptian paintings of their gods, so they dubbed them Egyptian eyes. I always wondered if she's my mother, but in the dream it looked like she was in some classy mansion or maybe a castle, how could she dump me on top of a mountain.

Or maybe my changing body physique, for the holiday, I started working on it so that I also get a toned body and it was working slowly. I also started taking online fighting classes so that I don't just get a show off body but a real skilled body, one thing I couldn't keep in tact was my character, I was becoming too formal and cold, only showing my smile to a few people.

This was because Chania had hurt me so much.

*the third quarter of the term *

"hey" I texted. "hi" she replied. "How are you" I asked . "I am fine." she replied. "I am fine." I thought of those words, that doesn't sound like her at all. I wondered but knew a few words shouldn't confuse me.

ring "recording audio" Now this was new , she never records audio for me, I waited to hear the audio "This is Ruth, how are you doing. " the voice note said. I delayed to reply, and she texted again " I know you may not know me but I would really like to be your friend, I think you thought you were texting Chania but it's actually me not her, she told me she could redirect the message to me, am sorry if it has pissed you off."

I felt like shit after reading it, I can't this is where I have reached, I remembered all the shit she told me, " I will one day fulfill your wishes " Or all the times she smiled to me. Now to even redirect to some girl I don't know. I just typed back " wtf" and I switched off the phone.

A question kept sounding in my head, " Nick, what are doing sticking yourself to someone who is slippery.?" it really hurt me but I had nothing to do. Damn, I know am sensitive but a tear just flowed down, not for the redirect or anything, just because I was disappointed in myself, how can I be so weak, to be taken for granted, to be so unappreciated, what the f**k am I doing.

*back to present *

I forget that I have to up my music game, I already got a melodic voice but I have only learnt one instrument, that's piano, this term we shall have music competitions and I hope I shall rock it, I have the urge to learn guitar.

Still the question of my actual origin remains in my head, I wonder who am I?

**some place just outside the city**

"So this is the future, wow it's not bad" a stunning beautiful young lady said. She was all in a warrior's combat, and her eyes were Egyptian like Nick's. "Ok, where do I start from? " she said as she stood up. And just like that, she just smiled before she appeared again in the city.

Thanks for reading, I hope you have met the new character, I know it's a bit short but she's going to appear a lot in next chapters

Rhythm444creators' thoughts