
I got you...2

.Nia's POV

Where did they take Noah? I can't fail my mission just like that. What I just need is an ounce of the napper's energy. What is that , it looks like something landed here. Wait a minute, this I think is Noah's landing marks. He never actually touched the ground, it's the impact in air. This is your last appearance . I have it finally, the former faint energy, I feel it, it's there again. I need to hurry, Noah maybe in serious trouble. Although it's not a god killer, the other god maybe a hunter and they know how to torture properly.

Just one more second and...., yes I have you. What's this place? There are silver cages are covered in vines . The floor is hard rock, even the sky is pure blue with no cloud at all, yet it's not really hot, this is not the human realm.

**meanwhile *

"Wake up." Mel said to Nick as he was sleeping. "What do you want?" Nick replied as he looked at Mel in the eye. "Are you sure you saw his power before you brought him here?" Mel asked Shawn. "Yah, why??" shawn replied. "It's just something about his eyes." Mel said. "What about them?" Shawn asked. "They are golden, and pure golden." Mel replied.

"Don't let the eyes scare you." Shawn said. "In my entire lifetime, I have never seen a human or a god with such eyes, that's why I had to ask you." Mel replied. " He's just a worthless half but the way he keeps looking at us, it gives me the creeps." Shawn said as need threw a sharp gaze at him filled with anger. " It's like you don't know your position here, maybe we should welcome you officially." Mel said to Nick.

"I want to see you glare again with those pretty eyes, that's if you still have them, and if we are lucky, we shall see the full extent of your power." Shawn said to Nick. Nick looked at them as he chuckled a bit as he spat on the ground. Shawn touched on Nick's cage and he smirked. Immediately, the peruvian prism started glowing inside Nick's skin.

"Aaaaah...." Nick started growling but he tried to suck it in but the pain was excruciating. "Fuck, what is this?" Nick said as he was trying to hold in the pain. " You still have the guts to speak." Shawn said as he looked a bit suprised. "He surely has a strong ego, many pass out immediately just after the prism reaches their power source, but this one, even after the suck up, he's still standing." Mel said.

"So you thought this thing would somehow hurt me, dream on." Nick said to Shawn.

Near the place

Nia paced around before she heard a loud growl. "Noah,.."she said as she tried to teleport but was pulled out immediately by a really tall man.

happy new year to all of you readers. Thank you for always reading. please always comment and rate

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