
Do you speak French or kinyarwanda

It was a sunday and as usual, there was a night service that day, I don't know why but that night, I kept passing my eyes through the crowd of students hoping my eyes would land on her. After two minutes, I still don't see her, why do I have to be weird, I have just seen her once but she's already having such an effect on me.

Spoke too soon, is it the lights or is this girl even hotter than I remember, "look at those hips, damn , how can this be real, the waistline, I have only seen it with models but they say some of them take operations to get it, but this is all natural, it looked like all my prayers were answered in an instant ." "You're in church Nick, stop thinking about such" I keep telling myself.

The service went by and I kept stealing glances but too fast that she never noticed. The service is done, how can I get to talk to her again, I need it because if I don't, sleep is so far away from me, although it would be nice to dream about her.

Finally an opportunity came by,"Hey" I greeted while heading for her direction. "Hey" she replied, ( I don't know how but every time she spoke everything else would become invisible.) " how your day and all that" I had to think of a way to start a conversation and that was the best I could do."Not bad" she flatly spoke. 'By the way, where are you from, I know your type of beauty is not from around."

She furrowed her brows a bit before she answered, ' I am from Rwanda, and my English is not so good but I think I can learn better from you guys' So many words came from her, not like it bothered me because it was like music soothing my soul,(just kidding) but her voice was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.

Knowing in Rwanda they use French, I heard to use one thing I saw in a movie 'bonjour ' the girl looked suprised but then at ease, she looked at me and then happily said, ' do you speak French or kinyarwanda. ' At that moment did I wish I would go back in time and become a Rwandan.