
High academy:the truth untold

HIGH ACADEMY opening ceremony: Plastering a warm welcoming smile, Mr. Manves, Principal of HIGH Academy began the open ceremonial speech, "Welcome to HIGH Academy. It is my great pleasure to welcome the young and intelligent minds for this academic year." "I wish all of you good luck and hope you succeed in whatever field you choose." After a brief pause, he spoke, "Follow the rules closely, the academy is strict about them. Fail to follow the rules, be ready for a brief stay here. Here in HIGH Academy, there are three buildings and you will be separated........" ...... At the secret meeting: "So students, I especially called this meeting to meet you guys and to tell you all about the rules only you people should specifically follow and must abide to." Manves spoke with an expressionless face, frost and indifference coating in his voice. As he continued, his gaze turned little sharp, forcing everyone to listen to his each and every word.He surely withstands to his name as a strict Principal to HIGH Academy. With a cruel tone soaked in frost said, "First and foremost, no student who is not a part in this meeting, to be more precise, those who are not among you here, must not know about werewolves and vampires being part of this school. Disclosing about your identity and the daily activities is strictly prohibited and the person who disclosed will be punished SEVERELY." ............. "Sir, those kids are again trying to ruin our plans, " A man reported to his master. "They really don't know to mind their business, do they? Well, they are just measly wolves, nobody can come near my plan and empire, " while looking at the academy with a dangerous glint in his eyes, the mastermind who was planning to destruct HIGH Academy sneered. "Now, no one can stop me from destroying HIGH Academy anymore...Hahaaa, " the mastermind declared as he scooted in his car to make his move. ..................... "I'm sure, he is planning to get rid of our academy," Ethan spoke assertively, his tone deep hoarse. "I agree with him" Vivian nodded while eyeing everyone. "We can't let them go as they wish, " Lucas voiced out. "We have to fight" Roselia's voice came as echoes from every corner of the room with great intensity. Everyone who were present there widened their eyes in shock as they heard her. However, the surprise slowly dissolved into determination. Only one thing running in their minds. THEY HAVE TO FIGHT.

minho_Shiny · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chapter 27. We have a sunbae and hoobae relationship

Kekh~ kehh~

A suppressed and broken laugh came from his side. He didn't need to turn to know whom this tittering belongs to. He is sure enough to claim it belongs to Islinda. Only she could dare to laugh in front of him to embarrass him even more.

He could only thank heavens for Roselia to speak in a low voice which can't be heard by many people, which will damage his pride calling him a beauty. Well, if he is a girl, then it is sure is a compliment which he keeps bragging about. He would even be happy about it. But, he is a man. He should be praised as handsome or hottie , so how could he let this continue to happen to him again just like before. It was straight blow to his pride.

His hands swiftly ran through his locks sexily, still giving his cool vibe to others. Trying to cover up the fact, that just occurred. He didn't want anyone to know he was loosing it. Presenting his eye blinding smile to Roselia, which will surely make any girl fall for his superior looks compared to others. He is the school hunk among his peers of before year, so of course his beauty is far levelled compared to any average boy of his age.

Being a special being also, added some volume and weight to his attractiveness, though most of the students in the Academy didn't know his true self and just stuck to his outer visuals.

" Looks like my first impression didn't really leave a good impression on me for you to talk back in such a way to your senior. However, I really meant what I told, " He shifted his chair closer to her, leaning a little bit near her ear, " It's best if you keep your curiosity in check. Don't you know, curiosity killed the cat. I want this cat to live long, so I hope these words reach your little brain and you won't forget them till you complete your study here, " He filled her ears with those words, his smile still dancing on his lips, while his mouth spilling such threatening words.

Nolan really didntt mean any of these words to come off as rude or any mean way. But, he had to keep her in check. Else, the consequences would be beyond believable, which he can't afford or bet on anything. He can lose her this time.

Roselia furrowed her brows deeply. It's her second time someone telling her to not to dig more about HIGH Academy. She is going to study here, then isn't it only normal for her to know about this high school more? Then why does everyone speak as if it's a crime to know about HIGH Academy.

Could it be that, there are really many secrets lying in this school? What are they? Why is everyone only relating everything with death here? Is killing that easy to anyone here? What is so mysterious about this Academy that these kind of threats are going around? At the thought of murdering someone, she instantly remembered hiw she killed those hunting vampires.

'Well, my case is different. I am not a human and I didn't kill humans, they are vampires. As self defense I had no choice but to kill them in the end. They are only after my life and not into listening. And even if those deceased vampires want to reason with me, my wolf isn't ready to talk to them. All it wanted is blood and I could only listen to it. My body is not in my control back then.'

She shrugged off her thoughts, thinking as such.

Roselia's eyes sharply glanced at Nolan. She is almost sure it was him who helped her, but part of her says otherwise. She would be a joke if he is not the same person she is thinking him to be and the fact that him acting feign ignorance of knowing her before only made her latter assumption to strengthen in base.

But, she somehow decided to bite the bullet and just speak the thing out. Clearing her throat, she spoke, not minding whatever the result might be, " I don't think this is our first meeting to begin with. So I think your first impression didn't leave a bad remark and I am not a scum to not express my gratitude to a stranger who helped me when I needed help the most, " She spoke back confidently, her gaze not leaving his face, not missing his any minute change in expression.

Hearing her words, his smile decreased lightly. Part of him is happy because she still remembers him, but part of him was sad because she called him a stranger and outsider.

" Looks like you are not that dense and dumb as I thought. I thought you would have forgot about me already. So I didn't use that incident to introduce myself. But I am not a stranger to you, " He explained her clearly, still upset about being called a stranger by her. He literally doesn't.

Confusion filled Roselia's brain and she furrowed her brows, " What do you mean? " She asked, not getting what he meant by telling he is not a stranger to her.

" what does he mean by saying he isn't a stranger to me. Clearly it's our second time meeting this time. Did we ever met anywhere by chance? But it's impossible to forget about such an handsome face? Then what does he mean? " she fretted as her nails reflexively made their way to her mouth, biting her nails.

His smile widened at her confused look and cute child like actions. He really felt the sudden urge to pinch her cheeks while she flowed with cutesness with her confused expression. She didnt change even a bit, still cute as ever, " Literal meaning, " He said, taking a brief pause, he then continued, " Now, I am your senior, which means I am clearly not a stranger, " He lied through his teeth.

" Now, we only have sunbae and hoobae relationship, but I will surely make a good development in our relationship in near future, " he thought inside his heart.

Roselia nodded her head like an obedient child listening to her teacher, as she agreed with his explanation. No one can deny that fact, though. He is a student of HIGH Academy and sophomore, which clearly indicates she is his hoobae*(1) and he is her sunbae*(2)

Note :

In Korea,

(1) Sunbae : Senior

(2) Hoobae : junior

In general : sunbae means people who are on upper grade than you and it is a word that refers to people with more experience (at work, school, etc).

In general : hoobae means people with less experience and in lower grade than you.

*** And biting nails is not good for health, so please don't bite your nails like Roselia. ***

Authors Note:

Another chapters waiting for you. So stay tuned dear readers. Thank you all for the love and support you are showering on High academy.