They were on their way home, both exhausted after a long day with his family. She did not mind since she did have a great time with them. It had been a long time since she was out with other people besides her family in a gathering like that and she loved it.
"You were great with my family." Raf took her hand that was resting on her lap as she sat on the passenger seat. He put a tender kiss on her knuckles before letting it go to hold on to the steering wheel once again. It was a simple gesture, but she appreciated what it meant to her.
"Your family is also wonderful. I enjoyed your Uncle's good sense of humor." She voiced out. She silently admitted that her earlier apprehension with meeting with his uncle was unfounded. He was such a sweet guy that she easily felt comfortable around him.
"I think my uncle also liked your company." He glanced at her, giving her a simple smile.