

After an ... incident with her family, Orphelia Ricco goes into hiding with her best friend from her family's mafia, Francesca Judar, Frankie for short. After the incident, the Della Ventura family, a family friend, comes into power as Don of the Italian Mafia. When word that the youngest child of the Ricco family is still alive, it's a race between the Italian and Russian mafia as to who can find the clueless friends first. When Adriano and Orphelia's paths cross, what will happen? Will Lia give into her feelings and return to the underworld or will she fight for freedom and continue to try to live a life as a normal teen? Cover pic from Taylor Rankine, @Taylor from Pinterest

bab027 · Sports, voyage et activités
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Chapter 5

Orphelia's POV

The alarm on my phone alerts me that it is 6:30, time to get up and ready for my day.

Even though me and Frankie dropped out of school, I already have our fake IDs ready to enroll us in another school. Far, far, away from here.

After finding Jamie in my history and he decided to come have a chat with us after class, we decided the best course of action would be withdrawal. Thus, I have spent the past couple of days getting and filling out the forms and paperwork. I had already been through it many times, yet the amount of paperwork still overwhelms me.

After we were officially dropped out of school, I booked us a one way flight from New York to Las Vegas.


"I CANNOT WAIT! VEGAS, HERE WE COME!" Frankly all but screamed as we exited the airport in Vega

It was currently 2:30 PM.

After landing we had given some food, done some light shopping, picked up our baggage, and were finally ready to go to the hotel I had booked for a couple of days.

"Omg, it's only, like, 2:30…what do you wanna eat for dinner. Please don't tell me your gonna make us eat room service again." She grimaced.

It might as well have become a tradition with how much we traveled. Whenever we landed, no matter what time of day it was, the first thing that came out of her mouth was about dinner. Of course, against her wishes, I had indeed made us always eat room service.

"You know the answer already, why bother anymore," I mutter checking our phone for the Uber that's supposed to arrive right about now.

A sleek SUV, that I assumed was our Uber, pulled.

Checking the license plate, I confirmed it was indeed our uber. However as an extra safety measure I asked to check the driver's phone.

As he rolled the window down ever so slightly I saw him reach his phone out so we could see.

Content with the results I finally let Frankie load her luggage into the back, before I did the same and climbed in after her into the Uber.

"Hey, just checking, you know where we're headed right?" I checked with the Uber driver.

"Nope," he popped the P as he slowly pulled his sunglasses down to face me, "at least… not where you wanna go. I know where I wanna go though," he winked.

Frankie's jaw dropped at the familiar set of eyes that met her own, looking up from her phone for the first time since she got in the car.


Cliff hanger!

While this was a shorter chapter, I felt it needed to be shorter for the flow.

As always, hope you're having a good day/evening!


Word count ~ 422?
