
Chapter 83: Sub-plan 3 of Plan 4 Temporary Plan B

"I am from the Bright Temple, have mercy!!"

From somewhere, a relatively youthful voice emerged.

Everyone turned towards the source of the sound,

Only to see a teenage monk, bald and in saffron robes, rushing towards them from down the mountain with a swift lightness!

Chen Yi and Qi Ying were hiding behind the gates of Lingyin Temple. Upon seeing that the newcomer was Little Monk Linghui, Chen Yi was taken aback,

He is here,

It seems like the third sub-plan of Plan no.4 is at play, Chen Yi quickly checked his belongings, while pondering how to maximize his benefits.


After the little monk shouted, Yang Youzhi really paused for a moment,

He turned back and saw the little monk, who looked no more than 16 or 17 years old, advancing lightly across the top of the grass and rocks, clearly his light skills were highly advanced,

And the one who has such high-level skills must undoubtedly be one of the core disciples among the major sects,