
Hidden Secrets From Within

“No one must know the truth…….no one must find out what I did” “I must kill him” *panting* “I have to kill him…” Jaxon had everything he could dream of power, money, a happy life with the perfect family and by his side his perfect partner… …or so he thought Warning: this is a boyxboy novel and they will be some NSFW chapters in the book Readers should be guided

Miathewriter_426 · Politique et sciences sociales
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Nate was still reeling from his intense conversation with Edward. He needed to get out of there, to clear his head and process his emotions. As he stood up to leave, his mother's voice stopped him.

"Nate, where are you going? Dinner isn't over yet," she asked, a hint of concern in her tone.

Before Nate could respond, his father, Benjamin, chimed in. "Yes, Nate, how rude of you to leave when we have a guest. Edward, please accept our apologies for our son's behavior."

Nate's eyes narrowed, his anger and frustration boiling over. "I'm not being rude, Father. I just need some air," he said, his voice firm but controlled.

Edward's gaze met his, a mixture of guilt and understanding in his eyes. "It's okay, Benjamin. I think Nate and I have said all we need to say for now."

Nate didn't wait to hear more. He turned and walked out of the dining room, leaving the tension and unresolved emotions behind. As he stormed out of the house, he pulled out his phone and dialed Jaxon's number.

"Hey, you okay? You sound tense," Jaxon said, his voice laced with concern.

"I'm fine," Nate replied gruffly, trying to mask his emotions.

Jaxon didn't press the issue, but his tone softened. "Okay, babe. I'm here for you. Come over whenever you're ready."

Nate didn't respond, just hung up and got into his car, his heart racing with anticipation. He needed Jaxon, needed his touch, his love, and his reassurance. He needed to forget about Edward and the emotions he had stirred up.

On the other end, Jaxon looked at his phone and said to himself, "I wonder what got him so tense." He shrugged, knowing Nate would talk to him when he was ready. Little did he know, Nate was already on his way, his heart heavy with emotions and his soul yearning for connection.

Jaxon returned to his book, trying to focus on the words but his mind kept wandering back to Nate. He heard the doorbell ring, followed by Elena's voice from downstairs.

"I'll get it!" she shouted, her footsteps echoing as she hurried to answer the door.

Jaxon's heart skipped a beat as he wondered who it could be. He hadn't ordered anything, and none of his friends had mentioned stopping by.

When Elena opened the door, Nate asked, "Is Jaxon home?"

Elena smiled and nodded. "Yeah, he's upstairs. JAXON!" she yelled, her voice carrying up the stairs. "Someone's here for you!"

Jaxon's heart raced as he recognized Nate's voice. He put his book aside, his eyes fixed on the stairs as he waited for Nate to appear.

As Nate came into view, Jaxon's heart skipped a beat. Without hesitation, he approached Nate, opening his arms wide. "Hey, it's okay, love," he said, enveloping Nate in a warm embrace.

Nate's body tensed for a moment, then relaxed into Jaxon's hold. He buried his face in Jaxon's shoulder, his arms wrapping tightly around him. Jaxon could feel the tension and stress radiating from Nate's body, but he didn't say a word. He just held him, offering a silent comfort and reassurance.

As they stood there, Jaxon stroked Nate's hair, his touch gentle and soothing. He could feel Nate's heart racing, his breathing quick and shallow. But slowly, as the moments passed, Nate's body began to relax, his tension easing.

"I've got you, Nate," Jaxon whispered, his voice soft and calm. "You're safe now. Whatever it is, we'll face it together."

Nate nodded, his face still buried in Jaxon's shoulder. Jaxon could feel his tears, hot and salty, as they soaked into his shirt. But he didn't mind. He was happy to be Nate's rock, his safe haven, his love.

As Nate and Jaxon stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Elena looked on, a warm smile on her face. But as the moment stretched on, she cleared her throat, her voice interrupting the intimate atmosphere.

"Ah, sorry to interrupt, but... um... a reduction in the PDA would be nice," she said, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Nate and Jaxon pulled back, laughing, their faces still flushed with emotion. "Sorry, Elena," Jaxon said, chuckling. "We got a bit carried away."

Elena smiled, her eyes shining with amusement. "I can see that. Just remember, I'm still here, even if you two are lost in your own little world."

Nate grinned, his eyes sparkling. "We'll try to keep that in mind."

Jaxon nodded, his arm still wrapped around Nate's shoulders. "Thanks, Elena. We'll try to behave."

Elena rolled her eyes good-natured. "I doubt that, but I'll leave you two lovebirds alone for now. Just don't forget about dinner!"

As Elena headed back to the kitchen, Nate and Jaxon exchanged a look, their hearts still racing from their emotional reunion. Jaxon's eyes searched Nate's face, his expression softening.

"Hey, do you want to talk about it?" Jaxon asked, his voice gentle. "Whatever happened, I'm here for you, Nate."

Nate's eyes dropped, his jaw clenching. For a moment, Jaxon thought he wouldn't answer. But then Nate nodded, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah... I need to talk about it. It's just... Edward showed up at dinner tonight."

Jaxon's eyes widened in surprise. "Edward? Your ex? I thought he died," Jaxon said, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Oh wait, no, that's right, he's just a ghost from your past who likes to haunt you every now and then."

Nate's eyes flashed with a mixture of pain and irritation. "Jaxon, come on. This isn't funny."

Jaxon's expression softened, his voice gentle again. "I know, babe. I'm sorry. It's just... I don't like seeing you hurt, and that guy... he's always been a thorn in your side."

Nate nodded, his eyes welling up with tears. "I know. And it's not just him. It's everything that happened back then. It's all still so raw, Jaxon."

Jaxon's grip on Nate's shoulder tightened. "I'm here for you, Nate. We'll face it together, okay?"

Nate took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on Jaxon's. "I feel so vulnerable right now, Jaxon. Like I'm exposing all my scars to you."

Jaxon's expression softened. "Nate, you're safe with me. I'm not here to judge you or hurt you. I'm here to support you, to help you heal."

Nate nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know. It's just... it's hard to trust again. Hard to believe that someone like you could actually love me for who I am."

Jaxon's eyes filled with compassion. "Nate, I do love you. Not despite your scars, but because of them. They make you who you are, and I love every part of you."

Nate's face crumpled, and Jaxon pulled him into a warm embrace. They held each other for a long time, the only sound Nate's quiet sobs.

As they held each other, Jaxon knew that he had to be patient, to let Nate heal at his own pace. He couldn't fix Nate's scars or erase his pain, but he could be there for him, support him, and love him through it all.

And Nate, wrapped in Jaxon's arms, felt a sense of safety and belonging that he had never known before. He knew that he still had a long way to go, but with Jaxon by his side, he felt like he could face anything.

After a while, Nate pulled back, his eyes red and puffy. "Jaxon, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, babe. What is it?"

Nate's voice was hesitant. "Can I stay here tonight? I don't think I can face going home right now."

Jaxon's face lit up with a warm smile. "Sure thing, Nate. You're always welcome to stay here."

Without another word, Jaxon led Nate to his bedroom. "Hey, why don't you freshen up a bit? You can take a shower or just wash your face, whatever you need."

Nate nodded and headed to the bathroom. When he came out, his hair was wet and the clothes Jaxon had given him looked big on him, except for the shorts, which fit perfectly. But Jaxon didn't stare at the clothes - he stared at Nate in awe, his eyes roving over his face, his eyes shining with love and adoration.

Nate blushed, feeling a sense of shyness wash over him, but Jaxon's gaze made him feel seen and appreciated, like he was the most precious person in the world.

Jaxon coughed, breaking the silence. "Come here," he said, his voice low and husky.

Nate sat down on the bed, and Jaxon pulled him close, his lips crashing down on Nate's in a passionate kiss. Nate's heart raced as he melted into the embrace, feeling Jaxon's love and desire wash over him like a warm wave.

As they kissed, Jaxon's hands roamed over Nate's body, gentle and exploratory, making Nate feel like he was home, like he was exactly where he was meant to be. And when they finally broke apart, gasping for air, Nate knew that he was in love with Jaxon, and that he would never let him go.