
Hidden Secrets From Within

“No one must know the truth…….no one must find out what I did” “I must kill him” *panting* “I have to kill him…” Jaxon had everything he could dream of power, money, a happy life with the perfect family and by his side his perfect partner… …or so he thought Warning: this is a boyxboy novel and they will be some NSFW chapters in the book Readers should be guided

Miathewriter_426 · Politique et sciences sociales
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7 Chs

chapter 6

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the room, Luke and Nate sat in comfortable silence, watching the stars twinkle to life through the window. The tension from earlier had dissipated, replaced by a sense of brotherly understanding.

After a while, Nate stood up, stretching his arms overhead. "We should get some sleep. Work tomorrow, and all that." Luke nodded in agreement, yawning in unison. "Yeah, good idea. I'm beat."

As they parted ways, Nate felt a weight lift off his shoulders. Talking to Luke had eased his mind, and he was grateful for their bond. He lay in bed, thoughts drifting to Jaxon and their blossoming relationship. Saturday couldn't come soon enough, when Jaxon would arrive, and they could finally spend some quality time together.

Meanwhile, Luke smiled to himself as he walked down the hall, feeling proud of his newfound emotional intelligence. He'd handled the situation with Nate perfectly, and he felt proud of himself. The future looked bright, with Camille on his mind and the family dinner approaching.

The next morning, Luke and Nate set out on their grocery run, armed with a list from their mother. "Don't forget anything," she reminded them, her voice laced with a hint of skepticism and a dash of humor. Nate rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "We've got this, Mom. We're not that forgetful."

As they walked to the car, they exchanged a look of resignation. Grocery shopping was a necessary evil, but at least they had each other to make it more enjoyable. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the parking lot, and they strolled through the rows, collecting items on their list.

As they wandered through the store, they stumbled upon a display of fresh strawberries, and Nate's eyes lit up. "Ooh, can we get some of these? They're my favorite!" Luke chuckled. "You and your sweet tooth, Nate. Sure thing, let's grab a basket."

As they filled their basket with juicy strawberries, they began to reminisce about their childhood summers, spent picking fresh berries at their grandparents' farm. The memories flooded back, and they laughed, reliving the joy of those carefree days.

After checking out, they loaded the groceries into the car and headed home, feeling accomplished and content. As they unpacked the bags, their mother smiled, surveying the haul. "You boys did a great job. Now, let's get cooking!"

The aroma of sizzling vegetables and baking bread filled the kitchen, and Luke's stomach growled in anticipation. He loved their family's cooking traditions, and he couldn't wait to share them with Camille.

As they sat down to enjoy their meal, Nate turned to Luke with a mischievous grin. "Hey, Luke, can I ask you something?" "Sure thing, what's up?" Luke replied, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Do you think Camille will like our family's weird cooking traditions?" Nate asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Luke chuckled. "I hope so, Nate. I really hope so."

Their mother smiled, overhearing the conversation. "I'm sure she'll love them, Luke. And if not, we'll convert her to our culinary ways." The brothers laughed, and the warmth of their family bond enveloped them, a sense of belonging and love that only grew stronger with each passing day.

As they finished dinner, the doorbell rang, and their mother got up to answer it. "That must be Benjamin," she said, expecting their father's arrival. But to their surprise, Benjamin walked in with a colleague, Edward, who was none other than Nate's former lover.

Nate's eyes widened in shock, and he felt a mix of emotions: awkwardness, guilt, and a hint of nostalgia. He hadn't seen Edward since their breakup, and he didn't expect to see him here, in his family's home.

Edward, on the other hand, seemed composed, but his eyes betrayed a hint of tension. He greeted Nate with a brief nod and Luke with a polite smile. Benjamin, oblivious to the underlying tension, introduced Edward as his new colleague and invited him to join them for dinner.

Their mother, sensing the awkwardness, tried to make small talk, but the atmosphere had shifted. Nate struggled to process his feelings, unsure how to react. He glanced at Luke, who raised an eyebrow in solidarity. This unexpected encounter had brought up old memories and emotions, and Nate wasn't sure how to navigate this new situation.

As they sat down for dinner, Emily smiled warmly at Edward. "So, Edward, how's your family? How's your mother doing?" Edward's expression softened. "She's doing well, thank you for asking. She still talks about the times we've had dinner together."

Nate's eyes met Edward's, and they exchanged a brief, nostalgic glance. Luke, noticing the moment, nudged Nate playfully. "Hey, Nate, remember that time we had a BBQ, and Edward's mom brought her famous potato salad?" Luke asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Nate chuckled, and Edward smiled, too. "How could I forget? Your mom's BBQs were always legendary." Emily laughed. "Well, I'm glad we could create some good memories. Pass the mashed potatoes, please, Edward."

As they passed dishes around the table, Benjamin joined in, asking Edward about his work projects. Luke and Nate listened intently, and the conversation flowed easily, like a well-rehearsed dance.

As they savored their meal, Emily turned to Edward. "You know, Edward, we've missed you around here. You're always welcome to join us for dinner." Edward's eyes met Nate's, and they shared a moment of understanding. "Thank you, Emily. That means a lot to me."

The dinner continued, filled with laughter, stories, and a sense of warmth, as if the past had been put aside, at least for this evening.

As Nate excused himself to use the restroom, Edward followed, almost as if he had been waiting for Nate to leave the table. As they crossed paths in the hallway, Edward hesitated, then spoke up.

"Nate, can we talk for a minute?" Nate's heart skipped a beat. He didn't want to have this conversation, but he couldn't avoid it either. "What's up, Edward?"

Edward shifted uncomfortably. "I just wanted to say...I know things ended between us, and I respect that. But seeing you tonight...it brought back a lot of memories." Nate's eyes dropped, his mind racing. "Yeah, it's been a while."

Edward took a step closer, his voice low. "I know I hurt you, Nate. And I'm sorry. I was young and stupid, and I didn't appreciate what we had." Nate's defenses rose, but he tried to remain calm. "It's okay, Edward. We were both young. We made mistakes."

Edward's eyes locked onto Nate's, searching for something. "But I meant what I said, Nate. I still care about you. And seeing you tonight...it made me realize I never stopped caring."

The air was thick with tension as Nate struggled to respond. This conversation was not what he had expected, and he didn't know how to navigate these old feelings.

"Nate, please," Edward said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just hear me out. I know I don't deserve it, but I need to say this. I was blind to what we had, and I regret letting you go. You deserved so much better than me, and I'm glad you've found someone who makes you happy."

Nate's heart raced as he tried to process Edward's words. He didn't know how to respond, didn't know what to say. He felt like he was stuck in the past, reliving memories he thought he'd long buried.

"Edward, I...I don't know what to say," Nate stammered, feeling a mix of emotions. "I appreciate your apology, but I've moved on. I'm with Jaxon now, and I'm happy."

Edward's face fell, but he nodded, understanding. "I'm glad you're happy, Nate. You deserve it. I just needed to say my piece, to clear the air. I hope we can part ways amicably this time."

Nate nodded, feeling a sense of closure. "Yeah, me too, Edward. Take care of yourself."

As they parted ways, Nate felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He was grateful for the closure and the chance to finally move on from the past. He knew he still had feelings for Edward, but he also knew he couldn't go back. He had Jaxon now, and he was determined to make their relationship work.

hey guys

I know it's been a while but hear is a new chapter

sorry that I didn't update on time

I had exams and I had a writers block

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Miathewriter_426creators' thoughts