
Hidden Reflections

Serene, a brilliant surgeon and researcher from the year 2300, was a force to be reckoned with. Her determination and intelligence were unmatched. But fate had other plans for her. A tragic experiment gone wrong led to her untimely demise, and she found herself suddenly thrust into the 21st century. But this was no ordinary rebirth. Serene was reborn as Lin Chang, the fake daughter of a wealthy family who had been swapped at birth. And she was determined not to repeat the mistakes of her past life. Cast out of the Yun family, she set out to make a better life for herself and those around her. Meanwhile, he who had risen to the top of the world at the young age of 25. He was so powerful that even world leaders bowed down to him. But he was not interested in the young ladies who fawned over him. He had his goals set, and that was to bring innovation. Join Lin Chang on her journey as she experiences romance, mystery, and suspense in a world that is both familiar and strange.

DK_writes · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Lin Chang is the winner

there's green!'' The sound echoed, and this time it was the worker cutting Lin Chang's Jadeite rock.

"The sound reverberated through the room, a low hum that seemed to vibrate the very air around them. The worker's blade sliced through the Jadeite rock of Lin Chang, sending shards of green flying in all directions. The onlookers gasped in amazement, their eyes wide with disbelief. It was impossible, they thought, to find even one emerald in such a rough and unremarkable stone. And yet, there it was - not one, but two perfect gems, glinting in the light like tiny stars.

The owner of the shop stood frozen, his mouth agape in shock. cause he knew that the material on the floor was just a waste.

Lin Chang and Wang Hai exchanged a glance. Lin Chang was confused when she heard that there was green in Wang Hai's rock 'cause she didn't sense anything this afternoon in that rock. She started doubting her mental abilities.

But as the cuts continued, something strange began to happen. The worker who was Cutting Wang Hai's rock expression grew more and more disappointed, until finally he spoke up. "It was a false alarm," he said, his voice tinged with regret. "There's only a green layer, and white inside."

Wang Hai was stunned. "What? That can't be right, check again!" He ran towards the machine. He had been so sure that there was an emerald in that rock, and now it seemed that he had been wrong.

The onlookers were amazed 'cause Wang Hai was supposed to be an expert. If he said there was an emerald, then there was an emerald. They started talking amongst themselves.

"Am I in a different dimension?"

"Wang Hai's been doing this for years, and he's never been wrong. This is crazy!"

"I hope there's no emerald in that little girl's rock either."

But Lin Chang remained focused, her eyes fixed on her own rock. She could feel something stirring inside her, a sense of certainty that she couldn't explain.

As the chatter died down, Lin Bao couldn't help but steal a glance at his niece. There was something different about her, he realized - something that set her apart from the others. He felt a little happy inside.

As the worker deftly sliced through the rough Jadetite, the air was thick with anticipation. Everyone held their breath as he lifted the finished raw stone and began to rub it with feverish excitement. After what seemed like an eternity, a small window of purple appeared, and the worker cried out in delight, "It's a hibiscus purple jadeite!"

The news spread like wildfire, and people from all over the street began to flock to the store. Even the owners of other shops couldn't resist the lure of such a high-quality Jadeite. Lin Bao was beside himself with excitement, jumping up and down in ecstasy, while Wang Hai stood there, stunned and unmoving.

Meanwhile, Lin Chang was finally confident in her own brain abilities. She took the hibiscus purple jadeite in her hands, admiring its beauty and feeling a sense of pride in her work.

"Little girl, it's a pure hibiscus purple jadeite. The starting price is 150 thousand yuan," the worker said, handing her the precious stone.

The room erupted in a frenzy of bidding as businessmen and jadeite enthusiasts fought tooth and nail for the chance to own such a rare and valuable gem. The competition was fierce, but in the end, the jadeite was sold for a staggering six hundred thousand yuan.

"May I have your bank details?" asked the winning bidder.

"I don't have my own bank account. You can send it to my uncle," Lin Chang replied, gesturing to Lin Bao.

After paying the owner the commission and the price for the jadeite rock, they left the store, Lin Bao and Wang Hai trailing behind Lin Chang in awe.

"Hey, you still remember that bet we made, Mr. Hai?" Lin Chang asked as they strolled along.

Wang Hai, caught off guard, hesitated before addressing her as "Daddy."

Lin Chang chuckled, her laughter tinkling like bells in the night. Meanwhile, Lin Bao was still poring over his bank statement, his disbelief slowly giving way to elation. "The night is young, my dear niece. Shall we continue our game?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with the prospect of making even more money.

Unbeknownst to him, he had already changed the way he addressed Lin Chang.

"Where to next?" Lin Chang asked, her gaze sweeping over the curious onlookers.

Wang Hai, eager to prove himself, interjected, "One of my good friends owns Shop Number 12. We can play there."

Lin Chang shrugged nonchalantly. "Okay."

That night, Lin Chang's luck held true as she extracted two Jadeite stones in a row - first the White Hail, then the rarer Fei Cui raking in a whopping profit of 1.7 million yuan.

Wang Hai, impressed by her skills, had a change of heart and accepted Lin Chang as his boss.

Lin Bao, too, found himself warming up to his niece's exceptional talents and kind nature. In contrast, he felt a sense of disgust when he thought of Yun Chun.

As they drove away in Wang Hai's car, little did they know that a storm was brewing on the internet, with two videos going viral.