
Hidden In The Shadows

My name is Isabella Wells and I can walk in the shadows. No one can see me because I am a shadow. -CORRECTION!!!! I THOUGHT that no one could see me until I met Markus. Finding someone that could see shadows let along believe in them is extremely rare. BUT.... WHY DID SHE HAVE TO RUN INTO HIM NOW OF ALL TIMES!!!! She just escaped from one of the most powerful beings in the shadow realm and he isn't to happy about it. She also has to keep Markus from being killed by other shadows. What in the world is she going to do?! Read to find out! *The word shadow means/refers both shadow people and the shadow portals. It is used in both ways in the story. There will also be so inappropriate language in the story so please read at your own discretion. The story also switches between different characters.

Honeybee5347 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 1- The Great Escape

"Isabella... come here." A soft and soothing voice beckoned her to his side. "..." Isabella kept her head down and stayed silent as she stood next to Thaddeus, one of the most powerful beings in the shadow realm. "Why are you not saying anything my love?" Thaddeus asked as he reached for her face. She knew if she tried to pull away from him he would be furious with her although he would never hit her or anything, she knee that someone else would pay the price for it. So she didn't budge, she let his slender, cold fingers gaze her cheek. "Please say something to me, I hate it when you go quiet on me." He said while gently holding her face in his hand. "..." She kept quiet, she didn't want to talk to the man that has held her captive in the place he calls a home. 'This place was no home! It was a cage, a cold and empty cage, even with all the people that lived in the mansion it held no warmth to it and it felt so empty that it made outer space feel cramped.' She thought to herself as she kept her head down, not looking Thaddeus in the eyes. Anger rose in her but she was to afraid to say or do anything, she just clenched her hands together so tight that she might draw blood with her nails that she hadn't been able to cut for many years.

"Isabella." Thaddeus's voice now much firmer then before and had the slightest hint of frustration to it. 'S***! I have to come up with something to say!I really don't want to see him angry!' Thinking this she spits out, "I'm um... sorry Thaddeus. I haven't been feeling to good recently. I didn't intend to make you angry with me." She said in a meek voice that was barely audible. She looks up at Thaddeus, meeting his eyes, and just staring. 'That will do. Although it may not be the best it might work.' She thought to herself. "Where?" His voice mellow and tinged with the slightest hint of worry. 'F***!! I have to come up with something quick!!' Her mind race while she thought of something and said, "My head. It's my head, it's been hurting for a few days now." "..." Thaddeus stared at her for what seemed like an eternity. "You..." He points to one of the servants that lined the walls. "Go to the doctor to get something for Isabella's head." 'This is my chance!!!' She thought to herself excitedly. "Shouldn't I go with him? Just to make sure that I will be okay?" She asked. 'Although she knew that he would say yes, she was still worried. "Fine but I want you back within an hour." He said while waving his hand towards the direction of the doctor. Isabella and the servant made their way out of the room and into one of the many hallways. She was on her way to freedom, so close she could taste it.

Thank you for reading my new story! I hope that you enjoy it and add it to your library do you can get notices when I post new chapters!! I would also love to have you guys tell me what you think of the story so don't forget to comment what you think!


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