
Hidden Hallows

Eris Hallows isn't your normal witch. She has a secret that she guards with her life but when a series of events take place in her Super Natural Investigation case, She finds herself stuck between the Alpha Shifter and head Vampire in her town as the mysterious case grows deeper and deeper. Can she avoid the two? Or will she end up between the two and between the sheets? Follow along with Eris as she navigates through her life while keeping herself away from the tempting men that keep popping up. Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? Cash App $Blissfullrage The cover art does not belong to me, all credit to the original artist.

Blissfullrage · Fantaisie
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171 Chs

This Means War

I brace myself and roll my shoulders before saying "I know it's a nice garden but you've got to go. There are plenty of other places you can relocate to." One little fairy with bright purple hair leans out of the entrance and sticks its tongue out at me before leaning back inside.

The problem with garden fairies was that you can't kill them. They're a protected species, just like bees so you have to trap them and relocate them in the wild. I was hoping that I could somehow convince them to move but I also knew it was a long shot.

Once they've settled down, they hardly ever move unless forced to. I sigh and say "Of course, why does everyone always choose the hard way." I can't really use my magic against them or I may end up hurting or killing them... Then I'll be in trouble.

I pull out an enchanted jar and use my magic to make a small ladder up the side of the tree with fallen branches. The second I step onto the ladder, the fairies begin hissing at me. I hiss back at them and lift the jar at them.

Ten or more fairies come flying out of the nest and come straight at me! I lift my arms up to protect my face as they begin biting, scratching, and pulling my hair. I grit my teeth in annoyance and try to ignore the little stings of pain but when I take another step up the ladder, another wave of fairies attack me.

How many were in this nest!? No wonder they couldn't remove it! Something suddenly stabs me in the butt, causing me to yelp and nearly fall. I quickly look down to see that they had stabbed me with a rose stem!

"Y'all are a bunch of little assholes! I will bring you somewhere better!! Stop being so damn mean!" I yell out as more come flying out of the nest. I'm suddenly hit in the face with berries... blueberries by the taste of it.

I grit my teeth and start power climbing up the damn ladder but the step suddenly gives way and I nearly fall. I look down to see that the little demons had sawed the step in half and was working on the next!

I kick at them and start cursing when I suddenly feel myself being lifted! I look behind me to see that they were working together to lift me up! "You little shits!! Stop or I will turn you all into toy trolls!!" They pull harder, causing me to drop the jar in order to hold onto the ladder.

Fairies begin biting at clawing at my fingers that are currently holding onto the ladder for dear life, trying to get me to release it but I refuse to be beaten by a bunch of garden fairies! They then start trying to stick blueberries and other fruits up my nose and ears!!

The old couple watch from the window with worried looks "Should we help her?" Mrs. Lewis says with growing worry and concern. Mr. Lewis shakes his head and says "And what, fart on em? We'd only get in er way, my cherie. Just make sure the pie is ready for er."

Okay... I'm done playing nice! I turn myself into a bug zapper and watch as all the fairies quickly release me. I nearly fall to the ground and scrape my chin and cheek on the tree. I grit my teeth and use my magic to call the jar back to me.

I quickly climb the rest of the steps and open the jar. I watch with satisfaction when the nest instantly gets sucked into the jar. The fairies scream and hiss at me but they too follow into the jar. They'll never leave their nest.

Once the last fairy goes into the enchanted jar, I quickly replace the lid and begin to carefully make my way down. I'm careful to avoid the broken steps and when I'm finally on solid ground, I let out a sigh of relief.

I look around the little garden before walking over to the fence circling the entire garden. I place my hand on the fence and say "Praesidium". The entire backyard will now be protected so something like this won't happen again. I turn around and start walking back to the house, pulling leaves and sticks out of my hair as I go.

Mrs. Lewis opens the door with a large smile saying "You are quite the young lady! Thank you, my dear. Thank you. Come in, I made an apple pie!" I give her a grateful smile and follow her in. Most humans are still nervous and uncomfortable around Supernaturals but the Lewis' don't seem to mind. She called me a young lady but I'm older than both of them. I keep my mouth shut and continue to pull random things out of my hair.

She leads me over to the table where Mr. Lewis currently sits with his signature gummy smile. I sit down as Mrs. Lewis puts a slice of pie and vanilla ice cream down in front of me. It smells divine. "Thank you," I say as I take a bite. Mmmm... I have a serious problem with sweets.

When the light starts flickering again, I look up with a small frown. Mr. Lewis chuckles and says "Oh, don't mind that. It's been like that fer years." I slowly stand up and reach out to the lightbulb. I lightly touch it and the flickering immediately stops.

The two look at me with surprise before both thanking me with genuine laughs. "I wish I had magic like that!" Mr and Mrs Lewis say with belly laughs. I find myself chuckling along with them and before I know it, I've fixed their refrigerator, the walker, sink, doors, the rotten window seal, the floors and Mrs. Lewis's favorite rocking chair.

I wave bye to them with my arms piled high with goodies. I kept trying to turn them down but they insist on giving them to me. When I look at the cracked and faded paint on the outside, I sigh and wave my hand. The paint begins to fix itself before returning to its original beautiful cool lavender color with white trimmings.

As I walk over to the broken gate, I use my magic once again to fix the gate and restore it back to its original white color. When I shut the gate and look back at the house, it looks like it should have twenty years ago.

I should come back and check on them from time to time... from what I was told, they lost their only daughter to cancer when she was just a teen. They only have each other... I sigh and head to my car. I load in all my sweets and head home but when I pull up, I see a dark figure sitting next to my front door.