
Hidden Hallows

Eris Hallows isn't your normal witch. She has a secret that she guards with her life but when a series of events take place in her Super Natural Investigation case, She finds herself stuck between the Alpha Shifter and head Vampire in her town as the mysterious case grows deeper and deeper. Can she avoid the two? Or will she end up between the two and between the sheets? Follow along with Eris as she navigates through her life while keeping herself away from the tempting men that keep popping up. Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? Cash App $Blissfullrage The cover art does not belong to me, all credit to the original artist.

Blissfullrage · Fantaisie
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171 Chs


The next day I find myself sitting at my desk, staring at the map Ambrose gave me last night. There are no patterns... no rhyme or reason, nothing. The deaths are all over the lower parts of New Orleans but there are no other clues.

I need to get information on the witches that were killed, maybe then I'll be able to find a pattern or something. A light knock at my door pulls me out of my thoughts so I quickly put the map away and say "Come in"

Shelly walks in with a folder and says "This is Mrs. Lewis." I stand and take the folder with a smile and wave the little old lady in, directing her to the chair in front of my desk. Mrs. Lewis shuffles her way in with a polite smile and sits down, placing her little brown bag in her lap.

Shelly quietly leaves as I introduce myself "Hi Mrs. Lewis, my name is Eris Hallows. How can I help you?" Mrs. Lewis reaches up and turns up her hearing aid as she says "I've come because I have a small problem. You see, we somehow got a nest of garden fairies and we can't get rid of them."

I arch an eyebrow and sit down while saying "I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place then. You should call the Supernatural exterminators. I can give you their number and.." She softly cuts me off and says "I did call them... I called them and ever exterminator in town but no one can remove them. The fairies are a little... aggressive."

I look at the little old lady in front of me and feel my heartstrings being pulled. I want to tell her no, that I have more important things to do and that this wasn't my job but... Mrs. Lewis makes a pitiful face and says "My husband is retired so we're on a fixed income... I can make payments every month."

I awkwardly scratch the side of my chin before closing her file and saying "You're in luck! It shows here that you qualify for our senior citizens' program. You don't have to pay anything out of pocket." Her little wrinkled face brightens with a smile as she says "Really? That's wonderful! Thank you, my dear!"

I give her a polite smile and check the time before saying "I will be there at four this afternoon, is that a good time for you?" She quickly nods her head and says "It's perfect, thank you!" I help her out of the chair and walk her out the door.

When the door shuts, I turn to find Shelly smirking at me from over her purple framed glasses. "Senior citizens' program? This is the first time I'm hearing about this..." She says with a chuckle. I roll my eyes and say "I know I'm a cold heartless bitch but even I can't take money from the poor old lady. I'll head over there for four."

Shelly nods her head with a large smile and goes back to work. I start doing my research on Garden Fairies but when three-thirty rolls around, I close everything down on my computer and leave the office. I punch in Mrs. Lewis's address and I'm there twenty minutes later.

The house is a small little house, old with faded and chipped paint but you can tell they take care of it the best they can. One window even looks like the frame is rotting out but when I open the gate to walk into the yard, the gate falls off.

I try to grab it to keep it from completely breaking but the thing literally falls apart! Mrs. Lewis shuffles out of the screen door and says "Oh don't mind the gate, dear. It's been broken for years." I look at the pile of wood at my feet and gently place the piece I have in my hand on the top.

I awkwardly smile and walk up to her front porch with a strained smile. "I'm so sorry about the fence..." She waves me off with a kind smile and pulls me into the house with a small wrinkled hand. She yells out "John! John! The nice lady I told you about is here!"

I hear a 'Tap, Tap, scraaaape. Tap, Tap, Scraaaape.' as a little old man with super thick glasses comes around the corner with his little walker. Shit... Even his walker had ducktape holding a leg together. He gives me the most adorable gummy smile (because he has no teeth) and says "I was wonderin' why yous was callin' me. It's a real pleasure to meets ya."

I give him a gentle smile as I say "The pleasure's all mine. Where is this problem nest?" The old man begins the slow process of turning his little walker around as he says "Follow me, it's out back. Oh, and watch your step. The boards will trip ya if yer not careful."

I look down and see the poorly made patches on the wooden floor and feel my heart drop once again. As we walk past the kitchen, a flickering light hanging above their small little kitchen table catches my eye. I grit my teeth and slowly follow the old couple to the back yard.

Once outside, the most beautiful, cute and timeless garden comes into view. Mrs. Lewis chuckles and says "We're on a fixed income so we grow our own veggies. Nothing beats fresh veggies!" I give her a genuine smile and say "I now know why you have Garden fairies. They must be drawn to your lovely garden."

Mr. Lewis stops next to a rusty chair and slowly sits down as he says "Yeah... we wouldn't run them off but they're eatin' everything in the garden and tearin' up the flowers." I nod my head and say "They'll eat everything. Veggies, flowers... all of it before moving to the next spot."

"I'll take care of them so you two should go inside and relax." The two nod before shuffling back inside and I begin walking through the garden. It really was a nice garden but you can see the damage the Garden fairies were causing.

When I reach the large magnolia tree in the very back, I look up to see a very large nest. A fairies nest and sitting at the opening of that nest were several fairies. "This is going to be a load of fun..." I mumble to myself.