

I thought I would have a rough night, tossing and turning but I ended up sleeping like the dead. When I actually get dressed and stick my head out the door, I come face to face with the two guards Kian told me about yesterday.

They turn to look at me and say "The Queen would like to speak with you." I straighten myself and nod at the two before silently following them. This time they lead me to what looks like a large greenhouse!

Large windows with magical patterns make up every single wall and ceiling panel while plants of all kinds flourish inside. Nearly every plant here doesn't look real... Queen Cara smiles at me as I approach and points to the seat across from here.

Small pixies and other butterfly-like creatures fly from plant to plant, tending to them and doctoring them. The whole thing was magical! I'm pretty sure I just saw a pixy riding on the back of a tiny green dragon...

When Queen Cara sees my surprise, she giggles and says "The pixies like riding the Dragonflies so I let them. A small price to pay for the lovely plants. Wouldn't you agree?" I half-laugh, as I do a double-take on the 'Dragonfly'.

That was a miniature Dragon! Not the freaking dragonflies back home that I know... "Yeah... I... I feel like I should be completely honest with you. In the future... the plants... the pixies and these Dragonflies don't exist anymore."

She looks at me in surprise and then a little saddened. She leans forward and says "What else is no longer around?" I sit on the chair and look at her with a small smile as I say "Elves. They're no longer around. They say they died off a few hundred years before I was born. A lot of magic I'm seeing here no longer exist in my time."

She sits in silence as she thinks about what I said so I take the moment to shove a few fruits in my mouth. Everything tastes so much better here. When I look back up to her, I see she's still deep in thought. "Can I borrow a few things to get back home?" I ask with worry.

She snaps out of her thoughts and quickly says "I took it upon myself to look at what was needed to send you back and it looks like you'll have to wait until the next full moon. Until then, you can stay here, worry-free. I'd love to learn more about the future and if you'd like, I can even teach you a few things."

I look at her in surprise as she smiles and says "I can feel a lot of power in you but it's unused. Almost like it's been forgotten but I can only assume you just haven't been taught. Am I right?" I sit a little straighter as I feel myself grow a little excited and nod my head as I say "It's true. My mother told me that our kind was hunted for our power so a lot of things were lost over time. I guess that's why we started dying off. We have all this power but no way of using it."

Queen Cara nods her head and taps her chin as she says "How about this, You teach me everything you know from your time and I will teach you everything I know." I give her a warm smile as I say "Deal!"

She claps her hands in excitement and says "Kiandaz came to me early this morning and expressed his concern over your protection while you're here so he'll be your personal guard while you're here, okay?"

I slightly frown and lift my hands as I say "That's awfully nice of you two but I can handle myself." She frowns at me and says "You said yesterday that paper can cut you, did you not?" I find myself at a loss for words as I slightly nod my head and say "Yes, but.."

She lifts a hand to stop me and says "Then I will hear no more of this. Kiandaz is a powerful Elf and he'll be able to keep you safe. I don't want anything to happen to you while you're here under my care."

I deflate a little and give in. I do kinda want to figure out what happened to Kian and if he's with me all the time, it'll defiantly make things easier. I smile at her and nod as I say "Thank you." She gives me a large smile and waves me off as she says "I have a few meetings this afternoon so Kiandaz will keep you company until I can get away."

I nod in agreement and quickly stand up to wave her off. After she walks away, I sigh and sit back down at the table. I grab a few more fruits and eat them as I look at all the beautiful flowers but when Kian walks in looking like an archangel in his white and silver outfit... I nearly choke on my fruit.

The way his long silvery-white hair is braided back in a masculine way and the way the sun catches every inch of him... I swallow the fruit and cringe when it goes down hard. He gives me a warm smile as he says "The Queen told me to keep you company until she's done with her meetings. Would you like to go for a walk?"

I brush my hands off and stand up as I smirk and say "You mean babysit me until she comes back?" I giggle at his frown and say "A walk would be nice." He nods at me and lifts his arm. I walk over and keep in step with him as we make our way out of the large greenhouse.

He begins telling me about the different areas of the palace but I can't help but watch him and his every move. So elegant.. so well mannered... so proper. This is not the Kian I met from my time. Maybe the two are from the same bloodline or something?

Suddenly, he gets quiet. I blink and look to his face to find him watching me with a smirk. "Did you hear anything I just said or have you just been staring at me the whole time?" Busted.