
Creepy Coven

I follow behind them as Xander follows me but as we come to a large greeting room, we all come to a stop. "What can I do for you, Hallows?" The high priestess asks as she eyes Xander. I frown and clear my throat as I ask "Have you heard of the recent witch deaths lately?"

The priestess looks back to me and says "Why of course. Everyone has." I nod and say "So this should be easy. Has anyone in your coven gone missing?" She keeps a blank face and says "No, I watch over my entire coven and have kept them all save."

I slowly nod and look around the dark room. Everything is in shades of black and red... just like a black widow spider. I look back to her dark eyes and ask "Why do I smell sulfur?" I see the slightest crack in her blank face as she says "We summon small demons to practice with."

I slowly nod and ask "In the greeting room?" Her jaw tightens as she says "What are you trying to imply Hallows?" I smile and arch a dark eyebrow as I say "Imply? I was simply asking..." I start walking around the large room and see that something is very wrong.

I tap my heel on the floor and watch as the spell hiding what's on the floor shudder before falling away. A large summoning circle comes into view, black candles and all. I whistle and say "Small demons? This is a little big for a small demon... don't you think?"

When I look back up to her, my eyes glow with anger as I say "Start talking or I will destroy your entire coven." She sneers at me and says "Leave! You have no rights here!" I go to pull out a marble when she suddenly slices her throat open!

She falls to her knees and smiles as she bleeds out, confusing the hell out of me. Xander runs over to her when I suddenly yell "Don't touch her!" Xander stops and looks at me with confusion but, to be honest, I'm confused too!

Suddenly, the summoning circle under us begins to glow making my heart fall out of my ass. "Xander! Run!!" I yell as I run to him but it's too late. A powerful blast hits me, knocking me back several feet.

When I look back, I see Xander fall to his knees in a silent scream! "Nooo!!" I raise my hand and hit the summoning circle with a blast of magic. It causes the whole summoning circle to warp and bend but it doesn't break.

Not again! Not again!! I quickly get to my feet and lift both hands, slamming them down on the summoning circle, breaking it! It shatters and makes it feel like a miniature bomb just went off as I go flying again.

This time, my back hits the wall and I nearly go through it as the air is knocked out of me. I fall forward on my hands and knees as I suck in air. I struggle to my feet as I stumble over to Xander's body.

He's not moving!! No no no... I fall to my knees and struggle to flip him over on his back. Once I get him flipped over, I reach out with a shaky hand and gently tap his cheek. He sucks in and coughs, scaring the shit out of me!

"Thank you, thank you," I say leaning down and kissing him. He reaches up and cups the back of my neck, deepening the kiss for a moment before I feel something's off. I stiffen and pull back but I can only go so far with him still holding the back of my neck.

My eyes lock onto his in surprise as I whisper "Who are you?" He gives me a familiar dark smirk as he says "Nice to meet you too." I smack his hand away and jerk back, falling on my ass as I look at Xander... uh... whoever, in shock.

He slowly sits up and rolls his shoulders saying "Not bad... very similar to my own body." He suddenly looks up and locks eyes with me, making me freeze. His eyes are a dark red color... "You have no idea how much I've heard about you, dollface. You're kinda a hot thing down below right now. It's a good thing it was me who came through and not someone else."

I shake myself and say "Get out of him, now!" He chuckles and suddenly reaches out, grabbing my ankle and pulling me between his legs as he says "I can't do that." Before he realizes it, I have a blade to his throat but he just chuckles as he says "Go ahead, dollface. You'll just kill him. Not my body, remember?"

He reaches out and taps the tip of my nose as he says "Even if you kill him, I can always come back in another body." I grit my teeth in anger as I slowly lower the blade asking "What do you want?" He smiles at me and says "Other demons may want you for something else but I feel like we can actually help each other. What do you think?"

I frown at his words and ask "What do the other demons want me for?" He shakes a finger at me as he says "I can't tell you that... at least not yet but I can tell you what I want." I bite my lip and ask "And what's that?"

He leans in closer and says "I want a body, my own body here on earth. You get my body back and I will leave this one." I narrow my eyes and ask "That's it? That's all you want?" He leans back with a smirk as he says "Yup... kinda... well, for now."

I narrow my eyes and say "For now? What else do you want?" He's suddenly serious as he stares at me and says "You"

Hello, My Lovely Readers!! I'm back! For now ^^ my daughter and I are doing better! I just finished a round of antibiotics and even though I'm still coughing, I'm doing a lot better. As long as my health permits it, I will be releasing every day again! You guys are the best!! Thank you for all the kind words and awesome gifts XOXO I also want to take a moment to let each and every one of you know that even though bad things will happen in this book, it will have a happy ending. I don't like stories with sad endings but I do love seeing characters grow ^^

Blissfullragecreators' thoughts