
Hibiki's Kanmusu Journey [Dropped]

Kancolle (short for Kantai Collection) is a Japanese online card game and anime series that features anthropomorphized World War II-era naval warships. Hibiki is one of the main characters in the series, representing the Soviet Navy destroyer of the same name. In the anime, Hibiki is depicted as a quiet and reserved girl who is fiercely loyal to her friends and fellow shipgirls. She is also known for her impressive combat skills, which she uses to protect her allies and defeat her enemies. Throughout the series, Hibiki participates in various battles and missions alongside her fellow shipgirls, including a final battle against the evil Abyssal Fleet. Along the way, she develops close bonds with her teammates and learns to overcome her own weaknesses and insecurities. Overall, the story of Hibiki in Kancolle is one of courage, loyalty, and friendship, set against the backdrop of a fantastical world where naval warships are transformed into powerful, human-like warriors. Morie ~ Greetings, I'm still learning English at this moment.Sometimes it makes sense some not. ※※Will be recontinue in another fanfic starts from last chapters if I suddenly enlightened to do.Apparently after wrote a few Japanese kanji words, Webnovel didn't like it so readers could not find this FF anymore.

_Shiromi_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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76 Chs

Chapter 73: Nagato's Concerns

As Hibiki and her group of rescuers kanmusu arrived back at Home Port, Nagato was waiting for them at the dock. She had heard the news of Hibiki's return and was both surprised and concerned.

"Welcome back, Hibiki," Nagato said as Hibiki and her fellow kanmusu disembarked from their ship.

Hibiki bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Nagato. It's good to be back."

Nagato looked at Hibiki closely, her expression unreadable. "I'm glad to see you're safe, but I have some concerns."

Hibiki raised an eyebrow. "Concerns? What do you mean?"

Nagato sighed. "Hibiki, as you know, when a ship is sunk and becomes an Abyssal, there is a chance that they can be rescued and returned to our side as a kanmusu. However, if they are not properly sunk, they will suffer. They will not be able to become a kanmusu and will be trapped in a state of eternal suffering."

Hibiki nodded. "Yes, I understand that. But what does that have to do with me?"

Nagato hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Hibiki, when you were last seen, you were sinking into the depths. We assumed you had become an Abyssal. But now you have returned, seemingly unscathed. I fear that if you did not properly sink, you may be in danger."

Hibiki frowned. "I see. But I assure you, Nagato, I did sink. I remember feeling the cold water surround me, and then nothing. The next thing I knew, I was waking up on a strange shore."

Nagato's expression softened slightly. "I believe you, Hibiki. But I must be cautious. If there is any chance that you are not fully recovered, I cannot allow you to continue to serve as a kanmusu."

Hibiki's eyes widened in shock. "What? Nagato, you can't be serious! I've served faithfully for years, and now you're just going to cast me aside?"

Nagato held up a hand to calm Hibiki down. "No, no, that's not what I mean. I simply mean that I cannot allow you to put yourself in danger. If there is any risk to your well-being, I will not allow it."

Hibiki was silent for a moment, considering Nagato's words. "I understand, Nagato. But please, give me a chance to prove myself. I feel strong and capable, and I know I can continue to serve as a valuable member of the fleet."

Nagato smiled. "Very well, Hibiki. I will trust in your judgement. But please, be careful. We cannot afford to lose any more kanmusu to the enemy."

Hibiki bowed once again. "Thank you, Nagato. I will do my best to uphold the trust you have placed in me."

With that, Hibiki and her fellow kanmusu dispersed to their respective duties, ready to continue their ongoing struggle against the Abyssals. Nagato watched them go, her concerns still weighing heavy on her mind. But she knew that she could trust in her kanmusu to do what was right, no matter what dangers they may face