
Hibiki's Kanmusu Journey [Dropped]

Kancolle (short for Kantai Collection) is a Japanese online card game and anime series that features anthropomorphized World War II-era naval warships. Hibiki is one of the main characters in the series, representing the Soviet Navy destroyer of the same name. In the anime, Hibiki is depicted as a quiet and reserved girl who is fiercely loyal to her friends and fellow shipgirls. She is also known for her impressive combat skills, which she uses to protect her allies and defeat her enemies. Throughout the series, Hibiki participates in various battles and missions alongside her fellow shipgirls, including a final battle against the evil Abyssal Fleet. Along the way, she develops close bonds with her teammates and learns to overcome her own weaknesses and insecurities. Overall, the story of Hibiki in Kancolle is one of courage, loyalty, and friendship, set against the backdrop of a fantastical world where naval warships are transformed into powerful, human-like warriors. Morie ~ Greetings, I'm still learning English at this moment.Sometimes it makes sense some not. ※※Will be recontinue in another fanfic starts from last chapters if I suddenly enlightened to do.Apparently after wrote a few Japanese kanji words, Webnovel didn't like it so readers could not find this FF anymore.

_Shiromi_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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76 Chs

Chapter 48: Aftermath of Attack

The meeting was held in the command center of the Naval District Sea base, and Nagato began by thanking everyone for their hard work and bravery during the attack.

"Now, let us discuss the reason for this meeting," Nagato began. "The Abyssal Fleet's recent attack on our base was unexpected and highly coordinated. We must analyze their tactics and find a way to prevent future attacks."

Ise, Atago, and Ashigara nodded in agreement, and Hibiki listened intently. Nagato continued, "Hibiki, as the flagship of the Fourth Fleet, do you have any insights to share about the Abyssal Fleet's tactics?"

Hibiki thought for a moment before responding, "Yes, Nagato. Based on my observations, it seems that the Abyssal Fleet is using more advanced tactics and weapons than they have in the past. They are also targeting our weaker defenses, such as our supply ships and support vessels."

Nagato nodded. "That is a valid observation, Hibiki. We must increase our defenses and be prepared for more advanced tactics from the Abyssal Fleet in the future. Ise, Atago, Ashigara, what are your thoughts?"

Ise spoke up first. "I agree with Hibiki. We need to strengthen our defenses and be prepared for any type of attack from the Abyssal Fleet. We should also consider expanding our intelligence gathering capabilities."

Atago added, "I also think we should increase our training exercises and drills to ensure that our fleet is always prepared for battle. We should also consider developing new tactics and strategies to counter the Abyssal Fleet's advancements."

Ashigara nodded in agreement. "I think we should focus on improving our communication and coordination during battles. The Abyssal Fleet seems to be highly coordinated, and we need to be able to match their level of communication and teamwork."

Nagato listened to everyone's ideas and nodded. "Those are all great suggestions. I will take them into consideration as we move forward. We must work together to protect our Naval District Sea base and the rest of the ocean from the Abyssal Fleet's attacks."

Hibiki felt proud to be a part of such a dedicated and skilled team. She knew that with their combined efforts, they could overcome any challenge that the Abyssal Fleet may throw their way. The meeting ended with Nagato reminding everyone to remain vigilant and ready for whatever may come their way.