

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: swords and roses by Sage1988

supahsanic6969 · Livres et littérature
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35 Chs


Qhoyne River…

Harry slowly pushed his small boat along the great rivers that had once given rise to the Rhoynar kingdom before the Valyrians had destroyed it. But Harry thought as he took a deep breath of the clean and cool air around him that he was glad that they had not destroyed this place completely as they had others during their conquest.

It was beautiful here.

Golden brown and green Pine trees lined the river and in the cool clear water there were many fish swimming along its length, but it was the bugs that were only annoying thing Harry thought as he saw them over the water and around the trees. He had been stung several times already but thankfully they were just normal flies and no infection was likely to take place but it was irritating. Seeing the sun dipping towards the horizon Harry pushed his boat over to the bank. He secured the pole and grabbed hold of the mooring rope before jumping ashore and tying it firmly around the strongest closest tree he could find. With that done he pulled on the rope to make sure the boat was secure and looked around for fresh fruit that he might use for his dinner or signs of animals he could hunt but seeing nothing he sighed knowing he would again have to dig into his stores. The stasis preservation charms worked wonders but if he could keep them for times when there was no chance resupply it would be better. Still he would just have to restock in the next town he came too Harry thought resigned. Storm had been put into stasis in the tent inside his own special enlarged chest so he would not have to manage a horse on a small boat or feed him, one less headache to think about however much he hated treating his horse like that.

As he continued to look around for fruits he could eat hoping he might have missed something on his initial search, Harry saw a cluster of plants around the base of one of the largest of the pine trees. He walked over and saw the familiar looking round green leaves and darker green stalk, a plant his opposite had become very accustomed to in his world. Dittany, one of the most effective and useful healing agents in the world. Brilliant in treating scars and physical wounds by being consumed or applied directly to an open wound, it also aiding in fighting infections and if processed into a potion form could heal severe lacerations and infections if given quickly enough. Another look around showed a lot more Dittany scattered around and Harry smiled, this he thought was useful…no-one in this world knew of its incredible healing properties and if he could cultivate it then it would make a genuine difference to a lot of people. So he started going around collecting as much of it as he could carry and with his magic transconfigured stones into pots to put them in before returning to his small boat.


His tent set up on the small deck Harry put the plants into stasis before he went to make a more permanent solution to the insects and animals that lived on the river. For now they were more or less benign but the further down the river that might not be the case, so he would need to prepare something to deal with them. Again the memories of the other world provided the answer, taking a small metal band that he had gotten in one of his first poker games and kept as a memento deciding to put it to use.

He sat down at his small worktop and pulled one of his throwing knives from his belt and carefully carved runes into the bronze. Once finished he nicked his finger and dropped a small bit of blood onto each one, which glowed briefly before returning to normal. Harry smiled, the runes were designed to repel animals and insects in dangerous environments. Here that would be useful in preventing insects or animals coming in his direction when he got underway in the morning. But before he went to bed he checked the maps he had of Essos to see what settlements lay in his path and saw a number but all were ruined centuries ago. He would find the first tomorrow if he continued on his present course, a place called Ar Noy.

Ar Noy, the following morning…

Once a great city of the Rhoynar, the city of Ar Noy was now a ruin after the Valyrian invasion and centuries of neglect. Many walls had collapsed and creeper covered most of them, the roots of trees had broken most of the roads and many buildings had fallen into the river Harry noticed as he sailed towards it. Even the river pirates had abandoned this place except for occasional short stops, he could see the remains of their abandoned camps from the water but through the eyes of Orion who flew overhead Harry could see no sign of them now.

The devastation was so complete that virtually nothing was recognisable now making Harry frown in disappointment, he had hoped to see something of the Rhoynar civilisation but just as he was about to give up hope of finding anything, Orion high above the trees saw a small cluster of buildings hidden by dense forest. Unless you stumbled on the right path or could warg with a bird in flight, you would never know they were there. It did not look like much Harry thought as he looked through Orion's eyes but it brought a small smile to his face, there was something to look into he thought. Not much but something.

So tying his boat to another sturdy tree Harry slipped his pack on his back and wandered into the forest, forcing his way through the heavy brush and in fact had to use his sword to cut through the thicker parts but after twenty minutes of hard work, Harry finally managed to enter the small clearing only to frown in annoyance when he realised just what the buildings were.

Warehouses partly collapsed from years of neglect with what looked like piles of rotting wood and broken stone inside. A builder's surplus yard Harry thought shaking his head in disappointment, he had hoped to see something more than generic storehouses that had mostly fallen apart. In fact only one was still standing although for how much longer Harry could not say. Not wanting to have come all this way for nothing he walked forward and peered through a broken window to see crates of something inside, with a final look to see if the building was liable to collapse and for the moment sure it wouldn't Harry opened the rotting door which came off its hinges. Harry was silent for a moment, sure that the sudden movement might bring the roof down but after a short while nothing happened and he breathed a sigh of relief, throwing the door aside when he realised he was still holding it.

He carefully stepped inside ready to run at the slightest sign of the roof caving in, before he realised the crates were sealed shut and the wood had strange symbols that he recognised as runes carved into them. He used the same runes himself to preserve food and other perishables. Now he could see why they were in such good condition and his excitement grew, the Rhoynar were supposed to have magic before they were destroyed by the Valyrians but those that had settled in Dorne to avoid enslavement or destruction had lost their abilities. He used his sword to break the sealed crate open and see what was inside, wondering what they could have thought so valuable to preserve with magic in a builder's yard.

When the lid finally came off Harry was surprised to see slabs of marble inside the crates but not just any marble Harry saw. The marble in the crate was the most dazzling shade of green and there was also slabs in shades of pink and white but all had beautiful gold inlayed patterns. It was far better work than he had ever seen either in Hightower, one of the wealthiest castles in Westeros or anywhere else he had seen. The quality of the marble was truly as close to perfect as you could imagine Harry thought as he ran his hand over the cold stone. Going to another crate he found yet more marble inside and in another and then another, there had to be fifteen crates of it at least Harry thought excitedly. If he could find a way to get the marble out of here and somewhere to sell it then it would make him a rich man Harry thought not that he cared about that but it would he conceded be a useful reserve if he needed money beyond what he already had.

With the decision to take it all made Harry then frowned at the question of how he was going to carry all of this marble, he looked around and saw a smaller empty crate that had rotted slightly but with protection by the roof from the elements, it had done far better than one might have expected. A quick repair charm and it was soon back in good condition and Harry carefully carved the preservation runes into it with a space expansion and a weightless rune as well. He decided given the environment to not risk blood magic in case he picked up an infection and instead planted his hand onto the wood and started channelling magic into the runes to charge them. While not as quick or effective as blood it would be fine for now and allow him to take the marble with him when he left.

With his crate now ready Harry turned around and began shrinking all the crates full of marble and levitating them into the empty crate which now could easily fit them all. With that done Harry picked up his small crate decided to apparate back to his boat rather than try and carry all his new gains back on foot through the thick forest.

Arriving seconds later Harry stepped back on board his small boat and set his tent back up to settle in for the night. Once he had stored his new gains he took out one of the maps he had brought to guide his journey and saw what he could expect if he continued on his path? The Dagger Lake which was pirate infested from all reports Harry thought annoyed and then worst was the last city before the river eventually drained into the Summer Sea, Chroyane. The ruined capital of the Rhoynar kingdom which was now full of the deadly Stonemen, people driven to madness by Greyscale and now more animal than human living in constant pain and hunger. The thought of such pain and suffering made Harry change his plans to continue by boat and look at the map to find somewhere he could continue his travels by land. Finding none Harry considered that he might have to go back up the river the way he came and return to Qohor and seek another road there.

He was against the idea of going back but what other choice did he have Harry thought not wanting to risk being anywhere near the Stonemen given how infectious their disease was and not sure the dittany could help heal the infection given its deadly virulence. So with reluctance he decided to make a return trip to Qohor in the morning and went to bed.

While he slept however the rope strained against the current of the river which was far stronger here than it had been upstream. Harry was completely unaware as the rope knot slipped and came undone, allowing the boat to be forced southward by the current.


A jolt woke Harry less than a few hours later, enough to throw him out of bed in a heap. Orion's perch was knocked over which irritated the bird no end. Harry meanwhile was startled and got to his feet quickly pulling his sword from the nearby table and rushing to the opening of the tent to see what was happening, not sure if he was under attack by river pirates or something worse although if it was the former or the latter it worried him greatly as that would mean the charms rendering his tent undetectable had failed.

That particular worry evaporated as he came to the opening of his tent. The boat that the tent stood on was surrounded by water on every side and the water was near calm aside from the current which was still carrying the boat forward. But the real problem Harry realised with worry was that the boat was not where it was supposed to be, if he had to guess Harry would say that he was in Dagger Lake, just on the verge of entering the Sorrows. Harry thinking fast looked for his pole but it looked like it had been knocked over board when he had hit whatever it was that had woken him. Checking the boat Harry was glad to see that there was no water leaking in but still the danger he was now faced with was enough to stop him still for a moment.

He looked around the lake expecting to see these river pirates he had been warned about but all along the banks there were only ruined boats and what looked like corpses on the bank. Harry swallowed, not sure what to think and went into his tent with the intention of making a new steering pole or a paddle. He honestly wanted to hit himself for his stupidity, why had he not checked the rope properly? He scolded himself for it was his negligence that had landed him in such a bad position, in lands and waters dominated by Stonemen who would rip him apart given the chance and he was beginning to suspect had been the ones to slaughter the river pirates. It might now he realised be quicker to make a run for the southern coast than work his way back north but that he realised would mean going through Chroyane which would be swarming with Stonemen, exactly what he had wanted to avoid. The current would have him there within an hour or so at Harry's best estimate and thinking about it the trip north would take far longer having to fight the current.

Reluctantly Harry went to get dressed and ready himself for the challenges ahead, fixing the runic bracelet to his arm he armed himself with his dragon ring, dagger, throwing knives and sword. Taking a steadying breath he broke a chair leg and lengthened it with his magic before slowly leaving the tent and doing his best to get this journey over with as soon as possible.

The dense forest had never seemed as dark and threatening as it now he realised urging the boat on with his new pole. He could only hope the sounds of twigs breaking and rustling in the bushes were animals because if they were Stonemen that meant he was surrounded on all sides, making him even more nervous than ever but they did not attack, even when he came close enough for them to jump aboard. Harry looked down at the bracelet on his arm and wondered if its animal repelling runic ward was what was keeping them back. Were their minds so damaged that they were affected by wards intended for animals and insects? Harry wondered and a slight sympathy struck him before he ruthlessly quelled it.

Harry then looked ahead and saw something incredible, creeper and other plants covered buildings began to come into view as he steered his boat around the bend.

Even through the fog that blanketed the city it was still impressive despite the buildings being covered in grey moss and black creeper, the shape of the buildings and their magnificent design was still apparent. The paved roads were broken by erupting roots but could still be moved around on foot.

Through the creeper and moss the elegant stonework and artistry that had been put into every single building of the ruined capital was still as visible now as surely it must have been for centuries or more before in some places. Mosaics lined both walls and the paved ground showing the history of the civilisation that had built it but towering overall them was the Palace. The Palace of Love or Sorrow, Harry couldn't remember but either way it stood taller and wider than any castle he had ever seen, even Highgarden one of the largest and oldest castles in all of his homeland could not compare with its enormous size. Elsewhere broken temples and green obelisks rose out of the water all around making it hazardous to transverse by water but still the work was glorious.

His distraction however proved dangerous as while he was looking at the buildings around him he was not looking where he was going and soon enough he felt a hard jolt and his boat stopped instantly. He looked around him to see that his boat had become lodged in the thick mind that was on the sides of the river and stronger than the thickest glue. While he knew that he could get the boat out with effort it still put him in a very dangerous position. He nervously looked around and could see the Stonemen walking around but fortunately they had not yet detected him, due to his runic band however Harry knew that these protections would not be one hundred percent effective as for example if he accidentally touched one of the Stonemen they would instantly see through it and eat him. Not to mention there was the very likely outcome of him being infected by the disease and reduced like them to the level of animals. With that in mind he tried with all his might to push the boat out of the mud but the boat was stuck fast and would not move.

Harry honestly felt sick to his stomach, now he was in the worst position he had ever been in his entire life. He was surrounded by Stonemen in a boat that he simply could not move and then he felt the pole snap leaving half of it stuck in the mud. He looked at it in shock and while he could simply repair it what good would that do, he asked himself?

He would still be stuck in the mud.

So with great anxiety Harry called on his magic with a wave of his hand, his tent packing itself up so he could stow it on his back and was ready to teleport himself back to safety, but to his horror he discovered he could not. Something in the air around him ward prevented him from leaving halting the process just at the last moment, like throwing a magical net over him. He was well and truly trapped. Harry looked around at the Stonemen nervously, feeling genuinely scared.

Well at least, Harry thought trying to be positive in the face of what could very well be a life-and-death situation, he knew now that the rumours of the city having magic users in its population were true. But it also left him in a very dangerous position because he could not simply leave by his magic, the boat itself was stuck and would be next to impossible to move so his options were very limited. He could either try continuing to get the boat out in the mud which looked very hard to do and could take a couple of days or he might try as dangerous as it was to get out of the land and continue south towards the coast but that Harry thought himself with nervousness was suicide if the runic band failed which considering the magic in this city could be a possibility, the best way out or rather the quickest was to get out by boat so he would have to somehow free it from the mud. So he set to work, trying to vanish the mud with his magic but there were simply too much of it to move without exhausting himself and he could not try burning it away because the boat he was on was made of wood so reluctantly he decided he would have to try and push it out. But just as he came to that conclusion a new problem developed.

His efforts to vanish the mud caused a small stone pillar held up by the mud to topple over in the water making a rather loud splash and trapping his boat in. Worse it had been noticed by the Stonemen who were now coming to investigate the disturbance hoping to find food. Harry saw them coming and knowing there was no chance of freeing the boat before they got there and not wanting to fight against the small horde that was approaching him, he had no choice but to flee leaping over the mud that remained to the solid ground and moving carefully round the Stonemen while they came upon his boat, now deprived of his magic to protect it. Harry watched dumbfounded as the boat itself was torn to pieces by the Stonemen acting like wild animals and leaving him with only one option as there were clearly no boats left here to escape in, he would have to travel via land but since he had no maps available to him that we could safely look at it now he would have to plan his route carefully thankfully he only had to follow the large Qhoyne river to find his way south.

Well Harry thought looking around at the magnificent buildings that had so entranced him that he had become stuck here by marvelling at them, I might as well have a look around. So with his nerves still as tight as the elastic he had seen in the other world, Harry set off to explore the buildings that surrounded him.


The first building Harry came across was some kind of manse, probably belonging at one stage to a wealthy merchant Harry decided as he carefully moved around the rotting wooden door. The expensive glasswork and ceramic vases were still intact although slightly covered in moss and as beautiful now as they must have been when they were first made. Any artwork made of wood or parchment had rotted by now which Harry thought was a shame as it must have been incredibly beautiful at one stage but was now he saw with disappointed eyes just a pile of rotting wood and paper. Then he noticed beautiful mosaics on the floor and on the walls which had survived better, Harry knew that many wealthy people would pay lavish sums to possess such things even though they would probably look at them once and never look at them again he thought with mirth. It seemed the nature of rich people to collect expensive things, look at them once and then never bother with them again surely something to boast about he thought and little more.

He dared go further inside the manse and came across the main hall where the rotting table had collapsed in the middle creating a pile of cutlery in the centre, while most of it had rusted completely over, some pieces were still glinting in the light and Harry realised to his surprise that they were made of solid gold which explained why they had not rusted like other metals. Harry revised his evaluation that this is wealthy merchant's home, with wealth like this he must be one of the richest men in the city and looking around some of the plates were made of either gold or silver to. Harry wondered how much they must all be worth and as he went into the other areas where only the servants would have worked, he saw much more of these valuable items just lying there forgotten in racks. He had to thank the Stonemen now Harry thought, the affliction had kept scavengers from coming here and all together the treasure in this city would probably be enough to buy some land and set yourself up as a Lord, not a very rich Lord maybe a poor one at that but still a Lord nonetheless. It would need to be cleaned with magic which hopefully should not take too long but otherwise completely salvageable.

So Harry thought he might as well make use of this opportunity and learn much he could, about the city and whatever secrets it still held. Knowing that it was best not to set up his tent anywhere near the Stonemen, Harry went up the stone staircase which he noticed was made of very impressive marble not unlike the material he had salvaged earlier in Ar Noy and put up his tent in one of the larger upstairs rooms. He repaired the doors with his magic and then moved a stone desk near to them to act as a barricade if need should arise. With this tent unpacked with a wave of his hand Harry went inside and emptied his pouch of money onto the table, money would do him no good here he reasoned and then also took one of his expanded trunks with him in reduced size as he knew there would be a lot more than his special pouch could handle. With that done Harry feeling a lot less brave than he would have liked decided to loot the manse of any wealth it still contained and if everything went right he thought to himself maybe the rest of the city as well.


Starting first with the cutlery he collected the gold and silver that was still intact and decontaminated it with magic before shoving it into the trunk with gloves that he retrieved from his tent as a safety precaution, plates and goblets that where inlaid with precious stones followed after. The precious glasswork and ceramic artwork came next and he took great care when packing them so they would not shatter but even if they did a quick repair charm and he would soon have them fixed.

As he looked through the rest of the building Harry honestly thought he had never seen such wealth outside of his own family or Hightower since he had left home; the mosaics on the floor intrigued him but like the ones on the walls he decides to leave them as the effort required to remove them would have been too much he felt to be worth it. Moving into the other areas of the manse he started coming across the guest bedrooms which unfortunately had little of value to be taken as the silks and the wooden objects had long been rotting, but when he came into the what Harry presumably to be the family apartments things began to change. Jewellery had lasted a lot longer being made of gold, precious stones and silver than the wood and the silk. He cleaned them with his magic wondering to himself if he had ever used so many cleaning charms in his life before putting them into the trunk as well. Whoever the place belong to could not be identified Harry thought with some disappointment as any documents had rotted too but he noticed when he finally came across the family's treasure room which contained a very elaborate safe, there might yet be something still inside.

Unfortunately he found that the safe door had been corroded shut but a quick repair charm and Harry to be able to fix it. He concentrated and instantly his magic warped the safe back into pristine condition with sturdy steel and stone construction then with a smile coming on his face Harry used the unlocking charm to make the door spring open on his command. When Harry saw what was on the inside he was both astonished and ecstatic.

It seemed that the people who built the vaults have mastered the similar magic to himself, it was slightly larger on the inside than it was on the outside, allowing it to hold a good-sized pile of gold currency with symbol of the city carved on each side. There were some precious stones in there as well and some paintings preserved by the airtight vault. Harry's grin grew wider as he thought about how much wealth was there and how much there might still be in other parts of the city. He could only imagine whatever catastrophe could have forced the Valyrians to leave. It must have been truly devastating as they had not looted the city properly before they left. Harry wondered his smile dimming slightly as he thought about how many of the stories he had heard about the conquest might be true. Rumour had it that greyscale had first been seen here and that it was some kind of revenge on the people who would destroy this city.

Harry did not dwell on those thoughts, hoping that he was wrong although given that the magic that prevented him from leaving here was still strong after so many years it might be the case. That made him wonder if perhaps the cure if there was one might be found here, that he realised with excitement could well be a great contribution to the world and possibly eradicate the disease forever. However it looked like it would not be found here he realised sadly and although he went to work collecting all the valuables inside the vault quickly filling the trunk that he had brought with him and then the pouch he wondered where he might find that information. Once the vault was cleared he gave the rest of the manse quick look through and discovered that there was not much more to be found here, so he returned to the room where he had set his tent up and re-entered placing the filled trunk with the rest of his stored treasure and emptying the pouch into a trunk that had not been properly filled yet.

He picked up another empty trunk shrunk to a smaller size and his once again empty pouch and then left to see if he could find more in the city to be salvaged. The only reason he was able to find as much gold as he did he realised was because gold doesn't corrode like steel does, although he was not complaining. The next two manses he came across likewise had gold and other valuables inside although they were considerably less than the first manse but between them they filled a trunk. What did disappoint him however was that he could not find any information on the magic of the Rhoynar, he feared that maybe it'd all been destroyed or taken by the Valyrians. The public library he discovered had been blasted into a crater probably by dragon fire and in his mind's eye he could almost see it as a smoking crater, it enraged him to think of all the knowledge now been lost due to the carelessness of the conquerors when they had taken this city but that was the way of people high on success he thought darkly. What did it matter to them if future generations wanted this knowledge when they could just destroy now for their own quick pleasure? If the library have been intact enough and the books and scrolls preserved the maesters would have thanked him on hand and knee for that knowledge, but it looks like any knowledge left would have to be preserved in the manses of the city's elite.

He continue to search the city for the next day or so hoping to find something of the city's knowledge and culture had survived, but no matter where he looked it seemed like the people were more concerned with their wealth than their knowledge. In annoyed him so much that something as great as their water magic could have been lost with no trace remaining, anywhere where magic might have been recorded in the libraries or the vaults of the elite had either been destroyed or it was simply not there. Harry was starting to lose patience although he was gaining a considerable amount of wealth from his looting, it was magical knowledge he craved and was starting to give up hope of ever finding any.

Then on the third day just as he was about to give up he was searching the city he noticed a large golden cage which was hanging in what had once been the city square. He had heard the story of how the invaders had hung the Prince that ruled the city in the cage and forced him to watch as his city was plundered and destroyed. Some say that he had cursed the invaders and made the rivers rise up and swallow the Valyrians in the current along with his own people but Harry had never put stock in these rumours until he noticed there was something shimmering inside of the cage and his interest was piqued. Looking around he found the mechanism that held the cage up and with a concentrated cutting charm from his ring, he severed the chain and allowed the cage to fall to the ground although a quick cushioning charm stopped it from being smashed to pieces. Harry carefully approached the cage wondering now if perhaps he should have thought this through a little better but he noticed that along the cage's golden bars runes had been inscribed which he recognised. They were often used in banishing rituals in the other world, you would use them to box spirit in so it could be properly exorcised but it could also be used to keep a ghost prisoner and sure enough on the inside was the spectral form of a man in the finest clothes Harry had ever seen.

He seemed to be kneeling like he was praying but he did notice Harry the moment he stepped up close. He turned to look at the young interloper and looked at him with curiosity before asking him.

"You are not one of the Dragon Lords. You have the bearing and complexion of a Westerosi. Who are you?" Ghost Prince asked wondering who could have managed to get past the Stonemen before he realised the human in front of him was magical. His expression grew more intrigued as Harry answered.

"My name is Harry Tyrell, I am a traveller who arrived at the city by accident and have the good fortune of having magic of my own to protect me." Harry told him honestly see no reason to lie, he could easily banish the spirit if needs be and he might learn something to by speaking to him. So Harry asked a question of his own. "And if I may ask who are you and how did you come to be in this situation?" Harry asked looking at the cage.

The Prince seemed confused clearly not used to talking to people after so long a time alone, but he answered glad to have someone to speak to you again.

"I am Prince Garin the Great and it was my own arrogance that led to my downfall." He answered sadly. "I did not do enough to stop the Dragon Lords before it was too late. My people paid the price, many were dragged off in chains while I was forced to watch from this lofty perch." The prince said they looked about the cage he was trapped in. "Then I did something very foolish, my captors did not know that I wielded the water magic of my people so they did not dampen my powers. I cut my own wrists to empower my spell to last beyond my death and it worked." He said his voice becoming increasingly bitter. "The river rose and swallowed everything in its waters, my own spell becoming the fog that wraps the city now and drowned everyone within it. The few that survived including those that remained of my own people were affected by the fog becoming the first sufferers of the disease that I unleashed upon the world. It even prevented any magic users from being able flee by inhibiting their powers although now it only inhibits the ability to leave by magic. I had thought that death would be a release but that the Valyrians thought it amusing to trap me within this cage and due my own arrogance no one was left to release me. It meant that this fog will not end until my spirit leaves this world which it cannot do as long as it is within this cage."

The Prince stopped talking, if he had been flesh and blood then he would surely have been crying Harry thought as great despair and regret emanated from him. He seemed desperate to tell Harry something so rather than speak he let the Prince continue.

"Learn from my mistakes young Tyrell, keep your eyes open and do not ignore signs of trouble that you do not like. If I had not done so and acted sooner, my city could have avoided this fate." The Prince seemed to collapse in on himself while Harry looked on in sympathy.

As stunned as he was by the Prince's words and knew he should take them to heart, he had never heard a man sound is wretched in all his days. Harry could see why, what people had survived the Valyrian attack had been dragged off in chains or turned into monsters by his own powers if not killed outright. And having to live with that for centuries…it would be more than anyone could bear Harry thought to himself sadly. So he decided to tell the Prince of the events that transpired after his death, hoping it might provide some relief.

"The Valyrians paid for the hubris in the end, the doom wiped out nearly their entire civilisation. Barely anything remains and the Rhoynar have grown strong again in a land called Dorne. So even in the darkest times hope endures and if I was to free you from this cage what would you do?" Harry was serious about freeing him, it would he hoped lift the fog and the magic that blocked his escape. But he would only do it if the Prince had no intention of starting some sort of revenge against an enemy that had long since perished.

Too many innocents could pay the price. If that was the case he hoped the news that the Rhoynar had survived and now had a new homeland would be enough to sway the Prince's anger.

The Prince himself was shocked at the idea that he might be able to leave his prison at long last, he had long resigned himself many years ago that he would be trapped in this cage for eternity and thought it appropriate for what he had done. The news that the enemy he had hated for so long was now vanquished by nature itself brought a small glimmer of satisfaction to his heart even if it was too late to save his people and if they indeed had not only survived but become strong again in another land there was something he could rejoice at. He turned to his would-be saviour and asked him.

"And what would you ask me in return?" Harry looked at him strangely for a moment before he answered.

"I had hoped to find traces of the water magic your people once practised, maybe even knowledge of their civilisation now so much has been lost after the conquest. Is there anywhere in the city where it might have survived? I would hope to preserve it for the future rather than let it rot here."

The Prince thought hard for a moment, not sure he should accept the offer as the young man in question might misuse those powers as he himself had once done. What was that old saying he thought himself the path to hell is paved with good intentions. He could only hope that the young man in front of him would handle the information he gave him responsibly, he did not want his civilisation's knowledge to die and if this young man had the power to free him it would no longer be his concern. So with a sense of relief that it would soon be over he decided to reveal the only place in the city with the knowledge the young man sought which might still exist.

"My private wing in the Palace of Love was enhanced with runic magic to protect it from the ravages of the elements, so my private library might have survived. The knowledge you seek may be found there. Now is it true that you can release me? I would dearly hope so because I could finally leave this cage and face judgement what have done under our gods and hope that they will be kind. If not at least I would be free of this hell." The Prince said with hope and pleading eyes, this half-life had been pure unyielding torture and he would gladly seek oblivion if not the next world so that it might end.

Harry nodded and hoping that his instinctive guess that the Prince would not seek revenge on an enemy now destroyed was right and he began the long and difficult work of disarming the runes that had been engraved onto the cage. Harry marvelled at strength of the runes, being so strong after centuries without recharging and he could only guess that they had taken the power of the ghost of the Prince himself. A ghost had a form which was pure energy so the runes would never potentially run out of energy…well perhaps they might Harry conceded in another thousand years or so but for now Harry was not intending to let that happen.

So carefully he disarmed each of the runes one by one. It took most of the day as whoever had cast them clearly knew their craft well Harry thought with a sigh of exhaustion beginning to creep in. But at last he managed to disarm enough of the runes to open the cage and the remaining runes lost power as the Prince's spirit floated out the cage for the first time since he had died within it centuries ago. The Prince did not need to stretch of course as he had no blood or muscles in his arms, but he did seem to relish the ability to move again flying like a young child who had suddenly been gifted with wings around the damaged and ruined square with reckless abandon. Harry watched feeling the exuberant mood of the Prince and it took nearly half an hour before he came back to Harry and beaming from ear to ear told him.

"Thank you young man. I cannot begin to tell you how much this means to me, take anything you want that remains in the city. It is my gift to you for all you have done, the combination to my vault is 8942 1511. Anything you want in there is yours. Oh my people, your Prince is free at last and he has much to atone for, please forgive me." The Prince then seemed to fade away into nothingness as he was finally able to pass on to whatever life came after death

Harry watched him disappear with a sad smile, he could only hope that the prince wherever he went found peace, after centuries of torment and guilt he deserved it.

Then Harry noticed as he looked around at the fog that blanketed the area and made it murky and fearsome had started to fade away allowing the sun to shine upon the city properly for the first time in so many decades. The Stonemen fled from the sight of it, sheltering in the darkest places of the city that they could find, Harry looked at them sorrowfully, he had hoped that maybe they might have died or been released from their curse when the Prince had passed on but it seemed it was not to be.

But another thing became apparent Harry as the fog finally lifted, he felt the tingle of his magic increase in strength as the force that had stopped him from apparating evaporated. Taking a good deep breath Harry smiled and as a test he apparated himself back to his tent. The slight pop was music to his ears and he disappeared from the square and after the familiar sensation of being squeezed through a tube reappeared in the manse he had taken as a base next to his tent.

Relishing his returned abilities he entered the tent and put the now filled trunk he had collected from the last of the manses in with the others before he planned out his activities for the next day, as he would now go to the Palace of Love or Sorrow as it was called by some and see if the Prince was right and that something of this civilisation might have survived there.


Harry awoke that morning bright and cheerful, emerging from his tent and stowing it in this pack. He was eager to explore the Palace but he was very unsettled by the prospect of crossing the Bridge of Dreams which is where the largest concentration of the Stonemen could be found. He had not seen the bridge properly yet due to the fog being so thick when he came on his boat, so he walked through the city with the only thing keeping the Stonemen from seeing him being the runic band on his arm, he was not sure of what he would find when he got there. The Stonemen continue to mull about, but although this was expected Harry's heart was thundering in his chest at being this close to the diseased people of this city. He did not blame them for their affliction or hate them in any way it was just he knew how dangerous the disease was and did not want to contract it himself.

When he reached the bridge, Harry's trepidation only grew as he saw that not only was the bridge absolutely swarming with Stonemen but more critically it was broken. From the middle to the gates of the palace it was lying in pieces in the river below a rather nasty drop of forty feet, Harry wasn't sure what to do as there was no feasible way he could pass over the bridge to reach the other side. Worse he certainly could not even try to reach the edge without being noticed by the stone men who were bound to touch him accidentally as he tried to sneak through.

The damage was also too extreme for him to use his magic to fix it quickly or try to bridge that gap and gain entry to the palace another way. Then Harry thought about his magic and wondered if he might dare try to apparate across, he could only just see the edge of the gatehouse on the island where the palace sat so he might be able to apparate across but he could not see it very clearly so there was a risk he might miss and reappear in thin air if he got it wrong.

Deciding to take the risk with little choice left Harry felt very much like a diver on the high board of the swimming pool in the other world, he closed his eyes focused on the gatehouse that he could just about see on the other side of the bridge and drew on his magic and disappeared with a pop and reappeared on the other side. Whole and healthy except for feeling slightly shaken and with an immense sense of relief.

Harry turned around and looked at the bridge behind him and saw the Stonemen were still milling about on it, but also the gap behind him and the rather alarming drop into the river below. Taking a step backwards onto more solid ground, Harry then turned to look at the Palace that he had now arrived in.

It was much like the rest of the city, ruined by the invasion hundreds of years ago but unlike the rest of the city moss and creeper had not touched it yet, contained as it was on the island. The buildings were still worn with the elements and no one to maintain them but they had stood up incredibly well Harry realised with awe, the clear white stone now faded and the walkways slightly broken but otherwise it was still an incredible sight.

It was enormous the sheer size of the palace was at least ten times that of Highgarden which was said to be as big as the Red Keep in Kings Landing, with many of its buildings still intact. He walked through the gatehouse and into the palace grounds coming after a considerable walk to the main building's large and imposing doorway which made him seem like an ant in comparison although the wood had fallen away burned probably by dragon fire. He walked into the entrance hall that was unfortunately stripped probably when the city had been sacked. Harry suppressed his disappointment and began to explore the enormous structure and discovered many of the guest bedrooms would have been lavishly appointed and that day however they too had fallen into disrepair or been looted but still there were many other rooms to explore he thought hopefully, the armoury was full of steel weapons which had unfortunately rusted and the great hall which must have been big enough to put an entire war galley in not been touched with many of the gold cutlery and plates still on the table which was made from marble rather than wood.

Harry pulled the empty shrunken chest from his pocket with excitement as it became clear that there might still be something worthwhile here to find. He began searching for anything that might be worth collecting, starting with the golden cutlery and plates which he scooped into his chest with a summoning spell. Heading down into the storage areas found little that was worth taking that but as he reached the private apartments he began to discover more worthwhile items.

The elaborate woodwork and silks had like in the rest of the city become worthless with age and neglect but some glassworks and statuettes remained intact to be collected. However aside from that Harry could not find that much as it had been somewhat looted during the invasion, even the large treasury room was empty. Then he finally arrived at the Prince's private wing of the palace.

Unlike the rest of the palace these doors were made of wood that had not rotted and the runes carved in wood which might have been mistaken for simple artistry by a layman revealed why. Magic hummed pleasantly around them and Harry would almost have put his hand up to touch it had he not realised that it would probably hurt him with some sort of booby trap. Security given the importance of who had once resided within those rooms, Harry almost slapped himself for getting so carried away that he would miss the obvious.

So he carefully reached out his hand and channelled his magic into his ring and slowly began to one by one disarm the security measures on the door which had managed to keep the invaders out, long enough for the city to be flooded by the Prince. They were very strong he noted sweat forming his brow as the runes resisted him every step of the way and the strain of his efforts began to tell with a nasty headache forming as concentration required was immense. Built to last he thought with mirth smiling as he refused to give in despite the headache and slowly each of the runes that guarded the door began to fall one by one until finally with an almost theatrical sigh of relief Harry felt the last of them break and he eagerly pushed open the door.


Whatever Harry had been expecting was immediately blown out of the water when he stepped inside the corridor. The walls and floors of the corridor were both lined with the same magnificent marble that he had discovered in Ar Noy complete with the golden inlay. Portraits still as magnificent as the day they had been painted lined the walls with elegant glassworks and ceramic statuettes on plinths. A pleasant smell wafted through the air, reminding Harry of the roses that he had smelt when he still lived at his family's home. He walked along the floor almost slipping in his haste to discover what else might be here, coming to first door which had been left ajar. He looked through and saw what appeared to be a private garden built entirely indoors with flowers still blooming in a controlled environment maintained and preserved by the rune stones around them. The garden was magnificent with its colourful array of flowers and plants and decorated with fountains, arches, columns and statues all no doubt made by the finest craftsmen of their day as big as the great hall he had just come from.

Harry walked through looking up to see that the ceiling itself was styled to look like a summer's day. He had seen such magic in his opposite's memories but he had never believed he might actually see such enchanted ceilings for himself since his opposite had never learned the magic to do it. Reluctantly he left the garden and moved across the hallway almost slipping into the next room which had a private swimming pool again furnished in marble with runic taps to create constant warm and cold water when required.

It was almost tempted for a moment to take a dip given that he was sure that he smelled very bad having not had the chance to take a bath in a few days. But for the moment he continued to explore the wing of the Prince, although as he came to a staircase decorated with statues that spiralled up further Harry began to think that perhaps calling this place a private wing might be more an injustice given how big everything was; the swimming pool alone must have been as wide as the River Mander with just as much across.

He left the pool and started up the stairs, his legs protesting they kept climbing to the next floor where his heart sang at the sight of a private library that would have given the maesters a heart attack. There must be Harry realised as he looked around with wide eyes, be hundreds and hundreds of books lining its shelves most of them in the tongue of the city. He even noticed some of the books were emblazed with Valyrian words.

They must have come from when the city had once traded with the Valyrian Freehold. If need be Harry would summon someone from the dead possibly a scholar who could teach him the Chroyane language. A Valyrian would be ironic he thought, given they had destroyed the city and then teach him to keep some part of it alive.

He explored further and became even more excited when he saw that some of the books looked like they might be on the water magic and potions of the city, even alchemy which was subject he had never been able to study never knowing the names of anyone who knew the subject at least in this world. Beyond the library was a private potion lab which was complete with cauldrons and all the implements required to make nearly any kind of potion you wanted not to mention stored ingredients, preserved in stasis for use as good now he thought as the day when they had been first harvested. There were even seed pods so you could grow the plants needed for potions and some of the exotic flowers he had seen in the private garden.

Some of the species of plant were extinct now Harry thought so perhaps he might be able to reintroduce those species back into the world. There was so many opportunities to learn and do that Harry could barely contain himself.

Venturing further up the spiralling staircase that reminded him of the Astronomy Tower in Hogwarts, Harry was eager to see what else they might be up here after the potions lab, a massive library containing so much lost knowledge and a garden with magnificent artwork to decorate it. It had already exceeded everything he dreamed of but the greatest finds he would discover belonged at the top of the private wing.

The next level contained the private treasury of the Prince himself which was a large room filled with gold, the Valyrians would have given their souls to get their hands on this much gold Harry thought with astonishment. Deciding to come back and collect it later and continued on up the staircase.

The solar of the Prince was just as magnificently turned out as the rest of his wing but aside from the documents and books it housed his private collection which of course interested Harry no end. Even more intriguing was the big vault that would have looked completely at home in a bank, made of fine steel with a complex locking mechanism. After seeing all the gold on the floor below Harry could only guess at what the Prince would have considered important enough to warrant such a vault, he barely managed to stop himself opening the vault straight away as he knew that he had much to do before he could risk doing so.

He would first have to check out the rest of the wing and collect anything that was worth salvaging from here which considering how much there was would be a significant feat on its own he realised and liable to take a couple of days. Where it not for the various boxes around the room which Harry could modify to be expanded chests he would probably not have enough in his tent to carry it all.

Well Harry thought he would have to start somewhere and decided here would be as good as any Harry set up his tent. He could he realised have used the large bed of the prince but caution made him reconsider. Better in the safety of his tent he thought as he entered the tent and grabbed another two empty chests while still carrying the half full one from earlier so he could begin to look properly through the Prince's private collection.


A day later Harry was sitting on a comfortable leather chair still pouring through the books in the library, astonished to find so much knowledge after seeing the devastation in the city. So little knowledge of the Rhoynar civilisation had survived other than what Nymeria and her fleet of ships had brought over when they fled in the face of the Valyrian attack and most of that were mere legends passed down by word of mouth and corrupted by time and politics. These Harry thought with glee chronicled their civilisation from its infancy up till its end, the maesters would kill for all this knowledge Harry thought with a smile and he might be able to use this as leverage against them one day. Another interesting thing Harry had discovered was that some of the books and scrolls in the libraries came from Westeros originally. Harry was quite surprised at them being here when as far as he had been taught the various kingdoms of Westeros had never had any contact with the Rhoynar before Nymeria and her people came but as far as he could piece together cities like Chroyane had actually traded with Westeros centuries ago. It was a piece of history lost until now Harry thought with a smile knowing the maesters would be debating it for years.

But while he made many discoveries in the library below, it was in the Prince's private collection that he had discovered that most intriguing information. Valuables tomes and scrolls thought lost forever could be found there, such as Against the Unnatural which had been written by a Maester with apparent proof that dragons had existed in Westeros before the rise of Valyria whatever the Freehold had claimed about making them with magic.

Then there was Blood and Fire which contained information on how to breed dragons to make them stronger and larger than normal, as well as hints on training them in a rather barbaric way that Harry found distasteful but could well come in handy if he ever found out how to hatch his own dragon egg. Images of him flying on the back of a magnificent dragon brought a great thrill of anticipation and he vowed to find out someday how to hatch his egg but regretfully the knowledge was not contained within the book. In fact Harry remembered he had the one of only two copies in the world with the other being in the vaults of the Citadel back in Oldtown.

Other valuable tomes and scrolls like the Summer and Winter Annals which detailed the history and culture of the destroyed Kingdom of Sarnor which elsewhere only existed in fragments, The Jade Compendiumwhich spoke of the various legends of Essos and had much information on the history its cities and the Reckoning of Time which detailed how different cultures perceived time. All were rare but the last two that really caught his eye.

The Engines of War, a scroll detailing how to build devastating siege equipment and weapons of war like longer range trebuchet or more powerful ballista for use against enemy soldiers. The only complete version was held in Winterfell except for the one in his hand. And The Fire of the Freehold containing the most detailed account of the history of the Valyrian Freehold up until the destruction of Chroyane. The Citadel's copy was missing twenty seven scrolls that made up the set while Harry had the full thing. He would deeply enjoy reading it in detail later.

But the books on water magic and runes interested him the most. He had never believed that so much magical knowledge could still exist in a world that seemed to have so little of it and it was not just magic itself he thought with glee. Many books on different kinds of potions and alchemy could be found here, they had a potion for almost every single ailment or contingency and he had come to very disturbing theory as to why the Valyrians might have destroyed this place.


He had heard that the Valyrians had magic and in fact that all magic might as well have died with them but despite that not being true obviously thought to himself thinking of his own powers the Valyrians seemed to attack any other culture that had magic of its own. Anything that survived they took and made their own, after all there was no reason for the Dragon Lords to attack the Rhoynar people they had traded with for so many years and always been at peace with, Valyrian had instigated those wars for no good reason. Perhaps Harry wondered they might have feared the magic of the Rhoynar would challenge them one day and decided to destroy it before that could happen rather than take the chance.

But he thought with deadly seriousness if that was the case it made the Dragon Lords a very selfish, fear driven and prideful people. Harry was no longer sure what to think and found he could not judge as he had never been there to see it for himself, but the knowledge of potions would sit him in good stead in the future as not only had the Prince preserved all the knowledge of how to make the potions, he'd also stored most of the ingredients required as well as the means to make more and a few preserved ones in bottles that could be useful to Harry now. This alone Harry realised would give him a major advantage along with the water magic once he had learned to control it, he had not done any experiment so far but he was confident that time he could learn.


It took almost four days of hard work for him to clear out the garden, library, treasury, potion lab and the Prince's private collection. They were all stored in the chests kept in his tent's storage area and contained a vast array of treasure shrunken to fit as much into the chests as possible; ornate fountains, crockery, arches, elaborately carved wooden doors, murals, statues, columns, books, scrolls, gold, antiques, precious stones, seed pods, potions equipment/ingredients and much of the precious artwork that had lined the walls. All in all it would be enough to make Harry a very rich man if he ever decided to part with it, but the only thing left to do was the thing made Harry the most nervous.

The Prince's vault.

He knew the combination to open it because the Prince himself had told him but he did not know what to expect inside it. The quality of knowledge and value of everything outside all made Harry wonder what the Prince could have thought be so important to warrant the protection of such a vault over everything else. Given that the people who had built it had mastered space expansion runes as he had, there was no telling how much might be inside and if it was dangerous it might mean the vault was meant to contain something rather than protect it, making Harry nervous about opening the Vault.

So on the fifth day Harry finally managed to get up the courage to open the vault. He stepped into the Prince's private solar, now looking as far bleaker with most of the fine artwork and books removed and carefully put the combination into the lock not bothering with magic this time as he had combination so he would not need it.

The Prince had not been lying it seems Harry realised with an apprehensive smile as the vault door clicked open naturally, but what he saw inside both confused and intrigued him.

He looked inside to see a massive long corridor, along the walls where racks that held small glass vials all of which contained a sort of smoky silvery substance. At the end was a very strange looking bowl on a plinth. As he cautiously made his way inside Harry looked around and felt there was something familiar about these things but not necessarily from his life. Maybe his alternate self-had seen something similar but it wasn't until he came to the bowl at the end of the very long corridor that he realised just what it was.

A pensieve, a genuine pensieve.

Harry could not believe his eyes, just what the bowl in front of him was and more importantly just what the silvery smoke or liquid were. Preserved memories spread out over what Harry thought could be hundreds of years as some of them were dated in small brass plaques underneath. He grabbed one and poured it into the bowl and the liquid quickly filled it. Harry with the recklessness of youth did not even hesitate to put his head into the substance and fell head forward into the memory.

The next thing Harry knew he was falling onto wet earth and very quickly got up to his feet looking around to discover just where he was. He noticed that he was in a very small village on a sunny day by a familiar looking river. Harry had no idea where or when he was but the look of people around it told him that this was a Rhoynar settlement. The people slim with olive coloured skin and dark eyes.

There were many people going about their daily jobs and acting as if Harry were not there which of course he realised he wasn't given this had happened a long time ago and he was seeing only a recording of it.

One thing that did stand out to him however was a gathering down by the water where an old woman in a very strange looking costume made largely of reeds much to Harry's surprise as everyone else was wearing cotton. She was making some very elaborate almost martial arts like moves or maybe Tai Chi like with water snaking its way around her arms as she moved before a bunch of eager students who sat on the bank watching her. Harry eagerly joined lesson, listening to her every word.

"If you want to use the water." The woman in reeds said. "Then you have to feel its flow, as the moon pushes and pulls the water you must move with its flow. Feel the energy as it moves through your body, learn to guide it and the water will follow. This has been our way for many generations and will continue to be our way for many generations to come. This is Chroyane and it may not always be this simple village but this is our way and you must learn. This is the first lesson, you must master this before you can begin to learn our more complicated and powerful abilities."

With a sudden jerk Harry then found himself back outside the pensieve with the memory apparently over. He carefully gathered the preserved memory back into its container and restored it to its place on the wall. It was very clear to him that this was a detailed library of sorts containing not books but memories from different people throughout the city's existence. At least from the Prince's family at any rate. The ability to store memories was now open to Harry but this he realised with awe was genuinely priceless. Actual recorded memories of the city from its beginning to the end, from the perspective of the people that had lived it, that was truly priceless and worth the trip here on its own.

He would carefully take and store the memories and the pensieve to examine them in more detail later and to preserve them for the future. If nothing else things like this should never be forgotten but he also realised it would aid him if any of the memories taught him to wield water magic.


Two days later Harry took one last look back at the city from a nearby bank, deciding to simply leave the Stonemen to their way. There were too many to fight and without the fog would be far easier for people to see them if they dared come up this far.

He had never known a bounty like the one he'd just received from the Prince and the salvage from the city. He now had more wealth than he knew what to do with, he was now richer than nearly any other lord in the Reach certainly except his own family and the Hightowers. His thoughts against his will slipped backwards briefly to the faceless man that he had met in Braavos and what he had said about the future or rather his personal future which brought brief frown to Harry's face.

The words of the faceless man seemed to be coming true but despite the devastation he had seen in his travels along the river and even before that he did not want to rule. He had been spared that by being the second son. Although Loras had many times boasted of his firstborn status to him, Harry had never envied him as it meant he had the freedom to make his own decisions and determine where his life went whereas his brother would be forever tied to Highgarden, be forced to marry and one day rule no doubt with Margaery looking over his shoulder as his grandmother had done for his father. Despite the odd chance that something might happen to Loras which given his family's tendency to play it safe was rather slim Harry was in no danger of taking his place unless of course Loras decided for some strange reason to join the night watch or become a septon or a maester which of course his grandmother and father would never allow.

Harry now on his horse Storm's back turned away from the ruined city and rode southwards towards the coast putting aside his thoughts on the future for the moment as for now he controlled his life's path, if you could avoid that prediction if true for as long as possible then he would. Whatever the man had said he decided his destiny and if fate came calling he would do his best to avoid it. Storm made a noise intended to comfort him which Harry sensed through the bond he had established with his horse and now smiling again they rode southwards along the riverbank. Harry did his best to put his worries behind like the city he was leaving and concentrate on his next destination.

Coastal Port, two days later…

The signs of civilisation sent Harry's heart soaring after being trapped in the dark and terrifying forest for longer than he cared to admit, the fact that it was a port only made things better as his eyes were drawn to the ships that were in dock and his mind spun with all the destinations that they might have.

Harry rode straightforward almost urging Storm into a gallop to reach it sooner and Orion flew overhead, taking the runic band off his wrist and putting it in the pouch at his side for the moment, hoping he would not need it again for a long time. People looked up as he rode into the town eying him suspiciously but Harry did not care a jot, taking comfort at being amongst people again; funny, nasty, irritating, brilliant people. The sights and smells of the town as bad as they were did not matter, he was just glad to at last be out of that infernal jungle.

He arrived in the dock quickly as it was only a small settlement, largely a fishing village that was also used by larger ships to stop off and resupply on long journeys. Going to the first ship he could find, he leapt from his horse and made a beeline for the captain, who looked up at the stranger walking towards him and frowned as Harry stood right up close with a beaming smile on his face.

"Good morning Captain or is this afternoon I have honestly lost track." Harry said still beaming from ear to ear at the sight of another human being and eagerly asked him. "If I may be so bold what port does your ship sail for?"

The captain did not answer for a moment, he surprised by the young man's exuberance especially as a bloodhawk then landed on the young man's shoulders but his wits soon returned and he answered wondering if the young man wanted passage or was wrong in the head.

"We sale for Qarth in twenty minutes. If there is cargo you wish to take or if you want passage you must be quick." The captain asked and Harry only laughed before answering.

"Yes good captain I only wish to see if you will grant passage to Qarth for me, my hawk and my horse. I can pay for it if that is what you're worried about and I have no qualms about working for you for the duration of my passage. So will you permit me to board captain?" Harry looked expectantly at the captain who was for a moment unsure of whether he should allow this young man on his ship as he seemed rather not right in the head with his unusual exuberance. Looking almost he thought like you would either burst into song or give him a hug at any moment. But he had little cargo to make the passage worth it so passengers would be welcome addition to his profits the captain decided and so with some slight reservations he stepped aside to allow Harry to board.

"Excellent captain I hope our voyage shall be a pleasant one, by the way my name is Harry. Harry Tyrell." And Harry almost ran up the gangplank pulling Orion up by his reins, eager to see the sights of the famous city of Qarth and what new things he might discover there.