

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: swords and roses by Sage1988

supahsanic6969 · Livres et littérature
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35 Chs


Castle Black, the Wall…

The body of Jon Snow lay on a table in the Lord Commander's room, around it stood the dejected faces of Davos, Grenn, Edd, Shireen and a number of other men and a mournful looking wolf. Melisandre hung in the background looking at the corpse with confusion, her visions had said he was Azor Ahai and when she looked into the flames in the hearth they still did.

"I have heard that you can bring back the dead." Davos said, shaking his head in what he was about to ask. He honestly thought that she served a demon but right now they were in desperate need of help. The true enemy was coming and the pathetic band of Ser Alliser Thorne was obsessed with wildlings and making himself king of the hill. They needed men of quality and valour to lead them in this battle, not pricks like Thorne.

"If my lord wills it the soul of the dead can return yes." She said with a smirk seeing now how her visions were to come about. "I may be able to restore Jon Snow to life but if the traitors find him they will kill him again and us too." She reminded them and Davos now nervous as they all even the Princess Shireen turned to him for leadership and he felt more out of his depth than ever but he had to stay strong for everyone else so he thought quickly and made a plan.

"You must go to the Wildling camp and tell them what has happened, bring them here. And you go to the knights camp and do the same." Davos told Edd and Grenn who looked uneasy about leaving but knew they would need help. Their mutual nod confirmed their agreement and Davos turned to the rest of the men in the room and said. "Then we must protect his body while Lady Melisandre does her work." He knew the traitorous watch would come for them sooner or later and could only help arrived before then. They all nodded looking worried but resolved to see this through.

So once Edd and Grenn had stuck out of the Castle Black Davos bolted the door and all of them waited while Melisandre went to work.


The Dreadfort, the North…

The Dreadfort was one of the largest castles in the North, it had vast lands at its disposal and stood surrounded by rocks to make it harder for an approaching army as there were only a few useable paths.

This made it easy for the very few guards that had been left by Ramsay to guard the castle as he had consolidated most of his men at Winterfell, the high walls and high towers on them were certainly another blessing as now only twenty men protected the castle. The acting steward breathed a sigh of relief as he saw a column of Bolton soldiers coming up the road, he had written several times to Lord Ramsay pleading for more men to defend the Bolton's ancestral home but until now they had been waved off with little assurances. A column of fifty men would be a great boon the twenty that currently guarded the castle.

"Open the gates." The Steward called out to the men there and they slid the bar blocking them free before pulling the thick wooden doors open. The Bolton soldiers from the road marched inside without speaking which was fine with the steward. As they marched up to him however he noticed something odd about one of the men, he was quite short and seemed to have a sword with a wolf styled pommel and crossguard.

However he had no chance to ask about it as the short soldier lifted their head and he was astonished to see a young girl's face with a devilish grin before she pulled her sword from its sheath and stabbed him straight in the gut. The twenty Bolton soldiers had only a second to be shocked the sudden and unexpected attack before the rest of the newly arrived column charged with blood filled battle cries at them, led by the girl who moved with the grace of a dancer and was as deadly as a viper cutting down men with ease.

It was hardly a fight, over in mere minutes as Arya cast off her Bolton helmet and armour, wiping Wolf's Blood clean with the cloak of the now dead steward. The Manderly men that had joined her using stolen Bolton armour began to search the castle, hoping perhaps that they might find something useful or valuable. She herself wandered around the castle and see if any of the rumours about it were true. The great hall had been unfortunately very close as they had skeletal human hands holding up torches that did little to illuminate the dim area, the smoke in this room must have been bad she thought as the rafters of the room were unfortunately black from it.

She shook her head knowing whoever was going to rule this castle in future would need to have some renovations done, so she kept exploring and found the torture chambers which honestly made even her shudder with revulsion but the worst was the room that held what looked like flayed skins, human skins that had House Stark's banner on them and their names stitched into it. It honestly made her glad that only one Bolton remained alive, soon this family would do the North a favour by dying out. Her hand going to her Valyrian sword and swearing to make sure of it after making sure these Starks were given the proper rights in the crypts of Winterfell as they deserved.

"Lady Stark." One of the Manderly men said approaching her, she looked up and gave him her full attention. "We found this in the solar." He handed her a note, apparently from Ramsay Snow to the steward of the Dreadfort and she quickly read before she gasped in surprise and horror.

Her little brother Rickon was alive and in the hands of Ramsay.

They must rally what they can, Arya thought quickly. Aside from the Karstarks and the Manderlys, the Mormonts, the Forresters and the Glenmores, they had recently gained the assistance of the House Hornwood and House Mazin but both of them were only able to give a handful of men. The two thousand men sent by their uncle and great uncle in the south were a boon but most were green and untested.

Worse the letter also said that the Boltons were supported by the Glovers, the Ryswells, the Dustins, strangely the Skargosi but worse of all was that the Umbers had sided with them.

That was been a horrible shock Arya thought reeling, the Umbers had always been so loyal to House Stark never having abandoned them before but now this new lord SmallJon (Arya snidely to wonder if maybe he had that name for a reason) seemed to lack the backbone and integrity of his late father. That put her family at a distinct disadvantage in terms of numbers but they had a larger cavalry than the Boltons did but what worried her most was that Rickon was in Ramsay's hands.

She needed to let Sansa know as soon as possible Arya thought desperately and hoped maybe Harry might be able to help.

Highgarden, the Reach…

Harry sat at the Lord's desk and looked through the mountain of paperwork that came with running a kingdom the size of the Reach; preparations for winter, taxes, crop yields, crime rates, requests from various lords, complaints from other lords and a million other things that demanded his attention. He was used to it after running his own kingdom for so long but it was certainly more of a drag then he liked, the lords here really could be a bunch of whining babies he thought with annoyance.

His attempts to rescue Loras had been a complete failure, he had moved around the city for hours with point me charms but the response was so weak that Harry was not sure he was even in the city. The High Sparrow could be keeping him outside as a layer of defence against a rescue but there was no way of knowing, they did know where he would be on the day of his 'trial' so they would have to try something then. He had quietly ordered his brother's vassals to prepare their armies but since he was only acting Lord it remained to be seen if they would obey his orders. If they didn't though he would know just who to punish when the time came. He was spending most of time he sat here keeping the lords in line and stopping the jitters going around with his brother's abduction.

One thing that had surprised him was that although word of the dragons helping the conquest of Myr and the Disputed Lands had reached Westeros by now no one seemed to have linked it to him, many believed Daenerys Targaryen was responsible even if she was half the world away at the time...still he thought with a shrug what did it matter for now?

They would know the truth soon enough.

His grandmother was enjoying a much deserved rest in the gardens as he took the strain, Harry knew she would hate 'being treated like an invalid' but she needed the break he thought she was in her eighties now after all.

The gentle pinging of a magic mirror however broke the quiet and he sighed knowing it came from one of the magic mirrors. He reached for the pouch that contained it and the image of Sansa Stark appeared.

"Lady Sansa, I appreciate a chance to hear how you and your sister are doing but right now I am working." Harry said wearily not really needing something else to worry about but the concerned look on the young woman's face told him it was both a problem and important.

"I am sorry for interrupting you Lord Tyrell but something has come up that I desperately need your help with. My youngest brother Rickon is alive and is being held by Ramsay Bolton, we can't get to him in Winterfell but I hoped maybe you can." Sansa said urgently.

Harry was deeply surprised at that, he like many others had believed all the sons of Eddard Stark were dead but apparently there was at least one still alive. While that probably meant that Sansa and Arya would not become the rulers of the North publicly it would be a welcome news for them to have their brother back...the desperate look of hope on Sansa's face started to weaken his resolve and he groaned before saying.

"I will see what I can do, that is all I can say." He said and she with a smile nodded which only made him sigh as the connection was cut, he had enough on his own plate right now without having to infiltrate Winterfell too but if it made the Stark restoration more secure which in turn would make their ascension to the throne more likely too it was worth doing. So he was going to need some furs and a cloak.


Horn Hill, the Reach…

Samwell had never expected to see his family home again after his father had sent him to the Wall and to be honest he was not at all looking forward to being here. He was glad to see his mother and sister again, seeing his little nephew too although young Randyll was not so little any more. Instead he apparently ran his sister and her husband ragged as the energetic boy ran around to explore everything.

His new good-sister was a surprise, she was at the moment having a rather uncomfortable pregnancy and stuck in bed with very bad morning sickness but from what his mother had told him Margaery was a delight to be around. Both mother and Talla who was visiting to make sure Margaery was alright given the abduction of Lord Loras had cooed at the sight of Little Sam, both Samwell and Gilly were pleased that the illusion of Little Sam being his son was holding up as was the lie that Gilly was a Northern girl and not a Wildling.

That brought him to the reason for the lie...his father. The senior Randyll was as standoffish as Samwell remembered and it honestly was hard not to cower like he had before under his hard gaze. His brother Dickon was just as much of a...dick Samwell chuckled to himself at the unintended private joke, he had hardly grown up at all despite marrying and would soon enough become a father himself. He had once thought that his brother was a better man than him but seeing how he just followed their father like a hound on a lead made him seem so weak that Samwell honestly just pitied him now. Not to mention having put up with the much sterner and angry Alliser Thorne even Randyll seemed far less intimidating.

Amazing what some time away could do for you Samwell thought as he sat down with his 'family' and Gilly for some dinner.

Near Winterfell, the North…

Wearing his black furs and cloak again Harry would have shivered in the incredible cold if not for the warming charms Harry had applied to it, while he did not want to have to launch another rescue mission with the situation in the south it hopefully would not take too long and ensure the loyalty of the Starks for the coming war. It also might allow him a chance to do something and feel less powerless given how hard it was not being able to find Loras.

So Harry with determination walked under a cloak and a notice me not charm right through the open gates of Winterfell, the sight of so many soldiers made him wonder if his former wards could manage briefly but he shook it off and continued walking. Sansa and Arya were not stupid and knew full well what was arranged against them, he had to trust them to deal with it if they were going to rule.

If they did he thought, Rickon was the next in line for Winterfell after all and he might have very different ideas than his sisters but he smirked as he thought about the two young women that his wife had taught to bend men around their fingers. They would be fine.

Harry was glad to have done his research on this castle before hand, knowing full well were the dudgeons were, the maester in Highgarden had provided a detailed account written by one of his order that had served at Winterfell of how the castle was laid out and thankfully the Starks had done little to change it over the centuries, if it worked then why bother changing anything? Northern practicality at its finest Harry thought with mirth.

As he carefully moved past the guards and into the dudgeons he saw many scenes of horror committed by the castle's insane bastard, Ramsay was even worse than he had imagined with so many disturbing and twisted tortures going on it boggled the mind with how sadistic he was. Joffrey had been more sane than him and that was saying something.

He wondered about assassinating him but decided it would be better to rescue Rickon who he discovered locked in one of the cells dressed in rags and looking terrified. He might be in the midst of his teenage years but still had the mind of a child and Harry instantly felt pity but did not say anything as he walked forward. Rickon finally realised someone was there once the door opened but had no time to look as a black bag was pulled over his head. His hands still bound he struggled but could do nothing.

Harry while keeping a firm hold of the boy wondered where the hell to drop him off, he had no idea just where the boy's sisters were at this moment so he had a choice of where to drop him off. Castle Black or Bear Island since he had been to both places before and given Jon had enough on his mind at the moment Harry apparated with Rickon to the keep of House Mormont.


The sudden arrival surprised Rickon enough to stop struggling, especially when the hood was pulled away and he realised he was no longer in Winterfell. The opening of the door and the sight of armed Mormont guards and the youngest of the family Lyanna made him even more confused.

"Lady Mormont may I present Rickon Stark, I was hired by a party that wishes to remain unknown at this time to retrieve the boy and bring him here. I trust you will give him sanctuary till he can reconnect with his sisters?" Harry told the young lady taking care to disguise his voice so she would not recognise him later and keep his hood up.

Lyanna looked at him suspiciously and then at Rickon giving him a more intense look over as if sizing him up for something and smirked.

"Oh course, I'll get him into shape soon enough." She told him and Harry instantly felt a little sorry for Rickon seeing the girl's interest. Poor Rickon had no chance at all.

Castle Black, the Wall…

While Melisandre worked and the men in the yard under the leadership of the cowardly and treasonous prepared to break down the door into the solar where Jon Snow's body lay defended by his loyalists, a tremendous bang sounded at the southern gate. Thorne and all his men came to a stop, abandoning whatever they were doing and turning to look, a few drawing their bows. It banged a few more times before finally giving way.

The sight of a genuine giant standing there and calling out with a roar was terrifying enough for the Night's Watch, worse was the sight of both wildlings and knights barging through the now destroyed gates with ease. Their battle cries filled the air as they spilled into the yard, outnumbering the Night's Watch to a ridiculous degree. At the head Edd, Grenn, Tormund and Ygritte who all had their weapons drawn and furious looks on their faces.

The Night's Watch instantly cowered under such numbers while from his position on the scaffold Thorne yelled out to fight, one very brave or very stupid man tried to run at Tormund who with his own sword in hand easily dispatched the foolish man with a few deadly slashes of his blade. His glare burned into the minds of the Watchmen that had sided with Thorne and all of them quivered under it. Most of them lowered their weapons, realising they had no chance at all against the Wildlings or the knights. Thorne however caught up in the thrill of power and his irrational hatred of the Wildlings kept on yelling impotently.


When no-one moved Thorne ran down the steps into the yard himself but never actually attacked seeming not to have the balls unless all the men did the same. One foolish man on the gates did fire a crossbow bolt into the shoulder of Wun Wun, the giant that had bashed the door in. All the men and the giant turned around to see where it had come from and the idiot Watchman had only a second to look scared before Wun Wun grabbed him by the leg and like he was a rag-doll, smashed his head against the wall before throwing the corpse across the yard to Thorne's feet.

Everyone looked to Wun Wun who gave all the Watchmen a growl and one by one they started dropping their weapons, knowing full well the game was up. Thorne and his little spy Olly looked around in disgust at the men who were surrendering, even most of his 'loyal supporters', even those that had thrust the knife into Jon's heart.


Meanwhile as Davos and the rest of the men listened to what was going on outside and even peaked through the door now that it was safe, Melisandre smiled as she put the last touches on the ritual and finally she would see if her visions were right. Ghost walked up to the table with his tail wagging and panting as with a gasp Jon Snow returned to the realm of the living.


Tormund, Edd and Ygritte all stepped forward with glares at the only two still holding their weapons. Thorne glared at them, trying to look intimidating but still shook with fear at the sight of them. He focused completely on Edd before saying.

"You fucking traitor!" Edd however glared back holding his sword pointed straight at Thorne's heard.

"The only traitors here are the ones that stabbed their knives into their lord commander's heart." Edd said with hatred of the petty bully that Thorne really was.

"For thousands of years the Night's Watch has held Castle Black against the Wildlings." Thorne said not able to accept defeat but Tormund stepped forward and said with a glare of his own at the man that had killed the saviour of his people and more specifically his family.

"Until you."

That was too much for Olly who screamed and ran forward brandishing his sword until suddenly an arrow struck him in the cock. He stopped immediately and fell to his knees, all eyes turned to Ygritte who glared at the little shit that had led her lover to his death.

"I'll be fucked, he actually had a cock after all."

"The Wall was not built to hold back Wildlings Thorne." A familiar but impossible voice said, all of those in the yard turned up with a gasp to see the near naked Jon Snow who still had the knife wounds in his chest standing there very much alive. Davos offered him a cloak that he gratefully wrapped around his shoulders before continuing. "The First Men could have done that with a stone wall less than a fourth the size or conquered them, the Wall was meant to keep the Others...the White Walkers at bay and the Watch was meant to hold them back from the land of the living. But since you can't understand that...Edd." He said suddenly looking very weak and had to be helped by Davos back into the warmer room.

Edd and the others were still in shock at seeing Jon alive again having never believed it was going to work before telling the men.

"Take them to the cells, where they belong." The knights moved forward and at sword point disarmed and then dragged the Watchmen including Thorne and the wounded Olly into the Ice Cells till they could decide what to do with them.

Ygritte however noticed none of this as she ran up the steps and after Jon who sat in front of the fire looking half dead which was she thought strangely an improvement over his previous condition. His direwolf came up to him and rubbed its large head against him, Jon smiled slightly and scratched behind his ears before turning to notice her and Tormund who had come up behind her. Jon met her gaze and she was almost against her will moving forward, kneeling next to the wolf with no fear at all. Her hand reached out, to see if he was really there and he caught it, wrapping it in his strong grip.

"I thought you were dead." She said not crying just yet but tears were forming in the corner of her eyes and he carefully brushed them away from her face and she went to slap him but instead kissed him, as surprising as he found this he was soon kissing her back.

As he did this a thought crossed his mind, he had died and as disturbing as it was it had happened. He swore to the Night's Watch to serve until he died and he had…

He was free of his vows.

A life with Ygritte was now open to him, to have sons of his own. All the things he had given up so freely and naively at the start of his journey here now were possible again...but more than that he realised as he rested his forehead against Ygritte's, he could do what he had wanted so desperately to do years ago when his family had been in danger...he could help them.

The Great Weirwood, the True North…

The biting cold wind and swirling snow was worse here than anywhere else in the world, not only was it extremely far north but the presence of the massive number of walking dead that surrounded the tree and that of their masters. They may be few in number but standing at nearly seven foot tall with skin as grey as clouds and eyes that shined a menacing blue, they were a terrifying sight to behold.

Their leader was no different, the Night King with his crown of icy thorns stabbed the ground shattering the ancient defences that had held back the wights for so long and kept the occupants inside them safe. Seeing the sight of the enemy of all life was enough to make Meera Reed shake with fear that had nothing to do with the cold, all her life she had dealt with her brother's strangeness and then Bran's but never has she seen something so unnatural as what was standing before her now.

"Get Bran!" Leaf yelled as they ran back into the cave, both of them knowing it would only be a matter of moments before the wights were sent in now the defences were breached. Meera did as she was told and went to Bran who was still in the middle of his vision with the Three Eyed Raven and she desperately shook him.

"Bran! Wake up! Bran!" She yelled but no amount of shaking or shouting stirred him and Hodor nearby started shaking with fear himself, repeating his name as was his way. Meera was growing ever more frantic as she kept shaking Bran, they needed to find a way out of here now or they would all end up serving in the Night King's army. Images of the wights fixed firmly in her mind as tried desperately to get Bran to come back but nothing worked.

Then much to her surprise and confusion Leaf returned with what she saw was a length of rope, it was so odd that she honestly wondered for a moment if she was hallucinating as Leaf gestured for her and Hodor to come over, speaking first to her then Hodor.

"Grab a firm hold of Bran, Hodor, you hold the wolf and both of you take a strong grip of the rope and do not let go for anything. This is likely to be uncomfortable but do not let go." Leaf said quickly before turning the Three Eyed Raven who was still in the midst of a vision. "I hope you reach the other side in peace human. Activate." Leaf said with a deal of anticipation.

Whatever Meera might of said to try and understand just what the Child of the Forest was doing was stopped in its tracks by a sudden and harsh jerking behind her naval. She honestly felt like she was floating in mid air with a riot of colours rushing past her and her mind was stunned by the strangeness of the experience but it only lasted a moment before the colours disappeared and she fell on her arse.

She blinked to get her eyes to focus on where the hell they all were, Leaf gave the area a sad smile while Hodor blinked and was so confused at what had just happened as Summer sniffed trying to understand the numerous new smells around him. However one thing that soon became apparent that wherever they where...it was hot! All of them except Leaf were wearing heavy furs to keep them warm in the harsh cold beyond the Wall only now they made them boil immediately. Shedding her furs quickly Meera striped to her small-clothes before seeing Bran was still wrapped up and quickly with a slight blush on her face started undressing him, Hodor at least had taken his cue from her and stripped down himself. Poor Summer had taken shelter under a tree she noticed with sympathy before looking around too see more of where Leaf had brought them.

It was full of trees she noticed but through the leaves she could see the sun and so combined with the great heat she reasoned that they must be a long way from the North now, she turned to Leaf only to get yet another surprise, as if she needed any-more of them today she thought with annoyance. The Child of the Forest was now looking around with an excited grin and to Meera's great surprise she saw other Children of the Forest emerging from all around them.

"Brothers! Sisters!" Leaf said with a relieved excitement, the other Children crowded around them before becoming sad suddenly. "The Great Weirwood has fallen, the Three Eyed Raven is no more."

The Children all started exchanging looks and sad or fearful whispers while Meera looked between them feeling very much like she was ignored and her nerves finally snapped and she called out with anger.

"Will someone please tell me where we are? What just happened? How we got here? Please!"

The Children all turned to look at her and stared at her for a moment with distrust or anger, making Meera a little afraid for her life for a moment until Leaf gave them a stern look and then turning back to answer her.

"This is our new home, given to us by someone who understood the world beyond the mundane and its mysteries. He created that rope to give us an escape route if the tree was ever to come under attack, were the Raven not so tied into it I would have saved him too but he would never have survived being separated from it." Leaf explained sadly. "Here on Grey Gallows we can begin rebuilding our people safe from man and from the Others...our mistake." Leaf said guilt stabbing at her for all the death and destruction their creations had caused.

"Grey Gallows, that's in the Stepstones." A voice said suddenly and Meera looked to see Bran had much to her relief woken up and did not seem the least bit confused given he had gone into the vision in a freezing cave and now found himself on a tropical island. Meera was so glad to see him up and about but the distant look in his eye was new and unsettled her slightly, only Summer seemed to evoke any emotion from him when the great wolf came up and rubbed his head against Bran's receiving a scratch behind the ears in return.

The land outside of Winterfell, the North…

Two armies faced each other on the plains outside the ancient castle, one was larger than the other by a fair bit but that did not intimidate.

Sansa waited with the rest of the archers while Arya stood with the light infantry, their army was already briefed on the plan and both sisters despite feeling nervous at fighting in their first real battle both felt confident that they had planned this as well as they could. They did not bother with any parley or attempt by Ramsay to negotiate, all he would do is try to freak them out and neither of them was going to give him the chance.

Across the field Ramsay felt a small stab of satisfaction at the feel of Ice at his waist, the sword was stupidly long but the feel of having the Stark's ancestral sword and today was hopefully going to use it to kill some Starks actually gave him a brief stab of satisfaction. Brief he thought annoyed because Rickon Stark had disappeared from the cells and so he could not lead them into the same trap that he had wanted too. He was also annoyed that the Karstarks were not here yet but he had been assured they would be once they fought off the wildlings that had invaded their land.

Their cavalry lined up against the enemy and saw they were evenly matched much to his anger and wondered how to best take advantage of this when the Starks made the first move. Their archers launched a single enormous volley straight at his central lines. Only a few arrows hit but one of those that did struck was the Skargosi Chief, who died as the arrow with incredible luck found his heart. That caused a roar of anger to run through his men and their undisciplined rabble instantly began to charge straight at the Stark infantry lines. Ramsay frowned as he saw this shaking his head, while they might be warm bodies to throw into the slaughter and that amused and delighted him but they were hopelessly undisciplined. His father had certainly been thinking more of quantity than quality.

The Stark heavy and light infantry readied their shields to meet the chaotic charge, the collide was hard and brutal but the shield wall held barely, Arya leading the light infantry joined the fight with a spear in hand feeling calm as she lead the impaling of Skargosi it was strange she thought as she impaled one man through the neck. Her heart was thumping fast in her chest but it seemed like everything was muted and moving to fast to think. Her father had once told her that in battle things moved too quickly for someone to think, that you had to rely on your instinct to survive at least in part, it was weird she thought in a distracted way while she led the defence with Brienne acting as her shield, leading the heavy infantry.

Sansa in the rear with the archers took aim with her men and let the arrows fly at the Skargosi rear before she gave the signal to Ser Brune who was leading their cavalry a mix of Northerners, Riverland knights led by Ser Lucas Blackwood and sellswords, he nodded and led their horse straight at the enemy cavalry which likewise charged. The two forces met and the sound of men and horses filled the air as swords and spears clashed.

Sansa seeing this moved her aim as high as she could and set one arrow on fire before loosing it into the sky. It sailed clear through the air and over the hill, which soon echoed with the hooves as the Karstark cavalry came over the hill led by Torrhen.

Ramsay smiled as he saw them arrive, glad that something had gone to plan only to frown when instead of charging at the Stark cavalry's vulnerable flank they went at his, Ramsay seethed at the betrayal as his horse were smashed into pieces by the Karstark attack. He turned to Lord Umber and told him.

"Break the Stark infantry." Umber nodded and with his family's men their famed Berserkers charged straight at the Stark lines.


Arya and Brienne were covered in sweat and blood as they held their ground against the savage but weakening Skargosi, the infantry sweated it out and Arya gritted her teeth as she managed to get another kill thinking that this was going well. Then Brienne taller than her paled and said urgently.

"The Umber infantry charges!" Arya could not really see though the mass of men in front of her but she could hear the heavy footfalls of charging men and grimaced knowing they were in trouble.

The impact when the Umbers finally did hit was colossal and the Stark infantry shuddered under the assault and were forced back by the heavy infantry.


Ramsay started to smile again as he saw the Stark line begin to collapse under the Umber's harsh assault, he turned to Lord Glover who was commanding the archers and said.

"Rain hell down on them."

Lord Glover looked shocked at the order and protested. "But my lord, Lord Umber and his men."

Ramsay however gave him that sinister grin again and repeated his order. "Rain down hell."

Lord Glover looked very uncomfortable but did as he was bid. "Archers, notch and loose."

Myranda who was with the archers was the only one that grinned at the order, eagerly taking her bow and arrow and aiming them at the clashing infantry before licking her lips as she and the others let the arrows loose.


"INCOMING!" One of the men shouted, Arya and Brienne did not know if it was one of theirs or an Umber that shouted but they then saw the vast column of arrows coming straight at them, few had a shield to cover themselves with and Arya whose combat style depended on speed and flexibility was not one of them. She crouched down and made herself as small as possible, hoping to avoid being hit only to feel something large crouching over her. She looked and saw to her horror that Brienne was using her body to shield her from harm, she gasped as she saw the bigger woman flinch from each arrow hit as the air filled with screams from the men that had been hit and the moment she was able Arya pulled free and took a look at her sworn shield's back. She saw two arrows had planted themselves in it but Brienne although clearly in pain tried to push Arya behind her to make sure she was safe. Arya knew those wounds would need cleaning and tending too and was glad that Lady Caelys back on Bloodstone had taught her how.

Turning back to the battle thought the good thing both women noticed was the unexpected arrow attack had stunned and hit the Umbers just as much as it had them and stopped the fighting at least from the moment.

However when they looked towards the Bolton archers, they saw them notching another volley.


Ramsay was smiling again, now feeling much more in control of the situation and enjoying the death in front of him, the screams of the men and was about to order them to loose their next volley when he was disturbed by the sound of a horn blowing. He turned around on his horse to try and find the source of the sound as it seemed to be coming from behind him and was greeted by the sight of a single man on horseback who was standing on the hill.


Jon sat on his horse looking at the battle below, making sure he had a good idea of what as happening and was filled with disgust for the Bolton bastard that now called himself Lord of the North, he had been a bastard and known other bastards and never had he seen one that was as true to the Seven's assumptions or worst than Ramsay Snow, to even share that bastard name with him was nauseating to Jon that he actually decided that gods' willing he would soon find a new one. One that would keep his sister in the south safe.

When he saw Ramsay ordering the archers to attack, hitting his own men without a care that made him snarl, to have such a callous disregard for human life was more than Jon could take and so he blew his horn.

Behind him on the other side of the hill his people heard the horn and began charging up the hill and then joining up with him down the other side. The knights on horseback and the wildlings and Giants on foot, their mammoths being too slow to help in this fight. It looked like a dark wave coming down the hill straight at the Bolton's rear guard.

Jon on the back of his horse rode straight at the archers which were threatening his sisters' lives, Dark Sister in hand as the confusion of his unexpected arrival stunned the Bolton forces, not reacting until it was too late.


Myranda did not think she was capable of feeling fear or doubt so she unlike the rest of the idiot men around her notched an arrow and fired it at one of the approaching giants and wildlings. Her aim was so bad that it only hit one of the giants ineffectively in the arm, but it did irritate him enough to look at the source of the arrow and stood towards her at frightening speed.

Myranda then for the first time in her life felt fear as the creature towered above her, she turned to run only for the creature to pick her up with its enormous hand and turn her to face him. She looked straight into its ugly and struggled but his hand had her arms pinned to her sides, it snarled and put its other hand on her head and with its fingers started squeezing. Myranda screamed as the pressure on her head grew, she had never known such pain until her skull cracked open like an egg and her blood splattered onto the giant's fingers before it tossed the corpse with a ruined head aside and started swinging his arms, sending the panicking archers flying.


The Smalljon was still smarting from the arrow that had lodged itself in his shoulder, the pain was hard as it radiated out and he struggled to pull it free. He honestly was shocked at Ramsay's actions...they were supposed to be allies and yet that bastard had fired on him anyway. He did not have long to think about this though as the mass of rough looking wildlings he had had been so frightened by to ally with the Boltons impacted on his men's unprotected rear flank.

He heard his men screaming as the savage wildlings attacked them, slashing with rough looking weapons or in some cases tearing out throats with their nails or teeth. The Smalljon was struck silent as his worst fear seemed to be coming to pass, the wildlings were slaughtering his people...but the words of his father then at this odd moment echoed in his head.

"If you side with monsters, then soon you will be surrounded by monsters. That is the reason why we side with the Starks, because they are not monsters."

Smalljon felt his father's words true weight immediately as he realised that he had chosen to side with a monster and now was surrounded by them. Gods know what might happen to his son now, but this sudden shock left him completely unprepared when Tormund came up to him with a dagger in hand and stabbed straight into his neck.


Elsewhere Arya managed to break free of the mass of men she had become stuck in and saw to her fury the treacherous Lord Ryswell and his three sons Roger, Rickard and Roose with their horse symbol on their armour trying to escape the chaos and instantly felt anger. This battle would have been far less bloody if not for them she thought and without waiting for anyone to join her she charged after the four men.

She pulled one of the throwing knives at her waist and threw it at the leg of Lord Ryswell, hitting him in the back of the knee causing the man to scream in surprise and pain before falling to the ground. His sons turned around but by then Arya had with her impressive speed managed to close the gap between them and with a graceful leap launched herself onto the shoulders of Roose Ryswell and with her dagger in hand stabbed him straight in the throat before letting go as he slid to the floor, shocking both his brothers who instantly turned towards her with fury and held their long swords aloft ready to kill her in an instant.

However she drew her Valyrian sword Wolf's Blood unafraid, they might be bigger than her she thought with a smirk but not better.

Rickard charged and swung his sword like you would a hammer no doubt hoping to cleave her in two but Arya with the ease of many hours of practice with Syrio and Jaqen avoided the blow with a fluid grace and slashed at the man's legs causing them to collapse before she quickly stabbed Wolf's Blood into his back, between the ribs and into the heart, as she had been shown by Jaqen.

Roger Ryswell meanwhile was snarling at the death of his two brothers and went to kill her while her sword was still in his brother's chest only for a grey blur to strike him as the girl's wolf closed its large jaws around his neck and shook him.

Arya smiled as Nymeria finished off Roger before pulling her sword free and without wasting time with pointless words did the same to Lord Ryswell as she had done to his youngest son, impaling him through the back and giving the blade an extra twist.


Arya however was not the only one to notice someone fleeing the battlefield, Sansa with the archers saw Lord Glover trying to flee the field on his horse and she turned to Greywind at her side who understood immediately what she wanted from their bond and instantly started running towards the retreating lord.

Lord Glover was desperate to escape back to Deepwood Motte, once there he hoped that he could renew his vows of fealty to House Stark and he would be safe but when he felt something hit his horse, throwing him off he knew he was going to have to think of something else. The crack that came from his arm as it broke and the pain that accompanied it made him wince but when he finished rolling he saw the snarling direwolf that he remembered used to follow Robb Stark around glaring at him and then behind the wolf was the sister of Robb Stark Sansa with a bow and arrow pointing straight between his eyes. She glared at him before letting the arrow fly.


Ramsay was unable to feel fear, never had but he did have a sense of self-preservation and it was telling him to retreat immediately behind the walls of Winterfell. So he turned to run straight for sanctuary but then saw that the wildlings brought by House Stark's bastard had blocked the best route there and were closing in, turning he saw that the knights on horseback and Northern cavalry of the Stark's had eliminated his own and with the rest of their army had completely encircled him, he looked around for any potential exit only for an arrow to fly out of nowhere and strike his horse. The stupid animal reared up at the sudden pain and he was thrown from the beast, hitting the ground hard as his horse ran off.

As he looked he saw a red haired wildling girl smirking at him as she held a bow and arrow at him and he snarled, knowing she had fired the bloody shot but he saw the Stark girls with their weapons pointed at him, Torrhen Karstark much to his surprise, Dacey Mormont, Rodrik and Asher Forrester and an army of men behind them. But as he got to his feet and he glared at all of them, one dared to come closer Jon Snow...his counterpart from House Stark.

Ramsay was so filled with hate at the mere sight of him, he had been raised at a castle as a member of the house while Ramsay had been hidden and had to kill his half brother to receive any real notice. That made him draw the great sword at his side and all of the Northerners especially the Starks froze at the sight of it. That brought Ramsay a measure of comfort as he held the heavy sword.

"Recognise this? It belonged to your brother, I think it only fitting that it send you to meet him." Ramsay said feeling better with the weight of Ice in his hands although nowhere near being a master of the sword. Jon Snow however stepped closer with his smaller longsword in hand and took a ready position.

"I will enjoy taking it from you." Jon said with anger breaking in to his voice.

Ramsay felt his anger return at the comment and swung the heavy sword straight at Jon who easily sidestepped around it and then blocked the second swing before using what leverage he had to force Ice away before punching Ramsay so hard in the face his nose was bent completely out of shape. While he went back a step Jon with his free hand grabbed Ramsay's wrist and twisted it as hard as he could, hearing a satisfying crack as it broke and Ramsay dropped Ice. Jon finished with a kick to the stomach knocking the dazed and pained Ramsay on his back.

Jon looked down at Ramsay and spat on him before picking up Ice and stared at the sword that had belonged to the Stark family for generations and thankfully was in their hands again, he turned to Sansa and Arya who both rushed forward and embraced him. He wrapped his arms around them both and held them close, here was his family safe and sound and the stress of knowing what was on the other side of the Wall eased for a moment.

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment as the three of them embraced but Jon eventually broke saw his great uncle Maester Aemon dressed heavily in furs who had followed him and their army raised his arms like a bird in flight while nodding his head towards Ramsay although how Aemon knew the right direct mystified him. Jon knew what the man meant but was surprised and put it before Sansa and Arya.

"Ladies Stark, do you think he deserves the Blood Eagle?"

That send a ripple of whispers through the crowd, the Blood Eagle was the worst punishment that House Stark ever given out, the most painful way to die in their arsenal and even though it was not practised any more he and Robb had been taught how to do it by Eddard Stark who had learnt it from his father. It hadn't been used in centuries, since the last rebellion by the Skargosi centuries ago and used on a number of Boltons before that ironically Jon thought but it had been the public execution of those rebellious Bolton that had ended their uprisings at least until recently. Sansa and Arya as familiar with the history of their house as he was were shocked at the idea but given Roose was already dead and all the damage Ramsay had caused it was only fitting so they both nodded. Jon turned feeling anxious about what he was about to do but resolved to do his duty and end this threat forever, stabbing Ice into the ground.

"Ramsay Snow." Jon said calling him by the bastard name as an extra stab of the proverbial dagger. "The Ladies Stark have condemned you to the Blood Eagle and House Bolton to extinction, may the Old Gods have mercy on your soul."

He meant none of the last part but it was something people expected him to say, with that done Arya handed him her Valyrian steel dagger and Jon stalked over to Ramsay who was trying to crawl away. Jon easily stopped him and stabbed his borrowed dagger into Ramsay's back, he screamed as Jon carefully and methodically cut each rib and splayed them open like wings across Ramsay's back. The gathered crowd looked uncomfortable at the sight of it and a few of the Riverlanders actually threw up but the Northerners all looked on with grim satisfaction...at last the Red Wedding was avenged...the last Bolton was facing judgement.

Ramsay's lungs were still contracting as he tried to breathe when Jon pulled them out and spread across his back. Jon turned to Sansa and Arya who gave him another grim nod, so he took Ice out of the ground and an act of mercy that Ramsay did not deserve after waiting a few moments Jon swung the great sword straight through Ramsay's neck, ending him and House Bolton once and for all.

The message was sent though, gone were the days of House Stark which forgave their enemies now it was the return of the House Stark of old that would do whatever ever it had to do to survive the coming winter.

Bloodstone, the Stepstones…

Rhaenys sighed as she read all the messages that came with running a kingdom, she could have left them to Zara but she was not one to be lazy so she worked while Kanoro taught her eldest children and Alwyn educated her youngest.

She was nervous as she considered what she and Harry were planning but the final pieces were falling into place, all they needed she thought putting her chin on her hands in thought was to get Loras Tyrell out of Lannister/Faith Militant hands and they would be good to go. Her anxiety over becoming queen had not really gone away and she was dreading the day when they announced it to the world.

A knock at the door broke her from her work so she looked up to see Kanoro enter.

"A group of people just arrived, they say they were sent by the Children of the Forest." Kanoro looked confused at the name given he had no idea what the 'Children of the Forest' were. Rhaenys however had been told by Harry of the small colony on Grey Gallows and to leave it alone. She sighed again wondering why they would be sending anyone to them before telling Kanoro.

"Send them in."

Kanoro and ushered a group of four into the room, one was a large man with a somewhat distant look in his eye and grey hair. The middle two were younger one a fit looking girl and a boy although the man was carrying the boy and both had dark brown hair and pale skin like but the strangest of the group was a direwolf that looked uncomfortably hot in the heat of the islands. The fact a direwolf was there was proof enough of who the boy was immediately. She reached for her magic mirror and said.

"Harry, we have some new guests. Bran Stark has just arrived."


Winterfell, the North…

The castle was once again flying the wolf banner of House Stark and for Sansa, Arya, Jon and Rickon it felt more reassuring and safe than anywhere they had been in the last few years. There was still a lot to fear with the Walkers and whatever enemies they had in the south but still it felt that way to them. Rickon had even discovered a new direwolf pup hanging around the forests nearby and immediately taken it for his own naming it Shaggydog after the wolf he lost at the hands of the Umbers.

"So we give Deepwood Motte to Lyanna Mormont and Rickon with some of the Wolfswood going to the Forresters. Ser Lothor Brune can be given Goldgrass as he did stay loyal to use rather than go elsewhere." Arya said as she and Sansa looked at a map of the North to both punish their enemies and reward their allies. Sansa nodded agreeing with that before saying.

"House Glenmore can rule over the Rills." She said which Arya nodded in agreement as those lands were right next to their existing domain but then both sisters saw the symbol for Barrowton and the pair were wondering who they could give it too since Lady Dustin was now rotting in their dudgeons and would be for the conceivable future.

"Ser Lucas Blackwood fought for us, he is a second son and his family are some of the most loyal allies House Stark had in the war also they worship the Old Gods." Arya said after a few moments thought. "House Blackwood used to be of the North."

"Especially if he takes a Northern bride, maybe Wylla Manderly." Sansa added with a nod thinking it might be best to arrange for the wilful Wylla Manderly to marry Lucas as her family deserved a great deal of reward for their service...maybe more than she could give.

"What about the Karstarks? Torrhen did us a great favour with his ambush and bringing his family back to our side." Arya said frowning, knowing they had to acknowledge that somehow. Sansa however had an answer.

"I plan to take him as my husband." Sansa said with a small smile, getting a kick out of the shocked look on her sister's face. "Our first child will be a Stark and the next a Karstark."

"Marry him? You?" Arya questioned not sure if her sister was joking or not, Sansa smiled wider before saying with a shrug.

"He's comely enough and loyal, I could certainly do far worse." She said thinking it would be best for the North to have the stability such a union could bring. Arya was still not sure about her sister getting married but nodded in agreement.

"What of the Wildlings?" A voice asked loudly from the door and the sisters turned to see the wildling archer that Jon had taken as a lover enter with an apologetic Jon behind them. Both sisters smiled at their half brother who was helping the blind maester into the room he had brought with him and Ser Davos Seaworth who was watching Shireen Baratheon like a hawk.

"We were just getting to that." Arya said not sure she liked the older girl, unaware her own anxiety was not just because she was a wildling whose people had been terrorising the North for centuries but more so because she was the woman in their brother's life and Arya wondered what she really was up too attaching herself to Jon like this.

"There are areas of the North where no one lives, you can easily set up villages or farms if you are going to stay on this side of the Wall, the lands of the Dreadfort in particular are possible." Sansa said feeling the same animosity towards the unknown girl who had intruded on their reunion with Jon. They had been astonished when he had told them of the betrayal he suffered and horrified to learn that he had actually died but that only made them more glad that he was okay.

"But we don't have a lord to command the Dreadfort now." Arya said with a glint of mischief coming into her eyes sharing a quick look with her sister who started smirking too. "So we were thinking given that you came to our aid in battle Jon that you should rule the Dreadfort."

Jon instantly stopped smiling and became very serious.

"I'm not fit to be lord, I don't want a castle or the responsibilities that come with it. I will serve House Stark in any way I can but I am not fit to be a lord."

The room was silent and Ygritte as she was known looked at him with confusion before saying.

"But who else is going to defend us? You know what's coming and these kneelers are not going to respect us. They and we trust you...you got us south of the Wall and are the only man to kill one of the Walkers. We need you...I need you." Ygritte said getting a little emotional towards the end especially as she had yet to tell Jon that she had not bled nearly two moons. She really hoped that did not mean she was with child because although she had reconciled with Snow she had yet to fully forgive him and she was not ready to be a mother.

Jon looked very unsure of himself until the old maester Aemon spoke with a smile.

"Those who don't want power are often the ones that deserve it most, they see it for the responsibilities that come with it and take the matter seriously instead of seeing it only for the advantages it brings."

"I agree, my uncle could have won the War of the Five Kings easily if he had actually been more responsible." Shireen said piping in with wisdom beyond her years.

"And you would be there whenever your sisters needed your help as their strongest vassal, good men are hard to find and I doubt they are willing to let you go so easily. Please forgive my assumption my ladies." Davos added his own gold dragon, he looked so embarrassed at being too familiar it was endearing and both Sansa & Arya smiled at the Onion Knight.

"Worry no more about it Ser Seaworth, we are glad that our brother has such a levelheaded man to counsel him." Arya said with a smirk before saying to Jon. "House Snowstark, our latest cadet branch, taking the bastard name and making it into something noble, maybe a white wolf on a grey banner...you know for Ghost." The direwolf gave a happy short bark with his tail wagging slightly at that while Nymeria and Greywind snorted like with what sounded like derision.

Jon instantly felt very much like this was not a request or an offer but an order, they would he realised with dismay not let it rest until he agreed, even his own direwolf was against him and since he would never abandon his family after they had all been torn apart he would do his duty and protect them, especially when the Walkers came.

"I accept Ladies Stark, I swear to uphold House Stark as my liege lords." He said with a slight bow which made Arya and Sansa smile at how proper their brother was, wishing he would remember that they did not need to be so formal, they were family after all. Maester Aemon then chose that moment to speak.

"Well then I congratulate you all on your victory, I thought the Blood eagle was the best way to make it clear to the North that you were both here to rule and would deal with treason most harshly. I hope I did not overstep my mark." Aemon said with a smile, he had been offered the warmth of this castle for his final years and while it would take some time before he was as comfortable making his way around Winterfell as he had been at Castle Black it was nice to be in a place so full of life and history. He could almost feel the ancient energy that ran through the castle and its grounds and it was invigorating he thought taking a deep breath which tasted sweeter than anything at his last castle.

"My lords and ladies." One of their guards said as he came to the door, in awe slightly of all the nobles in front of him. "A party from the south has just come to the gates and one of them claims to be Brandon Stark, he does have a direwolf with him." The guard said nervous of the three already in the room without a fourth being added.

The mention of another direwolf was enough to make Arya, Sansa and Jon run to the yard had Rickon been there he no doubt would have been running too if he not been in the godswood playing with his new direwolf to forge a bond. Once there they saw a sight they had worried they might never see again in the arms of Hodor.

"Bran." Arya cried out as she ran over and after Hodor put Bran on a wheeled chair Maester Wolkan had conjured up from somewhere Jon, Sansa and Arya all gave Bran a close hug that he returned but without all the energy they gave theirs.

"It is good to be home." Bran said with a strange look in his eyes as he cast them around the yard before settling back on his siblings and cousin although he had only just learnt Jon was such. "Hodor you remember but this is my companion Meera Reed, I could never have survived without her aid."

The girl at his side blushed at the praise and all three of the other Starks gave her grateful smiles before Sansa spoke.

"Then you have our deepest thanks Lady Reed, you have the hospitality of Winterfell whenever you want it and if there is a boon you desire you need only say it." Sansa and Arya both smiled widely at the girl who was a bit overwhelmed by the attention she was getting. While they were talking however Ghost, Nymeria and Greywind were busy reacquainting themselves with their brother Summer, rubbing against each other with tails wagging and a gleam in their eyes.

"You are too kind my lady, I was merely doing my duty." Meera said before turning to the still cloaked man that none of them had really noticed. "This man got us here in record time so it is he that you should thank." Meera told them desperate to get the attention off of her.

"They showed up on my doorstep not long after you'd left so I put them on the next ship." A familiar voice said making Sansa, Arya and Jon all look at him in surprise before he dropped his cloak revealing himself to them all.

"Lord Tyrell, it is good to see you again." Arya said with a genuine smile which Harry returned.

"I can say much the same, I must congratulate you on taking back your castle but I cannot stay long. If you are unaware then my brother Loras has been kidnapped by the Faith Militant and Cersei Lannister." Harry said his smile dimming considerably and all of them looked shocked. "I am needed in Highgarden so I must leave today however I have these for you Jon Snow." Harry said handing him a pouch of documents. "These are the plans for a pair of crossbows my maester dreamt up. One allows faster loading of fire arrows to deal with wights, the second is heavier to fire a single bolt tipped with dragonglass to kill the walkers themselves. Since it is an easy weapon to use when the time comes your men should have a better chance." Harry said and Jon gratefully took them but Harry then noticed the young girl hiding behind the man he had seen with Stannis on the cliff when he had talked with Renly. The greyscale scars told him that it was Shireen Baratheon, Stannis' daughter and only child but he had not expected to find her here.

Seeing the frightened look in her eyes and the way the man with several missing fingers stood protectively in front of her made Harry frown, he had seen people even children being scared of him in the past but the girl looked so endearing hiding behind the knight in front her that Harry instantly was speared with guilt at killing her father, a picture of innocence and childhood stolen and damaged. He had taken her security...her life such as it was away from her.

He swallowed and turned to face her, feeling the need to do this.

"Lady Baratheon, I know why you are scared of me. I killed your father but it was not done maliciously nor did I relish it, we were at war and I swear to you that I have no malice towards yourself. You have nothing to fear from me, I have no wish to harm you and unless you are going to press a claim for the Iron Throne I see no reason why there should be conflict." Harry told her gravely, the knight glared at him no doubt for trying to explain his actions which had left the girl alone but Shireen stepped out from behind her knight despite his attempts to hold her back.

"I loved him, regardless of all he did...I loved him and my mother and they are both dead. What makes you think you can just say 'sorry' and it is all fixed?" Shireen asked boldly with a pained glare.

Harry frowned and his eyes narrowed, he might be understand of her grief but he was not going to roll over and let her rage at him so he instead pulled a jar of ointment Caelys had created with Alwyn from their collection of Chroyane lore.

"I understand your pain Lady Baratheon, I was merely telling why I did. I was not making excuses, this however should I hope be useful to you. My healer was trained in Essos and she has supplied this...a cure for your greyscale scars, rub it into the damaged areas until they are all covered once a day until it runs out and the scars will heal."

The shock of that was astonishing but as Davos Seaworth took the jar none of them noticed two people were missing from this scene.


Theon Greyjoy, thinking it strange to actually be able to use his own name again after being Reek for so long knew he had best flee before the Starks realised he was there. Once they had considered him family and treated him with kindness and respect but he had abused that trust and knew he was either heading for the Wall or most likely death after what he had done. Seizing Winterfell, killing Ser Rodrik Cassel and all the rest he thought with regret.

So he took the easy way out, sneaking away without confrontation and hopefully make his way to White Harbour. He had heard a rumour that Yara had been seen in Meereen with the Dragon Queen so Theon thought with determination, he was going to find her his last family and try to make amends.


Elsewhere another person who knew she would be unwelcome was sneaking away.

Melisandre however was smiling with triumph, her visions boded well for the future now the North was back in Stark hands with Jon Snow ready to lead the fight against the ancient enemy when the time came.

The presence of Harry Tyrell was an irritation she could do without but things were shaping up nicely for her anyway. She would now go into hiding until the time was right she thought with a smirk, a dark cloak over her red dress Brienne of Tarth would try to kill her if she stayed so it was best to avoid her for now.

Duskendale, the Crownlands…

Loras Tyrell sat filthy and ignored in a dark and damp cell waiting for someone to remember he existed and give him some food and water. He had gone through the gauntlet of emotions as he contemplated his failure and the trap he had fallen into and felt more foolish than he had in his entire life. He had thought he would have been in the black cells or under the Great Sept but the High Sparrow or so he called himself had gotten Lord Rykker to hide him here so his family could not attempt a rescue.

But Loras had been doing a lot of thinking and decided the best way to deal with it was to demand a Trial by Combat on the day he was brought to the Great Sept. Failing that he might try to demand a Trial of the Seven, surely his grandmother and brother could summon up a few knights to fight for him.


Kings Landing, the Crownlands…

The reaction to the restoration of House Stark as rulers of the North was a source of gossip amongst the nobles who attended court but of little real interest since they cared little for the frozen lands inhabited by as they saw it barbarians. Cersei Lannister meanwhile still getting used to her much shorter hair stood in the corner with Qyburn pondering for a moment if she had to worry but quickly dismissed it...what threat could those savages pose to her plans? Absolutely none, if they tried she would wipe them out as her father had done Cersei thought with the confidence of ignorance, ignoring all the work that had gone into the Red Wedding and the Starks and Tullys were unlike to be tricked like that a second time.

She had to for the moment work on her own plans against the High Sparrow and his peasant fools, she had gotten Qyburn to check out the old rumour and confirmed it was true. She only intended to use it though it if her first plan was compromised, to have one of Qyburn's mutilated men fight a trial by combat for her. It was always good she thought with slight smirk to have a back up plan ready for the day of her supposed trial.

From the gallery were she was standing she had a good view of the court and it bored her immensely, these prattling fools beneath her and honestly they should remember just who their betters were. Half of them actually were openly rude to her and would pay dearly for it she thought viciously when she regained control. Jaime however she could forgive as he had been much more respectful and offered to fight for her in the trial by combat for the sake of their children. It did bring an honest smile to her face and wished only that he was here with her now to try and stop the High Sparrow's influence on Tommen but the annoying peasant had convinced their son to send Jaime to Dragonstone to run it on the crown's behalf.

However she was drawn from plotting her enemies' demise and thoughts of her other half by her son who was making an announcement, the sight of the High Sparrow in his tatty and plain robes honestly made her sick as he stood next to her son on the throne but what Tommen was saying grabbed her attention.

"The trial of Loras Tyrell and Cersei Lannister will be held in the Great Sept of Baelor in one half moon." Tommen said his eyes looking to her with nervousness rather than trust which instantly made her rage under the calm facade she put on her face. "Further more...after much prayer and reflection the crown has decided...that from this day forward trial by combat shall be forbidden throughout the Seven Kingdoms."

A shocked mummer went through the room at the declaration and Cersei's eyes instantly went icy as she took in the betrayal...she loved her son but right now all she wanted to do was slap him.

"The tradition is a brutish one, a scheme devised by corrupt rulers to avoid true judgement from the gods. Loras Tyrell and Cersei Lannister will stand trial before seven septons as it was during the earliest days of the Faith, Seven blessings to you all." Tommen said and then walked out without even looking at her.

Cersei honestly was feeling more inclined to violence than she had at nearly any other time in her life, how could her son be so stupid as to not see this for what it really was? An attempt by the High Sparrow to ensure his complete complete control over all legal proceedings, other than the Faith a trial by combat was the only other type of trial you could get in Westeros but now the Faith would have the only say over who was guilty and who was innocent all to suit their own agenda and go after anyone they wanted and convict them easily. How could Tommen be so weak? Cersei raged inwardly, she was really going to half to get him straightened out when she got rid of the Faith Militant.

Time for Plan B.

Highgarden, the Reach…

Harry and Rhaenys looked down at the large map of Westeros they had placed on the floor, decorated with little statues to denote just who controlled each region. Finally with the Starks restored and the Royces in control of the Vale everything was now in place, all they needed was to get Loras away from the Faith Militant and they were finally ready to make their move, all the work and all the plotting and empire building that they had done so diligently had led up to this moment.

They stood next to each other as they looked down at the image of Kings Landing on the map, Harry putting an arm around his wife's waist as she lent against him both wondering if they could deal with what came next. They had called the lords of the Reach, Dorne and the Stormlands to come to Highgarden where the truth would be announced and their intentions made clear. The Velaryons would be there too and hopefully all would support them since it would be an opportunity to enrich themselves and improve their standing but some they knew could be blinded by fear.

Those would need to be watched and as they embraced they were very aware that they were about to launch a coup that would reverberate through history.