

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: swords and roses by Sage1988

supahsanic6969 · Livres et littérature
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35 Chs


Kings Landing, the Crownlands…

Olenna was a strange sight in black, Harry thought as he sat around the table with her and his two siblings. It was silent as they all absorbed the fact that Mace had been assassinated and while Harry had a fairly good idea just who had done it he honestly was not surprised and decided to avoid a conflict by keeping it secret. The general feeling was that Tyrion Lannister was responsible given that Tywin Lannister had also been assassinated that night apparently by him and while Harry was sure Tyrion had killed Tywin he had no reason to go after Mace.

What he could do without was the suspicious looks being sent his way by his family.

"Just please tell me you didn't Harry?" Olenna asked finally breaking the nervous tension and all three pairs of eyes focused on him. Harry was equally unnerved and offended by the attention and accusation and matched his grandmother's stare before answering.

"You actually think I killed Mace?" Harry said not bothering to hide his outrage at the accusation. He might have hated his father for all the things he had done and trying to give Jasen to the Lannisters to advance his own position but he would not become a kinslayer. "Regardless of how much I hated him there are some lines that I will not cross, I would never kill a member of our family." Harry said giving them all a hard glare. "Besides why would I do it? The alliance with the Lannisters is already in pieces and he had no more power over me."

The rest of the Tyrells all looked at each other before slowly nodding, they were not fully convinced but sure that he probably was not planning to kill them off too.

Harry meanwhile was inside smiling, a dangerous threat had been removed and without Mace who was desperate to cling on the scraps of power that the Lannisters threw him like a dog the alliance was finally gone. The rest of his family would return to Highgarden later today with the Tarlys and all their men and he was looking forward to attend the 'official' wedding between Margaery and Dickon. The gifts he had promised were already being prepared and soon their plans for the North and Riverlands would be set into motion.


Cersei watched later that day as the Tyrell convoy left Kings Landing with a smile on her face, glad to see the back of them as now she was sure that with them gone she would have free reign over her son and the throne. Sure Myrcella was still in Dorne and was being held there but there was no real threat and even though her uncle Kevan was now Lord of Casterly Rock he would do as she said, she was her father's daughter and he had obeyed him without question why not her? They would find the money to pay the Iron Bank and even if they didn't what threat were a bunch of men lower than servants half the world away? She was smug as finally things seemed to be going her way.

The Eyrie, the Vale…

"MY PETYR!" Lysa Arryn wailed as news of Petyr Baelish's death reached them, someone in the capital had finally found a moment to send a raven about it and upon receiving it Lysa had completely fallen apart. "THE LANNISTERS KILLED HIM!"

Lord Royce and the Vale lords behind him watched uncertain, not sure what to say or do around the unhinged woman who suddenly turned to them with eyes wide and yet unfocused and her nostrils flaring like an enraged animal.

"TRAITORS! YOU WANT TO GET MY SON! YOU CONSPIRED WITH THE LANNISTERS TO KILL MY PETYR AND TAKE MY SON FROM ME!" She screamed at them and they were taken aback at how quickly she had turned on them and realised just how vital the worm Baelish had been to keeping their liege lady's state of mind intact.

"Lady Arryn..." Lord Royce started to say hoping to calm her but he learnt too late that he had made a rather critical mistake.

"ITS LADY BAELISH!" Lysa screeched and took a very tight grip of Robert Arryn who was sitting on her lap. They could see the young boy was struggling to get free of his mother's grip, looking incredibly scared and Lysa saw their gaze go to her son and her eyes suddenly took on a panicked desperation.

"YOU WILL NOT GET MY SON!" Lysa screeched and with a speed few of them could follow she pulled herself and Robert Arryn forward and out of the Moon Door which had been left open on her instructions to remind them all just what would happen to traitors. None of them had a chance of stopping her and could only listen to her screams as she and Robert Arryn plunged to their deaths on the rocks below.

There was complete silence for a moment except for the wind coming through the open moor door until one of the others lords asked Lord Royce.

"So who is the Lord of the Vale now?"

Lord Royce did not answer him as he considered what they were faced with now, a civil war in the Vale to determine just who would rule here now. He would have to get the men he had brought with him to secure the castle and hope holding it would solidify House Royce's claim since by blood they had the strongest connection to House Arryn in the last century, however their rival House Redfort would certainly press their own strong claim on the Eyrie. He gritted his teeth and knew in his heart it was going to be messy and that he had best find allies fast.

Meereen, Essos…

Daenerys was sitting on the simple seat she had made her throne in the largest pyramid of the city, it was not comfortable but she could live with that after their incredible run off success so far. She had all but conquered Slaver's Bay, taken its wealth and freed its people. Her dragons were growing larger by the day and now she had nearly all she needed to return home and retake her family's throne. She had assembled her inner council in the throne room except for Daario as she was not sure about him yet especially with his attempts to woo her.

"So how are we for men Ser Jorah?" She asked the knight that had stood with her through thick and thin. He smiled before answering her.

"We will fifteen thousand Unsullied and Twenty thousand native volunteers who had asked to join you army but it will be a few months before they are ready to be called soldiers."

Daenerys nodded before turning to her unofficial Master of Ships Yara Greyjoy who looked far more relaxed than she had known her in their short time together.

"And how many ships do we have Lady Greyjoy?"

"Four hundred total." Yara said with a grin before giving her the bad news. "But most as either cargo ships or too small to carry many men, we will need more if you intend to take your army by sea."

Daenerys nodded, accepting the other woman's greater experience of such things and deciding to look into getting more ships in the future before turning to Ser Barristan and asked.

"How much coin have we acquired Ser Barristan?" If they were going to have to purchase new ships or weapons then it was best she find out how things were from the most honourable man in her council.

"Nearly twenty million gold dragons worth your grace." Ser Barristan said wishing he had not been given the responsibility of counting all the treasure they had taken, he was a knight not a steward. He received a sympathetic nod from his apprentice Joss Waters who was of a similar mind.

"So much." Missandei said from the side in amazement, never had she even heard of such wealth.

Daenerys nodded, feeling that she could spare some of that towards acquiring more ships when Grey Worm, the leader of her Unsullied entered the room.

"My queen, there are men demanding a meeting with you." He was typically calm as was usual for him and his men but she did not even get a chance to respond before two men and two women entered. All of them looked rough in jumbled armour that had clearly been taken from here and there, to her untrained eye they did have a strange resemblance to Ser Jorah who instantly tensed at the sight of them.

"Are you the woman that they call a Dragon and the Mother of Dragons?" The tallest and wildest looking of them all demanded, he was a very strong looking beast of a man with shaggy dark hair and looked dangerous.

"I am." She said once she had gotten over her surprise. "It is common for people to wait before forcing their way in, so who are you?" She asked putting on her best intimidating stare but sadly it had little effect on the man or his entourage although the other man who had brownish blond hair and one of the women looked amused at her attempt.

"Crixus, leader of the Freed Slave Movement." He said and if possible Jorah became more tense.

"Well Crixus of the Freed Slave Movement, why are you here?" Daenerys asked actually wondering if the man was completely sane given he was surrounded by her people and how large his confidence was or perhaps she thought with amusement his ego.

Crixus gave the room a good look before answering.

"While you have been taking your time and taking the rest of the cities here in the bay me and my people have been liberating the rest of the settlements around the towns, villages, large estates and the other cities of Slaver's Bay like Tolos. There is only one left that is still controlled by Slavers, the island city of Elyria. I have the ships to carry my warriors there but we lack any ships with catapults which could attack the walls." Crixus said in his abrupt manner and Daenerys suddenly understood why he had come to her.

"Which I have." She added referring to Yara's warships. "And in return what would you give me?"

"A part from a share of the riches there." Crixus said looking at her with suspicion probably given her people's reputation in Essos for slavery. Then the other man with lighter hair came up to him and whispered something in Crixus' ear which seemed to enrage him but a stern look from the woman who she assumed was his lover cooled his anger. "It would also mean that you would have all of Slaver's Bay under your rule if they decided to make you queen. Everything." He said albeit with annoyance.

That did sound tempting Daenerys thought, there were forests around the bay that she could use to build a large fleet and add a good number of men to her cause. Not to mention she had heard that Crixus and Gannicus if that was the man at his side were good generals and knew how to lead men into battle which was something that she was lacking at the moment. Ser Jorah for his loyalty was not experienced at actual leading men into battle and Yara was a sea captain better suited to fighting on the water, Daario was an option but she was still not sure if he could be trusted yet.

"I will do it and perhaps this might be the first step towards towards an alliance." Daenerys said and while Crixus looked ready to snap back with some sharp remark the woman at his side gave a firm kick to his shin which surprised him enough to stop him and then said.

"We shall see, now excuse us Queen Daenerys."

With that the group left as abruptly as they had entered which made Daenerys wonder what the hell had just happened. Yara looked a little affronted at having to use her ships to help those savages but the chances of plunder where enough to keep her from speaking against it. Ser Jorah however acting more out of character than she had ever seen him and said the moment they left the room.

"Khalessi you cannot trust them!"

"Ser Jorah!" Daenerys said surprised like the rest of them at the outburst.

"I apologize Khaleesi but I recognise those savages for what they are, wildlings! They have been attacking my family's home for millennia and have slaughtered or carried off people to be eaten alive! This must surely be a trap." Jorah said with an attempt to be calm but he did not seem able to despite his best efforts.

"Wildlings." Yara said not having much experience of such people given the Iron Born never had a reason to raid beyond the Wall, not enough to warrant it but she like the rest of Westeros had heard the horror stories that came from the North about them. Some made even her hardened stomach wince in apprehension.

"A trap? To what end?" Grey Worm asked, immediately wary of any potential danger to his queen.

"To cripple our fleet, to lower our guard so their army can enter the city and sack it? Maybe both." Jorah told them before looking her straight in the eye. "Men who wear human bones as armour after boiling them while the men are still alive, whole clans that eat nothing but human flesh, men who fuck their own daughters and then when those daughters have daughters of their own fuck them too while killing any son that is born. Those are just a few of examples I can give you Khaleesi." Jorah said and some of the words spoken made his audience ill.

Daenerys was unsettled, why had she agreed so quickly? She should have tried to find out more before saying a word. However she had given her word and now felt lost and uncertain her earlier good mood completely gone so she said.

"Everyone leave me, Ser Barristan stay. I would have your counsel." They all nodded and left even Ser Jorah who looked unsettled by her dismissal but did as she commanded. The old knight looked at her curiously but said nothing, waiting for her to speak.

"What should I do Ser Barristan? Should I support these men who I don't know if I can trust them? I gave my word but should I keep it?" Daenerys asked him looking and feeling very lost in that moment. Ser Barristan would have put an arm around her shoulder to comfort her if she were anyone else than his queen but instead told her.

"My queen, I cannot speak for who these men might be or whatever intentions that they might have or whatever experience Ser Jorah might have with them to colour his judgement but this is your decision. If you are to be a true queen that rules in her own right then you will need to make your own decisions and stick to them whatever that is. All I can say for sure though is there will be consequences for whatever course of action you take." Ser Barristan said solemnly, he could not rule for her and in the matter of Wildlings he had no experience to draw on, so in this they would have to see what she decided.

Bloodstone, the Stepstones…

The cool breeze was a relief as the heat of the Stepstones made Brienne sweat in her armour, Pod thankfully was only dressed in cotton and leather while she rather foolishly had stuck to wearing her armour. Walking through the town on her way to the castle Brienne marvelled at the happy people as they moved about town on their daily business. They looked well fed and clothed, the heat of the island meant they would never feel cold, much better than most people that she had seen in her journeys around Westeros which spoke well of the lords that ran these islands.

When she finally arrived at the large and impressive castle she was allowed entry and bid to a courtyard where her breath caught in her throat at what she saw.

The girl which a bow in her hands was the spitting image of Lady Catelyn Stark, the same brilliant red hair and aristocratic face while another younger girl was helping her and another Northern girl to use the bow. Nearby a young northern man was sparring with another young man of Valyrian ancestry however they all stopped when she appeared and she became short of words as Sansa Stark and a shorter Northern girl that walked beside her approached, Pod was openly staring at the beautiful three girls in the yard and she kicked him in the shin to make him behave before the two main girls came up to them.

"Lady Brienne, welcome to Bloodstone. Lord Tyrell informed myself and Arya that you would be coming." Sansa said and Brienne wanted to sing with joy, seeing now a similar feature or two in the other Northern girl she realised that both the daughters of Lady Catelyn were here, safe and sound. Remembering Lord Tyrell had been the one to send her here it was clear to her now that it had been him that was harbouring them. Brienne kneeled before Sansa and Arya Stark and gave them her words, Pod quickly knelt too..

"My ladies, I was sworn to your mother that I would serve her and House Stark to the best of my ability and I failed her, please accept me into your service and I will not fail your family again." Brienne said with passion, her guilt over what had happened to their lady mother stabbing viciously into her. Sansa and Arya both looked unsettled at the mention of their mother and her fate but Sansa put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a sad smile.

"You defended her to the best of your ability, her death was not your doing but those that were so greedy they broke every law that exists in this world. You can rise Lady Brienne and my sister and I gladly accept your aid as we prepare to return home and retake Winterfell and the North." Sansa said and Brienne with tears in her eyes got to her feet, towering over both her charges.

Highgarden, the Reach...Two weeks later…

The sept of Highgarden was full of light and celebration as Dickon and Margaery formally wed in front of the other Reach nobles and while many whispered about the sudden wedding assuming that a child might exist none spoke loud enough to be anything more than a standard irritation. The only topic that caused any real issue was the still unoccupied Brightwater Keep and just who it would be awarded too given the Florents betrayal by siding with Stannis Baratheon. Mace should have dealt with it but in his selfishness he had apparently intended to keep it for himself. Gunthor Hightower had been awarded the seat and while it was not as large or as powerful as others it was a good and wealthy enough seat. Harry intended to get a better castle for his friend in the war to come for his loyal and devoted service but for now it would do.

He breathed a sigh of relief when Dickon put the Tarly cloak on Margaery, now his sister was safe from the Lannisters and married to someone who would at least be able to be a husband to her rather than a child. Loras was crowned Lord of Highgarden and it had been a relatively quiet affair, no drama and no one expected Loras to be a dynamic lord that shook things up. Harry agreed with that quietly as his brother did not really plan things out and was more reactive that proactive but it was a big relief to him, especially as Loras was far more certain to support him when the time came than Mace would have.

He looked over to see his wife on her first visit to Highgarden, she had he noticed with an amused smile gotten the Reach lords eating out of her hand. She gave him a smile in return, not happy to have left their youngest four children in the islands but Jasen and Elinor were in awe of the large and grand castle and politically it was good to let the Reach nobles see the boy that would one day rule over them. Olenna had doted on her great-grandchildren who had been in awe of the strong old lady that seemed so clever, both of whom stayed close to her when their parents were talking to someone else. Margaery herself was quick to introduce herself to her nephew and niece and doted on them both, unlike Loras who had not seemed to know what to do when Jasen had asked if he was as good with a sword as Harry was and quickly asked Margaery to handle it much to Harry's, Rhaenys' and Margaery's laughter, even Olenna had cracked a smile.

The one high point of ceremony was when Harry had presented the Valyrian steel shield to Randyll, it had started a gasp that could be felt all around the room at how beautiful it was and emblazoned with the Tarly colours and Huntsman. Many questioned how he had so much steel to make it and Harry and Rhaenys just smiled knowing not answering would drive them mad.

So to get away from all the questions they took a stroll in the castle's godswood, although it had long been converted to the Seven and even built a very elaborate sept Highgarden still had a godwood with not one but three Weirwood trees that had grown so large and entangled they appeared to the casual eye to be one enormous tree rather than three together. Collectively they were known as the Three Singers and as Harry and Rhaenys sat at the pool beneath them Harry wondered if there was ambient magic feeding the trees that had helped them grow so tall and graceful, many of the older castles in Westeros like Highgarden and Harry suspected Winterfell were built on magical sites or on ley lines by the First Men so it was not beyond the realm of possibility.

But his thoughts of magic were replaced by his devotion to his wife as they sat in each other's arms while Kanoro and a few of their guards kept watch, even though both of them were armed it helped to be prepared. Jasen and Elinor played around the tree as their parents watched, the peace of the moment was so perfect that it was almost like a dream.

A familiar present however ruined the moment as Harry felt an aura he had not sensed since his trip to Bear Island years ago, not long after finding the truth of Rhaenys' half brother. He looked around and saw a Three Eyed Raven sitting in the branches of the tree nearby, Rhaenys was confused at the bird having never seen something like that before so were Kanoro and their men who all drew their weapons expecting so kind of attack. Harry however was feeling angry, what the hell did that old man want after so long a time? He had toed the line that he had demanded on and left Jon Snow alone so what the hell did he want now?

'A favour.' The old man's voice echoed in his mind and Harry grimaced, glad on one level that he would not have to go to the freezing Beyond the Wall or True North as it was known to find out what he wanted. However he was not happy to have the old man's voice in his head.

'What is it exactly?' Harry thought rather than said with irritation.

'Go to the Wall and make sure Jon Snow survives the battle there, events are still uncertain and we need to ensure he survives. If he dies it would be disastrous.' The Three Eyed Raven said mentally which made Harry grit his teeth.

'I am not your errant boy.' Harry thought scowling visibly which made Rhaenys look at the bird suspiciously at the bird before it vanished before their eyes.

"What is it?" She asked and Harry glared at the spot where the bird had been before turning to answer her.

"Apparently your half brother is in danger at the Wall, the Bloodraven wants me to go and protect him. So should I go?" He asked her, she was surprised he was asking her and she was struck with indecision.

"Why ask me?" She asked not really sure even now what to think of her father's second son. While she did not at all hold him responsible for anything that had happened she was happy enough not having evidence of her father's madness which had hurt nearly all of Westeros in one way or another right in her face. Harry gave her a look she could not quite place before answering.

"Right now you are my biggest concern, you and our children." He said taking her hand as their children came over and cuddled up to them. Taking one in each arm she let them cuddle close while Harry wrapped his arm around her. "I'll go but only if you want me too."

Rhaenys was torn, she wanted her husband here and safe not in the north risking his life for someone they had never met. However at the same time Jon was her only remaining sibling and a part of her wanted to make sure he was safe, for the sake of family if nothing else. She could almost imagine her mother glaring at her for even thinking about not helping Jon and in that moment she made her decision.

"Go...but I want you back safe and sound." She told him and Harry nodded, kissing her forehead and then Jasen and Elinor before turning to give a nod to Kanoro who returned it, understanding what he was trying to convey and he would ensure that Rhaenys and the children were safe while he was gone. Harry smiled to his children before disappearing with a pop, returning to the islands to get an unremarkable set of armour, furs and a sword from their stash that would not be so recognisable. He had sent many to the Wall in the last few years but not all of them had seen his face so he would wear a helm constantly to disguise himself and he would stick as close to Jon and his eyes open as much as possible.

The Wall, the North…

The night was cold and bitter, a strong wind was blowing which cut straight through men as they stood around getting ready for battle, there was a strong air of hopelessness hanging over them as five hundred men got ready to face an enemy around ten times their size and not many of them expected to be alive come morning. They could have rallied all the men of the Watch from the other castles but even that would only have given them two thousand men at best and that was still nowhere near enough and leave big portions of the Wall unguarded.

Harry appeared as close as he could to Castle Black which required several small apparation jumps to get there but even with warming charms what irritated him the most as he stood there in the open was cold biting wind. Warming charms had limited effect here perhaps because it was so close to the True North, he stared up at the impressive structure and was in awe of its size but more so of its importance in keeping the living safe from the dead.

So pulling himself away from the impressive view he marched up the rough road to Castle Black, he was noticed by the men on guard at the gate which was he noticed rather poorly defended and he hoped that the only attack came from the other side of the Wall or they could be real trouble. They called out and the gate soon opened revealing a rather sour looking man with a lined and bitter face, his eyes showed an endless anger and pride that was almost unbreakable.

"What the fuck do you want?" The sour old man said, Harry caught his eye and with a scan of his surface thoughts that confirmed that aside from this man was just insanely bitter about his life and his raging anger took it out on everyone that his name was Ser Alliser Thorne, the Master at Arms of Castle Black and acting Lord Commander of the Nights Watch. Harry had hoped that he would be dealing with Jeor Mormont or even Benjen Stark but it seems that they were either missing or dead so here he was dealing with this ass hole, Harry struggled not to grit his teeth and with great effort he put on a grim look of his own and said in a gruff voice.

"I heard there was a fight here, I just got back from the war in Essos and I want to get me self settled. Hoping to get a lord to offer me a spot so to prove I can fight I offer me sword." Harry said nearly cringing at his appalling accent but it was the best he could do.

Thorne looked even less convinced by his accent than Harry was himself but he swallowed nervously and said with his gruff voice.

"You do what we say, when we say it. The only reason I'm not throwing in the Ice Cells is because I need all the swords I can get, got it?" He said glaring at Harry who kept looking grim and not the least bit intimidated by Thorne, he had faced far more scary things in his life already.

"Sure, as long as I get to do some killing I don't care." Harry said in his bad accent, Thorne without a single word turned and went back inside the castle with his men which Harry took as his cue to follow.

Inside Castle Black Harry was astonished at how bleak it all seemed, men looking so weary and cold that they were just waiting to die and the broken and run down castle looked ready to fall apart. He knew full well the Watch had been in decline for decades if not centuries and was now manned largely by criminals having sent a large number here himself but he had expected something...more.

He looked around the yard and saw no sign of Jon Snow and only gained a few glances as men assumed he was a new recruit, he was considering casting a locating spell once he could find a safe enough spot but was saved from having to do this when he saw someone he recognised and not in a bad way. Samwell Tarly was moving across the courtyard and while he doubted the man would remember him he would know where Jon was so he quietly followed Samwell.

He entered the old and bleak rooms of Castle Black after Samwell and soon reached a room where Samwell was sitting with a young woman of Northern appearance and furs that marked her as a Wildling who had a baby in her arms. Besides them there was an ancient looking man in maester's robes and a long chain around his neck, this must Harry realised be Maester Aemon Targaryen. They had known of his existence but given he had been bound to the Wall and Rhaenys had wanted little to do with her Targaryen relatives they had not approached him.

"Who are you?" The girl asked with fear, unknown men in her mind meant trouble.

"I'm sorry if I am intruding." Harry said in his bad accent, glad of the helm that he was wearing which hopefully should stop Samwell from recognising him on the off chance he remembered. "I was looking for Jon Snow, I have a message for him from two young she-wolves." He said letting the words hang in the air, waiting for someone to catch on to what he was saying. Aemon smiled immediately and chuckled while Samwell and Gilly looked at him confused.

"I am sure he will be glad to hear it, he is on top of the Wall on look out for the Wildlings. May I ask who you are though? Your accent is in need of work but I do detect a Reach tone underneath it." Aemon said with an amused smile. "Not to mention your speech is like a noble not a sellsword so who are you?"

Harry was taken-aback by how sharp the old man was despite being blind, Aemon was certainly a very observant and had a vast wealth of experience and knowledge. He might have made a good king Harry thought with sadness, one of the best had he taken the throne rather than Aegon the 5th but he could not dwell on the what ifs of this world and seeing that Samwell was about to call for other members of the Watch he with a sigh of annoyance he took off his helm and said. "Thank you for ruining that particular guise Maester Aemon."

Samwell much to his own worry did recognise him as he removed the helm. "Lord Tyrell!" He said in shock, which only made Harry wince and Gilly who had no idea what that meant asked.

"Who?" Her puzzlement only clouded the really important issue.

"That doesn't matter now. I am sure Samwell will fill you in later, besides Samwell if you have not heard already you and I are now kin." Harry told the shocked looking Samwell. "Your brother just married my sister so we are now goodbrothers so I ask that you keep my presence here a secret. Now excuse me." Harry said with hope that they would, putting his helm back on as he left the room. He was annoyed at his disguise being seen through but there was little to do about it now. So he left the interior rooms and rode the lift to the top of the Wall in search of Jon getting more irritated that the Raven had sent him here by the second.

Once he got to the top though he was blown away at the incredible view offered from its great height, the vast expanse of Beyond the Wall illuminated by the setting sun. It was worth the long trip on the lift if only to see that.

He tore himself away from the view however as he started to look for Jon Snow, there were surprisingly not many men up here yet despite battle being nearly upon them perhaps due to the fact that it was even colder up here than it had been on the ground probably due to the lack of protection from the wind. He did see the scorpions and other siege weapons being made ready and soon men with Myrish glasses scanning the area beyond for sign of the wildlings, he eventually found Jon after the sky had darkened into night and the snow began to fall but the boy was surprisingly looking not north but south with a mournful look.

Before making his presence known Harry took a moment to study his wife's half brother, he had little resemblance to the Targaryens like his wife as both of them took more from their individual mothers' than their father. However there was a similar look in the face and his eyes were a darker grey than normal Northern eyes like his cousin Arya's perhaps de to the mix of grey and purple, he like his father seemed to carry a great burden on his shoulders.

"Jon Snow." Harry said looking around quickly to make sure they were alone before he spoke, the young man looked around only for them to be interrupted by Thorne who came up behind them.

"Get a fuckin." Whatever Thorne was about to say was cut off as the forest in the distance was set ablaze, they all turned to look at the spectacle and then came the worst part. Tens of thousands of wildlings came slowly out of the forest brandishing torches and their weapons with complete confidence in their victory, there were even giants riding mammoths amongst their scattered and disorganised army and Harry while knowing he could escape at any time gulped at the enormous odds against the Night's Watch this time.

"Archers! Notch!" Thorne shouted out and Harry took a bow from the rack nearby and notched an arrow. "Everyone else hold."

Harry tuned out Thorne's rant after someone dropped a barrel over the side of the Wall and had to concentrate to not shake his head in dismay, Thorne must really be pissed off at his life to start ranting at them when the enemy was literally in sight and did not answer when he demanded that they all say 'no sir', but like the others Harry turned around to hear a cry that the wildlings were attacking the entrance to Castle Black on the southern side. Harry worried as now they were trapped on both sides and while he could evacuate him and Jon at any time he chose what the hell kind of situation would Sansa and Arya be faced with when they came north. A civil war in the North at the same time as a massive wildling invasion was a headache that he wanted to avoid but short of giving them troops which would weaken their standing or using Fiendfyre which would damage and possible break the Wall there was only so much he could do, so he thought gritting his teeth they would have to fight it out. Thorne decided right there and then to go and fight in the yard which was not stupid in itself but who he left in charge was stupid in the extreme. A knight from the Crownlands who had been caught trying to rape a lord's daughter and taken the Wall to avoid punishment.

Harry took one look at the fat and stupid looking man that actually had to be reminded by Thorne before he left to loose the arrows and knew he was paralysed by not knowing what to do and the last thing that they needed was to have this idiot in charge. So while Harry did loose his arrow and although in the gloom and snow he could not see if he hit anyone when the idiot ex-knight went to close to the edge of the Wall, with a quick wave of his hand and a banishment charm the man lost his footing and went head-first over it. His scream as he went over was lost with battle cries of the wildlings and everyone just looked at the spot where he had fallen with surprise.

"Well." Harry said without humour to Jon, breaking the silence. "I guess you're in charge now."

Jon looked shocked at the news as did everyone else there but they all looked at him for orders and Jon did not hesitate to his credit telling them to notch arrows again, still scared Harry saw it in his eyes but Jon was focused and determined. He would be a capable soldier and a leader Harry thought, maybe even a man who people would be drawn too but not necessarily a good king or lord but Harry thought as he notched another arrow we will see.

Below them they saw wildlings trying to dig climbing axes into the Wall and Jon told them all to ease their concerns as the wind began to pick up.

"They won't summit before dawn."

Another man asked. "How do you know that?"

Jon surprised everyone especially Harry by saying "Because I've made that climb."

Another man apparently one who was friendly with Jon spoke up. "I think they're in a bigger hurry than you were." Harry peering over the great drop then added his own opinion in slight amusement.

"Then they fall when they mess up, you can't make a climb this high in a hurry."

Nevertheless two very nervous archers tied themselves to a mechanism and allowed themselves to be lowered over the edge so they could fight their arrows strike down at the climbing wildlings, all of them even Harry waited for Jon's order.

"DRAW!" Jon said waiting for them all to load their bows. "LOOSE!"

A storm of arrows both flaming and normal spewed from the top of the Wall catching wildlings beneath them, the men despite being scared still seemed to calm given the strong presence Jon was giving off without even realising it easing their nerves. The wildlings' archers tried to return fire but the distance was too great to reach even half way up the Wall, that was until a Giant with a much tougher bow started firing.

Harry and Jon barely avoided being hit by an arrow the size of a long sword as it blasted part of the platform they were standing on, seeing the giant load again Jon yelled out to all the men.


Most did as they were told except one man who was fumbling with his bow and impaled right through the chest but the sheer force of the arrow actually blew him clear off his feet and over the other side of the Wall. Harry had only seen a ballista hit that hard and he was a bit worried that these giants who while nowhere near as big as the ones from his opposite's world might swing the battle.

Then something strange happened, Harry felt a surge of magic wash over the area and he realised it had the same strong but ancient feel of the Bloodraven. The giants he noticed felt it too and straightened their backs before turning around and heading back to the forest, both Night's Watch and Wildlings watched in shock at the strange turn of events and Harry who just looked north wondered what the hell the Raven was planning, he had brought him here to guard the boy and was now using whatever power he had to take the giants out of the fight. Clearly the ancient wizard had some kind of plan but what exactly eluded him and Harry hated mysteries.

He and the rest of the men on the Wall were brought out of their state of surprise by the sight of a group of climbers running straight at the Wall Jon turned to his friend and shouted out.


His friend repeated the word and men started pushing barrels down ramps at the crowds of Wildlings below, the splintering wood or flames catching many and causing horrible screams that would haunt a man for the rest of his life. Harry stood with his bow and let arrows loose at the wildlings as they came in wave after wave, his fingers were starting to go numb from all the bow use when an explosion rocked them. One of the barrels had gotten stuck on the ramp and exploded, debris flew everywhere one piece knocking the watchman holding the ropes that held one the suspended archers who fell to his death. Harry himself felt a piece hit the helm he was wearing and was glad he had used it for his disguise as the debris would surely have at least knocked him out otherwise or split his head open.

Then Samwell Tarly ran up to them looking worried and there was some blood on his clothes and his hands, Jon looking at the wildlings who were still gathering below turned briefly before looking back to study the Wildlings asked him.

"What are you doing up here?" Samwell however brought grave news that made their struggle to keep the wildlings from breaching on this side seem dangerously pointless.

"The wildlings are over the Wall, Ser Alliser fallen. The castle won't stand much longer." All of them who heard it felt a chill go down their spines that had nothing to do with the snow and the strong wind that was whipping it all around them even Harry. Everyone turned to Jon while Harry wondered if he should just grab Jon and go but he stayed his hand and waited to see what the young man would do. When he finally spoke after a moment's silent contemplation no one would ever call him a coward that was for sure.

"Edd you have the Wall." Jon said causing them all to look at Jon and the now named Edd in surprise, Jon walking towards the lift before stopping to tell Edd.

"If the climbers get to close drop the side on them." Jon then continued on to the lift taking some men with him while leaving Edd to defend the Wall, Harry feeling more in his element joined them, Jon asked as he fell into step beside him. "Where the fuck are you going?"

The wind nearly drowned their words but Harry shouted back well enough to be understood.

"I'm better with a sword than I am with a bow, I'm better use down there."

No further word was said as they got in the lift and started the way down to Castle Black below.


As the lift came towards the ground they were greeted with a horrific sight that made what Samwell say seem like an understatement, the outnumbered Watchmen were being absolutely slaughtered by the wildlings and given the sheer number of Wildlings that had gotten into the courtyard. Harry nearly missed Jon's words to Samwell as they arrived but thought no more on it as Jon ran out into the chaos and Harry with a sigh at his recklessness followed him.

It struck Harry instantly at how good Jon was as a fighter, had he been a knight he would have been a prime candidate for the Kingsguard. He handled the first four wildlings that crossed his path as he made his way into the courtyard with the ease of a skilled warrior, not that Harry was hesitant to get involved he followed Jon right into the fray.

Harry saw an axe wielding wildling come screaming at him but he side stepped just before the axe came down and as the wildling stumbled straight into his sword and through his gut before pulling it out just in time to deal with another which came at him with a similar axe, however Harry easily blocked the strike and impaled him through the stomach.

Harry did not enjoy killing but the fight was certainly he thought with a grin under his helm a way of letting off the steam he had built up over the last month or so and all that had happened, the clear do or die of combat letting him release his frustrations. Swords made of iron, bronze and occasionally steel were swung at him as Harry moved swiftly from one to another cutting the more brutal wildlings down. A snarl sounded and out of the corner of his eye he saw a white direwolf biting the throat of wildling clean off, Harry was honestly shocked at how loyal these wolves were to their humans but thought nothing of it as he saw Jon had gotten himself in trouble.

A large wildling with a vicious looking axe and scars across his bald head was matching Jon's swordplay move for move and Harry with his greater experience could see Jon was about to lose his sword which happened only a moment later. Harry seeing Jon was now in trouble made his way over, kicking one wildling in the chest who tried to get between him and Jon's attacker. The axe went towards Jon's head and Harry as fast as he could blocked the strike, his arms aching as the impact was felt but it was enough for Jon to grab a hammer from the nearby forge and smash it straight into the large brute's head.

Jon's breathing was rapid but as he picked up Dark Sister and dropped the borrowed hammer, he gave a nod of thanks to Harry who returned it before Jon's eyes became fixed on a girl archer who had him in her sights and stared back at him just as fiercely. Even Harry who had never met the two before tonight could feel the enormous energy that ran between them, feelings so deep and strong that it would make someone question their deepest values just to be with them. Hate too radiated off the red haired wildling girl but there was something else beneath it, when Jon smiled at her Harry noticed her face twitch like she was going to smile but struggling not too and he was instantly reminded of himself and Rhaenys if they had an argument.

However out of the corner of his eye, Harry could see a young lad with a bow and arrow aiming at the red haired girl's back however his hands were shaking so much probably with inexperience Harry thought he was worried as Jon was directly in the line of fire and if the boy messed up the shot Jon might be hit instead. He quickly but carefully moved his hand and hit the boy with a banishing charm which knocked him off his feet before getting as close to the redhead as he could and put his sword at her neck.


Ygritte felt the steel at her neck and cursed at how focused she'd been on Snow that she had not realised the other crow was there, however much she had hated Jon when the time had come to end his life for betraying her...she found herself frozen unable to let her arrow fly, unable to take his life and that warm feeling came over her again just as it had from the moment they shared warmth in the night, and had grown into a fierce blaze in that cave, the mere memory of which brought a brief flush to her cheeks. The cold steel however broke her from those thoughts and memories of better times, she was not afraid to die and was thinking about just making a sudden move so he would kill her when Jon crossed the yard and pulled her bow out of her hands and tied them up with rope.

"You won't be harmed Ygritte." Jon said and she was still furious at him and wanted to kill him for his betrayal of the Free Folk cause and of her, she glared at him hoping to unsettle him at least and she was glad to see him not able to meet her gaze but having him this close was wrapping his presence around her like a cloak again the feeling of safety he seemed to have about him and that accursed warmth feeling her again.


After the wildling woman Ygritte as Harry had learned she was called and another wildling known to Jon as Tormund had been secured in the cells Harry and the rest of the men looked around the yard and saw the bodies piled everywhere. Many of them Night's Watch but twice as many wildlings littered the ground, however much of Mance Rayder's army had remained on the northern side of the Wall and according to scouts split into two groups, one led by Mance himself and the other was hiding not far from the Wall where the Giants had set up camp. The split had not gone unnoticed but Mance was still a threat. With several castles still abandoned which he would know being a former man of the Night's Watch Harry thought the man's plan to attack the Watch here made little sense and made him question what the hell he was planning? Perhaps to destroy the Watch?

Putting aside that question Harry walked with Jon to the rooms of Maester Aemon where they could talk in privacy, Jon seemed to have accepted him by now and asked.

"We could always use good men at the Wall, will you be staying?" Jon seemed hopeful which Harry thought was amusing but good and replied.

"I am afraid not, I must return to my family in the south." Harry told him as they arrived at the rooms of Maester Aemon and knocked on the door. Jon nodded in understanding, a bit disappointed but he understood.

Entering the dark rooms they saw Maester Aemon waiting for them and he smiled when they approached.

"Welcome young Snow and Lord Tyrell, since we are still alive I am guessing we have proven victorious. Now I believe you had a message for young Snow." Aemon said with amusement, knowing full well the Stark bastard as he thought of him would be shocked. Jon's face was a picture Harry had to admit reluctantly at how shocked he was especially when Harry removed his helm and said annoyed to Aemon.

"Yes thank you Maester but please keep that piece of information to yourself from now on, it is bad enough that Samwell Tarly recognised me." Putting his helm under his arm Harry extended his hand to Jon who took it with hesitation. "Lord Harry Tyrell, it is good to finally meet you Jon. Sansa and Arya have been so worried about you, they asked I check on your welfare." Harry said deciding not to mention the Bloodraven, the situation was complicated enough as it was without telling them everything.

"Sansa! Arya! Are they alright?" Jon asked quickly as although surprised at the revelation he was more concerned with the safety and well-being of his sisters, the last family he had now he thought sadly. Father, Robb, Bran and even Rickon was gone now and more than one night he had been kept awake with his worry for his two half-sisters who it seemed had vanished without trace, until now. He was eager to learn anything he could about their welfare.

Harry put his hands up and reassured the younger man with a smile.

"They are fine, Sansa has even bonded with Greywind and both girls are planning to retake Winterfell soon. They have already gained a few allies in the North and hope for more in the days ahead. They send their love and ask you to take care of yourself. After all you are pack as they put it." Harry told Jon knowing it would brighten the young man's day. It was the first time that he had seen the young man smile except when he was confronting the red haired archer that Harry guessed he was in love with.

As Jon just stood there glad to finally know that his sisters were safe, Harry noticed a sad smile on the face of Maester Aemon no doubt thinking on the horrible fate that had befallen his own family. Harry felt a sharp stab of sympathy and desperately wanted to ease his pain that he had been experiencing for nearly twenty years, thinking about whether or not they could risk telling him the truth. Thanks to Loras being on the throne of Highgarden and the Tyrell/Lannister alliance now being over their position was far more secure but it was still a large risk as the Vale's neutrality, the North and the Riverlands restoration and the build-up of their forces was still underway. However this was a man without hope and filled with sorrow for all his house had lost...perhaps Harry thought he should know the truth and he realised so should Jon. Bound the Wall Jon could not inherit the throne nor did he want it and he had promised to Lord Stark that he would tell the boy the truth Harry thought with guilt irritating him till he accepted the potential consequences of what he was about to do and said after discreetly casting a charm to prevent them from being overheard.

"Maester Aemon, I have a message for you too." Harry said deciding it might be better to start with him, given how devastating the truth might be to Jon. The old man looked at him strangely not expecting this but nonetheless curious. "When Rhaegar's children were killed in the capital, there was a survivor."

The silence was immediate and intense, Jon looked on in shock and Aemon looked first stunned by his announcement and then anger gripped his ancient features and he snapped at Harry.

"Are you trying to torture an old man? To tempt him with a family and then gain pleasure by snatching it away? ARE YOU?" Aemon said his temper growing by the minute and Jon looked ready to kill Harry right there and then for doing such a thing. Harry cursed inwardly, that had been a stupid way to try and tell them the truth. He sighed before grabbing a hand of each man and before they could react apparated them to Highgarden.

The suddenness of what had just happened shocked both Aemon and Jon out of their anger, Jon more than Aemon who could at least see the change in environment although both suddenly found themselves sweating in the warmer temperatures of the south and shrugged off their heavier clothes and furs quickly.

"Where in the blazes are we?" Jon asked his hand now at his sword, expecting some kind of attack. The voice nearby however distracted his attention.

"In Highgarden, thousands of miles from the Wall." Rhaenys said as she came out of the bedroom followed by Jasen and Elinor who being bold children did not hide behind her skirts but instead stood at her side. The two children studied the newcomers with interest especially Aemon having never seen someone so old. Aemon however was unlike Jon actually delighted.

"Magic!" He said in excitement, surprising them all in how open he was too it and completely unafraid. "I had dreamt all my life of feeling it again and although my sight is gone, that energy is unmistakable." He said remembering the feeling he had gotten off the fire crystal Brynden Rivers had given him all those years ago.

"Harry who is this?" Rhaenys asked confused as to why he had brought this old man here, the sight of the half brother she had only ever seen through glass candles was unsettling and she was not sure what to say. He like her had suffered because of their father's madness albeit in different ways and that fact should bind them together but instead it seemed to be a wedge that she could not overcome, after all he had no idea who she was and what they were to each other...however seeing a familiar look in her husband's eye she knew however much it scared her that it was about to change.

"Not all of Rhaegar's children were slaughtered Maester Aemon, one was spared by use of a decoy. Allow me to introduce you to your several times niece Rhaenys Targaryen." Harry said addressing both of them which made both of them and Jon gasp, Rhaenys was very pale as she was introduced to the oldest member of her family and one of the few who had rejected the throne much like she once had. Aemon seemed as unsure as she was as he came over to her slowly and gently moved his hands across her face, creating an image in his mind of what she looked like, Rhaenys allowed this and the small smile that appeared on his face made one appear on hers too it was so infectious.

"There are pieces of my mother Dyanna Dayne and my sisters Rae and Daella in you, your chin and your nose definitely while your height is the same as my mother's. I am so glad to meet you." Aemon said tears forming in his eyes as for the first time in so many years preparing himself to perhaps be the last Targaryen here was the future of their family. His smile was widening as he placed his hands on her shoulders while Rhaenys with a small tear in her own eye stood there with her children who looked at the old man with awe, their many times great uncle.

Harry watched with a smile, seeing Jon was looking very uncomfortable at the closeness of the old maester and Rhaenys and while Harry did not want to break up a close reunion so he turned to Jon and pulled him aside as Aemon was introduced to Jasen and Elinor who took an immediate shine to the old man who smiled brightly at their joy.

"Jon, there is something I need to tell you, I was with Lord Stark when he passed and there was something he wanted me to tell you. About your mother." Harry said seriously and Jon instantly become completely focused on him.

"Go on." Jon asked, still reeling from the discovery that Rhaenys Targaryen was still alive and wed to Lord Tyrell, this however struck more deeply. That he had been there while his father drew his last breath and had carried the secret of just who his mother had been.

"Firstly, remember that Lord Stark loved you. He kept the truth from you to make sure you were safe, your parentage is dangerous as there are those that would kill you due to your bloodline. Lord Stark knew that when you were born so he named you his bastard as it was the only way to hide it but Jon...you are not nor have you ever been a bastard. You were born within wedlock." Harry said grimly, not liking having to do this as it was sure to be painful but Jon deserved the truth.

"What?" Jon said in shock, all his life he had been looked down for being a bastard even if he had been treated far better than some others, he had learnt that much at the Wall. Now he was being told that he had never been a bastard although the idea that his father had another wife was beyond possible.

"Lord Stark might have slept with another woman but he would never betray his oath by marrying another woman while married to Catelyn Tully." Jon said with anger at the implication that his father had bee the sort of man that would marry a woman while married to another and Harry realised being subtle was not getting him anywhere so he would have to get to the point.

"That is true, he never would betray his wedding vows but although you are of Stark blood, it did not come from him. It came from Lyanna Stark, his sister." Harry said and Jon was instantly shocked into silence as he struggled to process what was being told. "Rhaegar was your father and he forced her to marry him, after you were born his treatment of her had damaged her health to making her decline and she begged her brother when he came for her to make sure you were safe. She knew that if the Lannisters and the Baratheons learned of your existence they would kill you and your uncle knew that too, the only way was to call you his bastard. Too many men use whores while at war and given how long he was gone no one really cared or looked closely enough to discover the truth." Harry continued, hoping to make sure that Jon understand.

He was interrupted from saying anything more when the old hand of Aemon came from nowhere and placed itself on Jon's shoulder, the old man smiled as Jon turned to face Aemon who he now knew was his several times great uncle.

"I felt some connection with you the moment we met but I did not realise that we shared the blood of the dragon." Aemon said with pride. "It is no accident that Dark Sister came to you, as a Targaryen prince it was always yours by right and as a man of character and integrity." Aemon said and Jon honestly looked so overwhelmed and humble that it made Harry thankful that he was bound to the Watch as being king would no doubt be worse than death to him.

Jon however was pulled from his shocked state by an insistent pulling on the sleeve of his shirt, he looked down and saw Lord Tyrell's son tugging on his sleeve with his sister. The twins' vivid green eyes with a ring of purple around the iris were a strange sight but his smile was one of innocent joy.

"You're our uncle." It was a statement not a question and those words brought home the fact that he was the half brother of Rhaenys Targaryen, the uncle to her children. The insistent stare of the boy and girl actually reminded Jon of Arya the last time he had seen her and his heart panged with the memory of his sister that was not his sister. It made him sick to his stomach the lies that had been fed to him his whole life even if they had been in the best of intentions, worst was the anxiety he felt when the children's mother appeared. She was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen Jon thought and her violet eyes radiated her strong will but right now it was full of uncertainty as she looked at him, putting a protective hand on each of her children's shoulders. Her eyes met his and neither seemed to know what to say, they were complete strangers and yet joined by blood.

"Yes I am." Jon said with a smile that he managed to fix on his face, giving a polite nod to his nephew and niece who smiled back. Aemon then put an arm around Jon and Rhaenys and said with tears gathering in his eyes.

"For the first time in so many years I have family around me and I intend to spend what time I have with you tonight, there are some stories you all should here and secrets that I doubt you have ever been told." Aemon said as he was guided to a seat and started talking to his captive audience.

Elysia, Slaver's Bay…

The day was clear and bright as the ships approached the island fortress of the last slavers in Slaver's Bay, most were cargo ships converted to carry their warriors and all of them braced themselves for the attack.

At the wheelhouse of the ship leading the enormous formation was Crixus, he stared at the fearsome walls of Elyria. It had been a Valyrian stronghold once and the number of guard towers proved that although he was thankful in the privacy of his own mind that the walls were not dragonstone otherwise their plans would never have worked. Naevia leaned against him and he put a possessive arm around her waist, Gannicus was looking through some Myrish glasses to scan the horizon looking rather worried while Saxa sharpened her short swords. Gannicus put the glasses down and with a look of grim anxiety told them.

"There is no sign of them, the ships aren't coming." Gannicus was now looking deeply worried and thinking that they would have to delay the attack until they came up with a new plan.

"DRAGON BITCH!" Crixus yelled, spitting at the woman and he made a quick decision without even thinking it through his hatred of slavers gripping him with a sort of madness. "WE CARRY ON!"

"Crixus!" Saxa said with anger in her voice now. "If we have to storm those walls then we will lose hundreds of men."

"Thousands." Naevia said, like her lover not willing to give up and agreed with him. "We attack."

Gannicus and Saxa shared a look, both knowing there was no convincing them otherwise and they were about to lose a lot of people.


The catapults on the walls of the city started firing the moment the ships got close enough, the first few shots went wide of their targets but soon the men manning them had the range and the bearing and started hitting their targets.

Ships masts collapsed, holes opened in the hull and started to sink as as water rushed in as multiple ships were hit. Some caught fire as barrels of oil smashed into the deck and ignited. Men and women screamed as they died in the flames or drowned as their ships went down, others were crippled by injuries they sustained when their ships were struck or crushed outright. Gannicus and Saxa were horrified at the sights all around and the sounds would stay in their minds forever, Crixus and Naevia however barely seemed to notice as they finally reached land.

Once they got close enough to beach the men and women that had managed to get close to land, carrying ladders to storm the walls with jumped onto the sand or slid down ropes, but the men on the walls started shooting arrows, bronze projectiles from slingers or bolts from ballista. As they charged towards the walls many would fall from the hell raining down on them, the ground was slick with blood and guts, warriors tripped and fell on the bodies of their comrades all over the place making them even more vulnerable to enemy fire. Crixus and Naevia were at the head of the charge, reaching the walls with a ladder, sweating profusely as they put it up and Crixus started the climb up the walls, snarling as a bronze pellet grazed him but he kept on going...Naevia just behind him.

Crixus reached the top and with sword in hand saw the archers that had picked off several of his men and the red mist descended, the men had barely time to scream as a wild and snarling Crixus came at them with sword swinging, slashing at them like an animal. The unprotected archers were all dead within moments.

In his rage however Crixus had not noticed a squad of slingers coming from the other direction, not until he felt the small bronze pellets they fired from their slings at him. Pain radiated all across his largely unprotected body and he in a state of shock as one hit his heart fell to the ground, dying moments later.

A scream of anger erupted from behind though as Naevia having now reached the top saw the death of her lover and with a rage fuelled by grief she charged at them with her sword swinging even as two of them hit her with their bronze. They missed anything vital though as she got into arm's length and slashed wildly them, gutting them like pigs splitting necks and bellies open while her rage enabled her to take off some heads but a few armed with daggers managed to get a few hits in with the last of the slingers getting her right in the gut but with the last of her strength Naevia managed to spear her sword right through the man's cock and twist so hard that it was cut off before falling and her eyes turned glassy.

Gannicus and Saxa soon reached the top of the walls themselves and saw the dead bodies of their comrades in arms and more than that friends but they had no time to mourn...the attack must continue so they yelled with the energy of the fight flowing through them and led the charge into the city.


Hours later with the city finally in their hands, with the slaves that still lived in the city now free and the slavers executed, only then did the true scope of the cost of the battle become apparent.

"How many did we lose?" Gannicus asked from the manse they taken as a headquarters, Saxa having talked to their remaining 'officers' looked grim as she answered.

"Half." Her words were slow and sad, Gannicus was silent for a moment as he absorbed the information.

"Half, gods damn it." He said, devastated in the privacy of him and his lover. He put his head in his hands and sat on one of the large and expensive chairs that would have been better as firewood in his unstable opinion. Over a hundred thousand warriors...gone not to mention Crixus and Naevia dead. He had seen the defeated and depressed looks of their people himself as he had walked around after the battle...moral was completely shot to hell and Gannicus himself who had always been a firm believer in hunting down the slavers and wiping them out was now unsure if they could even continue with their people in this state. And he thought with anger it was not just the warriors, what about those that they protected, the women and children or the old that could not fight? He wondered as they numbered twice the size of their reduced army, how would they fair when now they were so reduced in number? He honestly felt the weight of the world on his shoulders, he was now the leader of their people and their protector.

"We can't stay here, not with that Dragon Bitch so close. How long before she sends her beasts and the Unsullied against us to force us to serve her?" Gannicus said sharply, taking a moment to spit in anger at the words 'Dragon Bitch'. If she had sent those ships like she promised then this slaughter would have been far less bloody and his two best friends would still be alive. Saxa nodded in agreement her own face showing her hatred of Daenerys Targaryen and while they wanted vengeance for her betrayal she was now far too strong for them to attack, with the Unsullied and those fucking dragons! Then she had a flash of inspiration.

"We go to Harry, he helped us once maybe he can help us find a safe place for our people." Saxa said, hoping he could aid them now when things seemed so bad. His supplies and weapons had been essential and he was a lord with an army of his own now, he must know somewhere they could go.

Gannicus was surprised at the suggestion but agreed with it quickly, with so many of their friends dead and slavers still around not to mention the Dragon Bitch on their doorstep they had little choice. Myr and the Disputed Lands were next to Harry's Essosi territories and that could be a good place to settle if Harry would help conquer them. He nodded and said.

"Find us some shipwrights to fix the ships so we can sail our warriors back to land and strip the city of everything we can take, food, gold anything. If we have to march as we lost so many ships then we will need fresh supplies for such a journey." Gannicus ordered and Saxa nodded before rushing off to get things in motion for their journey west, Gannicus meanwhile stared at the map of Essos on the table in front of him and sighed, hoping they had made the right decision.

Meereen, Slaver's Bay…One Week Later

Daenerys heard the whispers that were spreading through the city and instantly was filled with regret.

Although successful, the Freed Slave Movement's attack on Elysia had been very costly and many had died storming the city because she had denied them the help they needed much to her regret, they had apparently left the city a ruin and marched west to find a place to call home. But what was bad for her was the whispers that had started directed squarely at her, calling her a coward and dishonest behind her back...saying that she had betrayed them to the slavers. Not everyone was saying that of course and Ser Jorah and even Daario had assured her they would die down but she was not so sure. So she turned to Ser Barristan for reassurance who only looked at her sadly.

"I did tell you there would be consequences to whatever decision you made my queen." He told her apologetically with a worried expression on his old face. "The people will not forget what you have done for them but it might be a while before they look at you with such trust and adoration again and you may have to earn their trust back. That is all I can say." Ser Barristan said, hoping the young woman did not suffer unduly because of her mistake.


Elsewhere in the Pyramid, Yara Greyjoy was staring at the wall in a daze as she learnt what had happened to her homeland. Euron had picked a fight with the better armed south and the Reach under the command of one of the Tyrells had driven him back to the islands before invading and slaughtering the Iron Born. Across the world it was becoming known as the Iron Slaughter...the name actually sent a shiver she would never admit too through her, the Iron Born had been massacred and their fleet either destroyed or taken. The Drowned Priests like her uncle Aeron had been hunted down like dogs and executed along with all who sheltered them. Most noble houses wiped out apart from two who now ruled over the sad little islands that struggled to survive without the knowledge of how to grow food or make things to trade.

The islands had been reduced to a shadow of their former self.

The only good news was that the Tyrell had apparently fought and killed Euron on one of the bridges of Pyke, not that it brought her much comfort. Her homeland and their way of life had been devastated and on the verge of winter the last embers were sure to go out…her people would survive Yara was sure of that but what would they become? The Old Ways she had been raised her whole life to worship would disappear forever and the mere idea filled her with horror and despite herself tears formed in her eyes with grief at what had befallen her homeland.

"Are you okay? I heard the news about the Iron Islands." The familiar voice of Joss Waters, the bastard son of Arthur Dayne was an unwelcome intrusion and she snapped at him with anger.


Joss however did not leave and instead stood there and asked, looking completely unfazed by her anger.

"I was just trying to make sure that you are not going to do something stupid like sail to the Reach and search for revenge. You made an oath to our queen." Joss reminded her and she glared at him with resentment.

"And I'll keep it, but when we finally do sail for Westeros I will return to the Iron Islands and restore the Old Ways." Yara snapped at him, getting a vision in her head of going home and restoring them to their old strength. Joss however frowned.

"The Old Ways are what caused that massacre in the first place, if your people had never attacked the Reach in the first place there would have been no reason for Harry Tyrell and his people to go to war with them. There was applause across Westeros from what I have heard about what he did to them, that is how much your people were hated for all their raiding...far too lazy and greedy to do anything themselves they just stole and took without earning it." Joss said and Yara felt rage bubbling up inside her.

"Shut up!" She snapped, his words stabbing like hot knives into her and revolting to all she believed in but Joss was on a roll now and would not stop, his own hatred of thugs and rapists like the Iron Born now clear to see.

"After what happened do you honestly think your people would welcome you? Not when the Tyrells can come back and finish what they started, your own people would kick you out rather than risk the Bloody Rose's return." Joss said referring to the name Harry Tyrell had been given after the slaughter he had unleashed, that honestly worried Joss as he remembered the lord that had gotten him the notice of Ser Barristan and saved his life. He had not seemed back then the sort of man that could commit such a massacre but Joss thought how much had he changed?

Yara did not take his words well and in a flash of rage she balled up her fist and tried to punch him straight in his horrible mouth to stop more hurtful words coming out, however his training easily allowed Joss to catch the punch and force Yara back against the wall, restraining both her arms to stop her attacking him again while pining her legs with his. Yara struggled but his grip was too strong and later on she would have no idea why she did it, instead she pressed her lips against his.

This stunned both of them as neither of them had even thought about this before but it did not stop there as heat flared between them, he released her arms and forced down her breeches before taking a firm hold of her hips and lifted up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. Yara meanwhile pushed down his breeches and did wrap her legs around his waist as he screwed her hard against the wall.

Eastwatch By the Sea, The Wall…

Later when Harry had returned Jon and a much happier Aemon to Castle Black complete with a bow and quiver of dragonglass arrows just in case, at its neighbouring castle a few hundred ships arrived carrying around five hundred men, the most honourable Knight/Smuggler you would find anywhere, a scarred princess and a fanatical Red Priestess.

Beyond the Wall…

Accompanied by his direwolf Summer, his friend Meera Reed and the ever faithful Hodor Bran Stark finally gazed at the largest Weirwood tree he had ever seen.

The Three Eyed Raven meanwhile smiled, at last he had arrived.

Kings Landing, the Crownlands…

Bronn was quite content as he enjoyed the whores he had found, he had never felt better. He had his sellsword company, he had his castle or would soon if the bloody queen kept her word and now stood as commander of the City Watch again. He did feel bad for abandoned the Imp but gold was gold, that was what he had always said, taking a big drink of ale to celebrate.

The fact that the gold he was using to pay these whores and keep his company solvent was supposed to go to pay off the debt he owed to Harry Tyrell, he had not paid for two months and had no intention of paying. The Tyrells had no power in the capital any more.

What could they do to him now? Bronn thought with mirth.