

once again it aint mine uploaded so i can listen to it - original titel Honour thy blood - by TheBlack'sResurgence

supahsanic6969 · Livres et littérature
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It was a few hours later that had a sore Sirius Black returning to Grimmauld Place. The moment he closed the front door he was attacked by a small brown haired blur that had latched itself around his waist.

"Hello Princess" Natalie greeted him giving the man a tight squeeze.

Sirius smiled happily before wrapping his arms around the girl.

"Hello missy" he replied lovingly. "I didn't know you were coming home today".

"We got sent home early because the divination teacher went missing" the girl explained as she extracted herself from the man. "Are you hurt?" she asked seeing him wince.

"I was training with Harry" Sirius informed her.

"And what curse did your loving godson hit you with today?" Marlene questioned him as she joined the pair in the hallway.

"A stinging hex" Sirius sighed rubbing his thigh.

"A stinging hex?" Marlene questioned disbelievingly.

"Feels like a damn bludger when he hits you with it" the man grumbled with a frown.

"Marlene says you have something to tell me" Natalie cut in curiously.

"We do" Sirius said with a smile as he shepherded the young girl into the kitchen and into a chair.

"Well?" Natalie asked impatiently bouncing in her seat after neither of the grown-ups spoke.

"Well" Marlene began. "Me and Sirius are getting married on Christmas eve" she explained excitedly.

Natalie was surprised by the news and immediately jumped from her seat to hug the couple.

"Does that mean he's going to behave now?" she asked with a raised eyebrow pointing at the gaping man.

"He had better" Marlene growled in a mockingly threatening tone.

"I think you will find I am the most well behaved one in this house" Sirius retorted with a frown.

The two females laughed at his declaration causing him to pout.

"Back five minutes and I'm already getting grief" he muttered with a shake of his head.

"Anyway" Marlene cut him off before he could continue his mumbling. "That means we need to get your dress if you're going to be standing up the front with me" she added with a smile towards the girl.

"You really want me to stand with you?" Natalie asked disbelievingly.

"There is no one else I want standing with me more than you" Marlene answered sincerely pulling the girl into a hug.

"Thank you" the girl whispered emotionally and allowed herself to melt into the embrace.

Marlene and Sirius smiled at each other gently, happy that it meant so much to Natalie.

"Looks like we will be having a shopping trip tomorrow" Marlene announced causing Sirius to whimper.

"Damn shopping" he grumbled.

Marlene just raised an eyebrow at him while Natalie giggled at the man.

She was glad to be back here with both Marlene and Sirius, she had missed them both so much while she had been away.


Harry arrived at Greengrass manor to be greeted by a very excitable Daphne, who immediately threw herself in the boy's arms wrapping hers around him as though she would never let go.

"I missed you too" Harry whispered with a smile as he squeezed the girl gently, savouring the moment.

Daphne just smiled into his chest taking in his scent, one of things she found she missed more than anything else while they had been apart.

The couple were interrupted by an amused cough and turned to see Ophelia looking at them with a gentle smile.

"Are you going to let Harry in?" she questioned her daughter. "It is rather cold out here".

Daphne frowned but took Harry by the hand and led him into the house and out of the snowy outdoors.

"Harry" Jonathan greeted him warmly. "I'm glad you could make it" he added sincerely. "I'm no longer used to being surrounded by so many females" he finished in faux dismay.

Harry chuckled at the man.

"I'm glad to be of service" he intoned with a bow. "We have to watch out for each other after all" he added with a wink causing the man to laugh.

"That we do" he agreed. "But I'm sure they would think differently" he said gesturing to the three glaring females in the room.

"Hello Astoria" Harry greeted the girl.

"Hello Harry" Astoria replied. "I'm glad you're here".

"Did you miss me too?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, but Daphne wouldn't shut up about you all day" Astoria moaned. "It was getting annoying" she finished frowning at her sister who narrowed her eyes.

"Shut up Tori" she hissed but flushed despite herself.

"I'm sure I annoyed Sirius just as much" Harry admitted. "And may have overdone it with the stinging hex I hit him with" he added sheepishly.

Jonathan laughed at that and led the group through to the dining room where the food was already waiting for them.

They shared some small talk over the meal in which they discussed school and the work Harry was doing. It wasn't until after they had finished eating that Jonathan asked Harry about the outcome of the election.

"So Harry, how do you think Amelia will do as minister?" he questioned.

"I have no idea" Harry shrugged. "But it has to be better than that idiot Yaxley" he surmised.

Jonathan chuckled and nodded his agreement.

"I imagine cousin Gaston was not happy" Ophelia cut in.

Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"I didn't know you were related to the Yaxley's" he exclaimed.

"Unfortunately" Ophelia said bitterly. "My maiden name is Yaxley" she explained with a shake of her head.

"Well I am distantly related to Bellatrix Lestrange and she is definitely insane" Harry shrugged. "We can't choose our relatives" he mused aloud.

"True" Ophelia agreed.

"It would have been interesting if you would have accepted the nomination though" Jonathan said thoughtfully. "I have no doubt you would have won, you would have gotten my vote" he finished honestly.

"You were nominated?" Daphne asked disbelievingly.

"Yes but he refused" Jonathan explained.

"I have no desire to be minister now or ever" Harry said with a grimace at the thought.

"What is it you do want to do?" Ophelia asked.

"I have a few ideas" Harry answered cryptically.

"You'd make a hell of an auror" Jonathan exclaimed.

Harry shook his head.

"I've spent my whole life fighting this dark lord" he explained. "I definitely won't joining the aurors" he finished firmly.

"Understandable" Jonathan mused. "I guess you can choose anything" he added thoughtfully. "With the qualifications you have and getting an order of merlin already".

"When did you get an order of merlin?" Astoria asked before anyone else could speak.

"Yesterday" Harry shrugged. "Me and Sirius for stopping the giants" he added in explanation.

"You didn't tell me" Daphne broke in with a frown.

"It slipped my mind" Harry answered truthfully. "After everything that happened last night I didn't really think about it".

"It was a rough day" Daphne intoned with a nod. "Well tomorrow will be better" she added excitedly.

"Why?" Harry asked trying to remember if there was something important he had forgotten.

"Shopping" Daphne reminded him.

Harry groaned and Jonathan laughed at the teen.

"Poor lad" he muttered in amusement.

"I don't know what you find so amusing Jonathan Greengrass" Ophelia chided him with a scowl. "We also have shopping to do" she informed her husband who paled. "I received our wedding invitation by owl today".

It was Harry's turn to laugh at the man.

"You have two dresses to buy" he told the man gleefully indicating his wife and other daughter. "I only have to endure one" he added smugly.

"Endurance now is it Potter?" Daphne asked with a glare.

Harry swallowed deeply.

"It is both my honour and pleasure to escort you while you shop" he spoke with a flourish.

"Better" Daphne nodded with a smile.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

"I hate shopping" Jonathan grumbled.

Harry laughed.

"There is a muggle thing called karma Jonathan, you should look into it" he suggested with a grin.

"I know all about it" Jonathan replied with a frown. "It looks like I'm experiencing it now" he muttered unhappily.

They spoke for a little while longer before Harry took his leave to get some rest. Shopping was not his favourite thing to do and he knew it would be much more unpleasant if he was tired while doing it.


Thankfully the shopping trip went off without a hitch and Daphne was very happy with the dress she had bought. The remaining days leading up to the wedding went in a similar fashion with nothing untoward or dire happening, much to Harry's relief.

He woke to a very frantic and nervous Sirius on Christmas eve morning, having had the man spend the night with him. It took several calming droughts and threats of being cursed for the man to just be able to sit still much to Harry's annoyance.

"Why are you so nervous?" he asked his godfather.

"I don't know" Sirius replied, clearly frustrated by his own apprehension.

"Believe me everything will be fine, just breathe and remember why you're doing this" Harry instructed the man placing a caring hand on his shoulder.

Sirius swallowed and nodded weakly but a look of determination came over him.

"Thank you" he said sincerely pulling his godson into a hug.

"Now go and get dressed" Harry demanded. "We have to leave in an hour" he added firmly.

Sirius yelped and left the room quickly to get ready leaving Harry behind shaking his head.

By the time the younger man was ready Sirius was in the drawing room pacing impatiently wearing a tailored black tuxedo complete with a purple waistcoat and a white lily protruding from the pocket of his jacket.

Harry was wearing a matching suit minus the waistcoat and smiled at the man.

"You scrub up well for a crusty old mutt" he teased gently. "Are you ready?" he asked.

Sirius nodded reluctantly and the two disapparated to the church in Godric's Hollow where Harry had spent a lot of time ensuring the security of the venue.

The church was simple but beautiful in its simplicity and Harry found that he had quite a soft spot for the building. Knowing that his parents were married here also made it that much more special to the teen.

After confirming that everything was ready the two men waited at the front doors of the building to greet those that would be attending.

Dumbledore was the first to arrive wearing robes of purple decorated with silver stars and moons with his familiar perched dutifully on his shoulder. Much to the man's delight he had been asked to perform the ceremony by the couple and had readily agreed to do so.

The Tonks' family arrived next with Natalie being escorted by Tonks herself who was wearing a matching red dress to the younger girls though the older of the duo looked rather uncomfortable in hers.

"Not a word" she growled at Harry as she passed.

"You" Harry said addressing the young girl, "look beautiful" he declared pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you" Natalie responded shyly. "You look nice in your suit" she returned truthfully.

"I look better without it" he said with a grin looking at Tonks.

"Damn it" the metamorph growled as she blushed.

"I hope you are not bothering this lady" a voice cut in and Harry turned to see Daphne in a similar red dress to the other two causing the boy choked at how beautiful she looked.

The dress was form fitting and her hair had been styled elaborately into a high, loose bun with a few wavy strands snaking their way down the girls cheek. Her make-up was subtle except for the bright red lipstick she wore the accentuated her already full lips.

Tonks whooped in triumph at the dumb look Harry wore.

"It's about time someone did that to you" she exclaimed happily. "You must be Daphne" she added offering the girl her hand who took it with a smile.

"You must be Tonks" Daphne replied. "If he gives you any trouble tell me and I will deal with him" she promised glaring at the boy who was still staring dumbly.

It took a slap on the back of the head from Sirius to snap him out of his stupor.

"You look incredible" he said simply pulling the girl into a hug and kissing her gently.

"You don't look so bad yourself" Daphne responded breathily looking at him with twinkling eyes that would make Dumbledore himself proud.

With that the Greengrass's entered the church while Daphne, Tonks and Natalie went to wait for Marlene in one of the side rooms that had been reserved for her.

Harry and Sirius greeted the rest of the guests that consisted of; the various members of the order, almost ever Hogwarts professors and Amelia Bones along with several members of the Wizengamot.

Harry was happy to see Hermione there with Ron and the other Weasley's including Percy who had been released shortly after Travers had admitted his part in Fudge's murder. They shared a brief but appreciative conversation and Harry promised that he would write more often to his friends though Ron had definitely been quite cold towards him.

When they were sure that all the guest had arrived Harry and Sirius made their way to the altar to await the arrival of the bride and her maids.

They didn't have to wait long as almost as soon as they had taken their places the bridal march started and Marlene entered followed by Tonks, Natalie and Daphne.

Sirius just gaped at his bride to be and it took Harry physically closing his mouth to shake him from his thoughts.

Marlene stood in front of her man and gave him a watery smile, which he returned genuinely. There was no doubt that what they felt for each other was real. They may have spent most of their time together bickering or joking around but it was easy to see in this moment the love they had for each other.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" Dumbledore began smiling jubilantly. "It is my pleasure to have us gathered here today to celebrate the love of two people and join them in matrimony" he continued. "I believe that both Marlene and Sirius have written their own vows, so without further ado" he finished e=gesturing for Sirius to begin.

The man swallowed and braced himself before he begun.

"There has never been a time in my life that I have been lost for words" he began with a light chuckle. "But when you asked me to write my own vows for this day I found myself lost for them" he continued seriously. "How can I put into words what I feel for you?" he asked. "The simple answer is; that I can't" he said with a shake of his head. "There are no words that can do it justice" he continued a little emotionally. "But I guess actions speak louder than words" he added. "All I can do is show you what you mean to me every single day for the rest of my life" he elaborated after another deep swallow. "We have had one hell of a journey and I never want it to end. I love you with everything that I have Marlene McKinnon and that is something that will never change. I don't know what will happen in the future but I want you to be the thing that it surrounds until my final breath" he finished genuinely.

Marlene was openly crying at the man's declaration as were many in the room. Harry himself swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat at the sentiment shown by his godfather and saw that even Dumbledore's eyes were shining and a tear was making its way down the man's cheek.

"How am I supposed to top that?" Marlene asked weakly eliciting a few chuckles around the room. "I had planned to say a lot but it seems irrelevant now" she said with a smile. "All I can say is that I love you Sirius Black, I always have and I always will and I too will do everything I can to show you that every single day we have left" she vowed. "There is nothing I want more than to share my life with you and to wake up to you every morning and fall asleep in your arms every night" she intoned honestly. "Just that would make me the happiest woman in the world" she concluded.

"The rings, if you please" Dumbledore instructed to Harry who handed them to the old man who placed a ring on each of the bride and groom's fingers.

"Please join hands" he requested, still smiling.

The couple obliged and looked each other in the eye, both grinning.

"As chief warlock of the Wizengamot I hereby declare you man and wife in the eyes of both love and magic" he announced waving his wand in an intricate manner causing both rings to flash gold, demonstrating the success of the spell.

A loud cheer erupted from the crowd as the couple shared their first kiss as husband and wife. They parted a moment later and Sirius grabbed Natalie, scooped her into his arms and hugged her tightly being joined quickly by his wife.

It was not long after that those in attendance found themselves in the Great Hall at Hogwarts as suggested by Dumbledore as the reception venue knowing that it would not be possible to have it at Grimmauld Place or Potter Manor without compromising the Fidelius Charms placed their respectively.

"You did well" Harry praised Sirius as they sat eating at the head table while the rest of the guests not part of the wedding party ate at various tables that had been put in place of the house tables.

"I've never been so terrified in my life" Sirius admitted with a shake of his head.

"I figured after seeing the state of you this morning" Harry replied with a laugh.

"Laugh it up" Sirius grumbled. "It will be your turn one day" he added with a smirk.

Harry just shrugged.

"I'm sure I'll handle it better than you did" he responded with a smirk of his own.

"Well in the mean time you have a speech to give pup" Sirius returned his eyes alight with amusement.

"You're not really going to make me do it are you?" the teen questioned desperately.

"It's tradition" Sirius answered simply causing Harry to sigh.

"Best get it over with then" he mumbled and stood to his feet, tapping his goblet with a spoon.

The occupants of the room turned to look at the young man expectantly.

"Well" he began uncertainly. "I thought I'd be able to avoid this but it looks like I failed miserably" he said with a shake of his head.

There were a few amused laughs at this and Harry waited for it to pass before he continued.

"The truth is I don't really know what to say" he admitted honestly. "I only heard about Marlene a little over a year ago when Sirius was drunk but I saw something that night that I had only seen once before from him" he continued. "I saw a pain and emotion that he had only ever shown when he spoke about losing my parents and I could see then how much Marlene meant to him and for him to think that he had lost her all those years ago was still hurting him and that is how I can be sure of how much he really does love her as much as he says" he explained. "And if that didn't do it then this morning did" he went on with a frown. "He was a stuttering mess. I imagine it was how Remus was after he walked in on my mother in the shower" he added with a smirk.

Sirius roared in laughter and began banging the table with his hand and Remus looked horrified at what had just been revealed.

"You told him" he said weakly to Sirius who just nodded while he continued his laughter.

"It's not what you think Harry" Remus pleaded to which Harry just grinned triumphantly at the man.

"He already explained" Harry reassured the man pointing at his godfather.

Remus just shook his head and continued looking embarrassed.

"Anyway" Harry broke in. "I just want to wish Marlene and Sirius all the happiness in the world and I know that they will never take each other for granted. They already thought they had lost each other once before and seeing how much love they have for each other gives us all hope that true love can survive any amount of time and distance apart, to Marlene and Sirius Black" he finished raising his glass.

"To Marlene and Sirius Black" the room echoed.

"And now it is time for the happy couple to share their first dance" Dumbledore announced gesturing for the couple to make their way to the dance floor.

The old man flicked his wand and the first notes of Baby I love your way by Peter Frampton sounded through the room to the confusion of many not familiar with muggle music.

Marlene paused.

"You remembered" she said to her husband who smiled and nodded.

"I couldn't forget our song" he replied. "Even though I haven't been able to listen to it since you left" he added sadly.

"I love you Sirius Black" Marlene declared emotionally allowing herself to be pulled into the man's arms and led around the floor for their first dance.

They were soon joined by the others.

"I didn't know you could dance" Daphne said to Harry clearly surprised.

"Neither did I" Harry responded truthfully. "I guess the training I do helps" he shrugged.

Daphne smiled and melted into his arms and simply enjoyed being there.

Harry shared a smile with a passing Dumbledore who was waltzing around the room with Professor McGonagall who was also smiling in a rare show of emotion from the usually stern woman.

He spotted Remus and Tonks dancing along with Andromeda and Ted. Even Amelia Bones was dancing comically with Professor Flitwick.

He turned back to look at Marlene and Sirius and saw that they had included Natalie in their dance. He caught his godfathers eye and gave him a smile also to which the man returned warmly.

"Are you still coming to ours tomorrow?" Daphne asked.

"I am" Harry answered. "I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd want to be" he added sincerely.

Daphne smiled and melted back into his arms.

Before anyone was ready the night came to an end and the guests began to make their way home leaving only the members of the Black family along with the Hogwarts staff.

"Are you sure you don't want us to have Natalie for the night?" Andromeda asked.

Marlene shook her head.

"It's Christmas, she should be with us" she explained with a smile her arm placed lovingly around the girl's shoulder.

"If you're sure" Andromeda said questioningly.

"We are" Sirius cut in. "It wouldn't be Christmas without her" he added pulling both of the girls into a hug.

"Congratulations" Andromeda said happily to the couple. "I am really happy for you".

"Thank you Andi" Sirius responded gratefully. "We are going to get this one home" he announced seeing the younger girl yawn.

"But I'm not tired" Natalie grumbled before yawning again.

"Of course you're not" Sirius agreed sarcastically. "We need to get you to bed if not Santa Clause won't come" he warned.

"I'm 12" Natalie replied simply causing everyone to laugh except Sirius who pouted.

"Why doesn't anyone believe in Santa anymore?" he whined. "I saw him when I was 6. I know he's real" he finished petulantly.

"That was your father in a red suit you idiot" Andromeda broke in laughing. "You still believe in Santa?" She asked disbelievingly.

"No" Sirius answered unconvincingly scowling at his cousin.

"Come on Princess, let's get you home before we ruin your belief in the Easter bunny too" Marlene suggested leading him and Natalie from the hall.

"You mean the Easter bunny isn't real too? My whole life is a lie" he declared as he was escorted out by his wife.

Harry and the Tonks family just laughed at the man.

"You don't think he actually believes in them do you?" Harry asked in amusement.

"He does" Andromeda answered.

"And he thinks your sister is insane" Harry mumbled. "Anyway, I hope you have a nice Christmas" he said sincerely to the family. "You should have already gotten my gifts" he added.

"Yes, that elf of yours is a strange one isn't he" Ted frowned.

"What, Dobby?" Harry questioned.

He had sent the elf to deliver the various presents to people he would not be seeing on Christmas day.

"That's the chap" Ted said with a shake of his head. "Came in dressed as Santa and painted green" he explained. "Said something about being a grinchy, I had to stop him setting our tree on fire" he finished with a scowl.

Harry laughed uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry" he apologised through his laughter. "I had TV's fitted in one of the rooms and I caught him watching muggle Christmas movies, he obviously watched The Grinch" he explained.

"That's it" Ted declared. "I watched that with my mother when I was young" he added. "You need to watch that elf" he advised. "We don't want him thinking he's Rambo now do we" he finished.

Harry flinched at the thought.

"I'll have a word" he promised.

He bid his farewell to the Tonks, completely spent by the long day. He just wanted his bed knowing that he had another busy day ahead of him tomorrow with Daphne and the rest of her family.


Christmas time for Natalie had always been a rather depressing affair. Growing up in a severely underfunded orphanage meant that the children there received very few gifts, but that wasn't what made the holidays so bad.

This was the time of year more than any that the children would think of the families they may have used to have and find themselves wondering what Christmas would be like if they had their parents or even relatives around them.

They did try to make the best of their situation but it was always to no avail. The time of year was simply depressing for them and the fake smiles of joy they wore were obvious. It was clear that their minds were elsewhere, daydreaming about a Christmas with a family that no longer existed.

It was this reason that Natalie never looked forward to it. She had spent her time over the years having such thoughts and fantasies and never managed to get into the Christmas spirit.

She was woken on this morning by a loud bark and felt something wet slide across her face. She looked up to see a large black shaggy dog staring at her excitedly, its tongue hanging out of its mouth, complete with a Santa hat perched comically on its head.

"Your breath really smells Princess" the girl grumbled tiredly.

The dog just barked and began bouncing on the bed impatiently trying to rouse the girl by pawing at her form that was wrapped in her duvet.

"Alright I'm awake" Natalie huffed, giving the dog a glare that just panted happily, wagging its tail furiously.

"I told you to let her sleep in" the voice of Marlene hissed from the door.

The dog whined sadly, its ears falling back to match the whine.

"It's ok, I'm awake" Natalie broke in sleepily.

"Merry Christmas" Marlene said softly, entering the room and pulling the girl into a hug. "How on earth did you get that hat on you idiot?" Marlene asked her husband with a shake of her head.

"It was more difficult than I thought it would be" Sirius grumbled as he transformed back to his human self. "Merry Christmas Natalie" he added to the girl as he hugged both of them.

They remained this way for a moment before the impatient nature of the marauder emerged.

"Presents" he shouted, startling both girls as he started to pull them from the room.

"You are such a child Sirius Black" Marlene chided him but was smiling at his antics.

"But presents" he replied petulantly, not relenting in his efforts to drag the pair into the living room.

Natalie entered the living and was completely stopped in her tracks, dumbfounded by what she saw.

The room had been elaborately decorated with lights, tinsels and garlands. In the far corner was the largest Christmas tree she had ever seen surrounded by pile upon pile of presents.

She was pulled from her shock by the form of Sirius bounding across the room being chased by Marlene who was clearly trying to prevent him from diving into the pile of gifts.

"You will wait your turn mutt" she scolded as she grabbed the man by the ear and dragged him, pouting, back towards the young girl.

"You're hurting me" he complained childishly.

"I'll more than hurt you in a minute" Marlene warned. "Come Natalie, are you ready for presents?" she asked offering the girl her hand.

Natalie took the woman's hand, with her shaky one and allowed herself to be led to the enormous piles of presents.

"These are yours" Sirius said, gesturing to four of the piles.

"All of them?" the girl questioned weakly.

"All of them" Sirius affirmed with a gentle smile.

"Thank you" she whispered through her shock.

"Can we dig in now?" Sirius asked his wife impatiently who just sighed and shook her head.

"Go on then" she permitted.

Sirius whooped with glee and immediately tackled one of the large piles, spilling the packages everywhere.

"Such a child" Marlene whispered with a smile as she watched her husband rolling amongst the gifts as though it were a pile of money.

Natalie giggled at the man and began nervously opening her presents.

Sirius finished opening his presents much sooner than Natalie and sat watching the young girl with a smile as she opened hers along with Marlene who had not even bothered to begin opening hers. She instead opted to just watch the girl, happy to just see her smiling as she opened each gift.

When she had finished opening her presents Natalie just stood and hugged both of them tightly, obviously grateful for what she had received.

"Thank you" she whispered emotionally.

"We just wanted you to have a good Christmas" Sirius explained with a soft smile.

"Just being here would have been enough" Natalie replied sincerely causing the two adults to smile again. "Wait here a minute" she suddenly instructed and ran from the room leaving a confused Sirius and Marlene in her wake.

She returned a minute later holding two presents giving one to each of them.

"It's not much" she said sadly. "But I wanted to give you something" she added nervously.

Sirius opened the gift feeling his heart melt at what was inside.

It was a photo of the trio from a day they had spent in Hyde Park together during the summer. They were just sat on the grass by the lake watching the boats, huddled together and sharing an intimate moment.

"How did you get this?" Sirius asked with a slight choke.

"I asked Professor Dumbledore and he helped me with a pensieve" Natalie explained quietly.

"It's amazing" he whispered.

Sirius gripped the photo tightly before he conjured a frame for the picture, put it inside and placed it in the centre of the mantelpiece where he stood and simply stared at it with a watery smile.

Marlene opened her box to see three penguin ornaments, 2 large and one small inside.

"Did you make these?" she asked in awe at the beauty of the pieces.

"Professor McGonagall helped me with the transfiguration, it should be permanent" Natalie replied shyly. "When I was at muggle school we learnt about penguins and we were told that they have one life partner and you reminded me of that" she explained to the two who just pulled her into a grateful hug not trusting themselves to speak.

"Where did you get that jumper?" Marlene asked her husband who was wearing the garment that depictured a scene from the movie The Snowman.

"Dobby gave it to me" he said defensively. "He made me watch the move with him a few weeks ago and I liked it" he shrugged.

"We can watch it today" Natalie exclaimed excitedly as she indicated the TV and pile of movies she had received.

"How do you plan on getting that to work here?" Marlene questioned Sirius.

"The same way we got them to work in Harry's house and how we got our song to play at Hogwarts last night" he replied cryptically. "It is just some charm work and basic runes" he explained.

"So we can watch it?" Natalie asked.

"We can" Sirius confirmed with a grin. "Kreacher" he called.

"Yes master" the elf intoned after appearing with a crack dressed as one of Santa's elves.

"I love the outfit" Sirius praised, pleased to see the elf getting into the Christmas spirit.

"Kreacher likes Christmas" the elf replied with a rare smile.

"Could you please make breakfast while I set up the TV?" he asked.

"Yes Master Black" Kreacher complied with a bow.

It took a little longer than anticipated, with a lot of cursing from Sirius and a few scolding's by Marlene at his choice of language, but the marauder eventually managed to get the TV to work and the trio sat down to watch the movie after eating their breakfast.

"Wow" Marlene said simply after the movie was finished.

"I told you it was good" Sirius proclaimed smugly. "Not mocking my jumper now are you" he asked with a grin.

"It doesn't matter" Marlene declared. "I can just steal it later" she added with a mischievous look causing her husband to look horrified.

"You wouldn't" he stated dumbly.

"You know I would Sirius Black, like the time I took your leather jacket" she reminded him.

"I never did see that jacket again" he grumbled with a frown.

Natalie just watched the back and forth between the pair in amusement.

'This is how Christmas should be' she thought to herself with a smile.

"Lunch be ready now" Kreacher announced with a bow, now dressed as a reindeer.

"Where are you getting these outfits from?" Sirius asked with a grin.

"Dobby be sending them" Kreacher explained before popping away.

"There really is something quite charming about that elf" Sirius muttered before the trio entered the kitchen to have lunch.

Marlene and Sirius were both quiet throughout the meal and Natalie spotted them sharing nervous looks occasionally.

"What's wrong?" She asked them worriedly.

The couple shared another before Sirius nodded and coughed.

"We do have another present for you" he began nervously. "You don't have to accept it but we wanted this to be really special for all of us" he explained getting more and more nervous the more he spoke.

He stopped speaking from fear of becoming a jabbering mess.

Natalie looked at Marlene with confusion and saw that the woman was pale and looked equally scared as she did excited.

"Here" Sirius said as he handed the girl a plain envelope with a shaking hand.

Natalie didn't understand what could have them both feeling the way they were; this had been the best Christmas she had ever had and there was nothing that could spoil that for her.

She opened the envelope and removed the large stack of paper that was contained within.

She only got as far as reading the first line on the first sheet before she broke down and sobbed uncontrollably.

Sirius and Marlene immediately rushed to the girl's side in concern.

"I'm sorry" Sirius said emotionally. "We didn't mean to upset you" he added pleadingly, sharing a look with his clearly horrified wife.

"You really want me?" Natalie asked weakly through her tears.

"More than anything else in the world" Marlene answered sincerely. "That's why we got married yesterday, they wouldn't let us adopt you if we weren't married and we wanted it to be done for today" she explained.

The girl just launched herself at the couple and clung to them, still sobbing.

Sirius and Marlene shared a look of pure joy as they both hugged the girl to them tightly.

"You got married just so you could adopt me?" Natalie asked sadly after a moment.

"We were getting married anyway" Sirius pointed out. "But yes, we did move it forward so we could adopt you" he admitted. "It is the best wedding and Christmas present we could ever get" he finished genuinely.

"You really mean it?" the girl asked. "You really want to adopt me?" she questioned the pair worriedly.

"You are the most important person to us in the whole world" Sirius responded. "You are our little girl, we both realised that the day we had to send you back to Hogwarts, it took a lot of work and help but we managed it and we would do it again in a heartbeat" he explained firmly, his eyes shining with tears. "And that reminds me, this is from Harry" he explained summoning a small box one of the cupboards and handing it to the girl.

Natalie opened the box to find a gold charm bracelet with a few charms already attached. She saw a dog charm that looked like Sirius, one of a werewolf and two crests that she didn't recognise.

It was then that she saw there was a card in the box and she removed it and began to read.

To Natalie,

Welcome to the Houses of Black and Potter,

I couldn't be more proud and happy to add you to our families.

Your ever-loving Godfather,


"I have a family" Natalie whispered, tears filling her eyes again while she clutched the bracelet.

"You will always have a family" Sirius replied emotionally, tears streaming down his face at how much this all truly meant to the girl.

He looked towards his wife who was crying silently just watching the young girl, who was now there daughter legally, taking everything in.

"Why are you crying?" Natalie asked the woman in confusion.

"I've never been so happy" Marlene responded simply and choked on the emotion she was feeling.

Natalie just hugged both of her parents and allowed herself to cry with them.

The three remained this way for some time, just processing the very emotional 24 hours they had had.


Harry himself woke feeling a little downcast. He thought about the previous Christmas that he had spent with Arcturus and received a stab of sadness at the realisation that he would not get another day like that with the older man.

He had his breakfast, ignoring the large pile of gifts that had been left for him in the drawing room by Elgar and instead apparated to the cemetery in Godric's Hollow.

There he spent around an hour in the Potter mausoleum tending to the graves of his relatives, leaving them tributes and just talking to them. He even summoned Maisie who had never been able to visit the site of where her former master's had been laid to rest so she could have the chance to say goodbye properly.

He simply comforted the elf as she cried and soon found himself being squeezed in a tight hug by the grateful creature.

"Thank yous Master Harry" she said gratefully when she was capable.

"They're your family too" Harry said simply. "You can come here anytime you like" he added sincerely.

Maisie just sniffled but nodded her acknowledgement.

He visited the Black Crypt next spending his time there much the same way he had with the Potter's. Here he called for Elgar also so he could spend some time with the Black's which he was clearly grateful for.

Before he left the crypt he approached the grave of Arcturus once more and placed the photo he had given the man last year of him, his wife and Harry's grandparents on top of his tombstone.

"I thought that this should be here with you my friend" he whispered placing his hand on the monument lovingly. "I miss you" he added before disapparating back home.

Here he visited with his grandparent's portrait and just spent a little time with what was left of his family, talking about mostly nonsensical things.

He fed the Thestrals also, something he made sure he did a few times a week and went for a short ride on Druella, another thing he did often and alone. This was one of the few things he had to himself that he enjoyed and savoured the sense of freedom it gave him.

He had not been confronted by the Griffins again as yet. He could see them always watching him from a distance and he would sometimes give them a wave, eliciting an irritable screech from what he figured was the golden lead male. He had no doubt they did not like him but they tolerated him and where definitely curious by him also. At times it seemed that they would approach but would stop as soon as they knew Harry was aware of their presence and would retreat back to within their area of the trees.

He apparated away to the drawing room in the Black house to hear a strange chuckling coming seemingly from nowhere. He quickly drew his wand and was on immediate alert.

"Whos be it?" a voice called followed by another chuckle.

"Dobby?" Harry questioned in confusion.

"Master Harry sir, Dobby could smells you getting off the elevator sir" the voice said again followed by yet another chuckle.

Harry frowned at the familiarity of the sentence, he was sure he had heard it somewhere before.

"Did you get my gift?" he asked a little nervously, looking around the room for any sign of the elf.

"Dobby did sir and Dobby has a gift for you" the elf replied with a mischievous snicker.

"Really?" Harry asked, still confused.

"Yes sir, Dobby is going to gives you tos the count of tens to get your filthy, yellows, no goods keista offs his property before he pumps your gutses full of leads sir".

Harry's eyebrows rose in realisation but he knew it was too late.

"Ones, twos, tens" Dobby counted and Harry threw himself to the ground and covered his ears.

He could still hear the series of explosions though his ears were covered and waited for them to pass feeling very embarrassed by the situation he found himself in.

"I shouldn't have brought you the Home Alone movies" he grumbled as he hauled himself to his feet. "You can come out now" he commanded with a scowl.

Both Dobby and Kreacher appeared doubled-up with laughter.

"Where did you get the firecrackers?" Harry questioned them irritably but he was definitely a little curious at what they had been up to.

"We's got them from the red twins" Dobby explained with a toothy grin.

"Fred and George" Harry growled. "I hope you plan on cleaning this" he added with a sigh.

"We's will sir but we has more movies to be watching now" Dobby answered before the pair popped away.

Harry just shook his head at them before having a little smile. Although it had irritated him at first, it had definitely lifted his spirits.

He opened his gifts and marvelled at what he received though there was nothing he truly needed and the things he did want couldn't be given in a box.

When he was ready he made sure he had all the gifts he was taking with him to the Greengrass's and apparated there to be greeted by a very excitable Daphne who was clearly waiting for him.

"Merry Christmas" she said softly placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Merry Christmas" he returned with a gentle smile.

The couple entered one of the parlour rooms where the rest of the family were sat opening presents.

"Merry Christmas Harry" Jonathan called as he entered the room throwing a wrapped box towards the younger man who caught it.

"Merry Christmas" the teen replied passing a box of his own to the man.

The group sat down and opened their presents. Harry had gotten Jonathan some rare potions ingredients for his personal store including some basilisk parts from the beast he had killed, some griffin claws and feathers that he had found around the grounds of his home and some Thestral tail hair that he knew was used in some obscure potions.

"Thank you" the man said gratefully. "It's impossible to get anything basilisk related and very difficult to get griffin parts" he explained.

He had gotten Ophelia a set of gold earrings with a matching necklace inlaid with sapphires which the woman clearly loved.

Astoria had been given a bracelet made from platinum with rubies in them after he had learnt that red was her favourite colour from her sister.

He handed the present he had gotten Daphne to the girl and waited for her to open it with a smile, knowing that she would love what he had gotten her.

She opened the box to see a very beautifully made golden statue of her and Harry's patronuses standing nose to nose, hers with her icy blue eyes made from sapphires and his made from emeralds.

"It's beautiful" she whispered in awe.

"There's this also" Harry said handing her a smaller box.

Inside was a necklace of the same design and the girl smiled at it and stroked it lovingly with a finger before removing it and prompting Harry to put it on for her.

"They're goblin made" Harry explained. "They are unbreakable and have lots of charms on them so they can't be stolen or damaged in any way".

"Thank you" Daphne uttered sincerely hugging the young man tightly.

Harry just smiled at seeing how happy the blonde was with the presents.

"Are you going to open yours now?" Jonathan asked the younger man.

Harry nodded and opened the present that the man had thrown to him when he entered and smiled when he saw what was inside.

The box contained an ornate carving of both the Potter and Black crests made from one large piece of oak, the mottos of each family carved into the bottom.

"Thank you" he said gratefully to the man and woman.

"When you take it out of the box it will automatically size to how it was originally created, it is rather large" the man explained.

"I'll put it in my library" Harry announced happily.

He then opened the box that he had received from Astoria and simply stared at what was inside. It was a painting of a Thestral that he was very familiar with.

"Did you paint this?" he asked and the girl nodded shyly. "It looks just like her" he whispered.

"Like who?" Astoria asked.

He looked around the room and smiled.

"If you don't mind taking a trip I will show you" he offered.

"Where?" the younger girl asked.

"My house" Harry said simply.

"We can do that" Jonathan answered. He himself was keen to see Potter Manor.

"You have to open this first though" Daphne cut in, handing him a box nervously.

He opened it and felt his eyes beginning to brim with tears.

Inside was a picture of him, Sirius and Arcturus. Harry recognised it as the day of Sirius's trial and saw the older man looking at him and his godfather with a rare look of pride in his eyes.

"He would kill me for having this picture" Harry chuckled.

"Why?" Daphne questioned apprehensively.

"Because he actually looks happy" Harry responded with a smile. "Thank you" he added sincerely. "I don't have a picture of us together and it really means more than I can say" he finished genuinely.

"If we are going then we should leave now" Ophelia suggested. "Lunch will be ready fairly soon".

Harry nodded and wrote down the location of Potter Manor on a piece of parchment and passed it round the room, burning it once it came back to him.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

At the nods he received he took Daphne by the hand and apparated them to the front gates of his home being shortly joined by the other three members of the Greengrass family.

Jonathan let out an appreciative whistle when he saw the house.

"It really is beautiful" he observed. "And very secluded" he added noticing that there were no other visible houses within sight.

"My family were very private" Harry shrugged before beginning to lead them up to the house.

He gave them a tour of the house avoiding the library and the office that contained all the Dark Arts books knowing that a visit with his grandparents with Daphne was better left when they had more time.

He led them into the grounds, towards where he knew the Thestrals were and stopped them short.

"Just be careful" he advised. "They are usually placid but are really dangerous if you threaten them" he explained knowingly.

The Greengrass's just nodded and watched as the teen began whistling in a low key trying to entice the herd to them.

They didn't have to wait long before the first one emerged who was quickly knocked aside by a very excited one that charged straight towards Harry, clearly happy to see him.

"I've only been gone a few hours girl" he chuckled as the beast began rubbing its head into his chest. "I have a few people for you to meet if you don't mind" he said questioningly to which the Thestral just snorted.

He turned to see the Greengrass's looking at him with gentle smiles on their faces.

"This is Druella" he introduced the Thestral to the family.

"It's your patronus" Astoria said simply.

"And the painting you did, obviously inadvertently" he explained happily.

"She's amazing" Ophelia intoned. "You certainly have a way with animals" she observed.

"Tell that to the griffins" Harry mumbled.

"Griffins?" Jonathan asked worriedly.

"Yeah" Harry sighed. "They won't come near us though" he assured the man.

Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief.

Daphne stepped forward and held her hand out to the creature who sniffed it and began rubbing her head in it after a moment.

"She really is wonderful" Daphne declared with a smile.

"She is" Harry whispered. "I come here a lot" he explained. "It's one of the only places I can just be alone and not worry about anything".

"Then why would you bring us here?" Daphne asked with a slight frown.

"Because the other place I get that feeling is when I'm with you" he answered simply.

Daphne just smiled at the young man. He had the entire world on his shoulders yet, he was one of the most kind and gentle men you would ever meet, until you upset him that is. Then he was both merciless and ruthless and an enemy you did not want.

She had seen both sides of the young man and loved them equally; they balanced each other out perfectly. Seeing him how he was now, it would be hard to believe that he could be such a dangerous man with a wand in his hand. But seeing him with a wand in his hand and in battle, you would never believe that he could be so gentle, as he was demonstrating now. She knew that she was lucky as she was one of very few people that got to see both sides of Harry Potter.

"I think lunch will be ready now" Ophelia cut in reluctantly.

"You can come here any time you like" Harry offered. "Just don't come out here alone" he advised.

The group left the wooded area and began walking back towards the house.

"Shit" Jonathan said suddenly. "I guess they are the griffins" he added pointing to the 7 beasts that were watching them and pawing the ground grumpily.

"That's them" Harry replied with a nod.

"They are huge" Ophelia gasped.

"And surly bastards too" Harry grumbled.

The group began walking again when they were cut short by a screech. Harry immediately drew his wand only to see the 7 creatures still stood where they were. Harry frowned and looked around quickly spotting something a lot smaller than the griffins running towards them.

"They had another baby" he said in realisation as he recognised that the smaller beast was in fact a younger griffin.

He noticed that the group of Griffins started approaching clearly a mixture of being distraught and angry.

Making a decision he scooped up the younger creature, that couldn't be very old at all and walked towards them to meet them halfway.

"Harry" Daphne called worriedly, but was pulled back by her father.

"They're angry, you have to let him handle it" he explained. "They at least know him".

Daphne swallowed and nodded reluctantly.

Harry approached the lead male who was giving him a murderous look, screeching and ruffling its feathers threateningly.

"I bought her back for you" he said gently and placed the baby on the floor. He stepped back holding his hands out to his side to show that he wasn't a threat.

The little griffin screeched and ran back towards him. Harry looked at the others who were eying him critically by this point.

"Come on little one" he cooed. "You have to go back to your family".

He picked the baby up once more and nervously approached the group. Upon reaching them he placed it on the floor once more and stepped away again only to be approached by the smaller golden griffin and sniffed tentatively.

"I guess she is yours then" Harry surmised nodding to the smaller, green creature.

The griffin nodded, gave a low throaty growl and began nibbling his hand affectionately, much to his surprise.

He chuckled.

"I guess you've had bad experiences of wizards in the past" he stated.

The griffin just growled again and was joined by the rest of the group who approached him slowly and sniffed him, growling in apparent approval.

"I wouldn't ever hurt any of you" he whispered gently and reached his other hand out to pet them, which they allowed and even seemed to enjoy. "You can come and see me any time, you are safe here, I promise" he explained.

The griffins screeched in approval and ruffled their feathers but it was much less threatening this time.

"I will see you soon" Harry said happily as he turned away and walked back towards the Greengrass's.

Jonathan shook his head disbelievingly.

"It looks like he made some new friends" he exclaimed with amusement.

Daphne just sighed in relief that he hadn't been harmed.

"I guess they are just very misunderstood" Harry proclaimed as he approached them.

"You sound just like Hagrid did" Astoria replied.

Harry chuckled in remembrance at the half-giant's attitude towards what people considered dangerous animals.

"Can we eat now?" Ophelia asked as her stomach gave a deep rumble causing the rest of them to laugh.

Lunch was a peaceful affair where they shared simple conversations and just enjoyed the festivity of the day. Harry found that he was in much brighter spirits than when he had woken up and was grateful for the family that he was sharing the time with.

It was just after they had finished desert that they were interrupted by the sound of a frantic elf talking to someone in the hallway.

"Oh god, please don't be Dobby" Harry pleaded with a mumble.

"Young miss must be waiting" he heard one of the Greengrass elves shouting.

Harry turned as the door opened and saw someone he was not expecting to see today stood there.

"Natalie?" he asked in surprise.

The girl just stood staring at him, clutching the gold bracelet he had given her with her bottom lip trembling and tears streaming down her face.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked worriedly standing.

The girl said nothing but instead launched herself across the room and into the teen's arms crying into his chest with wracking sobs.

Harry was shocked but quickly wrapped his arms around the girl.

"What did you do?" Daphne asked him with a look of concern.

"I don't know" he answered truthfully.

"I'm sorry Jonathan" the voice of Sirius sounded from the door way as the man entered with Marlene in tow. "She insisted on seeing Harry" he explained.

"Don't be silly Sirius" Jonathan dismissed. "I told you that you are welcome here any time the day I gave you the location of the house, join us" he finished gesturing to the table.

Sirius nodded gratefully and led his wife to the table where they sat and watched the young girl in Harry's arms.

"Is she ok?" the teen asked them quietly.

They both smiled softly and nodded.

"Just overwhelmed I think" Sirius explained.

It took a few moments but Natalie extracted herself from Harry's chest and looked at him through her watery eyes.

"You're really my godfather?" she choked out. "You want me as your family?" she added hopefully.

Harry just smiled gently at the girl and pulled her into a hug.

"You were already my family" he whispered. "Now it's just official".

Natalie just nodded and choked back another sob.

"What is going on?" Astoria asked impatiently.

"Well I'm guessing that she's quite happy about the adoption" Harry stated with a look towards Marlene and Sirius.

"You adopted her?" Jonathan asked in shock.

"We did" Sirius answered putting an arm around his wife. "With Harry's help we managed it" he explained.

"I didn't do much" Harry cut in with a shake of his head.

"If it wasn't for you it wouldn't have happened" Marlene replied genuinely.

"She deserves to be happy" Harry responded quietly. "And that is definitely with the two of you" he added sincerely looking at the newlyweds. "I would have given all the gold in both vaults for that" he finished firmly.

"What did you do?" Daphne asked.

"We had to go through the muggle system which was the easy part" Sirius explained. "It was the ministry that was the problem. With Marlene being a werewolf and me an ex-convict, wrongfully convicted of course, they turned down our application. Harry went in and reminded them why you should not mess with the Potters or the Blacks" he finished with a gleeful grin.

"What did you do?" Daphne asked with narrowed eyes.

"I may have told them they can start fighting their own battles if they didn't allow Natalie to be adopted by them" Harry answered sheepishly.

"How very Slytherin of you" Jonathan said in amusement.

"That is definitely the Black side" Sirius agreed.

"Natalie, can I borrow him for a moment?" Daphne asked casually.

Natalie looked towards the girl and then back at Harry.

"I think you might be in trouble again" she whispered to the teen who flinched at the thought.

She stood and stepped away as Daphne approached.

Harry swallowed as he saw the look in the girl's eyes.

"You, Harry Potter, are the most sweetest person I have ever met" she declared giving him a searing kiss and wrapping her arms around his waist, burying her face in his shoulder.

Harry gratefully wrapped his arms around the girl and smiled.

"You're not mad?" he asked.

"How can I be mad at you for that?" she asked emotionally.

She looked up at him, her eyes full of unshed tears, and smiled.

"How are you such a good person?" she asked a little sadly.

"Because of the people I have around me" he answered honestly. "If it wasn't for all of you I'd be on a very dark and lonely road that only ends in one place" he added truthfully. "It's all of this" he said gesturing to everyone in the room, "that I fight for and that makes me who I am, that and a surly old git who showed me the way and where I come from" he finished with a chuckle.

Daphne just smiled at him.

"Don't ever change" she whispered as she kissed him again.

"Never" Harry promised.

For now they could all just be content by spending the holidays with those they cared for and not have to worry about anything else for the moment. The war and all the darkness was put to the back of their minds as they celebrated Christmas together as friends and a growing family of Black's and Potters.