
Hey Stump

It's you and Patrick. You've kidnapped him. How far will you go when you have full control and you just can't help yourself?

Jackmiller101 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

First morning

That night you mix something in his drink to help him sleep. The next morning you wake up before him and decide to quickly change and make breakfast but as you open the door he rolls over starting to wake up. You smile and walk back over to him lean over and kiss his forehead gently. "good morning sweetie. I'll make you a bowl of cereal." You walk out before he can respond. When you come back you hand him the food letting him feed himself as you turn on the tv. "What do you want to watch?" He just shrugs still eating so you just put on something random. "So. What am I supposed to call you?" You chuckle at the question. "well my name is (Y/N) but you should call me master. I'm ok with other pet names to." He goes quiet again and finishes his food. You look over at him and he's dirty and shivering from being in the same old pajamas for so long. You get up silently and grab a change of clothes just a simple t-shirt and sweatpants and you grab a extra blanket. You hand him the clothes. "change your pants I'll help with the shirt since you can't do it around the chain." You look away to give him privately. "I'm done." You grab your knife and key and unlock him and sit down next to him and watch as he changes. You smile at him. "What a good boy." You say jokingly. You chain him back up and put the key and knife away before getting back on the bed. You sit next to him and wrap the blanket around him. He flinches away still scared of you. "Calm down sweetie. I just don't want to freezing to death." He holds onto the blanket covering himself as much as he can. You both sit there in silence unsure what to do or say. Out of nowhere he speaks "Is anyone looking for me yet?" "No my pet. I left a note. Everyone will thing you just couldn't deal with your fame and family anymore and that you just left deciding to go off the grid." "I'm never getting out of here am I?" He asks close to tears. "No my love." You gently touch his cheek trying to confort him. "It's ok to cry." He clings to you as he breaks down crying into your sholder.