
My childhood first leader story

Hey we are humans , intrested more to know about others stories as a naturally . Today i am also going to create a great suspense for you and i want to tell how was i a leader in chidhood and about my story . So let starts !! In my childhood as like others . I was also a fond of becoming superman😁😁😁. In my all free time , i used to pass my time in thinking about that i am a superman and in my thinkings i fought with my enimies😘😘 hey reader !! did you also think like me!!😉😉. So once it happened that i was just thinking that i am not a super man in reality then why i think about it!!_🤔🤔🤔. So i decided to get through these thinkings.. After that !! Many years passed now i started to think that i want to become a leader !! In reality😍😍😘😗. So i was a leader in my thinkings in my childhood . I am a leader in my chidhood😏😏☺😍. Did you enjoyed my story!! Am i thinking this may be it right!!😍😍😘🤗🤗