
Hey, I Ruin Stories!

Stories are great when they have meaning. Stories are good when they teach you something, when the heroes stand for great morals and villains teach you the meaning of life with their last breaths. Stories are precious, they are entertaining when they have a good ending and when the story joins every piece together —the story becomes perfect. Do they? I don’t think so. I think stories are fun, entertaining when they are unpredictable. When people expect the story to have a great meaning but it ends up meaning nothing, when the hero loses, when villain wins and then ends up becoming a joke. When the world is broken down and the story turns into a chaotic mess. Chaos, that’s what makes the story fun for me, entertaining for me. Unpredictability makes stories great. Yet most would say that only ruins a story. So what else can I say but… Hey, I Ruin Stories! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Tags: Evil MC, Chaotic MC, Smart MC, R-18, Smut, Manipulation, Multiple POVs, Multiverse, Strong MC, Fast Paced.] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: The story has multiple POVs in each chapter, MC is emotionally detached, people that you end up enjoying might die and/or be used by MC, Very fast paced, each world will be no more than 30 chapters and MC is petty. If you do not like these things, then the story is probably not for you. Average chapter word count: 2500 words. Update Schedule: 1 Chapters a Week (for now) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First World: Harry Potter (Potterverse) Second World: ?? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I do not own or claim any of the characters used in the story except for the OCs and all rights belong to their respective creators. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some images of characters, places or items might not be possible to be added to the story directly throught comments. To access these pictures and to be part of a fun community, join the discord link below. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/wXt9jtqv2T ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The_Greedy_Frog · Livres et littérature
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29 Chs

Chapter 3: Naked and Unafraid


I did not fall, but my back still aches like hell.


I felt cold, it was probably winter. No snow, but cold enough to freeze my back.


But the wind that blew made me realize something.

"Oi you stupid drunkard!"

I was naked, most certainly. The mossy concrete that I laid on had my back covered in green dirt. The back pain was definitely from the cold and being on the floor for God knows how long.

"Do ya' hear me?"

And of course, being naked on the ground, possibly in the middle of the road —which thankfully wasn't the case here— would most certainly draw attention.

Which it did.

"I can hear you." I finally answered, looking towards the massive woman that stood just a few inches away from me.

Well, she wasn't tall. I was just on the ground.

"My first round in a few days after recovering, and I meet a sick pervert." 

She sounded annoyed, I would be too looking at a naked man in the middle of the night.

No, nevermind. I would be rather amused —which by the way, she wasn't.

"Not a pervert." I tried defending myself, not that laying naked on the pavement helped my case.

"A drunken pervert." She repeated and I would have agreed too. My head felt dizzy, almost hangover-ish. 

But I wasn't drunk, and I definitely was no pervert.

"Just a victim." 

I had been in such situations before. Crazy situations, and each time I have managed to get out safely.

"Victim of what?" she asked, frowning with her big eyes. 

"A group of wizards obviously." I lied, "Which sane man would be lying on the concrete, naked, with an aching body if not being robbed?"

I had no idea why I was sent without clothes. I died in clothes so I should have been sent in clothes too. But the devil is never kind, is he?

"So, what are you?" She asked, "A wizard?" 

"A muggle doesn't get attacked by wizards and gets to keep his memories, does he?" 

I still didn't know what kind of an identity I was supposed to go with. So, I just let the moment define it.

"I haven't seen you here before." She was rightfully suspicious, "Where are you from?"

"I would appreciate it if you could help me a little before asking so many questions." I tried defending. "Aren't you supposed to be an Auror or something?"

She was definitely some sort of wizard cop, most likely an Auror since she did say that she was on patrolling duty.

"How do you know?" She asked, but I wanted something else first.

"Help?" My back hurt and I was not foolish enough to throw my healing magic just yet – Which wasn't healing by the way, just a way to get rid of the pain.

The woman, with the purple hair that reached her shoulders, frowned. 

"Don't try anything funny." She warned, and I wasn't planning to. Not without clothes at least.

But finally after looking around for a second, trying to see if I had anyone to be with me, she finally extended a hand.

"Ugh, you are heavy." 

I wasn't though. I was 5'11". Not the tallest, but neither the shortest nor the fattest.

I even trained enough to not have any visceral fat either. 

What I mean is that I have a nice body.

"Thank you." Finally getting off the ground, still with dirt stuck to my back, I tried to pop my joints. 

I was stiff, my every joint was stiff.

But as I did that, the woman in front of me frowned. 

"Wear your clothes." 

I could swear that she took a few glances below my waist and turned away just as quickly as I saw her. But it wasn't a big deal.

Well it was, I was quite proud of what I had.

But it wasn't a big deal in the sense that she saw me naked.

"You are out in public."

Ah, now it makes sense. 

"I had my clothes stolen too." 

This made her sigh, "Then use a charm or a spell to dress up."

"No wand either."

"For Merlin's Sake!" She definitely got annoyed, "Appare Vestimentum!"

In one skilled swoop of her wand, the cold wind that hit my naked body vanished as fabric, as good as linen wrapped around me. 

It wasn't much, more like a robe that covered my entire body. One issue I had with it was the color, it was entirely purple. But I had an inkling of a feeling that if I asked her for a different color, I would end up naked again.

However, there is one thing I have to say. 

She is pretty. Nice purple hair, dark eyes and a haughty personality.

And I would be a fool to not guess who she was. Even with my memory of this world being as hazy as that of an eleven year old, I knew just well enough of who she was.

"Go get a report filed." She shook her head. "There will be an Auror post to the east. You can register a complaint there and they will make sure that you get your stuff back."

"You aren't going to help? Aren't you an Auror?" 

She shrugged, "Being an Auror does not mean that is my forte. I am better at scouting and fighting." She pointed towards the east, "Go there and tell them that Tonks sent you there."

My hazy memory didn't fail me. She was Nymphadora Tonks, the one person that I have very little information about.

No, screw it. All I knew about her are four things.

She is a part Black, disowned through her mother. 

She is clumsy and sucks at scouting, yes she lied about being good at it.

She is a meta… meta something. And it basically means a person that can change their appearance according to their wish.

And last, she died. Yeah, she died against the powdered man without a nose. 

"I would still appreciate it if you would help me around." I am glad that I didn't fully morph into the formally spoken guy that I was forced to be in the void. "I am not from here."

This immediately made her curious, "You don't look European."

I wasn't. I was Iranian from my father's side and moved to the west when I was five.

"I am Darius." I extended an arm, not to look totally mannerless. "I am of Iranian descent." 

Half, but the other half wasn't Western either.

My mother being of Asia, specifically Thai did not help much either. Not that Iran wasn't in Asia, the Middle East is in Asia just that it does not fit the bill when a person said someone looked Asian.

A stereotype developed years ago and one that wasn't going away anytime soon.

But well, I was Asian, without the features of East Asians. Probably because of my father's strong genes.

What I mean is, it would do me no good to explain my full ancestry. A half Iranian, half Thai guy who grew up miles away from Britain laying naked in British streets does not sound very good, does it?

Ah yes, and I took my mother's religion of Christianity when my father died. And then stopped believing in religion at all after she was killed in an accident.

I would have said God didn't exist if I didn't hear the voice of the devil. 

"Quite far from your home, aren't you?" She glanced at me once again. "And you surprisingly lack an accent."

I didn't bother correcting that I didn't live in Iran.

"I had quite a few acquaintances that helped me with it." I lied, like always. "But I am still not good enough that I can handle conversations with people of authority."

I just didn't want to lose the one person that I knew of. Not that easily at least.

She thought for a second and looked at me from head to toe. She was contemplating hard, I could tell.

And to help speed up the process a little more, I decided to hammer the final nail.

"And it would be considered as work for you too, won't it?" I asked. "You won't have to go walking around the night?"

That was considering she didn't want to do it.

And did I hit the nail perfectly.

"It… doesn't seem impossible to help you." She said, "People often have a sort of vendetta against people from other places. Not that us Aurors do, but I can understand your insecurity."

See? It is often easy to persuade people who are not too interested in their work.

But for now, I need to secure a place to live and maybe get a wand too.

And of course, money.

{Nymphadora Tonks}

I caught a sickness not long ago and right after recovering I was called back to work. Sometimes, being an Auror feels like a chore.

I would beat my younger self with a Hawthorne bat for being so blindsided towards all other job opportunities.

At least, being an Auror pays well.

"So, how did you get into the situation?"

And guess what? The first task after coming back to work was night patrolling, and I thought it would go by quickly without trouble but apparently this place is still as rowdy as ever.

"I reached here just this morning and was looking for job opportunities." He told me the same story that he told me on the way. "By the time I reach this place, it was already dark and I was looking for a motel to rest at, but unfortunately I was met with some crude wizards."

He is rather handsome, luckily he did not meet those sick bastards that have a wanted bounty. His clothes and money would not have been the only things stolen otherwise.

"May I get a bit more information about you?" I heard the new recruit asked, "Like your full name, what was with you when you were robbed and any way of identification?"

The guy was recruited like three days ago, and had been quite the workaholic. Good for me and the others, even without asking he does all the job. At times, even my share of the work.

"Darius Safar is my full name." 

Safar, makes sense that he is not from around here. Never even heard that surname before. 

"As for identification, it was all stolen." 

That would be an issue for him, but we do have stuff that can prove his claims. 

"And my clothes, wand, wallet and a few rare herbs and items that I was carrying to exchange for money were also stolen."

Poor guy, but he should have been more careful. Walking around in the dark is not safe for a local, much less a guy from outside.

"That's tough." I shared the recruit's sentiment. It was tough to help him. "But we should be able to do something once we prove your identity."

"Can I get some sort of help if I prove my identity?" Darius asked, "Would be great if you guys have some protocol to help people robbed in your country."

It would seem like he was attacking our country, but most would if they were robbed on the first day. But both me and the recruit kid knew that Darius was just frustrated.

"We can arrange a place for you to sleep and the basic three meals as the Ministry of Magic made the rule of providing these basic facilities not long ago. But it can only be done for around a month and you will have to find some work in that time." I didn't even know that MoM provided these facilities. These new recruits sure study a lot. "Of course, we will be helping you with job recruitments if we hear about any as well. I mean that we will forward the articles listing the jobs."

Let him do it.

"Thank you." Darius nodded, seemingly happy. "Let's do this identification then."

"Of course." The kid said, "We will just have to confirm your statement through the orb of truth. You need to place your hand on top of it, and I will ask you a few questions and you just have to answer truthfully."


As the duo discussed among themselves, I heard a loud yell from the corner.

"Tonks! Please come here, we need your help with this article!"


Would have preferred watching his identification process instead.

But, well… work is work, isn't it?

"Just gently place your hand on the orb, and I will start the process."

I am glad that Tonks left the room, otherwise I would have needed to think of something else. But now, I can take a little bit of risk.

Not that I have any other method except this.

"Like this?" I asked as I softly placed my palm over the translucent orb which seemed like it would break with just one strong push.

"Yes, perfect." The guy, who was definitely younger than me said. "I will ask you a few questions, and if the orb maintains a green smoke inside it throughout the process, then you can be assured that you will be provided with all the facilities that I talked about."

"And if it doesn't?"

His face morphed into a sad smile, "If it turns red and you are caught lying, I will have to hand you over to the ministry for being an illegal immigrant or a criminal."

"Ah, okay." I shrugged, "But does it only produce a smoke for both truth and lies."

"Yes, green smoke for truth and red for lies. You don't have to worry about facing any issue, it is a simple process."

I gave a nod as he answered all my questions.

"Let's start from the beginning." He asked, "Is your name Darius Safar?"

I gave another nod, "It is."

And with that answer and my hand over the orb, a green smoke formed inside the translucent glass.

"Great. Now, is it true that you are of Iranian descent."

"Yes, my father is Iranian."

Again, the smoke remained green.

"Great." He seemed satisfied with the answers, "And were you looking for a job and got attacked by wizards on your way?"

"Yes." I said, and in that instant, with him and I alone in the place —the orb filled with red smoke, causing his eyes to grow wide and a frown to form on his face.


"Calm," I said and stared at him. "Look into my eyes."

I didn't even have to, as the moment he stared into my eyes, his vision went blank.


Because I used one of the 'gifts' that I received from Mr. Satan himself.

The Magic of the Mind.

"Now, I have only been telling the truth, haven't I?"

With a hazy vision and a confused smile, he nodded.

"Y-Yes. You have been only telling the truth, Mr. Darius."

See? It was that easy to deal with nameless people.

I mean, I didn't even know his name yet and possibly I never will.


[[A/N: Read 150+ Advanced Chapters on Patreon (Including all stories).

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