
heroine's choice

Katya, daughter of a blacksmith in the northern regions of Siberia, Lived with her father and brother in one single household after her mother died of frostbite. One faithful day her brother got into trouble with the archduke of the duchy's guard, her making the ultimate choice by offering herself for her brother's freedom, but things take a strange turn when the arch duke says something that changes her life. does she survive or die sacrificing herself in the end?

Cherie_Blair_rose · Histoire
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

As days turned into weeks, Mikhail still hadn't returned. Katya and her father tried not to worry too much, convincing themselves that Mikhail must have been delayed or perhaps had found some temporary work that required him to stay away longer than expected. Yet, deep down, Katya couldn't shake the unease gnawing at her heart.

One sunny afternoon, Katya decided to take matters into her own hands. She couldn't sit idly by any longer, waiting for Mikhail to return on his own. She set out for the town, hoping to gather any news or clues about her brother's whereabouts

The bustling town greeted her with its usual sights and sounds—vendors selling their wares, children playing in the streets, and the comforting smell of freshly baked bread wafting from the bakery. Katya walked through the marketplace, asking anyone she knew if they had seen Mikhail recently, but nobody seemed to have any information.

Feeling disheartened, Katya wandered farther than she had intended, her feet carrying her towards the grand castle of the Arch Duke that overlooked the town from its perch on the hill. She had never been inside the castle before; common folk like her rarely had reason to visit such prestigious places. Yet, today, driven by desperation and a flicker of curiosity, she decided to take a short trip inside

Katya hesitated only briefly before slipping through the gates of the castle. She hoped to find her father's friend among the servants or guards, someone who might have seen Mikhail or could provide some answers. The castle was grander up close than she had ever imagined, its walls towering and its grounds immaculately kept.

She wandered through the corridors, feeling both awed and out of place. Eventually, she took a wrong turn and found herself in a corridor that led directly to the Arch Duke's private chambers. Before she could backtrack, the door opened abruptly, and there stood the Arch Duke himself.

He was a striking figure, tall and commanding, with piercing eyes that seemed to see right through her. His presence was imposing, his looks could make the most serious of people like Katya herself, break their demeanors and Katya felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized her mistake.

"Why are you here?" His voice was cold, devoid of any warmth or curiosity.

Katya's mind raced for an excuse. "I... I was looking for someone. My father's friend. He works here," she stammered, trying to appear calm despite the fear gripping her heart.

The Arch Duke studied her for a moment, his expression unreadable. "Leave at once," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Katya nodded quickly, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She turned and fled, feeling the weight of the Arch Duke's gaze on her back as she hurried away.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Katya returned home, her mind spinning with thoughts of Mikhail and the intimidating encounter with the Arch Duke. She threw herself into her chores with renewed determination, trying to distract herself from the worry that threatened to overwhelm her.

Nightfall came, and still, there was no sign of Mikhail. Katya and her father sat together in the small, dimly lit kitchen, their worry etched on their faces. They jumped at every sound outside, hoping against hope that each knock on the door would bring news of Mikhail's return.

Their bleak vigil was interrupted by a knock on the door. Katya's heart leapt as she rushed to answer it, hoping against hope that it was Mikhail. Instead, she found a soldier standing there, his expression unreadable.

"Good evening," he said, his tone formal. "I have news about your brother."

Katya's heart sank. "What happened? Where is he?"

The soldier cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably. "He was involved in a fight with one of the castle guards. It escalated, and your brother... he killed the guard. He is currently detained and will be tried in two days."

The words hung in the air, a stark, cruel reality settling over them. Katya felt as though the ground had fallen away beneath her. Her father's face turned ashen, his hands trembling.

"Thank you," he managed to say, his voice hoarse. The soldier nodded curtly and left, leaving the small family in stunned silence.

Katya closed the door, her mind racing. She turned to her father, who had sunk into his chair, his face etched with worry and sorrow.

"We have to do something," she said, her voice firm despite the turmoil inside her. "We can't just let this happen."

Her father nodded slowly, but his eyes were distant, lost in the shock of the news. Katya felt a surge of determination. She would find a way to help Mikhail, no matter what it took. The Arch Duke's stern, handsome face flashed in her mind, and she knew she would need all the courage she could muster for the days ahead.

End of Chapter 3