
Heroes Without Masks

"10 years ago, we were created. We are the chosen six to end our corrupt creator and his new powerful creations." Lilia Riverside and her friends are the beautiful creation of her Uncle Flint Riverside, who was sent to prison for human experimentation. As mysterious happening begins to arise, a flirtatious boy who know more than he leads on, and a betrail leaving her heartbroken.

Candy215 · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Chapter 23

It's been a few weeks since Dr. Kellie was struck with her major migraine, I read over the hero news as my grandparents walk in the kitchen, "Are you going to work this morning?" I ask through my bite of yogurt. "No, your aunt Angel and your uncle David is coming over tonight with your cousin Parker." I cringe at the thought of Parker coming over, he's 15 and acts like he has the money when he doesn't even work with his parents. "Can Heath come to dinner as well? He should meet aunt Angel." My grandfather pats my shoulder, "I'm alright with it aren't you?" he said looking to my grandmother. She sighs with a nod, "Hopefully with Heath over, your cousin won't ask for extra spending money." I giggle, "I'm shocked he hasn't asked for an allowance from the Toy company yet."

My grandfather said as he goes into the back yard to look over his garden. Grandmother follows him as I set the bowl in the sink. "Alright, I'm leaving!" I yell from the back door as they wave in return. I take off and fly to the compound and find no one was in, a note stated from Darek that he took the three kids of the 3rd creation, Dr. Staff is moving with his wife, and Dr. Icy and her husband must be out with their daughter. It's Friday we normally finish school early on Thursday and only have a test on Friday that is placed in the school computers.

I walk through the compound and look for Dr. Kellie she wasn't in her room, nor was she in her chair sleeping. Seth had already returned home, so no one was in the lab with her. I open up the surveillance and found her a little after we left yesterday, she was working and skipped dinner and headed for the bathroom, she didn't leave. I rush out of the room and run into the bathroom, "Dr. Kellie!" I found her on the floor slumped over, "Oh my gosh! Dr. Kellie wake up!" I screamed as she stayed quiet, I check for a plus I find it but it's faint, I've only heard about this from Dr. Staff, but the Lab will react to your voice if you ask it too.

"Compound," I waited for a second but a beep is heard, "Yes, Lilia Riverside?" I was shocked but I don't have time for it, "When did Dr. Kellie pass out?" "Around 7:40 p.m. would you like to call the lab's on staff doctors?" "Yes, tell them it is urgent." "Okay, calling Dr. Samantha Icy and Dr. Calvin Staff." I pull out my phone and call Heath. His voice is hoarse, but you can tell he was sleeping. "An angel has awoken me." I give him a hardy laugh, "Stop that, this is bad Dr. Kellie passed out, I think she fainted, I found her in the women's locker room in the compound." Heath was quiet, my phone beeps as he hangs up.

I look down at the phone as I hear voices, "Lilia? Grace?" I run out of the bathroom, Dr. Icy stood before me she looked disheveled, "Oh thank heavens she's in here." I help move her to her room, as Dr. Icy looks Dr. Kellie over I feel a gnawing sensation that I need to call a professional. "I can't do much my specialties are in women's sexual health; not migraines." I swallow hard, "I know a person, but we should take Dr. Kellie to a suitable location." I thought about the boy's apartment, but she doesn't have a room there. Darek walks in with the kids, he looks overwhelmed, "What are we going to do? Do we need to take her to a hospital?"

I calm him down, "Let's take her back to my family home, we have a guest house that she can sleep in, and you can stay here and watch the kids Sei shouldn't be alone in case she wakes up while we're gone." Darke nods nervously, "Alright, what about the others?" I hold up five fingers and begin to count down, when I reach one, I point to the door as Heath came flying in with the others, "Oh my gosh!" Violet said looking a Dr. Kellie, I turned and noticed she was becoming pale.

I feel Heath reach over to her, "Let's calm down, we need to get her to my family guest house, Dr. Kellie will be examined by my family doctor." Yukii pats Heath's shoulder, "Don't worry Dr. Pillow is the best she's the only doctor to keep our secret." Heath nods as Tucker and Ryan stand shocked, I helped close down most of the lab as I returned to the surface, Heath shuts the compound and follows after Yukii who is carrying Dr. Kellie. Ryan stood next to me; he was white like a sheet he wasn't following Vee like he normally did. "Penny for your thoughts?" I asked him as Ryan jumps.

He sighs as he returns his eyes up to the sky, "I just realized how powerful I am, we are. You know never in my life since 'that' day have I ever gotten hurt for more than a few seconds." I look at Ryan, we don't talk much with each other because of our own partners, but I can tell that he's in shock, and has realized that Dr. Kellie can die by other means of old age, who knows we might not even die until they find the antidote to our Hormones. "I think she's passed out from stress, exhaustion, and her migraine. I'm sure with the right medicine and rest she���ll be alright." Ryan nods but still seems shaken.

I grab his hand and we fly to the other to get to my family guest house. Ryan is a soft soul, he and Vee work so well together, they are so strong, no matter what the others tell him, the idea of him being stupid like Heath says him off to be, isn't right, I think he's just in a place where his hormone isn't like the rest of ours, we were made intelligent, but to us, Ryan reaches the normally of an AP high school student. Ryan sniffed behind me, I'm sure he wouldn't like to know that I know he's crying.

We arrive at my house, and I notice three people getting out of a car, crap! They arrived sooner than I thought, I fly forward, "Let's go around back my grandparents will cause a scene." They nodded, as we land in the back the guest house is a little past the back-porch. I open the door, it was clean, but not as clean as I would have hoped. I pull out my phone and call the elderly woman, "Dr. Pillow, yes, this is Lilia. I need you to come to the guest house." Her voice was soft as she agreed to arrive at the house in about an hour.

I look at the group as Dr. Icy seemed worried, "Well?" I shrug, it'll be an hour at least, but never underestimate Dr. Pillow." I walk over to the bed and look at Heath as he begins to break down. Tucker takes off, as Yukii worriedly goes after him, I watch Ryan fight tears. Ryan sniffles as Vee broke in, "Ryan let's go back to the apartment, you can show me your room, and the poems that you've written." Ryan nods, "Yeah, I can do that." Dr. Icy looks at her watch, "I need to return to my family, I'll be back in a bit, we need to get Dorthey settled for a nap." I smile, "Sure, I'll tell my grandparents what's going on."

She walks out of the build as Vee and Ryan about to take off back to town. I sit down, as Heath gives up and sobs. "Cupcake, I can't lose another motherly figure, I know she acts more like an aunt, but as of recently she's done more, acted more, and showed us she cares more." I touch his hand when Heath lashed out in a new way, I blink at him as I was pushed from his side, "DON'T— don't touch me, please."

I was shaken, Heath is powerful, but the fact he would push me away, he's lashing out like a toddler. I glare, "Heath Douglas, that was uncalled for, not only are you acting like a toddler but if that was anyone else, you could have hurt them. Your strength shouldn't be used to push others away, just because it was me doesn't mean you have a right to do that." Heath stands up and starts yelling, "Shut up, you don't understand what I'm going through you have a family, and I'm starting to think that the only family I have is dying." I cross my arms, "You can tell me, I'm your girlfriend." Heath scoffs, "We've been dating for a few weeks at most." I scowl, "Fine, I understand that, but you can at least dump the worries we both share on me. I am just worried about Dr. Kellie as well, please, talk to me."

I notice him shaking, "I'm not in the mood!" he yells, I glare at him, "Then leave; if this is what it takes to make the mighty Heath fall then I have no business seeing or dating him, leave the Riverside property, you can come back when everyone else returns for Dr. Pillow's examination." He looked over at me shocked, "Mr. Douglas she said to leave." I jumped when my grandfather walked into the guest house.

I was worried, "I don't want to see you until you've understood what you've done wrong and apologize to Lilia, and your mother." Heath looked at me and noticed where he shoved me was starting to turn red, my grandfather's tone changed, "Get out!" Heath stood up shocked still as he opened his mouth, "No, just leave Heath, you've said enough, try again tomorrow." I said walking out of the guest house, Heath steps forward when security walks in, "Alright son, let's get you out of here."

I walk inside as my aunt and grandmother were in the kitchen talking, "Oh Lilia, it's good to see you." I smile at her luckily my sweater only road up because I fell on the floor. My burses are covered from the two most prying eyes out of the family. My cousin Parker, sat in the living room counting something on the coffee table. I walk past him as he jumps up, "Hey cous, what are you doing here? I thought you had school?" I scoffed, "It's Friday, the same could be said about you, but I'm in private schooling, we have Fridays off." He followed me up the stairs, "Really, you know tonight since we're staying over this weekend, after dinner, we could sneak out and go to this party my friend is having twenty minutes away from here."

I roll my eyes, "Sorry, I'm not sure you and your childish friends really fit my taste." I walk on as he runs in front of me, "Look the only way I can go to this party is if I bring the famous Lilia Riverside, my friends think I'm lying you're my cousin." I fold my arms, "No way, it's going to be filled with freshmen." Parker smiles, "Nope, this one is being held by my friends' older brother he's a senior." Parker pulled the puppy dog eyes and handed me a box. I open it finding a set of pink diamonds earring, I glance back at him, "Please, you can leave after I introduce you to my friends." With a heavy sigh, "Fine, just tell me where is this party going to be, and what do I need to wear?" Parker smiles, "I have your outfit picked out."

Parker hands me a bag from an expensive costume shop, "Okay, so I told them I would bring you, and since you are a special guest you are going to match the host and his friends. In fact, it was odd when my friends' brother overheard us talking about you, and swiped my invitation and told me I couldn't come unless you came with me." I found this very fishy, "Alright, but what if it doesn't fit?" Parker smiled, "I asked my mom for your measurements." Right, she had my dress made for homecoming this year.

Parker smiled and ran to the railing, "Mom, Lilia said she'd come with me to the party!" my aunt poked her head out of the kitchen, "Alright." I glare at him as Yukii calls me, "Yes?" I ask as her voice sounds worried, "Hey, um is there a reason why Heath looks like he's about to die?" I walk into my room and lock the door keeping Parker out, "Yes, he's been told off and broken up with." Yukii was quiet, "Wait, you broke up with him?" I sigh and sit at my vanity, "Yes." I sigh out as Yukii says something, Vee pushes in, "What! We're going over now!" I heard Ryan trying to calm Vee down as, Yukii yells to Tucker, "Let go of my phone, Tucker, we're leaving!" I roll my eyes and hang up.

I wait a moment as my balcony door opens, "What did he do?" Vee says as she walks into the room while Yukii shuts the door. I lift up my sweater enough where we all see the now dark burses. "Did he force you?" Yukii asked cracking her knuckles, "No, for some reason he had gotten angry and pushed me, when I asked him to talk about it, he told me that because we've dated for a short period-of-time that he wouldn't and didn't have to tell me anything. I agreed knowing I haven't told him everything either, but he suddenly changed and became very toxic. I didn't like seeing him like this, and I told him if this is all it took for him to break down and become worthless, then to leave and not expect me to be trashed around when he gets angry."

Yukii and Vee nod, "I told him to leave and so did my grandfather, he said to return when he's settled down and was ready to apologize. The security had to take him out, for some reason he was in deep thought or something when they removed him from the house." They were shocked, as I finally release tears, "I didn't want to, I still love him so much. It's just what if he gets worse and he hurts me, or what if we're married and he hurts our children?" Yukii sits on my bed as Vee hugs me, "Don't cry, it's okay, tomorrow we'll go to the compound and have Darek sit with us as you two talk it out, or end it for good." I wiped my eyes as Dr. Pillow's name brightens my screen.

I picked it up, "Yes?" I turn to Yukii and Vee, "Tell the guys, Dr. Pillow is here." I open my balcony door and fly out, Yukii follows as Vee stays behind to call the guys. Yukii lands next to my grandfather as he smiles to Dr. Pillow, "Lyra, it's nice to see you, you've come at a great time my wife and our youngest daughter has just left to go shopping with my grandson, my son-in-law is in my office having a business meeting over the computer."

Dr. Pillow nods, "Alright, now who is my patient?" I have her follow me when we enter the guest house, she looks over Dr. Kellie. "Hmm, she seems to be fine, but let me scan her." She pulls out a device you'd see the Hero League use. "Hmm, that's odd, she has a chip in her head. I'm sure I can have it removed." I was surprised as was Yukii and Vee, "What are the other options?" I ask waiting for Dr. Pillow to look my way, "Easily we could remove it, but there is a chance it will hurt her memories, but it'll only be the memories of short term for a couple of days most patients I've had to remove chips from are like that in the past and the only downside is they still have bad headaches for a few weeks after which can be helped with simple pharmacy drugs."

I nod as Dr. Pillow looks over her notes, "Or we leave it, and I prescribe the best pain killers ever." I sigh, "Can you wake her up?" Dr. Pillow looked over, well, it's not that easy which is why you need to decide what you want there was a commotion outside as the guys land, "They'll tell you what you want." I said as I turn to leave not wanting to be in the same building as Heath. I open the door as Tucker and Ryan greeted me with a worried look, "Go talk out your options to help Dr. Kellie." They ran past me, as Heath stood in the yard, he looked ill, "Lilia…I—." I stop him, "Not right now; I need time, you need time, and Dr. Kellie needs you."

I walk back to the house as I hear him come closer only for Yukii to step in. "Not now Heath, you've done your damage, go see Dr. Kellie and wait until tomorrow." Heath was becoming worried, "That's too long, Lilia, please reconsider." I shake my head, "You need to calm down." Yukii said as she stops him from following me, Tucker comes out to help, "Heath that's enough! Tomorrow for sure you'll talk to her." Heath, slumps on the ground, "Cupcake please text me one last time if this is it." I look at him and give him a half-smile, "Bye guys I'll talk to you later."

Back in the house my grandfather watches from the window as Heath and the other leave, Dr. Pillow walks in, "I'll call an ambulance, we're going to give her surgery." I nod, Dr. Pillow sadly looks at me, "Who are we sending the bill to? I mean it seems like she has money, but the medical bills will be outstanding." I swallow hard, "I will," I turn to my grandfather who smiles at me, "I might be upset with Heath, but I believe you two will fix it. Plus Dr. Kellie has done many things for us in the past and the present." I smile, I hug him as he returns to the living room.


Later that night I look at the costume before me, "What the heck is this!" My cousin peeks in my room, your costume…" I glare over, "Yeah but the characters on the Rainbow Force wore full bodysuits, not this!" I showed him the skin-tight dress, "Look everyone apart of the VIP list had to have their costumes made from that tacky costume shop, I gave them your measurements and handed them a note I was given." I sigh, "Alright fine, but you owe me big time!" I look at the bubblegum pink dress, this was even too bright for me and pink is the color of my hormone manifestation.

I strip from my normal clothes and push my girls into this tight dress. I look around the box and find a pair of white leggings, I slip them on and put on the annoying pink boots. I tie up my hair in the Pink Knight's hairstyle of the Rainbow Force this is one without the headwear and it just has a pink goggle to put on. I put on the pink diamond earring that my cousin gave me. I look in the box for anything else and it even came with a black base hand fan with pink cherry blossoms on it and when you pushed the charm that hung off of it, the blades were activated.

I put the fan in the belt holder and put the gloves on. Looking at the finishing touches I pick up my phone and grab my jacket. Walking downstairs Parker waited by the door wearing a Prince costume, I look at him as he smiles, "Alright you look great cous!" I glare, "Mom we're leaving and will be back late!" I hear my aunt from the kitchen, "Alright you kids come back together and text me if you can't be home by one." Geez, that's a long party it's barely 7 at night.

I walk out to the limo that was parked in front of the house. Parker was bouncing up and down as he texted his friends and took a picture of me, "Just so we don't have any trouble when we arrive." I roll my eyes as the darkness of the car caused me to realized my eye was glowing pink. I set the limo light to dim, my eyes won't glow that way. "Hey, do you think you could lose the legging?" I glare over to Parker, "No, it's cold and I don't really see a need to lose them when I'm cold." He shrinks back into his seat, "Okay," he continues to text some when my own phone goes off, I notice Heath's name pop up. Dr. Kellie's out of surgery, the doctor told us she should be awake in a few hours, talk to you then.

My mouth is dry, I want to text him so bad, but he needs to be in the clear before I talk to him. I put my phone away as the limo stops, and the door opens, a group of freshman boys walk in as Parker smiles at them, "Hey guys!" his friends looked over and blushed everyone once and a while until we arrived at the party. The lake mansion was nice but kind of a show-off if you ask me. Parker walks with me to the line of people, some people were sent back to the end and others were allowed in when we reached the door, a man looked at us, "Invitation?" Parker pulled out his phone as the door opened and the loud music was making everyone scream.

Parker didn't talk he just pulled me over to the stairs, the music became softer as I noticed more upperclassmen walking around and opening doors to rooms, they shouldn't be in, the giggling was enough to know what they were going to do. A tall man stops us, "Do you have a VIP pass to be up here?" Parker pulls his phone out and shows the man the screen. "Alright come this way." Parker was jumping as we came closer to the larger double doors inside the room there were nine teens dressed as the other Rainbow Force members behind a large control panel, they giggled as they pushed a button and two teens downstairs were making out in the corner were suddenly in the spotlight.

You could hear everyone downstairs cheering and laughing at the two teens. I roll my eyes rich kids can be mean. "Hugo, this is my cousin Lilia Riverside." The Senior in the Red Knight costume smiled when he noticed me, "Parker you can go back and join your friends at the party. I have a business deal for your cousin." Parker looked worried, "Are you sure, I bet she'd like it if I stayed." Parker grabbed my arms as he begins to shake, "Parker don't worry, I'll be fine." I said was a calm and cool voice. Parker nods as he walks out, the other 'Knights' continued to prank the party-goers as I walk up to the desk that the Red Knight sat at, Hugo. "Hello, Miss Riverside are you enjoying my party?"

I cross my arms and flick my head to the side, "No, I didn't want to come to this party I have other matters that are more important right now, but my cousin asked me to come since you were being picky. I wonder why?" Hugo stands up, "You are as feisty as they say you are." He was a good 6ft I could take him if he does anything to me, "Boys, it's time for our game of hide-and-seek to begin." The guys stand up and turn the control panel over to Hugo, as I was sat with the girls on the couch, they looked like dolls who were lifeless.

Hugo begins to speak, "Alright, my little witches and ghouls, it's time for our favorite Halloween event, Hide and Shriek find your partner, and get one last drink before we begin. A butler walks in with a tray of pink juice, one for each of us girls, "Alright, now then as you know you can hide anywhere in the house stay in your spot and the finders will be listening for you and if you make if for over three hours you'll get to enter one of the VIP party rooms upstairs with your partner, if you're found though, you're picture will be on the big screen."

I sip on the drink and find to be hard and stiff to drink, it was raw and made me gag, Hugo snapped his fingers as the lifeless girls crowded me as they force the drink down my throat, the house shook as the count down began in time for the drink to settle. "Go! You have an hour to get ready those who don't wish to do so stay in the living room and the kitchen where games and good has been laid out for your enjoyment." I try to stand as I feel the buzz run through my system, I cough as another drink was forced down my throat, "Alright ladies, you're free to enjoy your hour of sex before we go finding people." I feel my hormonally driven body vibrate as the alcohol and drugs burn through my body.

Hugo grabs me and opens the door to the side of the exit to the hall, "Let me go," I cough out with tears spilling down my face, "Now, now my Pink Knight, what the fun in making a good connection if we don't consulate it with some good old-fashioned fun." I'm thrown in the room as a couple of women held me to the bed, as the costume was taken off, I have to fight, but I could hurt them if I'm not careful. Hugo punches me in the stomach as the alcohol has my powers wonky and now, I'm out of breath, "Geez, it feels like you have a sheet of metal under there."

I wheeze as I'm tied to the bed, with cast-iron chains, "This should hold her until I've finished everything downstairs." The women nod as he strips his costume down to nothing, I can't see him straight, Hugo climbs up on the bed when my phone goes off, "Take her phone out." This is my chance, "Wait! That… could be… my grandmother or my Uncle…if I don't answer them, they'll call the police to find out what's going on." Hugo was shocked, but grabbed my phone and put it to my ear. It was Heath, "Cupcake you answered!" I needed to sound like a fool, "Uncle, yep the party is still at 6565 North Lakeside drive." Heath was quiet, "What are you talking about?" "Yes, Parker is fine, but you should talk to grandma and papa before they head to bed so they don't worry. I'll be here for a while Parker really wants to stay for as long as possible."

Heath suddenly caught on, "Oh, right and what are we wearing?" I glance at Hugo, who was telling me to wrap it up, "Parker wore the Prince costume and I went as the Pink Knight from the Rainbow Force show, we'll show you tomorrow when you wake up. I love you, bye." Hugo hung up my phone and growled, "Finally that brat's father is the only reason why he was even considered for this party." I huff out a sweaty breath as the alcohol burns more and faster.

Hugo moved his hands to my stomach as his hands move down, I shivered as my vision blurs, odd the thing that is a weakness to humans has also made me weak? Hugo chuckles, "You must have a strong tolerance to alcohol, that stuff is so strong it could make a Russian tipsy." I just want to sleep, "You don't have to do this…I think what you're about to do is going to get you in a grave so deep that you can't dig yourself out of it." I shiver more, Hugo laughs, "Right, like you're really Lilia Riverside, that girl is a hidden figure that no one has ever seen, I doubt that Applegate's cousin is really—" I huff out a shivery breath, "Lilia Riverside, I am you can check my phone."

His hands were cupping me, then a finger enters me. "Wow! Your super tight are you a virgin?" I feel my body react differently from when Heath does it, "No," I shiver out, "I'm not a virgin." I feel thorns touch my skin as Hugo pulls himself out and goes to enter me raw, "No—!" I screamed as Hugo suddenly screams as well, and his erect member is bleeding in shreds, I move my head enough to look down and see rose vines had covered my body. "What the hell did you do!" I scream more as my blurred vision is focused in and out. Roses begin to fall from my head and hands as Hugo, looks shocked, "What the—" the window is broken in as heavy footsteps are walked over, to us. "Hey, Cupcake, it's nice to see you're keeping yourself pure to me."

I cough out, "Heath," his tone was worried, but I blacked out before I know what is going on. I wake up with an arm covering me, I try to move, I turn a little and find Heath." I can see the room is the compound, it's our room. Heath groans as I pull myself out of his embrace.

Heath pulls me on top of him, "Cupcake, I'm sorry." I look down and see his eyes even in the dimly lit room. "Heath, we should talk but outside of this room." Heath holds me tighter, "No," he sits up and holds me against his chest. "Dr. Kellie woke up last night and was doing much better, but she doesn't remember much about the headaches and will have foggy memory for the next few weeks."

I nod, "But she does for some reason know we fought and told me to tell you everything when I was ready, but if I didn't want to lose you, I'd have to apologize, or I'd lose you forever. When you ignored me when we came to hear Dr. Pillow, my insides burned I thought I was going to die without you, I'm sorry I lost my real mother when my abusive father drove into a street light, when I get angry, I turn into him. I lash-out in angry and find with the stress of those pictures, Dr. Kellie and Seth. I took it out on you, I'm sorry."

I feel tears fall on me, as I turn to sit on his lap, I give him a kiss, as he hungrily eats away at me when I remember I was somewhere different beforehand, "Wait, Heath what happened to that party?" touching is new love bite, "Tucker, Ryan and I ruined everything and called the cops, we acted like neighbors complaining about screaming girls, who are calling for help, and that there might be alcohol at the party. I took you before the cops came and had Ryan and Tucker bring you back here and we had him text his parents that you were all so tired you all passed out at a friend's house." I scramble out of the bed and find my backup pajamas, "Okay, where is Parker?"

Heath doesn't care about clothes and walks over to me in his boxers, "He's at a friend's house, I told him to keep a secret, about us breaking into the house party of sex and drugs." Heath must have noticed my worried face, "Oh, and the Hugo guy I helped him with his scratched-up friend I dropped him in a large rose bush the police found him as he rambles off about some guy dropping him from the window, but the police ignored him, after taking a breathalyzer test. He was drowning in whatever your body was burning." Right, that was disgusting, whatever it was. Heath pulls me over to the bed, "Let's go back to sleep and worry about everything in the morning."