
heroes from another world

normal friends from earth are transported to another world!!! find out what happens to them and the troubles they face and how they overcome!! a.n: my first time writing pls go easy on me thanks :D

NightBlade_ · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

we won but at what cost

in the middle of nowhere 3 people can be seen one dead one unconscious and one frozen in place this is of course jay he doesn't know what to do his closest freinds are dead or unconscious. jay looks on his eyes no longer the same no emotion in those eyes of his endless darkness it was as if jay died but yet he didn't a feeling he is familiar with but that's a story for another time.

looking around jay wonders to himself 'it's just us old freinds abandoned by the world at least i can die with the people i care for' noises can be heard sounds of horses heading towards jay people have found him freind or foe jay didn't know the noises come closer. a group of soldiers appear in front of jay not enemy but freind. they look ahead of jay only to see 2 people on the ground 1 of the soldiers speaks.

soldier:"what's happend here sir hero"

jay looks at the man his emotionless eyes terrifying everyone there he responds.

jay:"a fight happend I've killed the man responsible but he killed one of the heros and the other unconscious"

the soldiers look shocked it must have been a strong opponent they fought the soldier who spoke to jay goes to see the body's he checks james and finds out he is dead.

soldier:"it can't be a hero dead so early"

jay:"the girl is alive don't touch her I'll carry her"

jay goes and carry Emily's body in his arms he heads to one of the horses that had a carriage he sits down in the carriage looking up to the ceiling jay wonders. 'why was it them'.


jay and the soldiers have arrived the kingdom was in bad shape buildings destroyed and a few dead body's everywhere it was a mess the soldiers instructed jay to go to askeladds castle he does so. the guards take Emily to a recovery place to try and heal her and james well even jay doesn't know where they took him.

walking around the castle there were no servants here where was seb usually he was around 'this is wired where is askeladd' jay thought he senses him on top of his castle heading towards the top jay openes the door only to see the evening sky and askeladd standing in the middle badly injured askeladd is the first to speak.

askeladd:"jay what happend"

jay:"james fought someone they knocked out Emily but james died protecting emily"

askeladd looks at jay in surprise one hero dead already this could be bad jay was able to now see askeladd fully he was injured quite badly.

jay:"what happend to you"

askeladd:"i fought a demon it was stronger than i thought"

jay:"where are the others"

askeladd:"there not back yet" jay nods and walks towards the edge to where he and askeladd was jay wanted to end it all all this pain he has lived nothing good has come from living in this world and the old one.

jay:"all my life I've been in pain you know even in my old world now i can stop the pain right here right now"

askeladd:"JAY WAIT DON'T JUMP"

jay was about to jump of but something stopped him he looks behind himself and sees james well a imaginary version of him that jay imagined this james didn't say anything but jay got the message jay walks away from the edge.

jay:"askeladd I'm going to bed wake me up when ed and alisha get back"

askeladd:"what about Emily what are you going to do"

jay:"she doesn't deserve to see me in this state I'll see her when I'm better"

just like that jay leaves askeladd and goes to his chamber to rest.

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this chapter is shorter than usual volume1 will end in 1 or 2 chapters depends on what ideas come to mind

NightBlade_creators' thoughts