
Heroes For Hire: Night Moves

.The theft of an obscure and ancient diary from the Metropolitan museum of art. A series of unsolved disappearances in Chinatown. A ghostly apparition. are these isolated incidents, or are they segments of a greater whole? Attacks by the Silver Samurai and Si Fan assassins provide some clues for the Heroes For Hire, who are drawn into a maelstrom of gang activity spreading throughout New York City. The stage is set for a whirlwind introduction to the underworld of tongs and ganglords. A search for The "Celestial One" becomes a matter of life and death for the Heroes For Hire, who may not live to see the Imperial Dawn... I do not own Heroes For Hire, or any associated Marvel Comics characters, or the cover art for this work of fiction. This work is intended to be the middle segment of a trilogy following the exploits of various Heroes For Hire characters, the trilogy is titled: The Gang Wars. this book was preceded by After Midnight, and will be concluded by the third installment: Night Life.

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Iron Fist, Colleen, and Luke take to to the streets while Daredevil and Moon Knight are quick to climb a fire escape and begin running along rooftops to avoid the crowd.


"While running through Chinatown, Luke, Colleen, and Danny see a large crowd in the street ahead of them. Policemen were attempting to disperse the crowd so a fire truck could approach the street. There were already several news crews filming the event.

Eddie Wong was struggling to hold onto a flagpole near the top of the structure. Suddenly, he lost his grip and began plummeting towards concrete sidewalk!"


It is ultimately Daredevil who is able to save Eddie, by catching him and stopping his fall. Daredevil dove from the rooftop and used his cane nunchakus to swing from the flagpole and grab Eddie. Eddie was then strung by his leg so he could be safely lowered to the sidewalk where assistance waited. Eddie handed Daredevil a note before being apprehended by the authorities for questioning and to be escorted to the hospital for a routine mental-stability and well-being check. The note reads: "If you want to see your wife alive, bring $10,000 to the old Chiang Warehouse on Canal Street at midnight. No cops! No capes! Or your precious china doll gets it!!"

Unfortunately, Eddie believes Mei Li is already dead and was so overwhelmed with grief he attempted to take his own life. Eddie told Daredevil he had no way of acquiring the money, and blamed the Heroes For Hire for the death of his wife, saying "You beat up the Dragonlords! They took my wife and ruined everything because of you!"


Seeking justice for Eddie Wong, Iron Fist and Luke Cage visit the old Chiang Warehouse.


"Ahead of Luke Cage and Iron Fist was the old warehouse mentioned in the ransom note. The place appeared deserted. The windows and doors were completely covered with sheets of plywood. Two large signs nailed to the builsing read: 'Keep out!' and 'For Sale!'.

Scouting around the building they found that the boards covering the back door had been pried off. The back door was unlocked. A single shaft of light shined through a small window in the back door. Looking in the window, Luke could see that the light came from a dim single bulb hanging from the cieling by a long black cord. Tied to a chair beneath the light was a woman who appeared to be unconscious. Because the woman was slumped over, her long black hair hung in her face making it difficult to identify her -- she might've been Mei Li, she might not.

In the shadow at the fringes of the light, he could also see several large crates. There seemed to be nothing else of interest."


Upon entering the warehouse, the three heroes are immediately discomforted by the feeling of being watched. Entering the area of the warehouse illuminated by light, Colleen noticed that some of the crates throughout the warehouse read: "fireworks". Iron Fist attempts to untie the woman and notices something odd about her. When he tries to brush the hair from her face and rouse her, her head falls from her shoulders. The girl was actually a very lifelike mannequin. At this moment three thugs emerge from the shadows to battle the heroes.


After a few moments of combat the villain Killer Shrike bursts through a second-story office window that overlooked the factory floor. Hovering over the melee, Killer Shrike began firing energy bolts at the heroes. As he fights, Killer Shrike taunts the heroes by Jibing them with "You fools! You're too late! The China Doll is taking a plunge from Pier 36 right now!"

As the fight ensues, and it seems as if Killer Shrike may be in peril he blasts a crate with an energy strike being full aware of which crates hold explosive contents. The crates begin to explode, sending rockets and firing smoke bombs throughout the warehouse. Thundering booms followed by sparkling orbs of light blast about the factory floor. In the confusion of spiraling rockets, smoke inhalation, and spreading fire Killer Shrike abandons his Dragonlord allies and flees the warehouse.

As soon as the thugs are defeated The heroes work at attempting to douse the rapidly spreading fire. The sprinkler system in the warehouse isn't functional, but Luke Cage ascends the building to access a nearby water-tower that he topples to wet the fire. Though the fire is quenched the water deals good damage to the building and the thugs left inside. Within 5 minutes of the flames being quelled, a firetruck and policemen arrive to pull unconscious victims out.


Leaving Luke behind to deal with the authority, Iron Fist and Colleen rush back to the Pier to save Mei Li.


"Ahead of them, Pier 36 stretched out over the East River. A black sedan was parked at the end of the dock. The trunk of the car was open, and 3 ominous looking men in suits struggled with something there. 

Moving closer, they saw that the object they struggled with was a person in a burlap sack and wrapped with heavy chains. As they watched helplessly, the thugs hurled the wriggling body into the East River, where it splashed with a loud 'KA-WOOSH!'."


The goons are Hammerhead's flunkies and are equipped with pistols that they did not hesitate tl draw and began firing at Iron Fist and Colleen. After defeating the thugs Iron Fist sives into the water and channels his chi into his fist to emenate light in the murky water of the East River. In the glow of his light he is able to spy Mei Li in the depths and return her to the surface where Colleen administers first aid to save the woman's life.


Mei Li asked to be taken immediately to her husband. Eddie was still at the local hospital. When they arrive there, Eddie and Mei Li are tearfully reunited. They then graciously thank Heroes For Hire for its help. It is then that Mei Li is questioned by the Heroes.

"Who were the creeps in the sedan?" Iron Fist queried.

"She heard them talking about a man named Hammerhead, and believes they were his men." Eddie interpreted from Chinese to English for his wife. "She also heard that Hammerhead plans to assassinate Wu Fong tomorrow night as a favor to the White Dragon."

"Who is Wu Fong?" Danny then asked.

"He is the head of a chinese warrior society called the Tiger's Claw. They are a group of citizens trained to fight off the gangs that have been terrorizing the streets of Chinatown. The White Dragon is their greatest foe." Eddie explained.

"Where can we find Wu Fong?" Colleen asked.

"He resides in Chinatown. At a place called 'The Oriental Gardens'. It is also where the Tiger's Claw and many martial artists train for combat." Eddie obliged.


When asked, Eddie divulges that he and Mei simply llan to return home and work until they can accrue enough money to afford a flight to San Francisco, where they both have relatives, as their fear of the White Dragon has driven them from their home city. So, in compensation and out of the kindness of his own heart Iron Fist secures funds from the Heroes For Hire franchise to cover all expenses of their relocation.