
Heroes Awakening: Samuel

The world is what you make of it, if your world is real. What will happen when the prophecy comes true? Will heroes rise? Will heroes fall? Samuel is the key to it all, but as a savior? Or its destroyer?

Tyler_Haessly · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Freaks and Heroes

A sword and ax clashed as the two legendary orcs stared eachother down. Pushing off each other again they circled around and kept their guards up. No words were shared between the two. They had little emotion besides hate for the other. It's what drove them to battle and what made them fight beyond their strength. Hate. Pure and unadulterated hate. 

Toro and Meerlek were warriors of legend in their own rights. One lead the greatest pack of orcs since they used to own all the mountains east of Yesterman. He brought them all together to strengthen them and make a orc tribe worth fighting for. He was hands down their most influential and inspiring leader to ever come about. Having been taught all the tribes magic from his father only added to his prowess. He could stand toe to toe with most mages in the world and few orcs in all of history could ever say that. 

Toro was the only other case of an orc that could be Meerleks equal. Being fueled by the red energy in Sam, Toro was an unstable machine. He was taught to wield magic and weapons from a being possessing Sam and it made him inhuman in the battle field. No one knows how Toro survived the spell that exploded the last tribes base or how Meerlek even survived it. But Toro was taken in and forgiven for his actions that day in exchange for his prowess. Subtly Toro found those that hated Meerlek and gained his own following that separated for this war. With his skills in war, magical attunement, and his following, he was a force to be reckoned with. 

They both had skills and abilities that were on display and in full force because they both knew who stood before them. Their weapons clashed again but as they held them there Toro's was encased by a flame and encroached to Meerlek. It forced him to move back and away from the dangerous flames.

Toro didn't let up his attack and charged after his previous chief. Toro was in range before Meerlek could react and with a slice of his sword cut through him but his image distorted and faded showing Meerlek a few paces behind it and safe from harm. Toro was surprised but knew it wouldn't be that easy to stop him. Meerlek smirked at him and flung both his swords at him. The swords rocketed towards Toro who barely had time to dodge to the side. The swords however didn't sail past him like he thought and when he moved to the side they followed and closed in on him. Doing the only thing he thought would work he threw his axes to the side as far as he could and the flying swords followed until they both crashed into the ground alongside his weapons. 

Toro looked back to Meerlek who hadn't moved towards him to capitalize on the distraction. "You're better at weapon fighting." Was the only thing Meerlek said before he disappeared all together. Toro looked around but only could see others fighting their own battles all around him. Then Meerlek was right in front of him with his fist pulled back and glowing blue. "I'm better at magic." With that said Meerlek threw a devastating punch that sent the larger warrior flying back from him. "You won't last five minutes." Meerlek said as he chased towards the downed combatant.

Sir Nick was used to war and was taking out enemies left and right. He wished it was like the old days and he could keep his allies back while he took out the enemy. At the moment he was limited to what kind of spells he could use in order to keep his friends safe. It just made his job slower, not any more difficult. 

He sliced the top of an assassin's head off while sending an ice spear through the gut of warrior. The ice spear traveled through the warrior into a dark mages chest and pinned him to a tree as he bleed out. Not even stopping to think He grabbed the decapitated body and threw it behind him into a sword slicing down that cut the body in half. Nick then plunged his sword into the man's neck and kicked his knee to break it and bring him down to his height. He gurgled on blood as he looked into the unfeeling eyes of Nick as he pushed the man back into another blade of one of his allies.

Nick then used his magic to grab the blade of the other warrior to bend it up so it couldn't be pulled back out of the dying man. Nick jumped up and kicked the warrior in the face behind the man who now had two swords in him. The kick to the face snapped his neck and he fell to the ground next to his still dying ally. 

Nick looked at the man as he struggled to breath but his sword was still in his throat. Nick gripped the sword and ripped it to the side as the man perished quickly after. Looking to his side a group of four warriors rushed towards him and he cast a fireball at them that turned them to ash on impact with the ground in front of them. Then he put up a barrier to block a lightning bolt cast at him. 

He turned again to see more dark mages trying to attack him as a group. They never tried to take him one on one and after facing such a similar situation it made him realize they were being coordinated somehow. As a single mage they weren't that strong but since they were able to work as a group they were effective against everyone besides the most skilled fighters. 

His barrier blocked another attack and he acted. He dropped the protection and rushed the group of mages. Taking out the first one by him with a quick stab in the eye. He teleported behind them all and stabbed through the back of the mage in the rear of the group. His scream alerted the rest to where Nick went and they attacked again. Nick pushed the mage to a boulder launched at him and the body exploded along with the large rock. Nick was already away from the body as he pushed his sword through another mages heart. Turning to the last few that grew more and more desperate as he killed more of their numbers he pushed spikes of earth through each of their skulls. Pushing the spikes back down all the mages fell to the ground and it gave Nick time to survey the battle.

Looking out to a dark purple dome across the battle Nick could feel just who constructed such a thing, the dark mage leaders. They were giving the orders to their lessers and making them much more effective than they ever could be alone. Nick moved towards the dome knowing it was the perfect target to giving them an edge against their enemies.

Toro got up after taking the punch from Meerlek that was much stronger than he anticipated for. He rose to his feet as quick as he could but Meerlek was already on him. With his fists still glowing blue he sent another attack at the recovering Toro. This time however it was met by a fist that was glowing red. A shock wave was sent out from the two powers colliding. It rocked the two back and even sent others around them stumbling. 

They looked at each other for only a moment then went back on the attack. Red and blue glowing fists collided back and forth and it made an almost constant pulse of power from the two. The speed of attacks increased and the power they delivered grew in intensity. It made those fighting around them give a wide space since anyone who got to close was sent back from the shockwaves. 

After constant attacking from the two they finally stopped and looked to see the damage. Toro landed a hit on Meerleks right shoulder that almost broke it and another on his jaw that did break it. Meerlek on the other hand landed more hits on Toro who had a broken right fist, heavily bruised legs, and an eye that couldn't be opened. 

"You look like shit." Toro said to Meerlek as they assessed the situation. Talking through the pain Meerlek retorted back, "I'm surprised you can see me with that eye." With that Toro laughed, "He can speak." To which Meerlek waved him off and rubbed his jaw. Toro continued to laugh and it turned dark as the red energy that laid deep within him seeped out and began to to heal the wounds he suffered. Meerlek watched in hate and rage as his combatants eye slowly opened again and his fingers shifted back in place. "That's bullshit." Meerlek said in hate, "It's war." Toro retorted with an evil smirk.

Toro after healing launched at Meerlek with the red energy powering him. Meerlek sighed as Toro closed in, "Magi Tribal: Power of the Ancients!" After that spell was cast a similar energy seeped out of Meerlek but it was yellow and it sparked through his eyes. Toro threw a punch at Meerlek who sidestepped it at the last moment and with more power than Toro sent a punch back into his jaw. Toro was surprised but still came at Meerlek and tried to land an attack. Meerlek was still able to overpower Toro though and blocked Toro and drove his elbow into the other side of his jaw. 

Toro lost control of his red powers and could no longer feel its strength in his veins. Meerlek looked at him and shook his head at that which he considered friend. "Guess you're just going to die like the rest of them. Unless you join me again." Meerlek said to him as he reached out a hand to the downed Toro. There was no response from the downed orc who struggled to hold back a scream of pain and frustration. 

Nick looked up at the massive dome before him and thought of the many ways he could take it down. All around the dome were bodies of the dark mages tasked with protecting it. Finally the legendary Sir Nick reached into the earth all around him and pulled the strongest metals from it to form around his fist. He then blew flames onto it until it started to melt. With his molten fist formed he backed up and launched himself high into the air. Falling back towards the ground he punched the fist to the dome and it shattered it on contact.

He continued to fall until he was at the center of all the leaders of the dark mages. They all turned towards him when he fell to the earth at their center. Black hoods pulled over their heads made it impossible for Nick to see any faces. "Seems like it's time for," Nick started to say but was stopped when at the same time all the hooded figures pulled down their protections to show their faces. When they did that Nick forze. Their faces were all pale white with bright red veins pulsing all over their faces. "That's not fucking possible!" Nick shouted in horror as they all converged on him with a force entrapment spell that bound him to the spot he stood. "We killed you all in the race war!" Nick shouted again as he looked from one to the other in fear. 

They circled around him in simultaneous movements and each pulled out small daggers. In his fear he froze and didn't act as they slashed their arms and converged on him. One cut his arm and then he reacted by kicking that one away from him and then the one next to him. He tried to fend them off in order to get away but one reached out with a bloody palm and wiped it over his cut. 

After making contact Nick stopped fighting them and looked to the floor. His body started to convulse and flail sporadically. The color from his skin drained and as red lines like the ones of the dark mage leaders started to form he looked up. The red in his eyes was that of an uncontrolled beast. He looked to one of the leaders who pointed a wrinkled hand out towards the battle. Nick complied instantly and jumped towards the nearest warrior that fought for Ferg. 

Nick jumped onto a competent warrior that was taken by surprise. Looking at Nick in his current state frightened him because even thought it was the face of an ally the intentions behind it were that of an enemy. "Sir!" The soldier shouted at the man who pinned him to the ground. He didn't respond to the man and unhinged his jaw with a sickening pop. His eyes rolled back into his head as a strange venom seeped out of his mouth. 

"Sir stop! Please!" The man shouted again to try and get Nick to stop but he was already lost. Before Nick snapped forward to bite into the man's face a voice broke into Nick's consciousness. "Sir Nick of Grendland! I demand you fight what your parents died from! What killed your friends! I demand you show more courage than this! Fight gods damn you!" The voice of Hilsten was clear in his mind as was the memories of the war and his life fighting this thing. 

Suddenly Nick stood up from where he pinned the warrior down. Flailing about violently again as if in a battle of wills with the curse that poured through his veins. The dark mages watched in anticipation as Nick froze and seemed dead to the world. The warrior was standing now and approached him slowly. 

Putting a hand on his shoulder whipped him around to the same face as before. A pale resemblance to what used to be Sir Nick, but the red veins were no longer there. "Go kill something evil." Nick said to his ally who nodded and headed back off to war.

Nick turned to the dark mages who were already conjuring their magic to attack him. A ball of fire and spell to freeze his legs was what he met when he moved towards them. He ripped out his legs from the ice encasing them and when the fire closed in on him he dodged to the side of it. He was exerting little to no energy in avoiding the mages attacks. No lighting could touch him, no dark spell could slow him, he was set on one thing; death. The death of those before him that he fought with his life to eradicate years ago. 

He dashed past another attempt to end his life and gripped one of the leaders around the throat. "You're going to pay for doing this to me." Nick said with the red flaring deep in his eyes. The leader tried to strike Nick in order to get him to let go but his grip was too strong. As his grip tightened the pale master started to turn more red and gain color to his face again. He scratched at Nick's hand trying to get him to let go but Nick only tightened his hand. With a sickening crack the man's neck broke and Nick unceremoniously dropped him to the ground. Turning his head to the rest he threw up a similar barrier to the one he broke down, but this one was to keep everyone from escaping it. 

Toro could feel the pain searing through his body and couldn't decide what to do. Meerlek was standing over his weak body and would end him the moment he didn't side with him. "Why fight beside Sam? Look at him, he's going to die." Meerlek said to Toro who looked to his right at where Meerlek pointed. 

There was Sam, carried by the massive man known as Andy the Mauler, surely to die. They walked to the shrine of the Bear King where Andy would use Sam to revive him. 

Toro looked back at Meerlek who smiled at him in triumph. Toro closed his eyes again and sighed sadly knowing the friend he fought for would soon be slain. He couldn't do anything with Meerlek in his way and doubt he could stop the likes of Andy. His will to fight vanished and his body went limp to the pain coursing in it. 

"There you go my friend, side with me and live to fight for a worthy death." Meerlek said to Toro and leaned down to help pick him up. Toro looked back over at Sam before he made his choice and just had time to see his body vanish from its place. Toro realized the truth and turned to Meerlek and instead of grabbing his hand to stand up struck it deep into his chest. 

"Argh! You stupid shit!" Meerlek shouted in pain as he grabbed the hand and tried to pull it out but Toro drove his fist farther in and wouldn't budge. "Fine! Die you waste of space!" Meerlek shouted in rage again as he took his sword and stabbed Toro in the gut. When Toro still pushed his arm into Meerlek, he in return pulled out the dripping blade and stabbed him over and over again. "You like that! You like being killed so brutally! You fucking disgrace!" Meerlek shouted as he continually stabbed Toro wherever he could. "Yes." Was all Toro said in response as he held the sword in place with his other hand.

Meerlek stared on in horror as the orc with stab wounds that left holes in him stood up and shoved his arm clear through the other orc. "How do you like it?" Toro said to him with a smile on his face, blood spilling out the side of his mouth. Meerlek coughed up his own blood as Toro's arm was the only thing keeping him upright. "Cheeky bastard. I should've raised you better." Meerlek said with a chuckle that turned painful. "I think you did fine dad." Toro said back as they both slowly went down to there knees. 

"Take the damn sword out of your gut, this battle's over." Meerlek said as he slumped forward. Toro laughed to himself, "But it looks badass." And after that he to was lost to the world as the life drained from his eyes. Toro still held his head high even in death and kept Meerlek in place on his arm. The fallen head of Meerlek and the proud smile on Toro was all anyone needed to see to know who was victorious. The multitude of battle wounds on Toro and hand that kept the sword steady were all testaments to his will. The massive hole caused by his arm in Meerlek was the only thing needed to show his prowess in battle. It was the final legacy to a changed orc tainted by magic and the caring of mankind. 

Nick was taking his time as he went one by one through the dark mages before him. "This is for my family!" He shouted as the next one he got to he collapsed the skull of with rock fists. His body was sent flying out of control to the barrier where he exploded upon contact. He turned back to the final four mages that tried to work together for a master spell.

Teleporting behind the one to the far left he used a dark magic infused fist to envelope the dark magic in pure black. The sounds of stifled screams could be heard behind the coat of black material. Nick didn't stop to finish the man though and rushed another frightened mage.

"This is for my home!" He shouted as he used his rapid speed to send a continuous barrage of fists at the man's chest. It caused parts of it to cave in, bones breaking key organs and sending blood pouring out all over him. He fell to his knees and was unable to move, but Nick used a lightning infused kick to sever his head clear off. The body had little time to fall to the ground before he took off after the final two mages. 

"Wait we never did!" One started to say before Nick appeared in front of him and ripped both his eyes out. "Argh!" He shouted before a punch to the gut and knee to the face that broke his skull silenced him forever. "You're all to blame if you carry that disease willingly." Nick said to the fallen mage and quickly swiveled to the last one. 

He slowly approached the last mage who pulled out two daggers to fight Nick with. "What's this supposed to accomplish?" Nick asked with amusement at the frightened mage. "I can't take you on with magic so I'll fight you with my weapons!" With that the final mage charged him in order to kill him in one last attempt. 

The master mage slashed the daggers left and right at Nick but lacked control and proper training. Nick was playing with the man who desperately fought him, trying to land a hit. Another swing of his daggers was caught by Nick and he grabbed the other arm as well. He held his arms and stuck his head to the disgusting mage. He repeatedly struck him over and over until his body began to go slack and the blades fell to the ground. 

Nick grabbed him by his cloak's collar and held him up into the air. "Cursed men deserve cursed fates." Nick said to the master mage with rage in his eyes. Before he did anything to the man though, the other mage who had been engulfed in black smoke finally was freed from it. The two fighting looked over and saw the man collapse forward to his knees. 

"Durg! Quick help me!" Shouted the man held up by Nick who saw this feeble mage as his only savior. The now identified Durg looked to his comrade in need then to the daggers that were fallen around them. In the blink of an eye Durg was upon the blades and held them in both hands. "Strike him now while I hold back his arms!" The struggling mage yelled as he gripped onto Nick with all his might. 

Nick hadn't moved in the time all this was going down. He merely stood in place as if waiting to see how it all played out. The mage was still held up by Sam and was holding onto his arms with everything in him yet still heard nothing from Durg. He turned his head just in time to see Durg take the blades and plunge both of them into his eyes. He tried to look away from what he was seeing but Nick kept him turned at his friend. The blades stayed in place as Durg fell face first to the ground bleeding out everywhere. 

"I'm surprised he even came out of that alive, must be this curse in his blood that kept that from happening." Nick said to the last mage he held. He took him and chucked him away from him. He walked up to the broken figure of the master mage before him and prepared his spell. "I wonder how you'll turn out after this." Nick said with joy in his voice as the same black smoke engulfed the last mage, screams were muffled as the last dark mage's master fell to the hands of Nick.