
Chapter one: The Beginning

(Aqua's POV)

A long time ago, a man made a machine that gave him the genetic ability to multiply himself. He decided to share this ability with the world and thanks to that, everyone in this world has powers. Not knowing what to do with them, humanity split the world into two halves. One half focused mostly on education and letting others live calm peaceful lives. The other focused on battle to stop anyone who uses their powers for the wrong purpose. That's the half I live in. Though I'm having a small issue...

Teach: Aqua Mizu!

I woke up on a hard wooden desk and everyone was staring at me.

Aqua: U-um, yes sir?

Teach: Ms.Mizu, there are only two days until the end of school. Please at least try to stay awake until then.

Aqua: Yes Mr.Teach.

Binz: I dunno Teach. I don't think our little Aqua can find the courage to do that. After all, she can't even get her own team.

After Binz said that, the whole class started pointing and laughing at me. I hid my face in a textbook trying to ignore what Binz said. After all, he's the biggest jerk in school. But what he said was true. In order to become an official hero, you don't have to graduate from this school. You just need to find a team of five and win this huge tournament that's extremely hard to get into. Even though I asked nearly half the school, nobody wanted me on their team. Once that class was over, I grabbed my stuff and headed out. Suddenly, Brinz shoved me aside causing me to drop my stuff and bump into two girls.

Binz: Heh. Nerd.

One of the girls helped me up and started picking my stuff up. She had blue hair, blue eyes, and was even wearing a blue school uniform.

???: Hey, are you okay?

Aqua: Yeah, I'm fine. 

The other girl looked a little pissed. Though I think I heard of her from around here. She had clown make-up on to make it look like she was smiling, her skin was pure white, and her hair was half red half blue.

???: Cutie Pie, there's no need to do anything violent. Schools almost over. We don't need you getting suspended again.

The second girl, who was apparently named Cutie Pie, looked at the girl in blue and smiled.

Cutie Pie: Don't worry. I won't do anything as bad as last year at least.

She walked up towards a random guy and took his drink. She took a large gulp of it and walked up to Binz. She tapped his shoulder. He turned around and saw her.

Binz: Oh, it's the clown girl. Whattcha gonna do? Laugh me to death?

She put one finger up and spat in his face.

Binz: You son of a bitch!

Cutie Pie: Hey, what are you gonna do about it?

She pulled out a knife, grabbed him by the shirt, and pointed it at his throat.

Cutie Pie: Bore me to death?

The girl in blue, Dana, walked up to Cutie Pia and Binz and broke them up. she then dragged Cutie Pie away. As she did, Cutie Pie stuck up her middle finger and stuck out her tongue out at Binz. Who in the world were those girls? I grabbed all my stuff and headed for the cafeteria to grab my lunch. Once I did, I headed to the laboratory of the school where my best and only friend always hung out.

Aqua: Hey Panny.

Panny seemed to be working on one of her experiments again. She had a white lab coat, black glasses, and brown hair. Even though she's my only friend, she actually graduated from this school already.

Panny: Hey Aqua. What's up?

Aqua: Nothing much. Hey, there are these two girls I would like you to look up for me. Would you mind?

Panny: Not at all. What are their names?

Aqua: From what I hear, one of them is Dana. She called the other Cutie Pie... but I don't know if that's her real name or not.

Panny: I see.

She pressed a red button on one of the desks inside and a large three-dimensional computer appeared. Panny searched the names of the two girls and found them.

Panny: According to the student records, It says Dana is a student whos intelligence topped everyone in the school. Thus making her ranked number two in intellect. As for Cutie Pie, she's Dana's childhood friend who is a wild troublemaker. She's been suspended and even expelled from multiple schools making it a world record. She has no powers and prefers to fight with guns and knives. Not only giving her the nickname, the clown princess, but also making her the number four in assassination.

I know what your gonna ask. What are rankings? Well, rankings are how good we are at a specific category. It doesn't matter if your a hero or a villain, you need to be ranked in order to see where you stand from the rest of humanity in that specific category. The categories are strength, power, witchcraft, sniper, swordsmanship, assassination, intellect, and Godd. Currently, I'm ranked number twenty-five in power. The only way for my rankings to get higher is if I proved myself by beating someone with a higher ranking in my category, or someone with a higher ranking in the category gets killed.

Panny: So, why do you want to know about them? Are you planning to have them join your team?

Aqua: What do you mean?

Panny: From the looks of it, they're still looking for teammates. More specifically, a leader.

Aqua: A leader? I don't know...

Panny: What do you mean?

Aqua: I'm the most predictable and weakest student in school. I can't even defend myself against Binz.

Panny: Binz? The idiot with the weird green mohawk who literally only ranked number fifty in strength before wetting himself?

Aqua: Yeah, him... My point is if I can't even find a team, how am I supposed to lead one?

Panny stared at me silently for a second before finally speaking.

Panny: I'm gonna show you something.

Panny typed some words into her computer and a large pod rose from the ground. When the pod opened, a small green piece of glass glowed from inside.

Aqua: Woah.

Panny: It's one of the seals to Cranos, the monster that nearly whipped out humanity twelve years ago. As rank forty in intellect, I honestly never thought I'd ever find it. But when I did, I learned that if you try then everything will turn out fine. 

Aqua: I get what you're saying. But I just don't know if I can. I'll be right back. I need to head to the restroom real quick.

Panny: Alright. But we should talk about this a little later on.

I finished up my lunch, threw away the empty tray, and walked straight to the bathroom. In the stalls, I started thinking to myself. Am I really cut out for all this? Can I be the hero I always wanted to be?

???: Hey.

I looked above the stalls and saw Cutie Pie looking straight at me from the other stall.

Aqua: C-Cutie Pie!? W-What are you doing?!

Cutie Pie: Hey, your the girl who ran into us right?

Aqua: Um, yeah.

Cutie Pie: So, it seems you heard of me.

Aqua: I was told about you.

Cutie Pie smiled widely then started laughing.

Cutie Pie: Hey, what's your name?

Aqua: I'm... Aqua Kasai.

Cutie Pie: Aqua huh? I like you. How about you lead my team?

I was actually a bit shocked. I wasn't expecting her to just request it so easily. And she didn't even hesitate. But still...

Aqua: ... I-I'm...

Suddenly the bathroom lights turned off. 

Aqua: Huh? What's going on?

Cutie Pie: Shhhh

I pulled up my pants and was about to head out my stall until I heard some people enter the bathroom.  From the sound of their feet, It was as if they were wearing armor. Something extremely forbidden to wear in this type of school. I heard one of them speak. And it sounded like a man.

Intruder(1): It looks like nobody's here.

Intruder(2): Dammit. It would have been great to find some more chicks up in here.

After that, the door opened again and it sounds like they left. I waited a while before finally leaving the stalls. When I did, Cutie Pie was stretching near the sinks.

Cutie Pie: About time.

Aqua: Who were those guys?

Cutie Pie: Well, since the lights were turned off and they said they were looking for "more chicks", then my guess is their minions unimportant to the story that are looking for hostages and are just here to make the big baddy look good. 

Aqua: Okay? What should we do?

Cutie Pie:  Isn't it obvious?

Cutie Pie kicked down the door of one of the bathroom stalls and inside was a bunch of weapons. She grabbed two pistols, a knife, and a bunch of grenades.

Cutie Pie: We gotta do our job.

And so Cutie Pie and I left the bathroom. As soon as we did, we snuck into the main hall where we saw a large group of students tied up in a circle. There was a guard making sure none of the tried to make any moves. While looking through the crowd, I saw Dana on her knees with them. She looked right at us, smiled, then stood up.

Dana: Um, excuse me, sir? I need to use the bathroom.

The guard saw her, walked up to her, grabbed her by the hair, and threw her to the ground, and pointed the gun to her face.

Guard: Who said you could move?!

I was about to run and save her but Cutie Pie stopped me and brung us into hiding. Suddenly I heard another voice.

???: Hey, what's the problem?

Suddenly, a girl walked up to them. She was tall with a black dress, yellow hair, and a green turtle shell on her back

Cutie Pie: (whisper) Shit. Wasn't expecting a hag like that to be here.

Aqua: (whisper) Who is she?

Cutie Pie: Her names Bowsette. She's basically a meme that only exists because of her huge jugs.

Bowsette: ...

Cutie Pie: She's not that smart either. The biggest reason why she was put into this story was mostly because the author felt bad that Bowsette can only be seen as Nintendos excuse for fan service and-

Bowsette: Excuse me!

Suddenly a giant fireball approached us and we got out of hiding to dodge it.

Bowsette: Well, well. It looks like the two little mice finally came out of hiding. But it was dumb of you to even try to come here. Guard, shoot the brat.

The guard pointed his gun at Dana again.

Aqua: No!

The guard pulled the trigger and a bullet went right through Dana's head. But...

Aqua: There's no blood?

Suddenly, electricity started to form on Dana's head and the head wound quickly started healing. Once it was fully healed, Dana placed her hand on the guards head. Suddenly, huge chunks of electricity started spewing from his head.

Guard: Gyaaaah!

The guard finally fell unconscious and Bowsette looked pissed. She took a deep breath.

Bowsette: Well, it seems I underestimated you. Before I beat you all to a pulp though, would you bother telling me where I can find a chick named Professor Panny?

Aqua: Panny!

Cutie Pie: You mean the lady who lives in the laboratory?

Bowsette smiled.

Bowsette: The laboratory, I see.

Bowsette opened her mouth and shot out a giant fireball at the other hostages. I quickly placed my hands on the ground.

Aqua: Ice wall!

A large wall of ice blocked the fireball. Preventing it from killing any hostages and making a noise so loud you could hear it across the entire school. I turned around and saw a bunch of soldiers started surrounding us.

Bowsette: Distract them! I'm going after little miss Panny.

Bowsette started running towards the direction of the laboratory while leaving us to fight her soldiers. Cutie Pie pulled out a bomb and tossed it in the air. Once it detonated it sound a bright light that blinded the soldiers for a second.

Aqua: Eruption!

A large amount of lava blasted upward from the floor and took all the soldiers out. All except one who just so happened to be holding a chainsaw and a bazooka.

Cutie Pie: Don't you people ever give up.

Cutie Pie took out her guns and ran after him. He took his chainsaw and tried to cut Cutie Pie in half, but Cutie Pie dodged his attack. She tried to shoot him in the chest, but the bullet didn't pierce through his armor.

Dana: Bulletproof armor?

Aqua: Can't you fry him with your electricity?

Dana: No. There's a chance he came more prepared 

I looked at Cutie Pie trying to beat the soldier down.

Aqua: Then lets at least try.

Dana nodded.

Dana: Just give me fifteen seconds.

She placed her hands together and I ran towards the soldier.

Aqua: Fire Fist!

My fist caught on fire and I attempted to punch him, but it had no effect.

Soldier: Hah! My armor is far too strong for you to pierce.

Cutie Pie pulled out some brass knuckles and punched him in the face. He swatted her away like a fly and she landed flat on her face.

Aqua: Freeze!

I froze his feet to the ground.

Aqua: Ice fist!

My hands became frozen into large chunks of ice and I tried to punch him, but he grabbed my hand, broke through the ice, and threw me aside.

Dana: Here I go!

Suddenly, Dana unleashed a large blast of electricity that blew up in his face. When I looked back at him, he was down on his back. I slowly walked up towards him.

Aqua: Is he... down?

Dana: Hey! Watch out!

Suddenly, he grabbed my neck and held me in the air.

Soldier: Did you really think you could stop me with something like that?!

Suddenly, Cutie Pie took out a weird looking sniper that had a pink bow on it and shot right through the soldier's armor.

Soldier: B... but... how?

The soldier let me go and dropped dead.

Aqua: Um, how did you do that? I thought his armor was bulletproof.

Cutie Pie: One shot is all Betty needs in life.

Dana: Nows no time for that. We need to save the professor.

The three of us ran to the laboratory. When we got there, we saw that it was a total wreck. Everything was destroyed and in the middle of all that destruction, was Bowsette beside a girl wearing all black. She had red eyes and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

???: I thought you said you weren't followed.

Bowsette: I guess they found a way to beat my strongest warrior. Well, it doesn't matter. They're too late.

That's when I realized Bowsette was not only holding my friend on her shoulder but also her most prized possession. One of the seals to Cronos.

Aqua: No!

I ran up to them as fast as I could.

Aqua: Fire Fist!

My fist went on fire again and I went for a punch. But then, the mysterious girl blocked it with an attack of her own that caused a huge explosion. Once the dust from the explosion cleared, I saw that they were gone.

Cutie Pie: Great. Now what do we do?

I turned to the giant pod where the seal was once in. It was now smashed to pieces and damaged from being forced open. I placed my hand on it.

Aqua: Now... we do our jobs...