
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 6 Why am I on Fire? by Yojimbra

Being a hero sucked.

For so many reasons that I couldn't even begin to explain. There were people. A lot of people. Then there were the villains, some of them were just having a bad day, some were just punks, others were quirk rights advocates, and some were just assholes that wanted me dead. Oddly enough, my time on the internet had actually prepared me for most of them.

The only exception was the black eye.

Never got one of those from the internet.

I really shouldn't have let my guard down quite like that. But I suppose I'm lucky that I wasn't killed. Then again I could have plot armor or something. But that wasn't an idea I was going to test or live by. This wasn't some video game, there weren't any save points, and there were people that relied on me.

"Dad!" Touya came running into my bathroom and slammed into my leg with the force of a kid excited for their first real Christmas. The red-haired boy smiled up at me and pulled on my shirt and towards the way he came. "You're on T.V."


I smiled and rubbed his head. "Alright, lead the way."

I followed Touya to the living room, Rei was sitting there, a bit of knitting resting on her lap while Fuyumi was currently face down on the floor which I just assumed was a toddler thing to do because Rei wasn't paying it any mind.

"See! Watch!" Touya climbed over the couch and bounced down into a seat next to his mother.

I placed my hand on the back of the couch and watched. It was something that felt like it belonged in a funny youtube video, my body was sent flying, bouncing off of two cars before I landed on the street and stood up, the cameraman moved closer and got a good shot of my face.

Watching it from a different point of view made it look worse than it actually was. At the time I didn't even feel the impact of the cars, but my new bruises certainly felt it.

I stood, a torrent of fire shot out from my nose and my body ignited for a moment. "I just want to fucking talk!"

Rei shot me a look, it wasn't dirty, it was more, just a look reminding me to not swear in front of the kids.

"Sorry, I didn't know that they wouldn't censor it," I muttered glancing back towards the T.V.

"Oh," she said softly. "I suppose that's fair," she shifted in her seat to look me over better, "You're not too hurt are you?"

Hehe, she was worried about me. I smiled and nodded. "A bit sore, but a bit of rest and I'll be fine."

The news earned our attention again, with the newscaster now appearing. "That was just another, in a string of incidents involving the pro-hero Endeavour who has quickly risen to the number two position, however previously, he had been known to be rather ruthless, it's currently unknown what caused this recent change, but many believe that All Might may have had a hand in reforming the grumpiest hero."

"But the question remains, will Endeavour maintain his top ranking as a hero that looks most like a villain?"

"I hope not," I muttered, staring at the T.V. as I rolled my shoulder. "That's an image I'd rather not maintain."

"Why?" Touya spun up and around, jumping onto the couch to get right into my face. "Don't you like being a super-strong badass—"


"—Sorry mom. But don't you like being super strong dad? I thought you wanted to be stronger than All Might?" Touya's blue eyes focused on me with an intense flame.

I shrugged and patted him on the head. "Being a hero is more than just beating people up Touya, it's about saving people, and most of the time, villains need saving just as much as people do. They just need a different kind of saving."

"Even the guy that punched you?"

Which one?

"Yeah, in a way, but I still had to beat him up." Generally, people were rather terrified of being caught on fire, which made actually fighting people—that weren't All Might—kinda easy! I still didn't like it. Hated it even.

"Woah, dad!" Touya jumped and grabbed onto my arm like a monkey, hanging from his arms and legs and staring at his mom. "Isn't that great mom? Dad wants to save everyone! Does that include All Might?"

"Haha! Sure thing. I'll even save All Might, Touya." I chuckled holding my arm up high and Touya slid off of it onto the couch in a huff. It was a good thing children bounced. "I think we'll end up taking turns though, after I save him he's going to have to save me ya'know."

"Really?" Touya jumped onto the couch again. "Does that mean when I become a hero I can save you?"

"Sure!" I laughed and hugged Touya with one arm. I glanced towards Fuyumi who had made her way up to the couch and was looking up at me with big eyes. "What about you Fuyumi, do you want to be a hero?"

Fuyumi shook her head, her hair flopping back and forth as she stared at me. "No."

"Then what do you want to be?"

She stared and then looked towards her mother and then back to me, a wide smile on her face that lit up the whole room. "A wizard?"

"Ooh?" I asked, trying not to laugh at the randomness of that confession, I walked around the sofa and moved to pick Fuyumi up, who continued to stare at me unflinchingly. "You want to be a wizard?"

She nodded twice, placing both hands on my shoulders to do so. "Yeah!"

"Well, how about tonight, I read you a story about a wizard? How does that sound?"

Fuyumi's mouth dropped, her arms were pushing against my shoulder like she was trying to escape from the surprise and joy in her eyes. "Really?"

"Sure!" I laughed and looked to Rei, "We do have a Wizard book right?"

Rei snapped her mouth shut and blinked. "I don't think so."

"We don't." Touya crossed his arms and sat next to his mother.

"Hmm," Well, I was taking the day off anyway, and it's not like I can just stay in my room and play video games all day. I mean, I could, in theory. But, I did have this family now. I should try to spend it with them. "Why don't we all go out for the day? A shopping trip? What do you say?"

Rei blinked and put down her knitting to stare at me, her pale silver eyes locked onto me. "We do need some new clothes for both of them, but you don't have to come Enji."

Was she asking me to stay?

"What? No!" Touya jumped up and stepped onto the ground to grab his mother's legs. "Mom! Dad has to come!"

That one really took Rei by surprise. She gave a small kind smile and then nodded. "Alright, go get dressed and we'll head out."


A children's toy store was not exactly where I thought It'd end up as Endeavour of all people, but here I was, holding a small hand cart while looking through children's books, with Rei, Touya, and Fuyumi all there with me. There were even a few books about All Might, dude really was just in every part of people's lives here, but most of them were just the kind of books designed to teach small lessons, like respect, and helping others out.

But Wizards weren't exactly a popular topic. Well besides the poop wizard. But I wasn't going to touch that one. Besides. Fuyumi to my knowledge was potty trained. Which was probably good for a three and a half-year-old.

I glanced out of the store and saw a bookstore just on the other side of the mall. I'd be able to find something there right? There was even a movie shop right next to it. I swished my lips and smiled.

I snuck badly—on purpose—over to Rei and handed her the basket. Both Touya and Fuyumi were looking at me in the confused way children did. "Rei, keep them busy, I'm going to the super-secret wizard area."

"Super secret." Fuyumi's eyes went wide as she stared at me.

Rei snorted and tossed her hair back laughing. She really did have a great laugh. Her chuckle lasted for a few seconds before she nodded and winked at me. "Good luck."

Well, that was all the motivation I needed.

Somehow, the smell of a bookstore was exactly the same as it had always been. It was the kind of nostalgic smell that reminded me of buying packs of magic growing up. I had never been super into reading, which, given how I wanted, and still kind of want to be a writer was probably a bit ass-backward. But I wasn't here for me.

I was here for Fuyumi.

There had to be something here that she would want. Something that would bridge the gap between a toddler, child, and preteen. It was a tall order, but there had to be something universal like that. Like Pokemon. Was I trying to get my daughter involved in a fandom this early? Maybe.

I kind of wanted to find something we could both geek out over. And Wizards I could do. Hmm. Maybe I should write down all the stories I know? Like, Little Witch Academia. Was it wrong to copy-write in another universe? Why did that sound like a light novel?

After talking to one of the store clerks I discovered that plan wouldn't be fruitful as much of the media I knew was present in this world. With things like RWBY, and Little Witch Academia being rather popular. Which was fine, I'd probably end up screwing up if I tried to write them. I left the store with several light novels to read with Fuyumi.

Next stop I headed for the movie store and grabbed just a simple movie to watch with them all tonight.

Somehow I didn't even get stopped for an autograph on my way back to the kid store. I couldn't see them through the window so I snuck in. I wanted to make Rei laugh again. I saw my chance with a pair of sunglasses that were in the shape of All Might's hair, they were oversized, and just completely ridiculous. Was I allowed to just wear them?

I'd buy them afterward just in case.

I was totally going to wear them the next time I met with All Might as well.

"I'm back," I found them close to where I left them and took the handbasket from Rei, there were a few more books in there and even a toy or two. "Did you guys find anything good?"

"You could say—" Rei turned to look at me, her mouth hanging open for a moment. She snorted and covered her mouth. A light giggle coming from her as I did my best to keep a straight face.

"Papa!" Fuyumi pointed at my face. "Why are you wearing that?"

"Huh? Oh, these are my new sunglasses? Pretty cool right?" I wiggled the frames at them smiling like All Might would. "Or should I say Plus Ultra?"

Rei snorted again and flailed her arm, her giggling growing more and more intense. She grabbed my sleeve, one hand on her stomach as she lightly stomped her foot. Apparently, I had just hit her weak spot. That or she was finally able to relax after being stressed out for so long.

"Dad!" Touya pulled on my shirt. "That's not what Plus Ultra means!"

I know. But, better buckle up kid, because your new dad is going to understand all of your lingo and use it in all the wrong ways just to confuse you. Just because.


We ate out that night, at a comfortable restaurant that served lots of Soba.

We all relaxed with a movie, all of us on the same couch, with Touya sitting between me and Rei, though both kids used their mom as a cushion. It was a cute scene that deserved to be framed and cherished. But. Soon enough, was my time to shine.

One of my favorite things in the world was storytelling, it's why I fell in love with writing. And Fuyumi was going to get the best damn storytelling experience this side of canon.

"Alright Fuyumi," I picked her up and smiled at her. "Are you ready for storytime before bed?"

Her eyes went wide and she nodded vigorously. "Can you and mom read it to me?"

I looked to Rei, she paused for a moment and then nodded.

"I want to listen too!" Touya jumped, how did little kids have that much energy? Did he even nap today? "Both of you reading is going to be awesome!"

"Fine," Rei let out a sigh but smiled as she did. "But brushing teeth first."

After the nightly dose of dental hygiene, we were all set for some extreme storytelling. It was strange, I felt like I was as excited about this as the children were. Maybe even more so. And I had been practicing the perfect move to wow them all.

I stood on my knees, glancing down at Fuyumi who was completely tucked in and staring at me with her blue eyes eagerly waiting for me and Rei to start reading. Rei was sitting in the chair next to me, the book positioned so we could both read from it, the closeness forcing us to touch just the slightest amount. I was careful, I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. Besides, I already had the first bit in my head.

Touya sat cross-legged at the edge of Fuyumi's bed, doing all he could to not bounce off of it with how excited he was. Any second now he was going to crash. "When are you going to start?"

"In a second." I laughed. "Everyone ready?" Touya nodded, Fuyumi nodded, Rei nodded.

"Alright." I held out my hand, conjuring an avatar of flame. It took the form of a little girl, a little witch girl. "This is the story about Akko," More avatar's joined in the flame on my hand. "About her friends." A larger avatar, followed by a quick shrinking as they all formed into a flaming building. "About her teachers, and about her school. This story is called Little Wizard Academia."

"Uhh, Enji it's—" Rei began.

"Fuyumi wanted Wizards right?" I looked at Fuyumi and she nodded eagerly.

Rei blinked, a faint blush on her cheeks as she smiled. "Of course. Little Wizard Academia."

We read the story, at the start, I was the only one doing voices for the characters, but as the pages turned Rei got more and more into it and started to voice the characters as well. As it progressed, I made sure to dim the light in the room, slowly lowering it as both Fuyumi and Touya wandered off to sleep.

By the end of the first chapter both of them had clocked out.

I scooped Touya up in my arms and placed him on my shoulder, intent on carrying him all the way to his bed.

"Enji." Rei's soft voice was punctuated by Fuyumi's door clicking shut. "A moment?"

"Sure Rei," I said just as soft, one hand still one Touya's back. "What is it?"

She took a breath with her whole body, shoulders rolling arms extending and contracting as she steeled herself for whatever it was she wanted to ask me. She kept her eyes closed, then she stepped forward and met my eyes intently. "You're not Enji, are you?"

"I am," I answered honestly. "Well, it's who I am now. But. I'm not really Endeavour. If that makes any sense. I don't want to mislead you or anything, but, that's the best way I have to put it."

"No, it's fine." She blinked and looked down. She grabbed my free hand and flipped it over. Her hands felt so tiny on mine. "To be honest, I think I've known since then that you were changed. And I think I know what you mean by not being Endeavour. So. Thank you. I think."

"I, haven't really done any—"

"No," Rei shook her head. "You're kind. And. I'm not afraid of you. It's. That's not something I thought I'd be able to say."

"Oh," Now it was my turn to be flustered. I could feel my cheeks burning. "Well, if you'd like to know more I'd be happy to tell you later, and—"



"Your hair's on fire."

"Yeah, it does that."

She snorted and let out another giggle that made it worse. Holy shit, did I have a crush on Rei? Did I have a crush on my wife?

"Good night Enji." she leaned up and I felt a bit of cold on my head as the fire vanished with a sizzle. She walked behind me and gave Touya a kiss on the cheek. "Good night Touya."

"Night, Mommy," Touya mumbled.

"Good night Rei."